المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين ملتقى مهني أكاديمي متخصص للأساتذة الأفاضل في جميع المواد التعليمية (تربية وتعليم & أزهر) |
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
مناقشة هامة وحادة .ارجوا من جميع معلمي اللغة الانجليزية الدخول والمشاركة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
عساكم جميعا بخير وطيبين ان شاء الله اود ان اطرح سؤالا هاما ومحيرا وتحوم حوله شكوك وآراء مختلفه وبإذن الله سوف نجعل هذا الموضوع ساحةََ للنقاش الهادف . السؤال...........>هل يجوز ان ياتي الفعل used to في فعل شرط if في الحالة الشرطية الثانية ؟ مع دعم الرأي بالحُجَّة والبرهان . ارجوا التعمق والبحث الجاد لاهمية الموضوع .والكل موقنٌ ان المنتدي زاخر بمعلمين أكِفَّاء عمالقة في اللغة الانجليزية فارجوا منهم جميعا المشاركة واخذ الموضوع علي محمل الجد ولكلِّ ذي علمٍ حرية المشاركة او عدمِها ولكن الدين والضمير يفرضان المشاركة ...وسوف اشارك معكم بانتظام ولن اترك الموضوع حتي نجد جميعا رأياََ سائدا صحيحا وبعدها سأقوم بعمل موضوع آخر أوضح به اجابة السؤال من منظور الجميع . دمتم سالمين شكرا للمتابعة وجزاكم الله خيرا Mr.Khaled Mohammed Zalat
من منع علما نافعا ألجمه الله بلجام من النار يوم القيامة. لا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم..Mr.Khalid Zalat |
هناك ملحوظة اود توضيحها :
اقصد في السؤال استخدام used to في فعل الشرط بحيث تعطي معني المستقبل (حدث غير محتمل في المستقبل)
من منع علما نافعا ألجمه الله بلجام من النار يوم القيامة. لا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم..Mr.Khalid Zalat |
شكرا جزيلا مستر خالد على روح الحماس العالية
شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك على الاهتمام اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير ودعنى انادى حضرتك يا عاشق اللغة الانجليزية ارى انه ليس هناك فى المنتدى غيرك فانت الوحيد المشارك والمتابع وانت الوحيد المحرك لهذا المنتدى فاليك منى كل احترام وتقدير اما بالنسبة used to be used to =get used to مع الفارق البسيط فى المعنى ويمكن استخدام get used to فى كل الازمنة I will get used to it. I got used to it. I may get used to it . وهكذا يمكن تكوين اسئلة بالطريقة العادية Will you get used to running؟ وكذلك عندما نريد استخدام حالات if 1-If you eat spicy food ,you will get used to it. Manish says: When I teach be used to and get used to I prefer to share practical examples because it helps the trainees to understand the concept better. For example… Manish is from a village so obviously he is not accustomed to living in noisy and crowded areas. If he moves to a city he will get frustrated. Why? Because he is not used to living in a city. Now you can add more to that and continue further with the same example… If Manish starts living in the city, he will get used to living there. ومن هنا عزيزى يمكن الاستخدام باى اسلوب يعجبك لان من هنا نعلم ان get used to اصبحت مثلها مثل اى فعل اخر له مصدر -تصريف اول -ثانى ثالث ............................. وللتفصيل يجب قراءة الاتى Comparing “got used to”, “have gotten used to”, “get used to”, “will get used to” and “have used to” I was going to somewhere by taxi in Delhi. Most of the drivers were blowing their horns, non-stop! I asked my driver, "would you please stop it? I am not in a rush." He said, "No ma'am! Because I am in a rush and the others too." I said, "it seems you have not gotten used to traffic!" He said, "Noma'am! We got used to it but now we want a change." I said, "but this non-stop loud noise is making me crazy!" He laughed and said, "Yes ma'am but please tolerate it for some hours. You will get used to it like us!" • Get used to"- to become habituated with or accustomed to a certain system in present. • "Have gotten used to-" means the action of being habituated with has still result in present i.e. it happened in the near past. • "Got used to"- means to become used to in past. So it means the action of habituated with happened a long time ago to make it past. • "Will get used to"- means to become used to in future. • لاحظ عزيزى 1-used to +infinitive I used to play fooball . شىء كان يحدث فى الماضى ولكنه لم يعد يحدث 2-Be used to +v+ing/noun عادة فى الوقت الحاضر I am used to playing football. ولكن لاحظ عزيزى المبنى للمجهول I use a small chair to sit on it. A small chair is used to sit on. For sitting /to sit ولكن عزيزى ماذا عن get used to +gerund/noun I was used to working long hours. I got used to working long hours. Meaning • Be used to is used to express that a situation is not new or strange, or is no longer new or strange. • I've lived here for ten years now so I’m used to driving in the city. • He’s not used to working at night so he sometimes falls asleep. • Are you used to the climate? • I wasn't used to working such long hours when I started my new job. • Get used to is used to express that an action/situation becomes less strange or new, or becomes more comfortable. • It took them a long time to get used to their new boss. • Have you got used to driving on the left yet? • She is getting used to waking up early for her new job. Additional points Be used to can be modified with adverbs. • I’m very used to his strange behaviour now. • She should be pretty used to living without electricity or running water by now. 1.Used to shows that a particular thing always happened or was true in the past (see examples above) 2.Be used to is used to say that something is normal, not unusual. Examples: • I'm used to living alone. • Don't worry, John is used to driving for long hours. He has worked as a professional driver for 20 years. 