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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > القسم الإداري > أرشيف المنتدى

أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 02-05-2008, 01:54 PM
الصورة الرمزية osey
osey osey غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2007
المشاركات: 36
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
osey is on a distinguished road
افتراضي بنك الاسئله ( طارق حمدان )

اعزائى الطلاب
هذة هى هديه متواضعه ارجوا ان تفيدكم فى هذة الايام
بنك الاسئله ( 440 سؤال فى القواعد ) من اعدادى الخاص
ا/ طارق حمدان عمر سوهاج - البلينا
للتواصل والمراسله
ارحب بالسادة الاساتذة لتبادل الاراء وكذللك الطلاب للاستفسار
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc question`s bank.doc‏ (132.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 690)
قديم 02-05-2008, 02:37 PM
الصورة الرمزية محمدحسين
محمدحسين محمدحسين غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2007
المشاركات: 285
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
محمدحسين is on a distinguished road

مشكور استاذنا الفاضل و نرجو المزيد من المشاركة
قديم 02-05-2008, 03:36 PM
حسن مرسى حسن مرسى غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 93
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
حسن مرسى is on a distinguished road

رائع جزاك الله على مجهودك
قديم 03-05-2008, 12:26 PM
الصورة الرمزية taha rabie taha
taha rabie taha taha rabie taha غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2007
المشاركات: 571
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
taha rabie taha is an unknown quantity at this point

موضوع رائع
قديم 03-05-2008, 01:03 PM
الصورة الرمزية amz
amz amz غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 75
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
amz is on a distinguished road
افتراضي thanx

May God Bless u for ur great effort
قديم 04-05-2008, 03:19 AM
matrix271 matrix271 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2007
المشاركات: 11
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
matrix271 is on a distinguished road

جزاك الله خيرا ياأستاذ طارق - والله جهد رائع ومشكور mahmoud_saad1960@yahoo.com
قديم 04-05-2008, 07:16 AM
Mr.Mahmoud Mr.Mahmoud غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
المشاركات: 64
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
Mr.Mahmoud is on a distinguished road

والله لا املك الا ان اقول
تمخض الجبل فولد
جزاك الله خير
اخوك محمود حميده
مخالف لقوانين المنتدى m. f
قديم 04-05-2008, 12:31 PM
الصورة الرمزية leaderboss
leaderboss leaderboss غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2007
المشاركات: 475
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
leaderboss is an unknown quantity at this point

الله ينور يا مستر. اخوك خالد فراج من اسكندريه بس انا اصلا من سواج عرابة ابو كريشه يعنى قريبك
وان شاء الله يكون فيه تعاون بيننا
Mr.Khaled Farrag
مدرس لغة انجليزية
مدرسة الفراعنه القوميه للغات - الاسكندرية
قديم 05-05-2008, 08:05 PM
اسامة الفيومى اسامة الفيومى غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2007
المشاركات: 1,314
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
اسامة الفيومى is an unknown quantity at this point

