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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > القسم الإداري > أرشيف المنتدى

أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 03-01-2009, 09:36 PM
الصورة الرمزية نبيل موريس جورج
نبيل موريس جورج نبيل موريس جورج غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 1,078
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
نبيل موريس جورج is on a distinguished road
New to the point ليلة الامتحان

مراجعة ليلة الامتحان
T0 The Point

. Finish the following dialogue: (4 Marks)
Amira : What's your memory like?
Ethar : .....................(1).......................... ........
Amira : Are you good at remembering numbers?
Ethar :....................(2).......................... ......
Amira : Can you remember people's names easily?
Ethar :...................(3)..............:............ ....
Amira : Are you any good at maths?
Ethar :.....................(4)......................... .....
************************************************** ******
Dina : I feel really tired. What do you suggest?
Delan: ..................(1)..................
Dina :If I do that, I wake up too early,
Delan: ...................(2)................
Dina : I've tried that and I can't. Once I'm awake, I can't sleep again.
Delan :...................(3)................
Dina : But I always do my homework when I get back from school.
Delan: ...................(4)................
Dina : OK, I'll try your suggestion.
************************************************** ******
Anwar and Ibrahim meet for the first time on a train. They introduce themselves to each other
Ibrahim: Hi, I'm Ibrahim. I'm from Cairo. ……………….?
Anwar: Anwar, and I'm from Alexandria.
Ibrahim: ……………………………………..?
Anwar: I'm nearly nineteen.
Ibrahim: .................................................. .............................?
Anwar: I'm a student at the university.
Ibrahim: …………………………………………?
Anwar: I'd like to be a teacher.
************************************************** ******
Riham is telling his teacher about one of his close friends.
Teacher: Hello, Riham. Do you have any close friends?
Riham: …………………………........................
Teacher: How long have you known him?
Riham: …………...........................................
Teacher: I see. What do you do together?
Riham: ………………………….........................
Teacher: .................................................. ......?
Riham: No, I'm good at maths. He's good at science.
************************************************** ******
Hani and Tamer are talking about public transport.
Rania: I have a long bus ride every morning to my work.
Aya : .................................................. .......................................
Rania: I don't have the money for a car and I don't want to drive.
Aya: Neither do I, and I think we have a duty to use public transport.
Rania: ……….. .......... If everyone used public transport, there would be less pollution.
Aya: Yes, and if everyone used public transport,..............................
Rania: Are there any disadvantages to public transport?
Aya: Yes, .................................................. ...........................

.Write what you would say in each of the following situations4 M)
1- You met a tourist at the pyramids, you asked him about his visit to Egypt.
2- Your brother played much and did badly in his English exam. You blame him.
3- A passerby wants to go to the train station. You give him directions.
4- You want to buy a new T-shirt. You ask the salesman for the price.
5- The sky has gone very dark. Someone asks you what you think about the weather .
6-You have just read The Old Man and the Sea. Someone asks your opinion about it.
7- You've planned to spend a month in Turkey.
8- Someone asks about your age on your next birthday.
9- Heba has been playing outside. She 's going to have lunch
10-You remind your teacher which side of the road to drive on while he's in London
11-Somebody is criticizing a friend's homework. You think the homework is quite good. 12-You have just told your friend something that is untrue. Now you feel ashamed
13- A friend of yours asks you what you know about Neil Armstrong.
14- Your friend asks for some advice on how to study.
15-You are invited to dinner at a big restaurant, but you refuse the invitation politely.
16-Your sister asks you what you think of Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist.
17-Your grandfather admires Abu-Heif. You want to know why.
18-Your sister wants to know what you are going to do at the weekend.
19-Your friend is ill and needs to see a doctor.
20-A friend raises chickens and wants to know how to prevent getting bird flu.

