الكيمياء 1 ث لغات يوضع هنا ما يخص الكيمياء 1 ث لغات |
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مسالة كيمياء لغات
On the combustion of a sample of mass 0.1gm of ethyl alcohol (a compound containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) in excess oxygen, an 0.1919gm of carbon dioxide and 0.1172gm of water are formed.
Calculate the molecular formula of ethyl alcohol ,knowing that its molecular formula is the same as its empirical one. |
توضيح فكرة المسألة و الحل
the idea of this problem is very easy as the following ..........................................
to determine the empirical formula of this compound you should calculate the mass of carbon in carbon dioxide produced= (12*0.1919)/44 the mass of hydrogen in water produced =(2*1*0.1172)/18 the mass of oxygen =0.1-(the sum of mass of C+the mass of H) after determination the masses of ( C / H/O) you can use the known steps for determination the empirical formula ........more details call me at 0121996109 Mr. Muhammad Abdel Mageed |
thank you*********
thank you Mr very much
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