3.Get used shows that something is in the process of becoming normal. Examples: • He doesn't like that small town, but he'll get used to it. • She found the heels too high, but she got used to them. • Since the divorce, she has become very sad. But I think she'll get used to her new life. • I got used to living in Canada in spite of the cold weather. 4. Get used to and be used to are followed by either a noun or a gerund. اصل هذا التعبير :متى استخدم لاول مرة؟ ________________________________________ Get used to it Meaning Accept that a particular state of affairs is inevitable. Origin This began to be used as a single sentence, with the meaning - 'that's how things are; accept it', from around the early 1990s in the USA. Here's an early example, from a report of a *** Pride march in Washington, USA, in April 1993, by Simon Tisdall in The Guardian: "'We're queer, we're here. Get used to it,' said T-shirts worn by some of the marchers..." Note: the 'we're here, we're queer' slogan began just a few years earlier. The earliest reference I can find for that is from 1990. Structure: Get used to + something / someone Get used to + verb (-ing form) I got used to his Scottish accent after a while . I got used to waking up early in the morning. If you get used to something, you become accustomed to it; it is no longer unusual or strange. Get used to is the process of becoming used to something. After a while he didn't mind the noise in the office; he got used to it. |
انتقالا للموضوع الاصلي اود ان اقول : استاذي الكريم قد افدتنا بمعلومات رائعة ولكن وبكل اسف لم يكن لها علاقة بالسؤال الاصلي اساسا واود ان اذكر حضرتك ان سؤالي مع المزيد من التوضيح هو : "هل يجوز استخدام used to كفعل في فعل شرط الرابط if في الحالة الثانية ؟ مع الدعم بالاسباب والتوضيح " اي مثلا : هل يجوز ان نقول : "IF he used to study early, he would not be deprived of sleep" جزاك الله خيرا علي الرد والمتابعة اخي الكريم...
من منع علما نافعا ألجمه الله بلجام من النار يوم القيامة. لا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم..Mr.Khalid Zalat |
من خلال البحث عبر الانترنت وجدت الاتى :
Daniel Lemma Lyrics "If I Used To Love You" Do you like this song? (click stars to rate) my lyricst ringtone If I used to love you baby Ain't nothing like I'm, I'm loving you now And if I used to wonder 'bout you baby It ain't nothing like I'm, I'm wondering now I had all of these minstrels bring me roses, strike up the band Everything revolves 'round you babe Try to understand it 'Bout the way that I've been loving you baby That ain't nothing like I, like I love you now If I used to think 'bout you baby It ain't nothing like I'm, like I'm thinking now And if I used to worry 'bout you honey It ain't nothing like I'm, like I'm worrying now I'm gon' take the shiny roses I' gon' lay them down at your door Everyday it grows on me this love I got in store All way that I been loving you baby That ain't nothing like I, like I love you know That ain't nothing, that ain't nothing baby Like a rainbow 'round my heart babe (Like a rainbow 'round my heart) (Like a rainbow 'round my heart) I'm gon' take the shiny roses I' gon' lay them down at your door Everyday it grows on me this love I got in store 'Bout the way I used to love you baby That ain't nothing like I, like I love you now That ain't nothing, that ain't nothing baby Oh no no, it ain't nothing baby, it ain't nothing baby Like I love you now Like I love you now Like a rainbow 'round my heart baby (Like a rainbow 'round my heart) Like a rainbow 'round my heart (Like a rainbow 'round my heart) That's how strong my love is baby Like a rainbow 'round my heart oh that's right Lisette That's how strong my love is baby Like a rainbow 'round my heart (Like a rainbow 'round my heart) (Like a rainbow 'round my heart) (Like a rainbow 'round my heart) That's how strong my love (Like a rainbow 'round my heart) Like a rainbow baby من خلال كلمات تلك الاغنية نجد استخدام الكثير من الكلمات والاساليب العامية اى اللغة الدارجة |
كذلك هذا سؤال على احد المواقع
