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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > التعليم الثانوى الفنى > الثانوى التجارى

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 14-04-2011, 09:07 AM
محمود الفرت محمود الفرت غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
المشاركات: 20
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
محمود الفرت is on a distinguished road
افتراضي نماذج امتحانات الدبلوم فى اللغة الانجلزية عام 2011 الصف الثالث التجارى 2011

مقدمة من البرنس محمود الفرت وشكراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااا
Technical Secondary Schools of Commerce Diploma Exam .& Technical Secondary Schools of Administration and Services Diploma Exam.
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/ADMINI%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG]نموزج (1) ( 3-year course ) First Session.


A- Language Functions
1- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue .Mr. Ali is talking to a secretary in a shop.(6M)
Mr. Ali : Hello, is that Abu Hend shop?
Secretary : Yes, it is . who is speaking ?
Mr. Ali :I’m Ali Ebrahim , the sales Manager of Ebrahim’s Brothers.
Secretary : Can I help you ?
Mr. Ali : Yes, …………(1)……………………………
Secretary: I’m afraid Mr .Zakaria’s in a meeting now , Can I take a message?
Mr. Ali : No, I’d like to ……………(2)……………….
Secretary: ……………….(3)…………………………
Mr. Ali : Yes, very urgent .the watches are ordered haven’t arrived yet.
Secretary: I’ll ask Mr.Zakaria to ring you back.
2- What would you say in the following situations?(3M)
1- Your Company wants to exports oranges to Australia offer to find out the freight costs.
2- A Customer is in insurance company and needs some advice about house insurance offer to help him.
3- You are in another’s person’s office . Ask for permission to use the phone .
B.Vocabulary and Structure
3- choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d 4 M)
1. we can't export this military software , because there is a government ……….
c) export ban d)export subsidy a) export license b) export surplus
2. If you have money in the bank your account is ……..
a) in debit b) in credit c) in balance d) over drawn
3. The lawyer gives legal ……… to his clients .
a) Dispute b) Action c) Advice d) Contract
4. Be careful! Mango juice………. Clothes
a) Stains b) tears c) crushes d) damages.
5. If the picture had been for sale, ……… bought it ?
a) Would you have b) Can you have c) May you have d) Had you
6. Some light goods ………. More cheaply by air than by sea
a) Transport b) are transported c) transported d) transport
7. He ………the office yet.
a) doesn’t leave b) don't leave c) hasn't left d) wouldn't leave
8--.A port is a town or part of a town ……… ships come and go.
a) Where b) when c) how d) who
(2) 4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word (s) in brackets, to give the sameبقية الأسئلة فى ظهر الورقةmeaning 4 M )
1- " I'll pay the bill on Tuesday ", he said ( He said that……….)
2- You sent to me an invoice . It is incorrect (The ……in correct )
3- They don’t grow cotton in Britain (cotton)
4- He didn't receive payment, so he took legal action . If he…….)
C – Reading comprehension
5 – Read the following, then answer the questions below: ( 8M )
When you travel by train or plane, you need a ticket that shows where you are going. The ticket is also a receipt which shows that you have paid. Goods that are sent by road , rail, sea or air need a ticket too. The ticket for goods has different names, depending on the kind of transport . Goods that are sent by road or rail need a consignment note.
A consignment note for goods sent by air consignment note. The document for goods sent by sea is called a bill of lading. If more than one method of transport is used, a combined transport document is needed .These documents contain more information than ordinary tickets. For example, they contain details of the dimensions and weight of the consignment. They also have a number, which is very useful. If the freight company has a good web site, the customer can key in this number on his computer and find out where the consignment is and how soon it will arrive.
Answer the following questions:
1- Which two documents are the same?
2- What are the four kinds of transport documents for goods?
Choose the correct answer
3- A ticket shows ………
a) the amount paid and the finishing point. b) the starting time.
c) the starting point d) the length of the journey.
4- If you send goods by…….. you need a combined transport document.
a) sea b) rail c) road and sea d) air or sea
5- Transport documents have number so that ……… can check a consignment of the freight company 's web site.
a) competitors b)students c) only company staff d) the company and its customers
6- transport documents ……… include information on the size and weight of the consignment.
a) may not b) always c) sometimes d)can
D- writing (6M)
6- Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences on: "hotels" Use the following guiding words:
travel – leave – home – stay – hotels / get – lodging – food / book – room – in advance/ expect- be offered – good services / hotels – expensive.
7– Writing a memo: (6m)
You are Ahmed Salem the manager at boss – write a memo to Susan Hamed the secretary to book him a return ticket to Alex. and get a seat reservation on a train leaving between 4 and 6 p.m. on Friday 6th
E – Terminology
8- Fill in the spaces with words from the list: ( 4 m )
destination – in advance – freight – vessel – in transit (3).
1- A bill of lading should contain the ………. payable at.
2- The goods were damaged while they were ………
3- The containers are taken to their ……… on lorries.
4- Tramps and bulk carries are different kinds of……….

