انا معاك يا مستر رغم اني لست مدرس في الازهر لكن انا ادرس منهج الأزهر يا رب نتشارك سويا |
شكراُ على الاهتمام وتحت امرك فى أى مساهمة من أجل الأزهر
ان شاء الله
إن شاء الله يا مستر خالد سأتواجد دائما فى هذا القسم وجزك الله خيرا
انا معاك يا مستر واللة يوفقك
والله ما قصرت
محمد محمود فراج Making_Your_English_Better.
مذكرة قصة ثالثة اعدادي
" Journey to the Centre to the Earth" Characters of the story . شخصيات القصه 1 - Professor Lidenbrock 2-Axel 3- Martha 4- Hans When they came back from their journey , he decided to return to Iceland . He wanted to go home . 5- DrFridrikson He was a scientist from Iceland .Professor Lidenbrock told him that he was interested in exploring Iceland's geology . He told Professor Lidenbrock that Iceland has many volcanoes which had not been explored . He said that Sneffels has a very interstmg crater , but no one has ever visited it. He said also that Sneffels has not erupted for the last six hundred years . He was very helpful .He arranged for a guide caller Hans to take Lidenbrock and Axel to Sneffles . Places where incidents happened. Hamburg هامبرج : A city in Germany . Iceland ايسلندا : An island in the North Sea Reykjavik ركيجافيك: The capital city of Iceland . Sneffels سنيفلس: An extinct volcano in Iceland . Scartaris سكارتارس: A high mountain in Iceland . Copenhagen كوبنهاجون : The capital city of Denmark Stromboli سترومبرلي : A small island off the coast of southern Italy San Vicenzo سان فيشنزو : The largest town on Stromboli. Messinaمسينا : A port on the island of Sicily , Italy . Marseillesمارسيليا: A port on the southern coast of France " Journey to the Centre of the Earth" Summary Summaryملخص First Term: Chapters 1-5 P.L. used his scientific instruments to calculate their position . Suddenly Axel turned around and he didn't find his Uncle or Hans . He was lost. He ran back shouting like a mad man . At last he fell on the floor and fainted. Chapter 1 1)-Vocabulary Professor استاذ جامعي Excited مثار Worriedقلق Worryيقلق Upstairsالدور العلوي Exclaimedيصيح Fantasticرائع Ownedيمتلك Wonderful رائع Impatientlyبلا صبر Strangeغريب Lecturesمحاضره geologist جيلوجي scientist عالم geology جيولوجيا Translationترجمه Icelandicايسلندي Centuryقرن Parchmentرق pick it upيلتقطها proudفخور Assistantمساعد walk up and down يذهب وياتي puzzled متحير Studyيدرس followed يتبع Immediatelyحالا staring محملق a secret code شفره سريه owned امتلك a magnifying glass عدسه مكبره pointed to اشار الى scientific discoveries اكتشاف علمي discovered اكتشف find outوجد guessed خمن Messageرساله Latinلاتيني Forwardsلامام Backwardsللخلف no sense بلا معنى Fist قبضه اليد Slammed the doorاغل الباب Starveيموت جوعا 2-Summary 3- A- Questions and answers:- 1- Where did Professor Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel live ? - They -lived in a house in the city of Hamburg . 2- Why did Professor Lidenbrock come home early ? - Because he was excited . 3- What.do you know about Professor Lidenbrock ? - He was a geologist and a scientist. He gave lectures at the University of Hamburg . 4- Why couldn't Professor Lidenbrock understand the - Because the letters were mixed up , and they were written in a secret code. ,parchment? 5-Why did he think that the parchment was newer than the - Because the writing of the parchment is later than the writing ofbook ? the book . 6- Why did Professor Lidenbrock think that the message was written in Latin ? _ Because scientists of the sixteenth century always wrote their discoveries in Latin 7- Wny did Martha say , " He will starve " ? - Because Professor Lidenbrock went without his dinner . 8- Where was Axel's room ? - Axel's room was upstairs. 9- Why did Axel come and live with his uncle ? - Because his-parents died. 10-What was Arne Saknussemm ? - He was a famous Icelandic scientist of the sixteenth century. 11- Why did Professor Lidenbrock hit his fist ? - Because he couldn't read the parchment. B-Complete the following sentences : 1- What a fantastic book! It's more than ............... . ........ hundred years. .2- Runes are the letters of .................... - .....the old Icelandic alphabet. 3- I was proud to be the assistant of ................ -.......,;....... such a famous man. 4- Other geologists came from all over the world to ................. - ......... learn from him. 5- He couldn't understand the parchment because ................. - ....... it was written in runes. 6- The book and the parchment were not written .................. ............ in the same handwriting, 7- To make the letters appear bigger , he used .................... - ......... a magnifying glass. 8- He will neither eat nor sleep until..................... ........... he has discovered the secret Exercises 1- Answer the following questions : 1 - What was Professor Lidenbrock looking at ? 2- What do you know about Axel ? 3 - How was the parchment, written ? 4- What did Professor Lidenbrock tell Axel ? 5- What was the thing that fell from the book ? 6- What did Professor Lidenbrock use to make the letters on the parchment appear bigger ? 7 - What did Professor Lidenbrock insist on ? 8-Why did Axel live with Lidenbrock? 9- Where is Hamburg? 10- Who was Martha? 2-Complete the following sentences: 1.Professor Lidenbrock was …….……when he came home. 2. Professor Lidenbrock entered his room and looked at …….. 3.The book was a translation of a ……... 4. A piece of ………… fell out of the 'book. 5.The parchment was written in ……….. 6. Professor Lidenbrock couldn't understand the…….. 7. Axel who was the professor's ……… 8. The book and parchment were not written in the same ………. 9- Professor Lidenbrock used a magnifying glass…… to make the letters bigger. 10- Professor Lidenbrock thought that the parchment was written by a………… 11.Arne Sacknussemm was……… 12. Professor Lidenbrock insisted on ………... Good luck- Mr/Alaa Hadaya |
هذا شيئ جميل ... وانا معكم ان شاء الله
mr Said Shaheen |
يعنى يا استاذ /خالد بتتطلب من الناس يشاركوا وانت مش عارف تجيب مواصفات امتحان ثالثة ثانوى لعل المانع خير
كلام جيد واقتراح طيب وياريت نحاول أن نبين مواصفات امتحانات الأزهر لأننا كما نعلم مازالت المحادثات تأتى فى أسئلة المرحلة الثانوية للأزهر كما أن سؤال Places والمواقف لايأتى للأزهر
E.T Mohammed El-Shahat |
اننا نشاكر فعلا نرجو التقييم والرد
thanks alot
where are those teachers who can't help themselves. Tell me if you find one!!!
الف شكر مستر
العلامات المرجعية |