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قديم 06-11-2009, 09:15 PM
مازن الشريف مازن الشريف غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
المشاركات: 6
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
مازن الشريف is on a distinguished road
Neww1qw1 unit 1 الصف الأول الثانوي

ملزمة الصف الـأول الثانوي
إعداد:ـ أ/محمود الشريف

quiz أحجية /فزورة / مسابقة
guess يخمن
Nobel laureate حائز على جائزة نوبل
the Western Desertالصحراء الغربية
author مؤلف
heavy rain مطر غزير
nuclear scientist عالم نووى
fall / fell / fallen يقع / يسقط
mention يذكر
quantity كمية
high school مدرسة ثانوية
collect يجمع
girls' education تعليم البنات
desert sand رمال الصحراء
headmistress ناظرة
remote sensing إستشعار عن بعد
archaeologist عالم أثار
space الفضاء
important مهم
area مساحة / منطقة
magazine مجلة
atmosphere الغلاف الجوى
museum متحف
geologist عالم جيولوجيا
statue تمثال
director مدير
jewellery مجوهرات
expert خبير
the Rosetta Stone حجر رشيد
satellite قمر صناعى
ancient قديم. عتيق
underground تحت الأرض / مترو
leader قائد
surface سطح
wear / wore / worn يرتدى
photograph صورة
historical تاريخى
project مشروع
shape شكل
advise (v) ينصح
stone حجر
advice (n) نصيحة
metal معدن
astronaut رائد فضاء
the Pharoahs الفراعنة
land أرض / يهبط
professor أستاذ جامعى
champion بطل
institute معهد
modern حديث
technology تكنولوجيا
layer طبقة
the United States الولايات المتحدة
educate يعلم
femotosecond فيمتو ثانية
railway سكة حديد
medal ميدالية
photography التصوير
international عالمى
Pan-Arab Games دورة الألعاب العربية
internationally عالمياً
major رئيسى
ceremony إحتفال
championship بطولة
professional محترف
qualities صفات
footballer لاعب كرة قدم
sports stars نجوم الرياضة
junior مسابقة / مدرسة للشباب
alive حى / على قيد الحياة
score يحرز (هدف)
sports man شخص رياضى
goal هدف
the same as مثل / تماماُ مثل
grow / grew / grown ينمو
influence تأثير / يؤثر
competition منافسة / مسابقة
society مجتمع
games ألعاب
appearance مظهر
points نقاط
talented موهوب
squash player لاعب اسكواش
young people الشباب
young man شاب
first aid اسعافات اولية
1- Astronaut رائد فضاء
- Someone who travels and works in space.( space man)
2- Geologist عالم جيولوجى
- A scientist who studies the history of rocks.
3- Headmistress ( female) ناظرة
- A teacher who is a woman and the leader of a school.
4- Headmaster ( male) ناظر
- A teacher who is a man and the leader of a school.
5- Archaeologist عالم أثار
- A person who studies buildings and tools from the past.
6- Jewellery مجوهرات
- Things that people wear round their neck, fingers, etc.
- Things that is made of gold can be very expensive.
7- Statue A shape, sometimes a person or animal, made of stone or metal.
8- Ancient (مرتبط بحضارة قديمة) قديم- Very old, historical.
9- Soil التربة الزراعية - The layer on the earth in which plants grow.
10- Space الفضـــاء - The area outside the earth's atmosphere.

11- Underground (adj) تحت الأرض - جوفى- Under the surface of the earth.
12- The underground (n) مترو الأنفاق - The metro.
13- Junior مسابقة للشباب- A kind of competition for young people.
14- Expert خبيـر - A person with special skill or training.
- Someone who knows a lot about a subject or is, very good at something.
15- Photography التصوير الفوتوغرافى - Taking pictures with a camera.
16- Professional محترف - Doing something as a job or for money
17- Major رئيسى/ أساسى ( Big, very important )
18- Quiz مسابقة - Game where people answer questions.
1ºNabawiya Musa
(early 20th century feminist / educationalist )
Nabawiya Musa is famous because she was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school. When she became older she helped other women to succeed in education and work. In 1908, she wrote a book about girls’ education. Later she became the headmistress of Al-Mohammadia
school for girls’.
ºDr Zahi Hawass ( archaeologist )