مراجعة سريعة قبل امتحان أخر العام
1. Four foreigners were going to rob a newly discovered ancient Egyptian tomb when they were attacked by deadly spiders. The spiders were an unknown species that lived thousands of years
. أربعة من الأجانب كانوا متجهين لسرقة مقبرة مصرية قديمة عندما هاجمتهم عناكب قاتلة كانت هذه العناكب نوع غير معروف عاش هناك الآلاف السنين.
2). Accidentally, the lying dead men in the heated desert were found by a team of work on a helicopter . Then the police were called and the four men ‘with their belongings were carried to Hamdayya, a new town nearby.
بالصدفة الرجال الموتى الملقين في الصحراء الحارة وجدهم فريق عمل في طائرة هيلكوبتر . بعد ذلك استدعتني الشرطة والرجال الأربعة بمتعلقاتهم م حملوا إلي الحمداية مدينة جديدة مجاورة.
(3) big female deadly spider was carried in one of the boxes containing the robbed gold and treasures .
عنكبوته أنثى كبيرة قاتلة كانت محمولة في أحد الصناديق التي كانت تحتوي علي الذهب والمجوهرات المسروقة .
4) . In Hamdayya the disappeared in Ayman’s house but soon it changed its place and went into a quiet empty house where it laid 2000 eggs!!
في الحمداية العنكبوتة اختفت في بيت ايمن ولكنها حالا غيرت مكانها واتجهت إلي بيت مهجور هادئ حيث وضعت 2000 بيضة
5). Ayman Hasan ,who was a university student, had his own private computer . He made use of it [a]in his university studies [b] to make internet friends
- ايمن حسن الذي كان طالبا جامعيا كان لديه كمبيوتر خاص به وكان يستفيد منه
. أ- في دراسة الجامعية ب- لعمل أصدقاء الإنترنت.
6). On his way shopping ,Ayman saw the spider in the house garden . He examined it carefully and consulted a friend who was a zoology student to identify it but it was useless.
-وفي طريقة للتسوق رأس أيمن العنكبوت في حديقة منزله فحصها بعناية واستشار صديق له كان يدرس الزراعة لكي يتعرف عليها ولكن دون جدوى .
7) In the internet , he browsed the { WWW } World Wide Web where he found a translated ancient Egyptian text telling about a town which was totally burnt down because it was attacked by killing spiders .
في الإنترنت تصفح أيمن شبكة ا لمعلومات العالمية حيث وجد نص مصري قديم بترجمة يحكي عن مدينة حرقت تماما بسبب هجوم العناكب علي القرية
8) . Ayman contacted the text translator Dr Shreen Fakhry , at Oxford University to inquire about the story and to find a relation between his strange spider and those killing ones in the story . Dr Shreen told him that the town was real but the attacking spiders may have been just a story.
اتصل ايمن بمترجمة النص وهي الدكتورة شريين فخري في جامعة أكسفورد للاستفسار عن القصة ولإيجاد علاقة بين هذه العنكبوت الغريبة وهؤلاء العناكب القاتلة في القصة .أخبرته الدكتورة شربن أن المدينة حقيقية ولكن العناكب المهاجمة قد تكون قصة .
9). However, Ayman received an e-mail picture of a spider found in an ancient Egyptian tomb. The picture was sent to Dr SHREEN by an archaeologist from Egypt . It was surprising that the spider in the picture was the same as Ayman’s. A big black one with 2 yellow lines on its back.
علي أية حال تلقي أيمن صورة العنكبوتة وجدت في مدينة مصرية قديمة كانت هذه الصورة قد أرسلها عالم أثار مصري إلي الدكتورة شرين وكان من المدهش أن العنكبوتة التي في الصورة نفس عنكبوته ايمن عنكبوته سوداء علي ظهرها خطين أصفرين.
10). Although Dr Shreen advised Ayman to tell the police, he didn’t like the idea as nobody would believe him. Later on ,Dr Shreen sent him an e-mail from a German Egyptologist in which there was a medical cure for the deadly spiders bites.
-مع أن الدكتورة شريين أرادت أن يخبر الشرطة إلا آن الفكرة لم تعجبه إذ أن لم يصدقه أحد بعد ذلك أرسلت له شرين رسالة إليكترونية من عالم مصريات آلماني فيها علاج طبي لعضات العناكب القاتلة .
11). DR Shreen sought her friend Suzan Bennet, a zoologist, to help her to identify the spider but in vain.
بحثت الدكتورة شرين عن زميلتها سوزان بنت وهي عالمة حشرات لمساعدتها في التعرف علي عنكبوتة ولكن دون جدوى .
.12) Professor Malcolm Jones ,the head of Zoology Department, was keen on the matter when they both visited him. He was interested in discovering new species of spiders so he decided to visit Egypt to identify the Hamdayya spider.
البروفسير مالكوم جونز رئيس قسم الحشرات كان مهتما بالموضوع عندما زارنة كل من دكتورة / شرين فخري / وسوزان كان مهتما باكتساب -- - أنواع جديدة من العناكب لذلك زيارة مصر للتعرف علي عنكبوته الحمداية .
13) . Ayman’s family laughed at him thinking that the deadly spider was out of his imagination. His uncle Walid advised him not to tell anybody lest his story should affect business in Hamdayya badly.
سخرت أسرة ايمن منه معتقدة أن العنكبوتة قاتلة من وحي خياله . نصيحة عمه وليد ألا يخبر أي شخص عنها حتى لا تؤثر القصة علي الأعمال في الحمداية بشكل سيئ.
14). However it was too late .Shreen’s e-mail to Ayman assured him that Prof. Jones was on his way to Ayman’s.
علي أية حال كان الأداء قد قامت إذا كان الرسالة الإليكترونية بين شرين إلي أيمن أكدت له أن البروفسير جونز كان في طريقه إلي بيت ايمن.
15). In the meantime ,the news spread out in the town that all the archaeologists in the archaeological site were killed by the spiders.
-في نفس الوقت انتشرت الأخبار في المدينة بأن كل علماء الآثار في الموقع الأثري قتلهم العناكب.