. Choose the correct answer from a.b.c or d5 Marks)
1. My brother.................... a lot of money from his job as a pilot.
a-pays b-earns c-costs d-gives
2. Before his shows start, the man...... himself to everyone who comes in.
a-says b-introduces c-names d-remembers
3. If I.................... a camera. I would take a photo of the family party.
a- had b- have c- has d- would have
4. If you ..................... very fast. you'll catch your train.
a-ran b-running c-runs d-run
5. My brother................... a goal in a school football match yesterday.
a-played b-scored c-won d-received
6. If I felt tired. I'd go to bed ................
a-early b-today c-later d-before
7. Someone who studies soil and rocks is called a.....................
a- biologist b- astronaut c- geologist d- pilot
8. Someone who writes for a newspaper is called a.....................
a- journalist b- novelist c- teacher d- biologist
9. Neil Armstrong.................... on the moon in 1968.
a-walk b-walks c-walked d-walking
10.While he …. as a journalist, Charles Dickens wrote magazine stories.
a- works b- working c- is working d- was working
11-My uncle lived in Australia............... three years.
a-since b-ago c-for d-during
12- I............... never travelled outside my country.
a- has b- have c- am d- was
13- A professional...............helped Abu-Heif to become a famous swimmer.
a- trainer b- train c- training d- trains
14-1 couldn't run any farther because I was completely...............
a- tired b- exhausting c- tiring d- exhausted
15- The Old Man and the Sea is shorter............... A Farewell to Arms.
a-than b-as c-that d-to
16- To many people, The Old Man and the Sea is Hemingway's...............novel.
a-good b-best c-better d-well
17- Some people think that Dickens is the....... important English novelist.
a-most b-more c-very d-much
18- Mr and Mrs Mohamed are...............and wife.
a- son b- father c- brother d- husband
19-Our............... fill with air when we breathe.
a-ears b-eyes c-lungs d-hands
20- It took the taxi two hours to reach the station because of the...............jam.
a- car b- traffic c- vehicle d- accident
21- If my watch ..............been right. I wouldn't have been late.
a- has b- had c- hasn't d- hadn't
22- You have an important test at school next week. You should...............revising now.
a-start b-starting c-started d-to start
23- My grandfather has promised............... smoking next week.
a-stop b-stopping c-stopped d-to stop
24- Can I ..............a suggestion? Why don't we go shopping tomorrow?
a-make b-get c-do d-play
25- Have you heard? There's a new...............of bird flu in China.
a- breakout b- infection\ c- outbreak d- disease
26- If we hadn't gone to Spain for our holiday, we............ have met Jorge and his family.
a-wouldn't b-didn't c-haven't d-can't
27- ...............is very important in a hospital.
a- Clean b- Cleanliness c- Cleaned d- Cleans
28-This is an easy question! The answer is...............
a- done b- made c- public d- obvious
29- My brother...............an infection while he was on holiday.
a- caught b- did c- found d- picked
30- If you eat too many sweets, you'll............... weight.
a- put b- put on c- put away d- put down
31- My sister is a new doctor. She has just......... from the Faculty of Medicine.
a -studied b- joined c -finished d- graduated
32 Omiama is ......... than Noha.
a- as clever b -cleverer c -the cleverest d -the more clever
33 –Mr .Nabil has worked in this school......... more than five years.
a- since b -in c -for d -at
34-If you want to learn a skill, you can become ...... and learn from your skilled employer.
a- a hero b -a trainer c an assistant d an apprentice
35 –Aya was ....... after she cleaned the house all day. She slept for 12 hours after that.
a- absolutely exhausted b -absolutely tired c- very exhausted d -not tired
36- Mr Smith lived in Egypt from 1997 until 2007, this means that...
a- he has lived in Egypt for 10 years, b -he has lived in Egypt since 10 years.
c- he lived in Egypt for 10 years, d- he lived in Egypt since 10 years.
37- Big cities are often crowded and have air......... .
a -environment b -condensation c- traffic d- pollution
38- In 1953, Abu-Heif was the first to cross the English Channel.He......... the record.
a -cut b -broke c-hit d -did
39- Athletes must work with a good ......... to perform well.
a- training b -train c- trainer d -trainee
40 -Today, car engines burn petrol more ......... than in the past.
a -successfully b- efficiently c- quickly d- carefully
41-The smallest parts of animals and plants are called ......... .
a hearts b cells c brains d pieces
42-You should avoid ......... friends with such bad people.
a to make b make c making d to making
43-When my pen friend ......... from Italy, I'll show him around Cairo.
a come b comes c is coming d came
44-They left for Rome after they ......... some business in London.
a do b had done c would do d were doing
45-An ......... is someone with special skills or knowledge of a subject.
a accountant b electrician c expert d academic
46-Thieves and other criminals are usually punished by being sent to ..........
a prison b a gang c a workhouse d a hospital
47- An important rule of personal ......... is to wash your hands before eating.
a sanitation b hygiene c infection d germs
48-If they ......... more careful, they wouldn't have had that bad accident.
a had been b has been c were d are
49-Ahmed hopes ......... a job next summer.
a finding b to find c finds d find
50-"Disease" means a/an ......... or serious medical condition.
a cure b suffering c illness d examination

