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قديم 29-11-2009, 07:01 PM
Nour ELeslam Nour ELeslam غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
المشاركات: 58
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
Nour ELeslam is on a distinguished road
افتراضي ##اسئلة هستولوجى##

Histology for first year
Mid-year Exams
Answer the folowin2 ouestions (Each questions in a separate:
I- Define cell organells . enumerate the membranous and nonmembermous cell organells
2- Draw and label a haversian system of a compact bone.
3- classify glandular epithelium according to the nature of section and give one example of each.
4- enumerate the various cells present in the bone marrow.
5- what are the types of cartilage ?give two sites for each type in the human body
6- mention the structure of the human chromosome.
7- what are the stains used for the demonstration of the following?
a- Reticular fibers b- Fat cells
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c-Liver glycogen. d- Reticulocytes.
8- enumerate the cellular pattern of connective tissue proper with referance to function.
9- what are the percentage of different types of leucocytes? Write the functions of neutrophils.
10- mention the type epithelium present in die following organs:
a-Thyroid gland. b-Small intestine. c-Uterus.
d-Epidermis of skin e-Urinary bladder, f-Trachea
g- Blood vessel. h- Pancreas.

Jan., .1992
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Answer the following questions (each question in a separate page):
1 - Enumerate with reference to functions the organdies which participate in cellular metabolism.
2- what are the stages of erythropoeisis?
3- Tabulate the main differences between T- and B -lymphocytes
4- Define Rh factor, mention its clinical significance.
5- What is meant by adifferntial leucocytic count? Mention the percentage of
different types of leucocytes
6- Mention the function of the following structures:
a- Perichondrium b- Mast cells.
c- Nucleus. d- Eosinophils.
e- Cilia f- Microvilli.
g- Blood platelets. h- Osteoclasts.
7- Draw and label a section of costal cartilage.
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8- Mention the types of epithelium present in the following organs:
a- Oesophagus. b- Urinary bladder.
C- Trachea. d- Thyroid gland.
e- Fallopian tube. f- Epididymis
g- Epidermis of skin. h-Serous membranes.
9-Classify glandular epithelium according to the mode of secretion, Give ONE example for each type.
10- Mention the sites of the following structures:
a- Yellow elastic cartilage b-Mucoid connective tissue.
C- Cancellous bone. d- white fibres
e- Adipose connective. f- Haversian system.
g- Endocrine glands. h-Stratified columnar epithelium.

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JAN., 1993
. Answer the following questions (Each in a separate page: 2
Mraks )
1- Classify glandular epithelium according to the nature of secretion.
2- Tabulate the differences between the red and white blood cells.
3- Enumerate the cell organells involved in the secretory activity of the living cells. Mention the functions of TWO only.
4- Draw and label a section in ground compact bone.
5- Mention the various stages in granulopoeisis.
6- Describe the structure of a human chromosome.
7- Define R factor. Mention its clinical significance.
8- what are the functions of the following:
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a- Mast cells. b- Osteoblats.
c- Perichondrium. d- Nucleus.
9- Mention the types of cartilage present in the human body with reference to their sites and functions.
10- What are the lining epithelium of the following:
a- Ureter. b- Vas deferens.
C- Thyroid gland. d- Small intestine

HISTOLOGY 3/2/1994
All questions are to be answered (Two Marks Each):
1- Enumerate only the different types of stratified epithelium Mention two sites in human body for each type
2- mention two functions only of each of the following:
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a -Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
b- Lysosomes.
c- Golgi apparatus.
d- Cell coat.
3- What are the various types of cartilage? Mention two in the human body for each type.
4- where dose neuro-epithelium occur in the human body
5- Mention four causes only which give rise to chromosomal aberrations (abnormalities).
6- what are the various types of connective tissue proper Mention two sites only in human body for each type.
7- Discuss four items only about how the structure of an erythrocyte is adapted to perform its function.
8- Mention four functions only of T - lymphorytes.
9- Mention four functions only of intracellular microfelaments the different cells of human body.
10- Mention two causes only for each of the following:
a- Neutrophilia. (increase of neutrophils)
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b- Eosinophilia. (increase of eosinphils)
C- Lymphocytosis. (increase of lymphocytes)
d- Leucopenia (decrease of leucocytes)

June Exam. 1997
Total Marks:10
Answer the following questions:
1) Give -a full account on the electron microscopic structure and functions of lysosomes and Golgi Apparatus.
2) Discuss the detailed structure and functions of Non-Granular leucocytes.
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3) Describe the light and electron- microscopic structure of the cardiac muscles and the conducting system of the heart
including the purkinge muscle fibres.
4) Write a detailed account on the structure of thick non-hairy skin. Mention its functions and types of diseases which can
be diagnosed through skin examination