F – Translation
9 –A- Translate into Arabic3 m)
1- In our hotel, there is a gymnasium where people come to play sports.
2- Banks can lend money to a businessman to start new projects.
b- Translate into English : ( 2 M)
التأمين الشامل يغطى أشياء كثيره مثل الحريق و السرقة.
(12.M) A – language functions
1- Dialogue (6.M)
1. Yes , can I speak to Mr . zakria, please?
2. talk to Mr. . zakria himself.
3. Is it urgent?
2 – situations (6.M)
1. would you like to find out the freight costs ?
2. can I help you ?
3. can I use the phone?
B – vocabulary and structure (8.M)
3 – choice
1. c- export ban. 5. a- would you have.
2. b- in credit. 6. b- are transported.
3. b- action. 7. c- hasn't left.
4. a- stains. 8. a- where.
4 – Rewrite (4.M)
1. He said that he would pay the bill on Tuesday.
2. Tthe invoice that you sent me is incorrect.
3. Cotton isn't grown in Britain.
4. If he had received payment, he wouldn't have taken legal action.
C – Reading comprehension (12.M)
5 – 1. An airway bill and a bill of lading are the same documents.
2. The four kinds of transport documents for goods are by road , rail , sea or air.
3. a . the amount paid and the finishing point.
4. d . air or sea .
5 .a . the company and its customers.
6 . b . always.
D – writing (9.M)
6 – paragraph (4.M)
Tourists who travel to other countries or leave home can stay in hotels . They can get lodging and food . In fact , they can book rooms in a hotel in advance . those tourists expect good service that is offered .At last, they can find hotels that are expensive or cheap . Really hotels are nice places.
7 – writing a memo(5.M)
To : Susan Hamed From : Ahmed Salem
Re : To book Ahmed Salem a return ticket to Alex . and get a seat reservations on a train leaving between 4 and 6 pm on
Date :Friday 6th
E – Terminology (4.M)
8 – Fill in the spaces
1 . freight
2 . in transit
3 . destination
4 . vessel
F – Translation (5.M)
9 – a Translate into Arabic(3.M)
1 - يوجد فى فندقنا جيمانيزيم حيث يأتى الناس لكى يلعبون رياضة .
2 - يمكن أن يقرض البنك نقود لرجال الأعمال ليبدأوا مشروعات جديدة .
B – Translate into English :
Comprehensive insurance covers a lot of things such as fire and theft.
(Total :50.M)
Best Wishes
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Technical Secondary Schools of Commerce Diploma Exam.& Technical Secondary Schools of Administration and Services Diploma Exam.
(3-year course) First Session,2011