16) . Colonel Mikhail, the town police chief , was informed by uncle Walid that Ayman had got information necessary. Ayman and Prof. Jones were asked to join the search team led by captain Ahmed Shreif to find the spiders. The team was provided with modern equipment ,protective clothing, tanks of insecticides…………
-العقيد ميخائيل رئيس قسم الشرطة أخبره العم وليد ايمن أن ايمن حصل علي معلومات ضرورية طلب من ايمن بروفسير جونز الانضمام إلي فريق البحث الذي قاده كابتن أحمد الشريف لإيجاد العناكب وتزود الفريق بمعدات حديثة وملابس وقاية واسطوانات المبيدات الحشرية
17). When the attack began ,small spiders died but a big one jumped on one of the officers. It was sprayed with too much deadly insecticide before it fell to the ground.

-وعند بدء الهجوم ماتت العناكب الصغيرة ولكن قفزت عنكبوتة كبيرة علي أحد الضباط ولكن رشوا عليها كمية كبيرة من المبيد القاتل قبل أن تقع علي الأرض .

18). The Prof. examined the spider. It was an unknown species which meant there was no antivenom against its poison. This was the danger which they all feared
فحص البروفسير العنكبوتة . كانت نوع مما كان معناه أن ليس لها مصل ضد سمها وكان هذا الخطر الذي يخشاه الجميع

19). The only remedy that might work was the [ Echinacea Negara ]plant which grew in Sinai. This was the content of an e-mail sent to Ayman by Dr. Shreen . Wafaa Sultan, a botanist at Cairo university ,was called for an urgent mission to bring the plant from Sinai.
العلاج الوحيد الذي له تأثير كان نبات النيجرا الذي ينموا في سيناء كان هذا هو محتوي رسالة إليكترونية من ايمن إلي شرين . وفاء سلطان وهي عالمة نباتات من جامعة القاهرة استدعت في مهمة عاجلة لإحضار النبات من سيناء .

20) In Hamdayya , they began the search for the big female spider which was thought to have laid its eggs which would form armies of spiders threatening not only Egypt but the whole world as well.
- في الحمداية بدء البحث علي العنكبوتة الأنثى الكبيرة التي يعتقد أنها وضعت بيضها الذي سيكون جيوشا من العناكب التي تهدد ليس فقط مصر لكن العالم أجمع .
21 ). Ayman was the leader of the search group but he was bitten by small spiders in the battle , He was carried to hospital and the only hope for his rescue was the arrival of the magic plant!!
ايمن كان قائد مجموعات البحث ولكن عضته عناكب صغيرة حملوه إلي المستشفي وكان الأمل الوحيد هو وصول النبات السحري.
22) After a long suffering in Sinai because of the bad roads and the terrible weather , Wafaa ,Captain Osama and Farouk .another botanist, managed to get the Negara plant. Wafaa took it to the hospital. Ayman got better.
وبعد معاناة طويلة في سيناء بسبب الطرق الرديئة بالطقس البشع وفاء والكابتن أسامة وفاروق وهو عالم نبات أخر نجحوا في الحصول علي النبات الذي آخذته وفاء إلي المستشفي وتحسن ايمن.