. Rewrite using the word in brackets, to give the same meaning: (4 M)
1-Ethar never tells lies. (always )
2- Dina usually takes exercise in the morning. ( taking )
3-Nesreen won't leave until they come. (when )
4- When did Hanim finish her homework? (How long)
5-Buses and trains cause less pollution than cars,so governments prefer them.(because)
6- When I was young, I swam in the sea. (used)
7- Riham always goes to bed late. (never)
8- It is Aya's habit to get up early. (usually)
9- A microscope is used for examining very small things . (examine)
10-Taking exercise is part of my daily routine. (take)
11-My mother cleaned all the rooms. (were)
12-Do you like watching football? (interested in)
13- You look very ill. I advise you to see a doctor at once. (should)
14- Heba was in the habit of getting up late. (use to)
15- There isn't a longer river in the world than the Nile. (longest)
16- No one answered my question . (My question)
17- During Nihal's sleep, her money was stolen. (While)
18- 1 finished my homework and then I watched a DVD. (After)
19- My uncle owns a very famous bookshop. (owner)
20- After he had finished his work, he went for a walk. (finishing
21- They went out after it had stopped raining. (didn't)
22- Why don't we go for a swim?(He suggested)
23- I heard the news and I immediately telephoned Israa. (No sooner)
24- He went for a walk as soon as he had finished work. (until/till)
26- After he had finished his studies, he applied for the job. (having)
27- I've worked hard today, I'm very tired. (exhausted)
28- You aren't allowed to park here. (mustn't)
29-My alarm clock stopped, so I didn't wake up at 6 o'clock. (If)
30- Hard-working people will get more money. (Unless)
31- 1 don't want to miss my bus, so I won't get up late. (If )
32- Don't play with knives or you'll cut yourself. (if)
33- We intend to buy a new computer. (going to)
34- If I had enough money ,I'd buy this car (Should/Were / Had)
35-Taking this road,you can reach the post office easily. (If )
36- Dr Zewail got the Nobel prize for chemistry . (awarded )
37- Abu-Heif won the Egyptian swimming championship at the age of ten. (when
38-The internet enables us to get more information. (able)
39-He decided to marry her . (decision )
40-My friend sent me an-email last week (received )
41-Where are you from ? (do )
42- We've met before, but I can't remember your name. (although)
43-1 didn't want to meet him.(avoided)
44-He is a heavy smoker (smokes)
45- He has just bought a plane ticket to Aswan. (flying)
46- It has been a long time since he wrote to me. (for )
47- France lost to Italy in the final of the football competition . (beat)
48- Whose bag is this ? (belong /own)
49-let's play football . (what /why/shall)
50- Leila can't find her school bag. (lost)

. Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph4 M)
I'd like to tell you about my best friend Shehab.I’ve know him all my life. We used to play
together. When we was very young, we go to the same school and spending most of our free time together. If I have a problem of any kind, he always help me.

Pete is British but he left England when he was a young man. He lived in Australia since 1989. He and his wife, Christine, has two children. Their daughter has been at university since three years, so she will finish in one more year. Their son studying now to be a pilot.

Naguib Mahfouz was born in Cairo in 1911. He was youngest child in his family. He said he has a happy childhood. He was greatly interested with reading the works of great authors. His writings reveal the social conditions in Egypt who he lived and died.

.Read the text , then write the word which best fits each space (3 M)
Everyone knows Hossam Hassan. He is one of the best Egyptian football ... (a) .... of all time. He has scored more...(b)..... than any other Egyptian footballer. Hossam was.... (c)..........in Cairo in 1966. He started playing for AI-Ahly, but he has played for other famous....... (d)...........He has played in Switzerland and other ...(e)..... Hossam's brother also played over 100...... (f)........... for the Egyptian national team, but is now retired.

One day. there will be no oil left. Everyone ....(1)..... that, but more and more......(2)......... are travelling by plane. This is because.......(3)..... travel is cheaper than ever before. It is sometimes cheaper to ......(4).... to another country than to travel a hundred kilometres on a train. As well as using fuel, planes produce air ......(5)..... We can't stop air travel, but we should........ (6)........ carefully before we decide to fly.

If you need to make water safe to drink, this is what to do. Start by filling a kettle with ......(1)..... from the cold tap. Next. ........(2). the water in the kettle until it boils. It should boil for four .........(3)........ After that. leave the water to ....(4)....then put it into a jug. Put the jug in the ..........(5)... to get it really cold. Finally, you can .......(6)...... the water.

