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أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 08-06-2008, 10:27 PM
arfotaa2010 arfotaa2010 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 29
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
arfotaa2010 is on a distinguished road
Mnn اهم جمل الاختيارى

1) choose the right word(s) from a,b,cor d:
1- I ....... my money on this radio , it broken after one day !
A) spent b) wasted c) lost d) gave
2- plants use energy from the sun ....... their food
a) making b) made c) to make d) has made
3- my grandmother coulan't read . she was ........
a) illogical b) illegal c) illegible d) illiterate
4- who is responsible ....... this broken chair ?
a) for b) to c) with d) of
5- Naguib Mahfouz ..... the nobel for literature
a) has awarded b) awarded c) was awarded d) will award
6- Azza passed her exam ... being ill
a) although b) because of c) but d) despite
7- A ..... eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth
a) sunny b) solar c) lunar d) partial
8- Astronomers can .....when eclipses will iccur
a) provide b) predict c) prevent d) pretend
9- if Mounir loses his job , he .....look for wok in the city
a) will b) would c) had to d) have to
10- the country is suffering a .... there has been no rain for six months
a) draught b) doubt c) drift d) drought
11- Carbon dioxides is a ....... gas
a) partial b) precious c) poisonous d) polluted
12- Arriving early for an interview will work ....you favour
a) in b) out c) up d) against
13- she 's just finished acourse ......music
a) through b) with c) in d) at
14-last year we visited Egypt and admired the ancient ...........
a) moments b) monuments c) monsters d) materials
15- the though outer layer of atree is called the ......
a) bark b) trunk c) branch d) skin
16- the leaves play apart in .........food for the tree
a) make b) making c) made d) to make
17- the ....of The River Nile is in Uganda
a) begging b) start c) source d) spring
18- We an .......... glass and paper
a) recycle b) redo c) repair d) retreat
19- I ............some money to start my own business
a) lent b) loaned c) bought d) d) borrowed
20 – if you use my pen , remember .......... it back
a) giving b) to give c) given d) give
21- He ......... the Nobel prize in 1988
a) was awarded b) awarded c) has awarded d) was awarding
22- we persuaded him us go to the party
a) let b) letting c) in letting d) to let
23- you ........take this medicinr\e every day
a) supposed b) ought c) should d) obliged
24 – this map shows the exact .... of the bus station
a) palacate b) point c) region d) location
25- this airline flies to many ... around the world
a) goals b) destination c) aims d) positions
26- I tried to phone him .... there was no answer
a) although b) despite c) but d) because
27- the belief that black cats are lucky is a .......
a) supposition b) supersition c) myth d) legend
28- if I ........... rich , I would buy abig car
a) were b) am c) had d) will be
29- the meeting was .... because the manager was ill
a) put out b) put away c) put off d) put in
30- I wouldn't say it it unless it ............ true
a) is b) does c) did d) were
31- He used a ... to look at the stars
a) telescope b) television c) telephone d) telegram
32- I was surprised .... that he had won the prize
a) learn b) learning c) learned d) to learn
33- people ......... music for thousands of years
a) have been making b) are making
c) would be making d) had been making
34- ....... have found the ancient city of Ur
a) architects b) archivists c) archaeologists d) Advertisers
35- Musician ....... into woodwind and brass in instruments
a) breath b) sigh c) cough d) blow
36- He stopped ........ and put down his pen
a) write b) to write c) written d) writing
37- he is learning .......... the piano
a) to play b) play c) playing d) played
38- the people held a ............ against the new tax
a) demonstration b) society c) gathering d) disagreement
39- the soldiers were praised for their ........
a) freedom b) patriotism c) equality d) superstition
40- we congratulated her .......... her success
a) for b) at c) on d) by
41- hewas arrested .......starting fire
a) with b) of c) for d) by
42- she spent many years fighting for women's
a) opinions b) rights c) votes d) protests
43- His coat was made of a ........material
a) systhetic b) sinister c) solar d) satellite
44- it........ be wonderful to see earth from space !
a) could b) should c) can d) must
45- wood is used .... making paper
a) to b)for c)with d)from
46- there is an exhibition of ...... at the new art gallery
a) fireworks b) sculptures c) monuments d)celebrations
47- it isn't good to own money . you should always repay your .........
a) grants b) gifts c) debts d) benefits
48- in the future most of our work ........ by machines
a) will be doing b) has been done c) will do d) will be done
49- Egypt has made agreat contribution ....... world peace
a) for b) to c) in d) of
50- Telephone , radio and television are all forms .... communication
a) from b) of c) to d) with
51- I'm afraid Mr Smith isn't here , can I take a .....?