23) Ayman was considered a hero who saved the lives of millions of people . He was awarded by Prof. . Jones who was happy to discover a new species of spiders .He gifted Ayman a most recent camera and promised a free scholarship in England .
لقد اعتبروا ايمن بطلا أنقذ الملايين من البشر وكافئه البروفسير جونز الذي أسعده اكتشاف نوع جديد من العناكب كما منح ايمن كاميرا حديثة جدا ووعده بالحصول علي دراسة مجانية في إنجلترا .

24 ). The search for the big female spider was still on. Suddenly Ayman saw it near his sister’s ,Lamia, shoulder . The family [his parents , Nagat ,Lamia, Mohammed]was going to take a souvenir photograph with Ayman in the hospital.
كان لازال البحث عن العنكبوتة الأنثى جاريا وفجاءة ايمن رآها بالقرب من كتف أخته لمياء الأسرة( ولديه- ونجاة لمياء ومحمد) كانت تستعد لالتقاط صورة تذكارية مع أيمن في المستشفي .

25). Ayman was wise and brave enough to come closer and closer and then trapped the spider in the aluminum box of the camera . However, he was wounded again . Luckily , Ayman wasn’t killed as his body began to form an antivenom when he was first bitten,
كان أيمن حكيما وشجاعا لدرجة أنه اقترب جدا من لمياء واحتجز العنكبوتة الأنثى في العلبة الألمونيوم في الكاميرا .علي أي حال جرح أيمن للمرة الثانية ولكن لحسن الحظ لم يقتل ايمن لأن جسم ايمن يبدو أفضل عندما لدغ في المرة الأولي.

