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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 26-04-2010, 11:11 PM
sameh65 sameh65 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
المشاركات: 183
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
sameh65 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي unit 1 First Year Prep by Mr AdelTaha

ago العمر
first nameالاسم الاول
born in ولد فى
last name الاسم الاخير
language لغة
Japan اليابان
pen friend صديق بالمراسلة
Japanese يابانى
spelling الهجاء
Turkey تركيا
country دولة
Turkish تركى
science علوم
difficult صعب
maths رياضيات
holiday اجازة
religion دين
break استراحة
Arabic عربى
lesson حصة /درس
kick يركل
timetable جدول حصص
draw يرسم
history تاريخ
a letter خطاب
think يعتقد

push يدفع
am - is
يحصل على

Study the following
First name الاسم الاول
Last name اسم العائلة – اللقب
E My name is Soha Ahmed
EMy first name is Soha.
EMy last name is Ahmed.

Was born وُلد
Were born وُلدو
EI was born in Minia.
EHe was born in Cairo.
EThey were born in 1995.

Is from من – يأتى من
ã Where is Ali from?
EAli is from Egypt.
ã What language does he speak?
EHe speaks Arabic.
ã How long has he got school?
EHe has got school from Saturday to Thursday.
ã What subjects has he got on Monday?
E He has got English, religion and Arabic.

EYoko is from Japan.
EShe speaks Japanese.
E She has got school from Monday to Friday.

ETurgut is from Turkey.
EHe speaks Turkish.
E He has got school from Monday to Friday.
EEmma is from England.
EShe speaks English.
E She has got school from Monday to Friday.

F What was the name of your teacher last year?
It was Mr Samir
F What is the name of your teacher this year?
It is Mr Sameh.

How old كم العمر
E How old are you?
I am twelve years old.

Finish the following dialogue with these words:
Nada …………is your first name?
Omnia My first name is Omnia
Nada What is ………..last name?
Omnia It is Zaki.
Nada Where …….. you born?
Omnia I was born ……..Minia.
Nada How old ………you?
Omnia I am twelve years old.
Nada What was the name of your teacher ….year?
Omnia It …….. Mr Ali.
Nada What is the name … your teacher this year?
Omnia It is Mr Kamel.


Write about yourself:
My first name ………………………….
My last name …………………………..
I am from ………………………………
I speak …………………………………
I was born ……………………………..
The name of my teacher this year ……………….
I have got school ………………………

Verb to be (يكون)
Present المضارع
I am ( I'm ) أنا أكون
He is ( he's ) هو يكون She is ( she's ) هى تكون
It is ( it's ) هو أو هى لغير العاقل يكون

We are ( we're ) نحن نكون They are ( they're ) هم يكونو
You are ( you're ) أنت أو انتم تكونو
I am
He – she – it – اسم مفرد is
We – they – you – اسم جمع are

I am a pupil. we are friends.
he is clever. they are teachers.
Verb to be فى الماضى (كان)
I – he – she – it – اسم مفرد was
We – they – you – اسم جمع were

óI was at school yesterday.
óShe was at a party yesterday.
óAhmed and Hisham were at a football match.
Question حالة السؤال
óHe is a boy Is he a boy?

óShe is a nurse. Is she a nurse?
óThey are happy. Are they happy?
óHe was at school. Was he at school?
ó عند تحويل جملة بها (verb to be ) الى سؤال نقدم الفعل على الفاعل.
óI am a teacher. Are you a teacher?
(I ) تحول الى (you ) فى السؤال وبالتالى تتحول (am ) الى (are )
Negative النفى
óHe is Ali. He is not (isn't) Ali.
óThey are friends. They are not (aren't) friends.
فى حالة النفى نضع (not ) بعد (verb to be )
Read and correct the underlined words:
1- I is a pupil. 2- He am a teacher.
3- They was at school. 4- We am happy.
5- We are in Cairo last week. 6- She is a doctor? 7- They not are playing.

السؤال عن الوقت
óExcuse me. Could you tell me the time please?
هل يمكن ان تخبرنى بالوقت من فضلك؟
óWhat's the time, please? ما الوفت من فضلك؟
It's half past ten الساعة العاشرة والنصف
It's quarter to eleven الساعة الحادية عشر الا ربع
Telling the time الاخبار بالوفت
هناك طريقتان للاخبار بالوقت
1- الطريقة التقليدية ونستخدم معها الكلمات الاتية:-
past و to إلا half past ونصف quarter past وربع quarter to إلا ربع
F It's seven o'clock. F It's half past seven.
F It's quarter past seven. F It's quarter to seven.
F It's ten past five. F It's twenty to six.