a)message b)missive c) missile d)message
52- my father has worked hard for many years and now he 's looking forward to ........
a) retiring b) retreating c) recycling d) repeating
53- He's ...... he has asmall company making furniture
a) self-assured b) selfish c) self – employed d) self possessed
54- Astronomers can ......... when asteroids will hit Earth
a) pretend b) predict c) produce d) prevent
55- He was accused .... stealing the car
a) for b) to c) with d) of
56- She was blamed .... the mess
a) for b) to c) with d) of
57- I was shocked ......... that he had died
a) hearing b) to hear c) hear d) to be heard
58- the demonstrators were ..... againt and unfair law
a) protesting b) preventing c) producting d) providing
59- He suggested ...... to the park
a) to go b) go c) gone d) going
60- By and ......, I agree with what you are saying
a) big b) large c) huge d) vast
61- She agreed ....to teacher
a) to apologize b) apologizing c) to have apoloized d) apologize
62- After the ..... , the country had anew government
a) equality b) freedom c) independence d) revolution
63- oraby lived in ...... on another country for many years
a) exit b) exile c) exhasition d) expert
64- I expect he .... pass his exams easily
a) would b) should c) will d) must
65- Materials such ... glass and paper can de recycled
a) for b) as c) with d) or
66- coal ,oil and natural gas are all ....fuels
a) renewable b) fossil c) nuclear d) energy
67- Nadia is ...... she speaks Arabi and English
a) monosyllabic b) literate c) bilignual d) irregular
68- Hydro – electric power stations ... electricity
a) renew b) generate c) recycle d) use
69- my plane .....at ten tomorrow morning
a) arrives b) arrived c) has arrived d) was arriving
70- He doesn't look happy .... I'm sure he passed the exam
a) because b) although c) despite d) unless
71- He refused .... my question
a) answering b) for answering c) to answer d) answer
72- The new company is looking for ..... workers
a) illiterate b) lazy c) careless d) skilled
73- self –employed people enjoy ....... the freedom to work when they like
a) to have b) to be having c) having d) have
74- Being your own .... can have advantages and dis advantages
a) colleague b) worker c) servant d) boss
75- Every leaf plays apart ........ food for the plant
a) in making b) to make c) of making d) with making
76- His business ..... and he had to hire new workers
a) exploded b) existed c) expanded d) extracted
77- the statue .... out of stone by the ancient Egyptian
a) has carved b) was carved c) has carved d) will be carved
78- the village was ..... when the river flooded
a) supposed b) supported c) subjected d) submerged
79- the advantages are outweighed ..... the disadvantages
a) by b) from c) with d) for
80- in Ad 106 , Petra was ..... by the Romans
a) arrested b) captured c) accused d) caught
81- He won the medal by jumping .... than anyone else
a) highest b) higher c) height d) high
82- in 1969 Nill Armstong . . . . . . his first step on the moon
a) was take b) has taken c) is taking d) took
83- Astronauts wear special clothes which . . . . . .them from extreme temperatures
a) protest b) prevent c) protect d) produce
84- trhere is no oxygen in space , so you . . . . . . breathe normally
a) must b) wouldn't c) can d) can't
85- the young musician .. . . . . .hard before the oncert
a) attempted b) tried c) practiced d) learnet
86- Do you enjoy . . . . . . to classical music ?
a) listening b) listen c) listened d) to listen
87- she took the doctor's . . . . .to the chemist's and got her medicine
a) description b) prescription c) drawing d) provision
88- this famous surgeon has . . . . . . .many heart operations
a) produced b) composed c) performed d) prescribed
89- the festival commermorates an incident which . . . . . in 1875
a) was happening b) has happened c) could happen d) happened
90- the hotel wanted . . . . . . . .anew receptionist
a) hiring b) hired b) to hire d) hire
91- they tried to find anew employee . . . . .advertising in the paper
a) for b) by c) to d) with
92- She was very good at her job and got . . . . .quickly
a) promotion b) production c) protection d) provision
93- when he left school , he . . . . . . to join the army
a) contracted b) applied c) connected d) requested
94- I hope you will get in . . . . . . .after you go back to your country
a) feeling b) touch c) write d) concert
95- Students who come to this university must expect , . . . . . . .hard
a) work b) working c) worked d) to work
96- She is very . . . . . ., she wants to run the company one day
a) aubiguous b) ambitious c) amphibious d) ambivalent
قديم 08-06-2008, 10:59 PM
الصورة الرمزية Dr. akram
Dr. akram Dr. akram غير متواجد حالياً
عضو خبير
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 615
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
Dr. akram is on a distinguished road

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة arfotaa2010 مشاهدة المشاركة
1) choose the right word(s) from a,b,cor d:
1- I ....... my money on this radio , it broken after one day !