Question and Answer
1. What killed the four robbers according to the pilot's opinion?
• The pilot though they had died of thirst.
2. Where were the gold objects sent by archaeologist?
• The gold objects were sent to the museum in Cairo.
3. What equipment did the robbers use to see through walls?
• They used ground Penetrating Radar.
4. Why did the small man among robbers shout "let's get out of here!"?
• Because he was being bitten by spiders
5. Why did the four men switch off their lights and engines?
• Because they didn't want the archaeologists to see or hear them. The four men wanted to robe the tombs of their contents. They didn't know that the six archaeologists were dead.
6. Describe the spider Ayman saw?
• It's was female spider, black, with two yellow lines on its back, it had eight eyes and eight legs. Its body was a big as a small apple. The longest of its eight legs was as long as a pencil.
1. What was Ayman's favorites hobby?
• The Internet was Ayman's favorite hobby; he sometimes uses it for his university studies. Ayman also uses the Internet for making friends in other countries.
2. What do you know about Dr. Shreen fakery?
• She was Egyptologist, she works at Department of Egyptology, Oxford University. She sent Ayman e-mail with the picture of the female spider, she also urged Professor Jones to travel to Egypt. To help Ayman and discover a new kind of spiders.
3. What do you think of the spider's "long wait"?
• It was the period of waiting for the eggs to become young spiders.
4. Why did the spider need to find a home? What sort of place does it prefer?
• The spider needed to find a home as it was ready to lay eggs. It prefers quiet and dark places.
5. According to the story of Dr. Shereen Fakhary, how did the town disappear?
• The townspeople burnt the town, to kill all the spiders.
6. What is the other reason for the disappearance of the town as Dr. Shreen thought?
• She thought the climate became drier, so the town perhaps disappeared under desert sand.
7. What do you know about Professor Malcolm Jones? Why did he travel to Hamdayya in Egypt?
• He is a famous archnologist, he's written books on spiders and other arachnids. He traveled to Egypt When Dr. Shereen Fakhary showed him the picture of the female black spider, so he went to Hamdayya to discover new specie.
8. Although people at Hamdayya were frightened by spiders, they wanted to destroy them, spiders were very useful. {Illustrate}
• Because spider eat insects. If there were not any spiders, there would be more flies, mosquitoes and other pests.
9. What is the importance of "Echinacea Negara"?
• It is medicine for the bite of the black and yellow spider that kills. It is made from the root of the plant.
10. Why didn't Ayman want to tell the police at first?
• Because he thought that everyone would laugh at Ayman if he told people
11. Why did Dr. Fakhry advise Ayman to tell the police about the spider?
• She thought that the spider might be dangerous.
13. What must be done to stop the deadly spiders from spreading trough Africa, Asia and Europe?
• The female spiders that Ayman saw must be found before its eggs develop.
14. Why did Colonel Mikhail hope the spiders were a known species?
• He hope that they were known species so that there would be an antvenom made for the spiders
15. How antvenom is is made?
• When someone catches cold, first a cold virus gets into his blood and then the person makes antibodies to fight the virus, so scientists put small quantities of venom into animals, horses or sheep, and then the animals make antibodies to fight the venom.
16. The professor and the captain had two different opinions in the issue of spiders. Illustrate.
• The captain wanted to destroy the spiders because they had already killed 10 people. While the professor disagreed, he thought it was too difficult to destroy spiders because they were in the underground passages. He added, it was a great discovery.
17. Why did the men wear special clothing when they entered the archaeological site?
• To protect them against the deadly spiders.
18. Why doesn't Echinacea Negra work for the bite of the female spiders?
• Echinacea Negra works only for the bites of male and young spiders.
19. Why were the spiders able to bite Ayman?
• Because his suit was torn.
20. What did the thousand of small black spiders look like when the officers opened the door?
• They looked like waves on the sea.
21. What do you know about Wafaa Sultan?
• She is botanist at Cairo University, she knew everything about Echinacea Negra; the plant where it grows only in Sinai, it is used as a medicine for the bite of the spiders. She made much effort to fetch the plant for Ayman who was about to die.
22. Ayman was intelligent and clever? { Give an Example }
• Ayman he saw the black spider near the shoulder of his sister Lamia, he moved closer and advised her not to move as he wanted to take a photo. However, he pressed a button on the camera, the camera's light flashed and blinded the spider for a second. Ayman knocked the spider into the aluminum box
23. Ayman was brave , bold , daring , courageous { Discuss }
• Ayman told the police that he saw a dangerous spider in the house next to his. He accompanied Professor Jones and the police to officers to the archaeological site to fight the spiders. Furthermore ,he and captain Ahmed ran towards the officer who shouted because he needed help ,when the spiders covered his mask
24. What would have happened if Ayman hadn't told the police about the spiders?
• Many thousands of people might have died.
25. A) What happened to Ayman when he was bitten the first time, then in the second time?
Why didn't Ayman die when he was bitten by the female black spider?
• A) when Ayman was bitten for the first time , his body produced a lot of antvenom . when he was bitten for the second time , he already had so much antvenom in his body , that bite had little effect on him .
The same Answer …………
Complete The Sentences
1. The spider enclosed its eggs in silk sacs and then………
Began its long wait.
2. The spiders prefer to live in………………………………
A quite and dark place
3. Professor Jones refused to destroy the spiders and said ……………
It was a great discovery.
4. The antivenom for one spider…………..
Doesn't wok against the venom of a different spider.
5. If a spider is unknown,…………….
There is no antivenom.
6. The Echinacea Negra is…………………….
Medicine for the bite of the spider.
7. Lamia thought if nobody went to the archaeological site, the spider…………
Wouldn't hurt anyone and tourists would visit the site.
8. Ayman was intelligent when ……………
He saw the spider a few centimeters fro his sister Lamia, he pressed a button on a camera. The bright light blinded the spider so Ayman hit it by the aluminum box.
9. Dr. Shereen Fakhry worked…………..
As Egyptologist at Oxford University
10. Ayman is a young man with a new future because………………….
The minister said that Ayman is a brave young man. The best employer needed such a courageous person, professor Jones promised that Ayman can study at Oxford University.
11. Professor Jones worked as……….
Archnologist , he has written many books about spiders and arachnid
12. Ayman was interested in the internet because ……
a) It is useful for his university studies and making friends.
13. The web is………….
a) The greatest library in the world, information is not in books but it moves between thousands of computers.
14. The police brought protective clothes from………
a) Fire department
15. Professor Jones went t Hamdayya to ……..
1. Discover a new species of the spiders.

