مشاهدة نتائج الإستطلاع: هل الشرح كافى؟و هل يتوفر لديكم ما هو مختلف؟ | |||
نعم | 6 | 66.67% | |
لا | 3 | 33.33% | |
المصوتون: 9. هذا الإستطلاع مغلق |
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
under the green wood tree
اجتهاد وتجميع منى ارجو الرد
This poem is written by William Shakespeare who is regarded as
greatest dramatist in English literature. In this poem poet explains the charms of forest(village)life and ask people to come and join him in forest cause he poet says that you will not find any enemy in forest, one can spend peaceful life, there is no trouble any other trouble without the trouble of different seasons, he also one who can struggle for his daily life needs and satisfies with what he gates from forest can enjoy the real peace of life. Central Idea Forest(village)life is preferable then cit or town life cause the forest life peaceful and closely contacted to beauty of nature in this poem poet depicts the charms of natural simple life (as lead by exiles usually in forests) poets advises to give up luxury for the contentment of heart and mind .he further says that only from simple life we can get rid of the trivial enmities. As a whole ,the importance of natural life is stressed here- |
رائع جدا أستاذنا الفاضل
جزاك الله خيرا و بارك الله فيك |
جزاك الله خيرا
جزاك الله خير الجزاء
شكرا |
جهد مشكور استاذي الفاضل : ربنا يبارك فيك
Minds, like parachutes, only work when opened
God bless you
يا رب لك الحمد كما ينبغى لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطانك. دعاء الى " أمى" اللهم ابدلها دارا خيرا من دارها واهلا خيرا من اهلها وادخلها الجنة واعذها من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار . |
العلامات المرجعية |