ولكن اعتقد ان الاسلوب دارج /عامى If someone I love (or used to love) says "I love you" and at that moment I don't feel like saying it back because of the issues in the relationship (and I don't want to be rude or say otherwise because I actually don't know how I feel), what should I reply? |
وهذا سؤال اخر
If I used to smoke weed, can I be a cop? |
واليك هذا ايضا
If he used to do some mistakes, it is obvious that his mom hits him. Suggest him not to do any mistake. Pay attention to his study. You are with him. ولو لاحظنا :الاستخدام فى جواب الشرط مضارع بسيط |
واليك هذا ايضا
Do I have a chance if he used to like me? |
واليك هذا
Will an outdoor cat use the litterbox if he used to use it before he was an outdoor cat? |
واليك هذا
Can your dad still be taken away if he used to abuse me? |
واليك هذا
How should I ask him if he USED to like me...? |
واليك هذا
Would a man repeat a verbal abuse even if he used to criticize it before? |
اليك عزيزى موضوع هام وهو الحالات المختلطة لIF
When we talk about mixed conditionals, we are referring to conditional sentences that combine two different types of conditional patterns. These combinations are not all that frequent, but the most common combination is when we have a type 3 conditional in the if-clause (if + past perfect) followed by a type 2 conditional (would + infinitive) in the main clause. mixed third / second conditional With this combination we are contrasting an imagined or real event in the past with the present result of that. Consider these examples: If he'd taken the medication as prescribed, he wouldn't still be lying sick in bed. If she'd taken reasonable precautions, she wouldn't be pregnant now. If he hadn't run after the car thief and suffered a heart attack, he'd probably be alive today. Note that we can also convey the same idea of past event and present result by using type 3 conditional (if + past perfect, would've + past participle) in both clauses If he'd taken the medication as the doctor ordered, he would've recovered by now. If she'd taken reasonable precautions, she wouldn't have got herself pregnant. If he hadn't run after the car thief and suffered a heart attack, he wouldn't have collapsed and died. Note that we use this type of conditional when we regret past action or inaction. mixed second / third conditional The other possibility, though I think this is less common, is when we have a type 2 conditional in the if-clause (if + past simple) followed by a type 3 conditional (would've + past participle) in the main clause. With this combination, we are describing ongoing circumstances in relation to a previous past event. Consider these examples: If you weren't such a poor dancer, you would've got a job in the chorus line in that musical. If you weren't so blind to his faults, you would've realized that he was out to swindle you. He's old enough to come home by himself, but can you just see him across the busy road? first conditional if + present simple, will + infinitive: If I wait for Jane, I'll be late for school This is the pattern that we most frequently associate with the first conditional, referring to future possibility or probability. But note that other patterns are also possible: we can have a modal verb, typically can, may or should, in the if-clause or main clause, as well as going to future or present continuous future. Present perfect is also possible in the if-clause. Consider these examples: If you can't understand the instructions, you'll never be able to assemble the wardrobe. If I give you ten pounds, could you get me some wine at the supermarket? If you've finished the work I gave you, you may go home now. If the weather's good on Sunday, we're going to have a picnic in Hyde Park. If you're going to write him a cheque, make sure there's enough money in your account to cover it. If you're coming clubbing with us tonight, you'd better get ready now. In this final example, note that had better is not a past tense. It refers to the immediate future and we use it to give strong advice as the preferred alternative to must, ought to or should. if you should… / if you happen to… Note that we use should in the if-clause in the first conditional if we want to suggest that something is very unlikely. We can use happen to in a similar way or even combine them: If you should / happen to change your mind about coming to the beach tomorrow, give me a ring. I don't expect him to, but if he should happen to show up, whatever you do, don't let him in! |
السؤال الان :هل التعبيرات التى ذكرت بها Used to بعد if هل هى تعبيرات دارجة /عامية informal /slang
ام هى standard language؟ لاننى بحثت فى كل موضوعات if فى كتب grammar ولم اجد اى اشارة لهذا الاستخدام وشكرا |
العلامات المرجعية |