The Spiders العناكب ....
1-What did the four robbers find in the underground rooms? They found five ancient Egyptian mummies ,gold and other treasures 2-Why was the second room empty ?
because the treasures in the second room were sent to the
3- What was the use of the G.P.R?
It was used to transmit radio waves that would penetrate the wall
4-How did the G.P.R work ?
It transmitted يبث the radio waves through the wall then the computer changed يغير the radio waves into a picture.صورة
5-Why did the plane fly over that place?
Because the plane was on its way to a transmitter محطة بث in the desert which had a technical problem مشكلة فنية
6-What did the pilot think the robbers die of?ما هو ظن الطيار فى موتهم
He thought ظن they died of thirst العطش.
7-How was the pilot saved from death?كيف انقذ الطيار
That was when the engineer said'" Get on the radio “
8- The four robbers were affected by curse لعنة of the pharaohs discuss?. Discuss this statement ?
because they died after stealing the pharaohs’ treasures
9-What did Ayman use the internet for فيما استخدم ايمن شبكة النت ?
He used it for : ……..
a- his university studies
b- chat and making friends .
10-How did Najat escape from death يهرب من الموت ?
That was when the spider was close قريب to her foot ,her foot moved away and she left the room quickly
11-According to طبقا the story how did the town disappear اختفى ?
The people of that town burnt it to kill all the spiders .
12- According to Dr Shreen What was the other reason for the disappearance of the town ?
The climate became drier and perhaps the town disappeared under the desert sand .
13-Why was the Hassan’s house not suitable for the spider ? غير ملائم
Because the house was full of light and noise
14- Why did Ayman phone a student of zoology? and what was his reply ?
to ask about spiders of North Africa . His friend didn’t find the big black and yellow spider in his book .
15-- Was there medicine دواء for the deadly spiders ? how did you know? Yes because a German المانى Egyptologist translated a 2000 year old text about an ancient Egyptian medicine for deadly spiders
16- What did Dr Fakhry advise Ayman To do بما نصحت ايمن ؟ ?
She advised Ayman to tell the police .نصت ايمن ان يبلغ البوليس
17- Why did Dr Fakhry believe تعتقد the story of the spider ?
because they were mentioned in a medical text نص طبى [manuscript مخطوط]
18-Why did Dr Shreen feel a cold shiver down the back of her neck? because the spider in the picture was like the spider Ayman had described .
19-Why did Dr Fakhry think that Ayman should tell the police ? because she thought that spider might be dangerous.
20- Why didn’t Ayman want to tell the police ?
because he thought that every one would laugh at him .
21-Why did Suzan Benett and Dr Shreen go to meet P. Jones?
to know more information about the spider Ayman had seen
22- what was the aim of the professor’s trip that was cancelled ?
That was to discover new species of spiders in South America.
23--What made p. Jones decide to go to Hamdayya?
discover the spider Ayman had seen
24-What equipments did the police officers take with them to the archaeological site ?
They took protective clothing, fence wire, big lights , weapons and building materials and insecticide sprays
25- Why did the police send forces to the archaeological site?
To forbid anyone comes near the gate of the tomb.
26- Where did the professor set up his equipments?
In a place where many large webs hung in the ceiling
27- Did they kill the spider ?why?
No , they didn’t because the spider ran into darkness and disappeared
28- Why did Captain Ahmed want to destroy the spiders ?
because he didn’t want more people to be killed .
29- Why was the professor against destroying the spiders at first
because he thought that it was great discovery.
30-- Why did Wafaa Sultan have to go to Sinai?
To get the Echinacea Negra as antivenom against the spiders bites.
31-Why was there a barrier across the road at the edge of Hamdayya?