Nabawiya Musa is a famous Egyptian. She was the first Egyptian ............... to join secondary school. She played an ............... part in girls'education. She helped women to learn and ................ jobs. She wrote a famous ……. about girls' education in 1908. She also became the ...........of a girls' school in Cairo. She really loved Egypt very much and helped Egyptian girls ................in education and work.

Lili is a fifteen-year-old Chinese girl. She lives in the ................ city of China, Beijing. She is still at school, so she lives with her …….. in a flat in Beijing. Her first............ is Mandarin, which is the most .......... language in the world. She loves......... especially table tennis and basketball. She has never................ outside China, but she hopes to visit Europe one day.

Cleanliness is extremely important in protecting us from infections. ....................... (your own cleanliness) and ........................... (public cleanliness) are both important. .................... can pass from one child's hands to another if children do not wash hands often. That is why you should always wash your hands before a ...................and right after you come home. You should ................... more often in hot weather or if you have been exercising. Never leave pieces of food lying around because they ............ flies.

. Answer only four (4) (4 Marks)
1- Why did Oliver Twist run away to London?
2- Who did Oliver work with in London?
3- Do you think Fagin is a good or bad person? Give a reason.
4- How did Mr Brownlow help Oliver?
5- How do you think Oliver felt when he discovered that Monks was his half brother?
6 Do you think the rest of Oliver's life was happy or not? Give a reason.
7-What was the old man's job in The Old Man and the Sea?
8- Why couldn't the old man pull the fish to the boat?
9- Why couldn't the old man sell the fish he had caught?
10- Do you think it was a good idea for the old man to go fishing alone? Why?/Why not?
11-Why do you think Manolin was worried about the old man after he returned from the sea?
12-How do you think the old man and Manolin felt at the end of the story?
13-What does King Lear decide to do when he is old?
14-Why is Lear angry with Cordelia?
15-What does Lear find out about Goneril and Regan?
16-Do you think Lear should have asked his daughters to say how much they loved him?
17-What do you think Goneril and Regan really think of their father?
18-Why do you think Lear loses many of his friends?
19- Why did Oliver Twist grow up in a workhouse?
20-Mention two functions of the brain.
21-How did Ramy Ashour become famous at the age of 16?
22-Do you think we should be grateful to Dr Farouk EI-Baz? Give a reason for your answer.
23-Nabawiya Musa played an important part in education. Do you agree or disagree?
24-How do you think Oliver Twist felt when he learned that Rose was his mother's sister?
25-How will farmers be able to "grow fuel" in their fields?
26-Why are exhaust fumes so harmful?
27-How is Frederic Henry's life in A Farewell to Arms like Ernest Hemingway's life?
28-Do you think Egyptians should have honoured Abu-Heif more in his old age? How?
29-Santiago was foolish to go to sea alone.Do you agree or not?Give a reason for your answer.
30-What can you do in your life now to conserve energy?
31- What must you do if you come in contact with a bird infected with bird flu?
32- Why shouldn't you eat food that smells bad?
33- Why was King Lear angry with his daughter Cordelia?
34- "Cordelia should have left her father and not tried to save him."Do you agree?Why ?
35 -How do you think Lear feels when Cordelia tries to help him?
The Novel

1-From "I Never Forget a Face": Why did the writer give the stranger a ride in his car?
2-From "I Never Forget a Face": Why did the writer go to Bardfield police station?
3-From "An Artist's Story": Why did Augustus Pokewhistle take to bed?
4-From "I Never Forget a Face": What sort of memory did the writer have?
5-Why did Augustus Pokewhistle's parents encourage their son to draw
6-Who did Augustus Pokewhistle think the stranger who visited him was?
7-From "I Never Forget a Face": Why did the writer offer to give John a lift to his house?
Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
1-From "An Artist's Story": "I've come to take it away."
a-Who said this to whom?
b-Where was the speaker at that time?
c-What does "it" refer to here?
2-From"I Never Forget a Face"As soon as I got there I remembered who the man was."
a-Who is the man that the writer remembered?
b-What does "there" refer to?
c-What happened to the writer before he went to that place
. Write paragraph of seven (7) sentences about........:
1-"One of your good friends"
2-"A person you admire most"
3-"What people can do in your town to help the environment"
4-''What people should do to prevent illness''
5-''A person's fight against nature''

* Write a letter to your cousin: Your friend Israa has asked you for advice on how to study English vocabulary. Write your reply to her. Your name is Nesreen and you live at 55 Hussein Wassef Street, Dokki, Giza.

