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قديم 31-01-2008, 07:43 AM
الصورة الرمزية ahmaadmay
ahmaadmay ahmaadmay غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
العمر: 53
المشاركات: 221
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
ahmaadmay is on a distinguished road
افتراضي مجموعة مختارة من سؤال الاختياري

الابناء الاعزاء و الاخوة الزملاء
هذه مجموعة متواضعة من سؤال الاختياري الله اسأل ان يستفيد منها الجميع
الرجاء دعوة بظهر الغيب لي و لوالدي رحمه الله و لكل من كان له فضل على
1-Most of the Earth's heat comes from (wind/ coal / the sun / oil)
2-Water, oil and wind are (artificial / man-made / natural / unnatural)
3-Some forms of energy such as water will last / disappear / vanish / be lost forever .
4-Wind, the sun and water are forms of energy that will never run up / out / off / in
5-Keeping records enables us to advise / supervise / device / revise our work and see how it goes on.
6-The word water can be used as a verb only / a noun only / an adjective / a noun and a verb
7-The wind is a renewable / a non-renewable / an artificial / an unnatural form of energy.
8-It took fossil fuels a short time/several years/millions of years/billions of years to be 9-9-formed from the decayed remains of plants and animals.
10-It is necessary to increase / reduce / double / enlarge he amounts of fossil fuels we use as they are about to be used up.
11-The sun's energy is attracted / connected / radiated / kept to the earth as heat and light.
12-The dustman collects the(rubbish / values / wonders / records) every day.
13-Children's teeth will (grow / improve / increase / decay) if they eat too much sweets.
14-The contract is for one year but it is (periodical / renewable / nonrenewable / recycle)so it can go on for years if the parties agree.
15-(Hydroelectric / Electric / Dynamic / Windmill) power is produced by the power of water.
16-Aluminum cans can be (filled / recycled / repeated / repaired) to be reused.
17-There is a list of all the ingredients of the medicine on the (signal / symbol / label / stamp) stuck on the bottle.
18-A bomb blew (out / over / up / on) near the factory and destroyed it.
19-I shook him to try to wake him up but there was no (reaction / incentive / impression / excitement) to my efforts and he kept asleep.
20-The driver of the wrecked car had to be (captured / released / hindered / arrested) by firemen.
21-There is (an enormous / a tiny / a small / a little) amount of work so I'll stay late at night.
23-In the past, (factories / windmills / furnaces / fuels) were used for grinding corn.
24-Look out! The wall (fell/ will fall/ is falling/ had fallen) down.
25-We (go/ are going/ are gone/ have been gone) swimming on Fridays.
26-We always (are going to eat/ eat/ are eaten/ are eating)fish on Sundays.
27-She (is not forgotten/ isn't always forgetting/ never forgets/ does never forget) her husband's birthday.
28-The (rescuers/ inheritors / survivors / descendants) were all badly injured; all the rest were killed.
29-Taha Hussein was the (opposer / offender/ enemy / promoter) of education to all children.
30-He is on sick (vocation / vacation / leave / holiday) till the end of the month.
31-The critic wrote a (revision / review / reverse / verse)of the new novel.
32-Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought (down / out / off / up) by her aunt.
33-Marconi is the (discoverer / inventor / explorer / researcher) of radio.
34-Smoking is a bad (custom / tradition / habit / costume) .
35-He is an enthusiastic (promoter / plotter / conspirator / criminal) of women's rights.
36-A man fell into a well. The (rescuers / defenders / attackers / invaders) used ropes to lift him up and save him.
37-He (met / crashed / attacked / charged) his car into a wall and it was greatly damaged) his car into a wall and it was greatly damaged.
38-You (suppose / supposed / are supposed/ are supposing) to put a stamp on the letter.
39-The aero plane (checked / was checked / was checking / has checked) before it set off.
40-I wish I (was / were / had been / could be) early, I wouldn't have been punished.
41-The fire(caused / was causing / was caused / had caused) by an electric fault.
42-You should send the car to the mechanic to (repair it / have it repaired / have repaired it / be repairing it) .
43-The plane (has taken off / was taken off / would be taken off / took off) an hour ago.
44-(It was believed / He was believed / He believed /It believed) to be the murderer.
45-Service (includes / included / was including / was included) in the bill.
46-Nelson was sentenced to life imprisonment because (he joined the African National Congress/ he was interested in politics/ he struggled against racial discrimination/ he was a black citizen) .
47-Nelson gave up the position of the President as (he willingly left it/ he was compelled to leave it/ he wanted to be devoted to the problems of African countries/ the white Europeans in South Africa were against him) .
48-When he (comes / will come / is coming / will be coming) tomorrow, he will give us the watch.