Dr Zahi Hawass is one of the most famous archaeologists in the world. He often speaks on radio and television. He sometimes writes in a magazine called “Egypt Today”. He wants to bring ancient things back to Egypt from museums outside Egypt. Egyptian people don't see these things if they are in other countries. Dr Hawass would like the Rosetta Stone to be in Egypt.
Thank you Dr Farouk El-Baz
It only rains every 20-50 years in the Western Desert. However, two million years ago very heavy rain fell there and a huge quantity of water collected under the desert sand. Today, we need this water and the person we have to thank for finding it is one of Egypt's most famous men, Dr Farouk El-Baz.
&Remote sensing
Dr Farouk El-Baz, who is a space scientist and a geologist, is the Director of Remote Sensing at Boston University in the USA. He is the world's greatest expert in remote sensing the use of satellites to find water under deserts. Underground water was found in the Western Desert and in Sinai thanks to photographs which he took from satellites.
&Space projects
From 1967 to 1973, Dr El-Baz, worked on the American Apollo space project, which landed men on the moon. He gave advice on
where the astronauts should land, and told them how to collect rocks and soil on the moon. Dr EI-Baz was born in Zagazig in 1938 and was educated at Ain Shams University.
ºRamy Ashour wins in Canada
In January 2007, Egypt's internationally famous squash player, Ramy Ashour, won an important championship in Canada. But what do we know about this young man?
Ramy was born in Cairo in September, 1987. At the age of 16, he became the youngest player to win the Men's World Junior Squash Championship. In 2006, he won the championship again. In the Hong Kong 2006 Championship, he was second. He lost to another Egyptian player, Amr Shabana. Ramy's older brother, Hisham Ashour, is also an expert squash player.

º Dr. Ahmed Zewail
Ahmed Zewail was born in 1946 in Egypt where he grew up. He went to Alexandria University. He finished his studies in the United States In 1974.After this, Dr Zewail worked at the University of California. In 1976 he became a professor at the California Institute of Technology. In 1997,at the age of 52,DrZewail won the Benjamin Franklin Prize because he discovered the femto second, which is one millionth of one billionth of a second. Many scientists, students and important people came to the ceremony and saw Dr Zewail receive his prize. Two years later, Dr Zewail got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Dr Zewail now lives in California and has four children. His wife, Dema Zewail, is a doctor. He now helps scientists to make new medicines.

& Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. In 1969 he landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong went to the moon with Buzz Aldrin. They stayed on the moon for nearly 90 minutes the first day.
The next day they collected rocks and soils ,took a lot of photographs and sent back more television pictures to the earth.

Questions & Answers

1- Why is Nabawiya Musa famous ?
· Because was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school.
2- What did Nabawiya Musa do when she became older ?
· She helped other women to succeed in education and work.
3- What did Nabawiya Musa do in 1908 ?
· She wrote a book about girls’ education.
4- What did Nabawiya Musa work after writing a book ?
· She became the headmistress of Al-Mohammadia school for girls’.
1- What is the job of Dr Zahi Hawass ?
· He is one of the most famous archaeologists in the world.
2- Where does he speak and write ?
· He often speaks on radio and TV. He sometimes writes in a magazine called “ Egypt Today”.
3- What does he want? Why?
· He wants to bring ancient things back to Egypt from museums outside Egypt. Because Egyptian people don’t see these things if they are in other countries.
4- What would Dr Hawass like to be in Egypt? The Rosetta Stone.

1- What is the difference between the rain now and two million years ago?
Now it only rains every 20 – 50 years in the Western Desert. Two million years ago very heavy rain fell and a huge quantity of water collected under the desert sand.
2- Why should we thank Dr Farouk El-Baz ?
· Because he found the underground water.
3- What does Dr El-Baz do ?
· He is a space scientist and a geologist.
4- Where and when was Dr El-Baz born and educated ?
· He was born in Zagazig, in Egypt in 1938. He was educated at Ain Shams University.
5- What is the job of Dr El-Baz ?
· He is the director of Remote Sensing at Boston University in theUSA.
6- What is he expert in ?
· He is the world’s greatest expert in remote sensing.
7- What is remote sensing ?
· It is the use of Satellites find water under the desert.
8- How was the underground water found in Sinai ?
· By photographs which Dr El-Baz took from satellites.
9- How long did Dr El-Baz work on the American Apollo Space Project ?
· From 1967 to 1973.
10- How did Dr El-Baz advise astronauts who landed on the moon ?
· He gave them advice on where to land and how to collect rocks and soil on the moon.
11- What do you think of Dr El-Baz ?
· He is loyal to his homeland, Egypt. Although he works in America, he never forgets Egypt.
12- How did Dr El-Baz help Egypt ?
· His photographs which he tool from satellites helped us to find a huge quantity of underground in the Western Desert.

