المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين ملتقى مهني أكاديمي متخصص للأساتذة الأفاضل في جميع المواد التعليمية (تربية وتعليم & أزهر) |
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
ما هى اجابة هذا السؤال ؟ و ليه ؟
complete the following with a suitable reflexive pronoun
Who wants to do this experiment ................................ |
اكتب الجملة صح
himself لو الفصل كله ولاد و herself لو الفصل كله بنات و himself/themselves لو الفصل مشترك وواضح جدا ان الجملة تتقال في معمل اي تقال لطلاب.
من منع علما نافعا ألجمه الله بلجام من النار يوم القيامة. لا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم..Mr.Khalid Zalat |
اقدم لكم حضراتى كل احترام وتقدير
اسمحوا لى حضراتكم ان اشارك معكم فى هذا الحوار ما رايكم حضراتى اذا قلنا by oneself التى تعنى :بنفسه /بنفسها وتستخدم ايضا عند التحدث عن الناس عموما used for showing that people in general, including yourself, are affected by or involved in the results of something that they do One has to think of oneself in these matters. It’s awful having to defend oneself all the time. |
Oneself is a reflexive pronoun, which can be used in the following ways:
as an object that refers back to the pronoun ‘one’ when it is the subject of the sentence: One should be careful not to hurt oneself. as an object when no subject is mentioned: It’s essential not to let oneself be frightened. |
2-used for emphasizing that you and not anyone else does something
It’s important to complete the application forms oneself. |
3-by oneself
without help from anyone else It’s more satisfying to do the job by oneself. |
the reflexive form of the pronoun 'one' when it refers to people in general or to the person speaking:One has to learn to control oneself.
More examples • When one looks at oneself in the mirror, it is hard to be uncritical. • One has to look after oneself carefully in these circumstances. • It is dangerous to see oneself as indispensable. |
The reflexive pronoun to one (general personal pronoun) is oneself, formal.
Long man DCE: It is only through study that one really begins to know oneself. |
مقولة جميلة
One creates oneself. Grace Jones |
The most important questions in life can never be answered by anyone except oneself.
John Fowles |
مقولة جميلة بها oneself
Loving oneself isn't hard, when you understand who and what 'yourself' is. It has nothing to do with the shape of your face, the size of your eyes, the length of your hair or the quality of your clothes. It's so beyond all of those things and it's what gives life to everything about you. Your own self is such a treasure. Phylicia Rashad |
دعنى عزيزى نبسط الجملة كالاتى : Who is the person /one that wants to do the experiment by oneself? لاننى سبق واوضحت ان oneself للمذكر والمؤنث وكذلك للناس عند التحدث عن الناس عموما وهنا اوضحنا باسلوب ابسط يمكننا وضع كلمة one وبعدها that وبالتالى تم حل المشكلة فوجود one يلغى اى شك اليكم منى كل احترام وتقدير وانا فى انتظار تعليقاتكم شكرا مقدما |
ممتاز يا مستر
من منع علما نافعا ألجمه الله بلجام من النار يوم القيامة. لا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم..Mr.Khalid Zalat |
اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير
شكرا لحضرتك |
العلامات المرجعية |