A) spent b) wasted c) lost d) gave
2- plants use energy from the sun ....... their food
a) making b) made c) to make d) has made
3- my grandmother coulan't read . she was ........
a) illogical b) illegal c) illegible d) illiterate
4- who is responsible ....... this broken chair ?
a) for b) to c) with d) of
5- Naguib Mahfouz ..... the nobel for literature
a) has awarded b) awarded c) was awarded d) will award
6- Azza passed her exam ... being ill
a) although b) because of c) but d) despite
7- A ..... eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth
a) sunny b) solar c) lunar d) partial
8- Astronomers can .....when eclipses will iccur
a) provide b) predict c) prevent d) pretend
9- if Mounir loses his job , he .....look for wok in the city
a) will b) would c) had to d) have to
10- the country is suffering a .... there has been no rain for six months
a) draught b) doubt c) drift d) drought
11- Carbon dioxides is a ....... gas
a) partial b) precious c) poisonous d) polluted
12- Arriving early for an interview will work ....you favour
a) in b) out c) up d) against
13- she 's just finished acourse ......music
a) through b) with c) in d) at
14-last year we visited Egypt and admired the ancient ...........
a) moments b) monuments c) monsters d) materials
15- the tough outer layer of atree is called the ......
a) bark b) trunk c) branch d) skin
16- the leaves play apart in .........food for the tree
a) make b) making c) made d) to make
17- the ....of The River Nile is in Uganda
a) begging b) start c) source d) spring
18- We an .......... glass and paper
a) recycle b) redo c) repair d) retreat
19- I ............some money to start my own business
a) lent b) loaned c) bought d) d) borrowed
20 – if you use my pen , remember .......... it back
a) giving b) to give c) given d) give
21- He ......... the Nobel prize in 1988
a) was awarded b) awarded c) has awarded d) was awarding
22- we persuaded him us go to the party
a) let b) letting c) in letting d) to let
23- you ........take this medicinr every day
a) supposed b) ought c) should d) obliged
24 – this map shows the exact .... of the bus station
a) palacate b) point c) region d) location
25- this airline flies to many ... around the world
a) goals b) destination c) aims d) positions
26- I tried to phone him .... there was no answer
a) although b) despite c) but d) because
27- the belief that black cats are lucky is a .......
a) supposition b) supersition c) myth d) legend
28- if I ........... rich , I would buy abig car
a) were b) am c) had d) will be
29- the meeting was .... because the manager was ill
a) put out b) put away c) put off d) put in
30- I Wouldn't say it unless it ............ true
a) is b) does c) did d) were
31- He used a ... to look at the stars
a) telescope b) television c) telephone d) telegram
32- I was surprised .... that he had won the prize
a) learn b) learning c) learned d) to learn
33- people ......... music for thousands of years
a) have been making b) are making
c) would be making d) had been making
34- ....... have found the ancient city of Ur
a) architects b) archivists c) archaeologists d) Advertisers
35- Musician ....... into woodwind and brass in instruments
a) breath b) sigh c) cough d) blow
36- He stopped ........ and put down his pen
a) write b) to write c) written d) writing
37- he is learning .......... the piano
a) to play b) play c) playing d) played
38- the people held a ............ against the new tax
a) demonstration b) society c) gathering d) disagreement
39- the soldiers were praised for their ........
a) freedom b) patriotism c) equality d) superstition
40- we congratulated her .......... her success
a) for b) at c) on d) by
41- hewas arrested .......starting fire
a) with b) of c) for d) by
42- she spent many years fighting for women's
a) opinions b) rights c) votes d) protests
43- His coat was made of a ........material
a) systhetic b) sinister c) solar d) satellite
44- it........ be wonderful to see earth from space !
a) could b) should c) can d) must
45- wood is used .... making paper
a) to b)for c)with d)from
46- there is an exhibition of ...... at the new art gallery
a) fireworks b) sculptures c) monuments d)celebrations
47- it isn't good to own money . you should always repay your .........
a) grants b) gifts c) debts d) benefits
48- in the future most of our work ........ by machines
a) will be doing b) has been done c) will do d) will be done
49- Egypt has made agreat contribution ....... world peace
a) for b) to c) in d) of
50- Telephone , radio and television are all forms .... communication
a) from b) of c) to d) with
51- I'm afraid Mr Smith isn't here , can I take a .....?