1- Where and when was Ramy Ashour ?
In Cairo, in September 1987.
2- What did Ramy win at the age of sixteen?
He became the youngest player to win the Men’s World Junior Squash Championship.
3- How many times did he win the Men’s World Junior Squash Championship?
Two times. The first one was in 2003 and 2006.

1- When and Where was Ahmed Zewail born ?
· In 1946, in Egypt.
2- Where did he study ? Where did he finish his studies ?
· He studied in Alexandria University. He finished his studies in the United States.
3- When and where did he became a professor ?
· In 1976 at the California Institute of Technology.
4- When and why did he win the Benjamin Franklin Prize ?
· In 1997, at the age of 52. Because he discovered the femto second.
5- What is the femto second ?
· It is one millionth of one billionth of a second.
6- What did Dr Zewail get the Nobel Prize for ?
· He got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
7- Where does Dr Zewail live now ? - He now lives in California.
8- How many children does he have ? - He has four children.
9- What is the job of his wife ? - His wife Dema Zewail is a doctor.
· 10- What does he do now ? He now helps scientists to make new medicines.

1- What was Neil Armstrong famous for ?
· He was the first man to walk on the moon.
2- When did Neil Armstrong land on the moon ? In 1969.
3- With whom did Neil Armstrong go to the moon ?
· With Buzz Aldrin.
4. How long did they stay on the moon ?
· For nearly 90 minutes in the first day. In the next day, they collected rocks and soils, took a lot of photographs and sent back more TV pictures to the earth.

What is the difference Between ….. ?
· ( Discover (v) – ed – ed ) يكتشف ( شئ كان موجودا من قبل )
· ( Invent (v) – ed – ed ) يخترع ( شئ لم يكن موجودا من قبل )
· ( Explore (v) – d – d ) يستكشف ( شئ عن طريق السفر والترحال
ý Ahmed Zewail discovered the femto second.
ý Gerham Bell invented the telephone.
ý Columbus explored America.

· ( Win (v) – won – won ) (يفوز – يكسب ( مباراة – إنتخابات
· ( Beat (v) – beaten – beaten )يهزم – يتغلب على
· ( Gain (v) – ed – ed ) (يكتسب شئ معنوى مفيد ( مثل خبرة)
· ( Gain (v) – ed – ed ) يكتسب ( زيادة فى الوزن – السرعة)
· ( Earn (v) – ed – ed ) يكسب مال مقابل عمل )

v El Ahly will win the African Cup.
v Amira gained a lot of information from the conference.
v He has never beaten me at football.
v Maher gained three kilos in weight.
v He worked hard to earn hi living.
Career الحياة المهنية
Profession مهنة تحتاج لمؤهلات
Occupation مهنة ( فى الأوراق الرسمية )
اسم يعد و يأتي قبلها a)) و جمعها jobs
Work = factory = plant
Work عمل ( اسم لا يعد )لا يأتى قبلها

· My father has got a job as a doctor.
· I have a lot of work to do.
· When does she leave work?
· award جائزة
· reward مكافئة
· present هدية
· a ward جناح / عنبر ) فى مستشفى
· Dr Zewail won this award 3 weeks ago.
· The teacher gave Mazin this pen as a reward.
· My uncle gave me a present on my birthday party.
· Take this patient to a ward No. two.
· ( grow (v) – grew – grown ) ينمو
· ( grow up (v) – grew up – grown up ) ينمو ))
· Plants rarely grow in the desert.
· When he grew up, he got a good job.

· Biography قصة حياة شخص يكتبها له شخص أخر
· Autobiography قصة حياة شخص يكتبها بنفسه
· Anwar El Sadat wrote his autobiography.
· The journalist wrote the biography of this famous woman.
· Hear يسمع شئ بدون قصد
· Listen to ينصت إلى ( يسمع بقصد )
· While I was walking in the street, I heard someone crying.
· I always listen to the Holy Quran in the morning.
· other + ( اسم جمع )
· later فيما بعد
· another + ( اسم مفرد ) أو ( رقم )
· latter الآخر

· I will buy other countries.
· I will read another story.
· I will buy another two books.
· I’ll discuss the matter with you later.
· The latter choice is better.