49-Soon the sun (rises / to rise / will rise / would rise) .
50-If it (rains / rained / had rained / will rain), you will get wet.
51-These things (are being sold / are going to sell / will sell / will be sold) tomorrow.
52-Next year, I (shall want / want / wanted / am wanting) to go to the university.
53-You will be lucky if you (to go / go / went / will go) to the moon in the future.
54-They will go to school before the first lesson (will begin/ begins/ will be begun / begins).
55-I feel terrible now; I think I (will / would / am going to / am gone to) be sick.
56-I (will go / am going / will be gone / would go) to a party tomorrow. Would you like to come with me?
57-I can't meet you this evening. A friend of mine (will come / shall come / is coming / is come) to see me .
58-Do you think we (are winning / will win/ will be won / would win) the match?
59-I am too tired to walk home. I think I (am getting / am going to get /'ll be got / 'll get) a taxi.
60-Unless aid arrives within the next few days, thousands (are starving / are going to starve / starve/ have starved)
61-Who is arranging the party? Nader .( will/ would / is going to/ is gone to) do it.
62-What (class / brand / make / name) is your car? It is a Mercedes.
63-The traffic was horrible; so I reached my (destiny / destination/ role / part) two hours late.
64-The new shop has a large (stock / crop / harvest / yield) of records, tapes and CDs.
65-Mountains and lakes are the main (faces / appearance / look/ features) of the landscape of that country.
66-He is going to take (in / on/ over/ up) as director when Mr. Ali retires.
67-The circus has a (magical/ rude / severe/ ridiculous) fascination for children.
68-I've never been able to work him (in/ out / at/ up); he is a very strange man.
69-Several (stations / grounds/ locations / extractions) have been suggested for the new university.
70-The index refers the reader to pages in the ( text/ section/ detail/ point)
71-We watched the sun come (down / up / off / across) in the early morning.
72-We have a sofa that (develops / recovers / returns / converts) into a double bed in time of need.
73-When you drop something, it falls to the ground because of the Earth's (weight / heaviness / gravity/ load)
74-I'd like to have your mobile number to (join / contact / tie/ unite) you if there is any problem.
75-We had to(pause / queue / apply / stop for hours in order to get tickets
76- (Before / After / When / Until) she had come, she didn't go out again.
77-The students, as well as the teacher, (is working / has been working / worked / are working) very hard this year.
78-(Until / While / Before / When) the fruit is ripe, we can pick it.
79-(Not only / As well as / As long as / In addition to) did he come but brought his brother as well.
80-You must work very hard (so as to / in order to / to / so that you) may pass the exam.
81-Spectators were (too happy /happy enough / so happy / such happy) to cheer every now and then.
82-(Although / Despite / However/ Whatever) his poverty, he leads a happy life.
83-They did not go for a walk (although/ however/ because/ despite) it was raining heavily.
84-Not only (He visited / he has visited / did he visit / will he visit) his grandparents but he went shopping as well.
85-I, as well as my friend (is / am / are / were) going to visit the zoo.
86-Not only my father but also my brothers (is / are/ was/ has been) pleased with our results.
87-(Despite / In spite / Notwithstanding/ For all)of his carelessness, he got good results.
88-I turned the heating on (because / as / since / due to) the cold weather.
89-Bacteria are (visible / invisible / noticeable/ viewable) to the ***** eye.
90-The (universe / earth/ satellite / country) includes the planets and the stars.
91-The vacuum cleaner is a labour-saving (work/ device/ factory/ workshop)
92-Luckily, this new product will (pass away / destroy / generate / lose) a lot of income that will give a hand to the company.
93-The best (access / attack / plot / design) to the garden is through the kitchen.
94-Her clothes and make-up did a lot to (disfigure / qualify/ enhance / spoil)her appearance to look so beautiful.
95-It was (amazing / expected / ordinary / common) that he was still alive despite all the diseases he had.
96-The police went to the (scenery / scene / view / landscape) of the crime to get fingerprints.
97-What (mark / make / sign / signal) is your television? - It's a Sonny.
98-I asked the salesman to buy me Nagiub Mahfouz's biography but he was sorry as it was ((in / out of / on the / taking) stock.
99-It is a suitable (station / extraction / location / locker) for the new supermarket.
100-When you drop something, it falls down according to the law of (attraction / gravity /weight / load).

قديم 09-05-2008, 12:33 PM
الصورة الرمزية اذكر الله
اذكر الله اذكر الله غير متواجد حالياً
طالب جامعى (كلية علوم)
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 167
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
اذكر الله is on a distinguished road

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