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قديم 13-11-2010, 12:41 PM
ياسمين الشرقاوي ياسمين الشرقاوي غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
المشاركات: 44
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
ياسمين الشرقاوي is on a distinguished road
Post محاضرات طرق تدريس انجليزي تربوي الزقازيق

Methods of Teaching English As Foreign Language
( Methodology – Method – Technique – Approach )
1- Methodology : it is the science and study of pedagogical practices conducted by the teacher and it is related to how to teach .
2- Method : it is a generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing (achieving ) linguistic objectives { the subject matter of the lesson, the rule of the teacher and learner .
3- Technique : any of a wide variety of exercises, activities or devices. Technique is something unique.
4- Approach : Theoretical position and believes about the nature of language or language learning theories.
1- Grammar-Translation Method :
A- Historical background :
It appeared in the 16th and 17th century when Latin was studied as ( Foreign language ) in the British schools. They studied it for achieving some objectives { to understand the classical works of art }. They taught Latin through grammar and translation.
B- Key Features :
1- Classes are taught in the mother tongue with little use of foreign language.
2- Much vocabulary is taught in the form of word lists (two columns).
3- Long explanations of grammar are given.
4- Focusing on the form and infliction of words.
5- Reading of difficult classical tests is begun early.
6- Little attention is paid to the content of the text.
7- Exercises in translating separated sentences from foreign language to the mother tongue.
8- little or no attention is given to pronunciation and speaking.
C- Criticism :
A- Points of weakness:
1- Neglecting listening, speaking and pronunciation.
2- Much use of the mother tongue at the expense of the foreign language.
3- Interest in the form at the expense of the content.
4- Focusing in translation on disconnected sentences.
B- Points of strength:
1- Easy to use for the teacher and learner.
2- It saves much time and effort.
3- It is easy to prepare teacher accord to this method.
4-It is suitable for teaching translation.

ودي محاضرة تانية

Audio-Lingual Method

historical background

America needed people to learn language quickly
to help her in the military operations.they devised what could be called "the army method".it was suddenly developed to build communicative competence.america at that time needed people who had communicative
competence to communicate with people in their language.they began to organize intensive courses in this respect in order to build
.ommunicative competence and help people acquire oral aural skills

after that came two disciplines(sciences or specializations.these ideas coming from 2 disciplines about language learning
1 descriptive linguistics
2 behavioural psychiology

It had a lot of key feature of the direct method
linguistic patterns

one of them is realted to the two desciplines and the other realted to one discipline

يرجى مراجعة النقطة دى من الكتاب

it focused on

اما بالنسبة ل key features
مكتوبة فى الكتاب زى ما الدكتور شرحها
هما 11 نقطة والكتاب 12
تقريبا رقم 10 هى اللى الدكتور مش قالها
رد مع اقتباس

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