Because no cars were allowed into or out Hamdayya.
They were discussing the plan to find the female spider’s nests
32- Why did the professor think that there was only female spider ?
because only Ayman had seen this big spider .
33- Why was the female spider was much more dangerous than the male spider?
a-because it could produce 2 thousand spiders within two weeks.
b-Its bite is stronger and dangerous.
34-Where does a spider like to build its nest يبنى عشها ?
in a dark , cool and quiet place .
35- What happened when they spread the insecticide sprays?
The small spiders became as if a stormy sea.
36- The female spider not only used its fangs against animals but also against itself. Discuss?
That was when one of its legs trapped محجوز under the insecticide tank , it used its fangs أنياب to cut it.
37- Why was the Echinacea Negra medicine delayed لماذا تأخر هذا النبات ?
Because there was a storm عاصفة and the helicopter couldn’t get to the cars in time.
38 – What were the hardships they faced during the journey
the narrow road b- the three wadis c- the bad weather
39-What happened to the jeep while it was crossing the third wadi ?
The water carried it fast . It crashed into اصطدمت some rocks and rolled over تدحرجت then it got stuck between two rocks .
40-What made the jeep move sideways ?
Because it was too light and the water carried it fast.
41-What happened to the third car in the third Wadi?
A palm tree smashed into it .
42- What did captain Usama do when the third car went down the sea ?
He used the tow rope to pull it
43- Prove برهن in one situation that Wafaa was courageous ?
That was when she felt that Ayman’s life in danger ,she took the plant and drove alone back.
44-Ayoung man’s life in my hands . Discuss this statement ?
This means that Ayman’s life in danger and she drove so fast to save his life .
45- What troubles did Wafaa face during the journey?
She drove through the storm with the terror رعب of the noise of the rain beating on the metal roof.
46- Why was Ayman put in an intensive care ?
Because he was in a serious condition حالة خطيرة
47- How did Professor Jones show his gratitude العرفان بالجميل to Ayman ?why?
The Professor offered Ayman a good camera because he helped him in discovering new species of spiders
48- How did Ayman saved his sister from death ?
that was when he asked her not to move to take a photo so the flashlight blinded يعمى the spider
49-Why didn’t Ayman Die from the second bite of the spider ?
because his body made an antivenom مصل
50- How was Ayman the most popular محبوب و مشهورyoung boy at that day ?
Because his photo was on TV and newspapers and he waits for bright future
Good luck and happy year
Mr. Osama
قديم 07-05-2008, 03:22 PM
catty catty غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 362
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
catty is on a distinguished road

جزاك الله خيرا
قديم 28-05-2008, 09:14 PM
الصورة الرمزية ibrahimsafi
ibrahimsafi ibrahimsafi غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 1,148
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
ibrahimsafi is on a distinguished road

thank u very much
قديم 02-06-2008, 02:35 PM
الصورة الرمزية Mr.Ahmed Fadel
Mr.Ahmed Fadel Mr.Ahmed Fadel غير متواجد حالياً
نجم العطاء
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2005
المشاركات: 11,171
معدل تقييم المستوى: 31
Mr.Ahmed Fadel is just really nice

great effort
قديم 02-06-2008, 03:34 PM
الصورة الرمزية دكتور محمود فتحي
دكتور محمود فتحي دكتور محمود فتحي غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 1,413
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
دكتور محمود فتحي is on a distinguished road

جزاك الله كل خير ومجهود اكثر من رائع
قديم 18-04-2009, 01:30 AM
الصورة الرمزية هشام الشبكى
هشام الشبكى هشام الشبكى غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
المشاركات: 175
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
هشام الشبكى is on a distinguished road

wonderful thanx

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