( bear (v) – bore – born ) يلد
( 's ) لإضافة الملكية للمفرد
( bear (v) – bore – borne ) يتحمل
( s' ) لإضافة الملكية للجمع

· Shahd was born in 2004.
· Your insults can’t be borne.
Girl’s school مدرسة البنت
Girls’ school مدرسة البنات

made of مصنوع من ( المادة الخام لم تتغير )
made from مصنوع من ( المادة الخام تغيرت )
· The bag is made of leather.
· Electricity is made from water.
show + ( شخص ) + how to + ( المصدر ) يبين لشخص كيف
· I showed Ali how to repair his car.
the first + …. + to + ( المصدر )
· Ali is the first to answer the question.
astronaut رائد فضاء
· astronomer عالم فلك
Note The Following
famous for مشهور بــ
TV programme
give back يرد شئ
write in magazine
يكتب فى مجلة
do a quiz about
يجرى مسابقة
at the age of فى سن
speak for يتحدث نيابة
expert (in/on) خبير فى
kind of/sort of نوع من
people’s lives succeed in ينجح فى
success (n) نجاح
successful(adj) ناجح
successfully (adv)
hear about يسمع عن
on TV فى التليفزيون
on the radio فى الراديو
bring back يعيد شئ
(be) interested in
مهتم بــ - شغوف بـــ
thank …. for
يشكر شخص على
sports stars نجوم الرياضة
useful for مفيد لـــ
walk on the moon
land on the moon
ask about يسأل عن
tools عدد يدوية
good for جيد لــ
girls’ education = education for girls تعليم الإناث
speak on TV
يتحدث فى التليفزيون
(be) called يسمى يدعى
work on يعمل فى مشروع مثلا)
know about يعرف عن
speak about يتحدث عن
write for يكتب لجريدة أو مجلة
manage to يتمكن من
live in يعيش فى مكان
give up يتوقف عن
good at جيد فى
(float (v)– ed يطفو
Language Functions
Verbs & Nouns
· * ( play / ed / ed ) يلعب
· play a trick on يحتال على
· play a game يلعب لعبة رياضية
· play a role يلعب دورا
· play chess يلعب شطرنج
· play music يعزف الموسيقى
· play a part يلعب دورا
· play with fire يلعب بالنار
· play the piano يعزف البيانو
· play football يلعب كرة القدم

· * ( give / gave / given ) يعطى
give advice on
يعطى نصيحة بشأن
give a lecture يلقى محاضرة
give a callيتصل
give a warning
يعطى تحذيرا
give a party يقيم حفلة
give a speech يلقى خطبة
give a ring يتصل
give an example
يعطى مثالا
give help يساعد
give information
يعطى معلومات
give points يعطى نقاط
give a prize يعطى
give a talk يتحدث
give medicine

( make / made / made ) يصنع
make a discovery
make a trouble
يسبب متاعب
make a choice يختار
make a question
make a decision
make the bedsيرتب السراير
make a trip يقوم برحلة
make a plan يخطط
make a journey
make a mistake
make friends يعمل صداقات
make a suggestion
make a promise
make a phone call

· * ( do / did / done ) يفعل

do research يقوم ببحث
do homework
do PhD يعمل دكتوراة
do work يقوم بعمل
do a hobby يقوم بهواية
do damage يدمر
do a favour يصنع معروفا
do shopping يتسوق
do better يتحسن
do a report on يعد تقرير
do exercise يقوم بتدريب
do the housework
do repairs يقوم باصلاحات
do business
يقوم بعمل تجارى
do his best
يبذل قصارى جهده
do a quiz يقوم بعمل مسابقة
· ( score / scored / scored )
score a goal يحرز هدفا
score a point يسجل نقطة
· ( take / took / taken )

take responsibility
يتولى مسئولية
take a test يمتحن
take drugs
يتناول عقاقير أو مخدرات
take photos يلتقط صورا
take a risk يخاطر
take care يعتنى
take a rest يستريح
take an exam يمتحن
take pills يتناول حبوبا
take medicine يتناول
take advice يأخذ نصيحة take money يأخذ مالا
take exercise يتدرب