A- Language Functions
1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Hany and Booking clerk:
Hany : Good morning . I want to book a ticket to Luxor, please.
Booking clerk : ………………….(1)…………………. ?
Hany : Second class, please .
Booking clerk : ………………….(2)…………………. ?
Hany : Next Friday in the morning .
Booking clerk : Well, there is a train leaving at 7.30 a.m .
Hany : That’s all right . How much is it ?
Booking clerk : ………………….(3)…………………. .
Hany : Here you are . Thank you .
2) Write what you would say in each situation :
1- You want to welcome the new staff in the office .
2- Encourage your friend to take English test .
3- Instruct your sister to write the date in letters .
B- Vocabulary and Structure
3) Match a part from ( A ) with a part from ( B ) :
1- Order form is
2- To get compensation, fill in
3- Invisible export means
4- Premium is
a) you can’t see it .
b) payment for insurance .
c) claim form .
d) sales document .
4) Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- " I can visit my uncle on Friday, " he said ( He said that ……………. . )
2- We don’t owe him any money . ( …………….…..... to him . )
3- You sent me an invoice . It is incorrect . ( The invoice ……..……… . )
4- We grow rice in Egypt . ( Rice ……………..……… .)
C-Reading Comprehension
5- Read the following then answer the questions below :
Mr. Mohamed Naguib who works as a business man decided to spend his last summer holiday in Rome . He wanted to travel by plane. First, he went to the travel agency in order to book a ticket . The flight was at 7.00 a.m the following Friday. He wake up early and took a taxi to Cairo Airport . He arrived at the airport an hour before the time of departure . The plane
took off, on time . Mr. Mohamed was afraid as it was the first time for him to travel by air,
however soon the air-hostess came and offered breakfast and tea to the passengers .
Mr. Mohamed forgot all about his fear and enjoyed the beautiful views from
his window seat . Two hours after taking off, the plane landed safely. Mr. Mohamed was very
happy and decided to travel all his long trips by air .
A- Choose the correct answer a.b,c or d :
1- Mr Mohamed arrived at the airport …………………
a) just before the plane took off b) at 7.00 a.m
c) at 6.00 a.m d) at 7.00 p.m
2- Mr. Mohamed traveled to Rome ……………..
a) for pleasure b) on business
c) to do some shopping d) to meet some friends there
3- To ………….. , Mr.Mohamed went to the travel agency
a) book a room b) get some information
c) by a cheque d) book a ticket
4- When the plane landed, Mr.Mohamed was ………………..
a) afraid b) sad c) happy d) angry
B-Answer the questions :
1- What time did the plane arrive at Rome Airport ?
2- How did Mr.Mohamed feel when the plane took off ?
D Writing
6) Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences on " Insurance " :
You may use these guide words :
Insurance – provide- insurance companies / customers – premiums – receive – insurance –
certificates / If – customers – property – damage – send – claim form – insurance company /
repairs – pay – insurance – company / Insurance – begin – 17th century – London / ship-
owners – arranged insurance – underwrites - Lloyd’s coffee-house /
7) You are Salwa Reda; the office manager of "New Nile company ". Write a MEMO to Nadi
Sabry , the financial Director. Tell him that you have received offers of selling 15 chairs to
your company from several companies . You find the offer of Zohdi Furniture CO. is the best .
Their prices are suitable and the furniture is good .
8) Fill in the spaces with words from the list :
reminder – departure – components – obey – invoice
1- He didn't pay the invoice , so the company sent him a ........ .
2- The computers are made here from ........ that are made in Korea.
3- The .............. time for flight no 525 is at 10 :15 .
4- Everyone should ............... the rules .
9) (A) Translate into Arabic :
1( Manufacturers make finished goods from raw materials such as wood and metal.
2( Most of the jobs in a warehouse involve manual work such as moving , packing , and loading goods.
( Translate into English :
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/ADMINI%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image005.gif[/IMG] تفرض الحكومة الضرائب علي البضائع المستوردة لحماية الصناعات المحلية .
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Model Answer 2011 نموذج الاجابة
1) The answer of the first question : ( 6 )
1- Would you like a first or a second class ?
2- When will you travel ?
3- Fifty pounds .

2) The answer of the 2nd question : (3)
1- Welcome .
2- It’s good to take an English test .
3- You should write the date in letters .

3) The answer of the 3rd question : (4)
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/ADMINI%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image008.gif[/IMG]1- d
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/ADMINI%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image009.gif[/IMG]2- c
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/ADMINI%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image010.gif[/IMG]3- a
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/ADMINI%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image008.gif[/IMG]4- b

4) The answer of the 4th question : (4)
1- He Said that he could visit his uncle on Friday.
2- We don’t owe any money to him .
3- The invoice which you sent me is incorrect .
4- Rice is grown in Egypt .

5) The answer of the 5th question : (12)
1- at 6 : 00 A.M .
2- for pleasure .
3- book a ticket .
4- happy .
5- At 9 : 00 A.M .
6- He was afraid .
6) The answer of the 6th question : (6)
Any six correct sentences related to the topic .

7) The answer of the 7th question : (6)
From : Salwa Reda To : Nadi Sabri
RE : Offers of selling Date : 30/11/2010

Please, I have received offers of selling 15 chairs to my company from several companies . I find the offer of Zohdi Furniture CO. is the best .Their prices are suitable and the furniture is good .
Thank you

8) The answer of the 8th question : (4)
1- Reminder . 2- Components . 3- Departure . 4- Obey .