ملحوظة / في هذه الطريقة نذكر فيها الدقائق ثم الساعة
2- الطريقة الرقمية ونقرأ فيها الساعة ثم الدقائق( فتقرأ الأرقام كما هي من اليسار إلى اليمين):-
F It's six o'clock. F It's six fifteen.
F It's six thirty. F It's six forty-five.
لاحظ / 1- نستخدم كلمة ( O'clock ) بعد الساعة إذا كانت رقم صحيح
F It's four o'clock. F It's quarter to seven.
2- نستخدم ( It's ) قبل الساعة عند الاخبار بالوقت.
F It's four fifteen.
3- نستخدم ( at ) قبل الساعة عند الاخبار بعمل شيئ في وقت معين.
F I get up at half past six.
Prepositions حروف جر

in قبل السنين والشهور والبلاد
on قبل ايام الاسبوع والتاريخ الذى يبدأ بيوم
at قبل الساعات
óHe was born in 1995. óShe will come in April.
óMy uncle lives in Cairo.
óWe don't go to school on Friday.
óThey will start school on 19th September.
óI go to school at 7 O'clock.
Present Continuous Tense
زمن المضارع المستمر
Form التكوين

is + verb + ing

I am writing. He is writing.
They are writing.
Use الاستخدام

يعبر المضارع المستمر عن فعل مازال مستمرا حتى الان
He is reading now. هو يقرأ الان ومازال مستمرا حتى الان
Words الكلمات الدالة

Now الان look أنظر listen أستمع still مازال
At present فى الحاضر at the moment فى هذة اللحظة

write يكتب writing
ride يركب riding
لافعال المنتهية بحرف ( e ) تحذف عند اضافة ( ing )
stop يتوقف stopping
cut يقطع cutting
الافعال المنتهية بساكن قبلة متحرك نضاعف الساكن الاخيرعند اضافة (ing)
Question حالة السؤال
He is running to school.
Is he running to school?
They are cleaning the house.
Are they cleaning the house?
فى حالة السؤال نقدم الفعل المساعد ( am-is-are ) على الفاعل
Negative حالة النفى
She is reading English.
She is not ( isn't ) reading English.
We are drawing a picture.
We are not drawing a picture.
فى حالة النفى نضع (not ) بعد الفعل المساعد (am-is-are )
Abbreviations إختصارات

am ('m ) is ( 's )
are ( 're ) not ( n't )
السؤال عن ما يفعلة الاخرون
óWhat is he doing? ماذا يفعل؟
He is clapping his hands هو يصفق
óWhat are they doing? ماذا يفعلون؟

They are writing. هم يكتبون
have got – has got لدية/عنده/يملك

I-we-they-you-الاسم الجمع have got
He-she-it-الاسم المفرد has got
óI have got to school from Saturday to Thursday.
óMy father has got a big car.
óWe have got a nice house.
Read and answer:
Timetable Ali Ahmed



óWhat lesson has Ali got at nine on Saturday?
óWhat lesson has Ali got after break on Saturday?
óWhat time has Ali got science on Saturday?
óWhat time has Ali got English on Saturday?

Greetings التحية
* Good morning صباح الخير نقول فى الصباح
* Good afternoon نقول بعد الظهر نهارك سعيد
* Good evening مساء الخير فى المساء نقول
* Good night تصبح على خير عند النوم نقول
* Hello اهلا – مرحباً التحية بين الاصدقاء نقول عند

ملحوظة/ الرد على العبارات السابقة يكون بنفس العبارة.
Finish the dialogue with words from the list:-
(come – speak – from – why – when)
Sami: Where do you come from?
Bill: I…………….from England.
Sami: Do you ……….Arabic?
Bill: No, I don't.
Sami: ………… is your holiday?
Bill: My holiday is on Saturday and Sunday.

Write questions using the words in brackets:-

1- He is playing football. (What)
2- Yes, I can speak English. (Can)
3- The classroom is upstairs. (Where)

Choose the correct answer:
1- He (haven't / hasn't / have) got a pen to write.
2- What subjects (have / has / haven't)she got on Monday.
3- In England pupils (have / haven't / hasn't)got school on Friday.
4- Egypt is my (town / city / country)
5- I could not answer this question because it was (easy / difficult / different)
6- He is from Turkey, so he speaks (Arabic /English / Turkish)
7-I sent a letter to my (pen / pin / pot )friend.
8- Saturday comes after (Sunday / Tuesday / Friday)
9- We like to read our English (magazine / box / bottle)

10- We don't go to school (on / in / at)Friday
Read and Match
1- We have got school
2- He sent a letter to
3- Where is he from
4- I have got science
5-How many lessons
a- after break.
b- on seven days.
c- have you got on Monday?
d- on six days.
e- He is from India.
f- his pen friend.

أكتب الاوقات التالية مرة بالطريقة التقليدية ومرة بالطريقة الرقمية:-

6 : 45


8 : 5


10 : 30



قديم 03-09-2010, 09:58 PM
الصورة الرمزية عبدة قورة
عبدة قورة عبدة قورة غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2010
المشاركات: 8,638
معدل تقييم المستوى: 23
عبدة قورة is on a distinguished road


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