· ( win / won / won )
win a cup / a game يفوز
win a prize يكسب جائزة
win a medal يفوز بميدالية
win a championship يفوز ببطولة
* Choose the correct answer
1- Nabawiya Musa was the first Egyptian woman (to go-go-going-goes) to high school.
2- Nabawiya Musa wrote a book about (girls’-girls-girl's-girl) education.
3- The (master –head teacher- headmistress-headmaster) of my school is a good teacher and a very clever woman.
4- Dr Hawass wants to bring ancient things (up-down-over-back) to Egypt from museums in other countries.
5- Nabawiya Musa helped other women to succeed (at-in-about-to) education and work.
6- Dr Zahi Hawass is one of the most famous (archaeologists-archaeologist-astronaut-geologist) in the world.
7- Dr Hawass often speaks (on-in-with-at) radio and television.
8- There are very big (states-statues-stations-rocks) of the pharaohs at Luxor.
9- (An astronaut - A scientist-A geologist - An archaeologist (is someone who travels and works in space.
10- (An astronaut-A scientist-A geologist-An archaeologist) is someone who studies rocks and their history.
11- Plants grow quickly in the (oil- soil- fuel- space) in our garden.
12- Many large, modern cities have (ground-underground-surface-space) railways.
13- Dr El-Baz is the world's greatest expert (in-with-by-of) remote sensing.
14- When I went on holiday, I always (played-scored-took-won) a lot of photographs.
15- When Ali was young, he (played-scored-took-won) football every day.
16- My football team (played-scored-tool-won) their match last weekend. They scored more goals than the other team.
17- My father is good (at-in-of-about) photography.
18- Our teacher is a real (geologist-expert-astronaut-astronomer). She knows everything about Egyptian history.
19- Many young men want to become (professional-sports-educational-scientific) footballers.
20- When he was 16, my cousin won the (junior -senior- quality) tennis championship.
21- Dr EI-Baz was (bear –borne-bore- born) in Zagazig in 1938
22- We did a (major- quiz- junior –fair) at school today, I answered all questions.
23- A (photographer – photography – photo - photoshop) is someone who takes pictures.
24- It only rains every 20-50 years in ( an-a-the-no article) Western Desert
25- (Remote control- Remote seen- Remote sensing Remote) is used to find water under the desert.
26- (An astronaut-A scientist-A geologist-An archaeologist) is person who studies buildings and tools from the past.
? الصفات الآتية تستخدم فى وصف سمات و شخصية الفرد
beautiful جميل / brave شجاع / calm هادئ / careful حريص / cheerful بشوش / مرحclever/ ماهر / different مختلف / enjoyable ممتع / exciting مثير / fit لائق بدنيا/ friendly ودود / funny مرح / great
عظيم / hard-working مجد / مجتهد / helpful متعاون/interesting شيق / ordinary عادى / polite مؤدب / popular شعبى / محبوب
strong قوى / successful ناجح
Greetings التحيات

* How do you do? - How do you do?
* Pleased to meet you. - Pleased to meet you, too.
* Nice to see you. - Nice to see you, too.
* Where have you been? - I have been to………. .
* Fancy seeing you here! - What a surprise!
* How nice to see you again! - How nice to see you too!
* How are you? - Fine, thanks, and you?
- Not too well, I’m afraid.
* Happy New Year.
* Happy birthday to you.
* Welcome to Egypt. - Thank you.
Introducing people تقديم الناس
* This is …………………. * I’d like you to meet………….
* May I introduce you to……….
* Let me introduce you to………….

* How do you do?

* Pleased to meet you.
1- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue
Hany Hello. I'm pleased to meet you. Welcome to Egypt.
John Me too. Thank you.
Hany ……………………………………………………………………….?
Johh I come from England.
Hany ………………………………………………………………………..?
John I live in London.
Hany How long will you stay in Egypt?
John …………………………………………………………………….. .
Hany Have a nice stay.
John ………………………………………………………. .

* Write a paragraph of seven sentences about
“ A person you like who is famous or who you know well ”
3- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space
- Nabawiya Musa was the first famous Egyptian woman to go to high school. She helped other women to succeed in ....(1)... and work. She became the ...(2)... of a girls' school.

- Dr. Zahi Hawass is also famous as an ....(3).... He talks about the ....(4)..... on television. He is interested in bringing ...(5)... things back to Egypt. He wants to bring kinds of things like statues, ....(6).... and the Rosetta Stone.

5- A) Translate into Arabic
1- Dr Zahi Hawass is a famous archaeologist who writes in a magazine called "Egypt Today".
2- Dr Zewail won the Benjamin Franklin Prize because he discovered the femto second in 1997.
3- Ramy Ashour is a famous Egyptian squash player who won an important championship in Canada in 2007.

Translate Into English
1- كتبت نبوية موسى كتابا مشهورا عن تعليم البنات.
2- لقد استطاع نيل أرمسترونج أن يمشى على القمر عام 1969
3- عمل دكتور فاروق الباز فى مشروع أبوللو الأمريكى للفضاء

العلامات المرجعية

الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية, all about first year, جديد ومفيد, listening 1st secondary, mr ali esmael, newcomer in english, unit 1 first year, windows file, طارق فؤاد

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع
ابحث في الموضوع:

البحث المتقدم
انواع عرض الموضوع

ضوابط المشاركة
لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
لا يمكنك اضافة مرفقات
لا يمكنك تعديل مشاركاتك

BB code متاحة
كود [IMG] متاحة
كود HTML معطلة

الانتقال السريع

جميع الأوقات بتوقيت GMT +2. الساعة الآن 06:59 AM.