9) The answer of the 9th question : (5)
1- يقوم المصنعون بإعداد البضاعة الجاهزة من المواد الخام مثل الخشب والمعدن .
2- أن معظم أعمال المخازن يدوية مثل نقل وتعبئة وتحميل البضائع .
Government imposes taxes on imported goods to protect the local
industries .
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النموذج الثالث
ARAB REPUPLIC OF EGYPT[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/ADMINI%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image013.jpg[/IMG]
Technical Secondary Schools of Commerce Diploma Exam. & Technical Secondary Schools of Administration and Services Diploma Exam.
(3-year course ) First Session , 2011
Time : 3 HoursForeign First Language )English (
لغة انجليزية اولى دبلوم تجارى عام و و ادارة و خدمات الدور الاول 2011
ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
A)Language Function
1)Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Between Mona and a saleswoman in clothes shop: (6m)
Saleswoman : Can I help you, Mrs.?
Mona : Yes , please .................(1).........................
Saleswoman : A complaint ? What about?
Mona : About the dress I bought two days ago .
Saleswoman : ………..........................(2).................. .........
Mona : The dress is small .
Saleswoman : But you tried it on before you took it home .
Mona : I know but when I went home I discovered this .
Saleswoman : ………..........................(3).................. .........
Mona : Yes I have got. Here it is .
2)What would you say in the following situations ? (3m)
1)You want to know the price of a TV .
2)You are in another person’s office . Ask for a permission to use the phone.
3)You don’t know how to use the new photocopier in the office . Ask for help .
Vocabulary Structure(8m)
3)Choose the correct answer: ( 4 m )
1- If your account is ………....... you must pay interest.
a) in credit b) overdrawn c) secret d) bad
2- Please , complete the ................ form so that we may consider you for the job.
a) place b) enquire c) bargain d) application
3- May I ……. your attention to the fact that invoice No. 500 is still unpaid.
a) supply b) draw c) recommend d) deal
4- A port is a town or part of town .................... ships come and go.
a) where b) when c) how d) who
5- I want to buy a new car. So, I’ll ask the bank for a ……………….. loan .
a) receipt b) transactions c) reminder d) personal
6- The criminal would not have escaped if we ..................more police officers.
a) would have had b) had c) have had d) had had
7- Interest is what you .................... if you borrow money .
a) pay b) spend c) receive d) charge
8- Computacom.................... supplied the software, can sort our the problem.
a) they b) after they c) that d) who
(4m)4)Rewrite the following sentences using the words in the brackets:
1- I visited Luxor and Aswan last year . (Luxor and Aswan.....)
2- I advise you to help your friend. ( if )
3- Most ships go on scheduled routes but tramps go anywhere.(on the other hand )
4- Would you like some fruit or some cake ? (…..to eat?)
C)Reading Comprehension
(8m) 5)Read the following passage and then answer the questions below:
The telephone is the most direct and personal link firms have with their customers and business contacts today. It is possible to lift a receiver, dial a number and within seconds be speaking to the very individual we desire to contact. It’s therefore the secretary’s responsibility to convey the right message as well as the right picture of both herself and the organization she represents. The secretary has to answer the telephone promptly and announce her firm’s own name immediately. She answers the call, listens attentively , politely and never rushes the caller. She always has a pencil and paper handy to take message.
Answer the following questions:
1_ How should the secretary answer the telephone ?
2_ Why is the telephone useful for us ?
Choose the correct answer:
3- The quickest way to get in touch with others is by ….........
a) correspondence b) telex c) telegram d) telephone
4- The telephone ring should be answered after the....................
a) first ring b) second ring c) third ring d) fourth ring
5- As a secretary, you have to answer the phone ……………..
a) slowly b) late c) promptly d) at any time
6- The secretary should have ……………….. to take a message.
a) a pencil b) a paper c) a pencil and paper d) a dial number
D) Writing
6)Write a paragraph of six sentences on '' Buying and selling'' Use these words: (6m)
If – company – want –buy – goods – an order – supplier/ if - a new customer – usually pays in advance / company – pay –supplier– deliver – goods / a customer-- pay – invoice – 30 days .
7)Write a memo: (6m)
You are the accounts manager at BOS. Write a memo to Wael Maher , Sales Manager. Tell him that you have received a satisfactory credit reference for ‘ Ropywik’ from their bank. Tell him the company can open a credit account with BOS .
8) Fill in the spaces with words from the list : (4m)
(Statement – a claim form – discount – the dock – watching )
1. The price is too much. Can you give me a............................?
2. Every month the bank sends its customers a.....................
3. I studied English by ..................... lots of English films on TV.
4. To get compensation, you must fill in.......................
9) A) Translate into Arabic : (3m)
1- She is responsible for checking the insurance claim forms.
2- Duty should be paid at the customs office in the port .
B )Translate into English: (2m)
كلما قلت العقبات , سنزيد من صادراتنا

انتهت الاسئلة
قديم 21-05-2012, 06:19 PM
الصورة الرمزية مصراوى22
مصراوى22 مصراوى22 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
المشاركات: 2,625
معدل تقييم المستوى: 19
مصراوى22 is on a distinguished road

قديم 22-05-2014, 12:22 PM
ramadanhessein ramadanhessein غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2011
المشاركات: 5
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
ramadanhessein is on a distinguished road
افتراضي English

بارك الله فيك وزادك علما
قديم 13-09-2014, 12:58 PM
محمد ابراهيم منصور محمد ابراهيم منصور غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2014
المشاركات: 1,070
معدل تقييم المستوى: 12
محمد ابراهيم منصور is on a distinguished road


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