a)message b)missive c) missile d)message
52- my father has worked hard for many years and now he 's looking forward to ........
a) retiring b) retreating c) recycling d) repeating
53- He's ...... he has asmall company making furniture
a) self-assured b) selfish c) self – employed d) self possessed
54- Astronomers can ......... when asteroids will hit Earth
a) pretend b) predict c) produce d) prevent
55- He was accused .... stealing the car
a) for b) to c) with d) of
56- She was blamed .... the mess
a) for b) to c) with d) of
57- I was shocked ......... that he had died
a) hearing b) to hear c) hear d) to be heard
58- the demonstrators were ..... againt and unfair law
a) protesting b) preventing c) producting d) providing
59- He suggested ...... to the park
a) to go b) go c) gone d) going
60- By and ......, I agree with what you are saying
a) big b) large c) huge d) vast
61- She agreed ....to teacher
a) to apologize b) apologizing c) to have apoloized d) apologize
62- After the ..... , the country had anew government
a) equality b) freedom c) independence d) revolution
63- oraby lived in ...... on another country for many years
a) exit b) exile c) exhasition d) expert
64- I expect he .... pass his exams easily
a) would b) should c) will d) must
65- Materials such ... glass and paper can de recycled
a) for b) as c) with d) or
66- coal ,oil and natural gas are all ....fuels
a) renewable b) fossil c) nuclear d) energy
67- Nadia is ...... she speaks Arabi and English
a) monosyllabic b) literate c) bilignual d) irregular
68- Hydro – electric power stations ... electricity
a) renew b) generate c) recycle d) use
69- my plane .....at ten tomorrow morning
a) arrives b) arrived c) has arrived d) was arriving
70- He doesn't look happy .... I'm sure he passed the exam
a) because b) although c) despite d) unless
71- He refused .... my question
a) answering b) for answering c) to answer d) answer
72- The new company is looking for ..... workers
a) illiterate b) lazy c) careless d) skilled
73- self –employed people enjoy ....... the freedom to work when they like
a) to have b) to be having c) having d) have
74- Being your own .... can have advantages and dis advantages
a) colleague b) worker c) servant d) boss
75- Every leaf plays apart ........ food for the plant
a) in making b) to make c) of making d) with making
76- His business ..... and he had to hire new workers
a) exploded b) existed c) expanded d) extracted
77- the statue .... out of stone by the ancient Egyptian
a) has carved b) was carved c) has carved d) will be carved
78- the village was ..... when the river flooded
a) supposed b) supported c) subjected d) submerged
79- the advantages are outweighed ..... the disadvantages
a) by b) from c) with d) for
80- in Ad 106 , Petra was ..... by the Romans
a) arrested b) captured c) accused d) caught
81- He won the medal by jumping .... than anyone else
a) highest b) higher c) height d) high
82- in 1969 Nill Armstong . . . . . . his first step on the moon
a) was take b) has taken c) is taking d) took
83- Astronauts wear special clothes which . . . . . .them from extreme temperatures
a) protest b) prevent c) protect d) produce
84- trhere is no oxygen in space , so you . . . . . . breathe normally
a) must b) wouldn't c) can d) can't
85- the young musician .. . . . . .hard before the Concert
a) attempted b) tried c) practiced d) learnet
86- Do you enjoy . . . . . . to classical music ?
a) listening b) listen c) listened d) to listen
87- she took the doctor's . . . . .to the chemist's and got her medicine
a) description b) prescription c) drawing d) provision
88- this famous surgeon has . . . . . . .many heart operations
a) produced b) composed c) performed d) prescribed
89- the festival commermorates an incident which . . . . . in 1875
a) was happening b) has happened c) could happen d) happened
90- the hotel wanted . . . . . . . .anew receptionist
a) hiring b) hired b) to hire d) hire
91- they tried to find anew employee . . . . .advertising in the paper
a) for b ) by c) to d) with
92- She was very good at her job and got . . . . .quickly
a) promotion b) production c) protection d) provision
93- when he left school , he . . . . . . to join the army
a) contracted b) applied c) connected d) requested
94- I hope you will get in . . . . . . .after you go back to your country
a) feeling b) touch c) write d) concert
95- Students who come to this university must expect , . . . . . . .hard
a) work b) working c) worked d) to work
96- She is very . . . . . ., she wants to run the company one day
a) aubiguous b) ambitious c) amphibious d) ambivalent
يا ريت المعلمين يشوفوا اجاباتى صح و لا خطأ

آخر تعديل بواسطة Dr. akram ، 09-06-2008 الساعة 10:10 AM

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