. A-Translate into Arabic: (2 Marks)
1- True friendship doesn't know private interests.
2- A person's character is usually influenced by his friends.
3- Nurses Should be patient and kind-hearted to look after their patients.
4- A farewell to Arms is Hemingway's most successful novel.
5-Some people are against using buses and trains because they are uncomfortable and overcrowded.
6- Visitors from all over the world come to see buildings from the time of the ancient Egyptians, especially the Pyramids.
7-Ramy Ashour is a famous Egyptian squash player.
8- Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on the moon.
9-Ibrahim thinks the human brain is incredible.
10-Amal couldn't travel to London because she was ill.
11- Have you ever visited Aswan?
12 -Do you brush your teeth after every meal?
13-The brain stores past memories that help us make use in the present.
14-Remote sensing helps us to provide water supplies needed to reclaim vast desert areas.
15-Some people have a strong photographic memory; they can remember exactly what they have seen.
. A-Translate into English: (2 Marks)
1- لابد وان تتوافر صفات مشتركة بين الاصدقاء
2- تفخر مصر دائما بالشخصيات الرياضية البارزة امثال عبد اللطيف ابو هيف
3- لقد طور العلماء نوع جديد من السيارات والتي تعمل بالكهرباء
4-يعانى الناس فى المدن الكبيرة من تلوث الماء والهواء
5-يمتلك الأنسان خمس حواس هى البصر والسمع واللمس والشم والتذوق
6-لا يستطيع الأنسان ان يعيش بدون أصدقاء
7-التصميم والولاء لبلده والأعتزاز بالوطن جعلت من ابو هيف رجلا عظيما
8- يجب على المجتمع أن يوفر لليتامى تعليم ورعاية صحية أفضل
9-نادى القرن هو لقب النادى الأهلى المصرى
10-فاز أبو هيف بجائزة افضل سباح فى القرن العشرين
مع اطيب امنياتي القلبية للجميع بالتفوق
نبـــــــيـــــــــــــــل مـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــوريـــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــس
دراسات عليا في طرق تدريس اللغة الانجليزية

آخر تعديل بواسطة نبيل موريس جورج ، 03-01-2009 الساعة 10:00 PM
قديم 03-01-2009, 09:41 PM
الصورة الرمزية احمد بكير
احمد بكير احمد بكير غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
العمر: 51
المشاركات: 222
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
احمد بكير is on a distinguished road

فين الرابط يا مستر نبيل ؟؟؟؟
انت نسيت
على العموم كل سنة وانت طيب
[IMG]<a href="http://www.4shared.com/file/213246995/340bbecb/w6wb2p.html" target=_blank><img src="http://dc148.4shared.com/img/213246995/340bbecb/w6wb2p.gif?rnd=0.06176186953466478" border="0"></a>[/IMG]

ربنا عليك توكلنا واليك انبنا واليك المصير
قديم 03-01-2009, 10:02 PM
الصورة الرمزية نبيل موريس جورج
نبيل موريس جورج نبيل موريس جورج غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 1,078
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
نبيل موريس جورج is on a distinguished road

وانت طيب يا عم احمد واسف سأحاول رفع الملف كامل ورد وده رابط

آخر تعديل بواسطة نبيل موريس جورج ، 03-01-2009 الساعة 10:19 PM
قديم 03-01-2009, 10:20 PM
الصورة الرمزية Mr naser
Mr naser Mr naser غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 276
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
Mr naser is on a distinguished road

شـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــكرا
لا احد كبير علي العلم فكلنا طلاب علم
أ / عبدالناصر عطية مصطفي
مدرس اول لغة انجليزية
مدرسة التل الكبير الثانوية بنات

آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr naser ، 03-01-2009 الساعة 10:23 PM
قديم 03-01-2009, 10:22 PM
الصورة الرمزية جواد عوض
جواد عوض جواد عوض غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 3,415
معدل تقييم المستوى: 20
جواد عوض is on a distinguished road

جزاك الله خيرا
لاإله إلا الله
محمد رسول الله
قديم 03-01-2009, 10:37 PM
الصورة الرمزية نبيل موريس جورج
نبيل موريس جورج نبيل موريس جورج غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 1,078
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
نبيل موريس جورج is on a distinguished road

لا شكر علي واجب يا عم عبد الناصر
بس اوعي تفكر علشان الملف وصل بسرعة يبقي الامتحان بكرة الامتحان بكرة هههههههههههههههههه

انا طبعا بهزر اصلي مبسوط بفوز الاهلي
قديم 03-01-2009, 10:43 PM
الصورة الرمزية Mr.Ahmed Fadel
Mr.Ahmed Fadel Mr.Ahmed Fadel غير متواجد حالياً
نجم العطاء
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2005
المشاركات: 11,171
معدل تقييم المستوى: 31
Mr.Ahmed Fadel is just really nice

شغل هايل
موضوع حصرتك انضاف الى موضوع المراجعه النهائية المثبت
ومبروك لينا قصدى على الاهلى
سبحان الله وبحمده ... سبحان الله العظيم
عدد خلقه ... وزنه عرشه ... ومداد كلماته ... وسعة رحمته

آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr.Ahmed Fadel ، 03-01-2009 الساعة 10:58 PM
قديم 03-01-2009, 10:51 PM
المترجم المترجم غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 4
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
المترجم is on a distinguished road

مراجعه اكثر من رائعه. الله ينور يا مستر
قديم 03-01-2009, 11:55 PM
الصورة الرمزية Mr naser
Mr naser Mr naser غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 276
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
Mr naser is on a distinguished road

بروح رياضية بقول مبروك للاهلي و كل سنة وانت طيب ياراجل يا طيب
لا احد كبير علي العلم فكلنا طلاب علم
أ / عبدالناصر عطية مصطفي
مدرس اول لغة انجليزية
مدرسة التل الكبير الثانوية بنات
قديم 04-01-2009, 03:48 PM
الصورة الرمزية نبيل موريس جورج
نبيل موريس جورج نبيل موريس جورج غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 1,078
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
نبيل موريس جورج is on a distinguished road

وحضرتك طيب ويسعدني التواصل مع حضرتك باعم تاصر
قديم 04-01-2009, 08:27 PM
الصورة الرمزية احمد بكير
احمد بكير احمد بكير غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
العمر: 51
المشاركات: 222
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
احمد بكير is on a distinguished road

شغل جميل جداااااااا و مجهود وافر مشكور عليه
مبرووووووووووووووووك للاااااااااااااااااااااااااهلى
[IMG]<a href="http://www.4shared.com/file/213246995/340bbecb/w6wb2p.html" target=_blank><img src="http://dc148.4shared.com/img/213246995/340bbecb/w6wb2p.gif?rnd=0.06176186953466478" border="0"></a>[/IMG]

ربنا عليك توكلنا واليك انبنا واليك المصير
قديم 04-01-2009, 09:10 PM
الصورة الرمزية مستر/ عصام الجاويش
مستر/ عصام الجاويش مستر/ عصام الجاويش غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
العمر: 57
المشاركات: 5,854
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21
مستر/ عصام الجاويش is on a distinguished road

مبروك ياعم لكل الاهلاويه نحرير القدس وهزيمه العدو ياجماعه فرحانين ازاى واخوانا بيتقطعوا فى غزه؟

وايه اللى يفرح لما فريق كوره يكسب؟ هناخد منهم ايه؟ ولا حاجه ممكن تلاقى لاعب كره بصمجى مش بيعمل حاجه فى الحياه

غير انه بيلعب يعنى مش بيشتغل وهو المشهور وهو النجم وهو المثل الاعلى ليه ده كله؟ فعلا دى من علامات الساعه

ان يصبح زعيم القوم ارزلهم
مستر/ عصام الجاويش
معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه بمدرسه التل الكبير الثانويه بنات بمحافظه الاسماعيليه
قديم 04-01-2009, 09:44 PM
الصورة الرمزية مستر/ عصام الجاويش
مستر/ عصام الجاويش مستر/ عصام الجاويش غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
العمر: 57
المشاركات: 5,854
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21
مستر/ عصام الجاويش is on a distinguished road

كلمه حق مراجعه جميله
مستر/ عصام الجاويش
معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه بمدرسه التل الكبير الثانويه بنات بمحافظه الاسماعيليه
قديم 04-01-2009, 09:59 PM
الصورة الرمزية مستر وليد السيد
مستر وليد السيد مستر وليد السيد غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2007
المشاركات: 1,309
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
مستر وليد السيد is on a distinguished road

حقيقى مراجعة رائعة . سلمت يداك أخى الفاضل .
قديم 04-01-2009, 11:46 PM
الصورة الرمزية دكتور محمود فتحي
دكتور محمود فتحي دكتور محمود فتحي غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 1,413
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
دكتور محمود فتحي is on a distinguished road

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