Final Exams
HISTOLOGY 17/1/ 1991
Answer the following questions:
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N.B.: Illustrate all your answers with coloured diagrams.
1- Describe in detail the cytological characteristics of a neuron with particular reference to its various types and sites. (10)
2- Discuss in detail the histological structure of human spleen with special reference to its blood circulation and
3- Enumerate the general charactristes of epithelium. Describe the different types of simple epithelium with reference to
their various sites and functions.
4- Give an account of the following:
a- Endoplasmic reticulum.
b- Neutrophil leucocytes.
c- Neuroglia proper.

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Answer the followjng questions:
Illustrate all your answers with coloured diagrams:
I - Describe in detail the histological characteristics of human lymph node with special reference to its cellular content and
functions. (10)
2- Give an account of the following:
a- Motor end plate. (4)
b- Neutrophils. (3)
c- alveolar phagocytes. (3)
3- Discuss the cellular pattern and fibres of the connective tissue proper with reference to their functions (10)
4- Write a detailed account of the following:
a -Bone cells. (4)
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b- Human chromosome. (3)
c- Arterio-venous anastomosis. (3)

HISTOLOY 28/6/1993
Answer the following questions:
Illustrate all your answers with coloured diagrams.
1- Describe in detail the structure of human lymph node with reference to its cellular content, lymph circulation and its
role in the living body. (10)
2- Discuss the structure of compact bone with particular reference to the various types of bone cells and their
3- Give an account of the following: (20)
a- Glandular epithelium.
b- Neutrophil leucocyte.
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c-Muscle spindle.
d- Endoplasmic reticulum

HISTOLOGY 25/6/1994
Answer the following questions; (10 marks each)
1. Give a full account of the different types of leucocytes. The counts and development are not required
2.Describien details the histological structure of the different types of bone cells.
3 .Write a detailed account of the histological structure of the non-hairy thick skin.
4.. Give a full account of the different types of cells present in and around the wall of lung alveoli.

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HISTOLOGY 31/5/1995
Answer the followin2 questions:
Illustrate all your answers with coloured diagrams:
I - Describe in detail the cellular pattern of the epidermis of human thick skin with reference to functions Enumerate ONL
Y the various types of nerve endings present in both epidermis and dermis of skin. (10)
2-Give an account. of each of the following with reference to function:
a- Neuroglia cells. (6)
b-Transitional epithelium. (4)
3- Describe in detail the histological picture of human spleen with reference of its cellular content blood circulation and
function. (10)
4- Tabulate the main histological differences between:
a- Different granular leucocytes. (6)
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b.- Spinal and autonomic ganglia. (4)

Sept. Exam. 1998 .... 3/9/1998
Answer the following questions (10 marks Each)
1-Describe the histological structure of two cardiac muscles and the impulse conducting system of the heart including
purkinge fibres.
2- In a table - form mention the differences between
a. Erythrocytes and leucocytes.
b. Medium sized artery and vein.
3- Give a full account of the spleen and its blood supply.
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4- Write a detailed account on the following;
a. lysosomes.
b. Stratified squamous epithelium

Answer the following questions:
I. What is the lining epithelium each of the following
a. Heart.
b. Skin.
c. Trachea.
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d. Ureter
2.Mention Two functions for each of the following:
a. Lysosomes.
b. Cell coat.
c. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
d. Golgi apparatus.
3.Mention FOUR clinical importance for chromosomal studies.
4.What is the range of the average total number of erythrocytes ,leucocytes and blood platelets, mention only the types
and percentage of each type of leucocytes.
5.Mention the name and functions of only FOUR types of fixed connective tissue cells.
6.Mention the histological characteristics of spongy bone (Cancellous bone).
7. What are the histological characteristics of purkinge fibres of the heart.
8. Mention only the types and general functions of all types of neuroglia.
9.Mention 2 characteristics and 2 sites for white fibro-cartilage.
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10. Mention 4 sites for non-keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium.

Time allowed : 2 Hours
First year.
Answer the following questions: (10 Marks Each)
1. Discuss the detailed structure and functions of Non — Granular leucocytes (Leucocytic counts and development
are not required).
2. Write a detailed account on the structure of thick non — hairy skin.
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3. Give a full account of the structure of lung alveoli , alveolar cells, alveolar phagocytes and blood air barrier.
4. Give a full account of the followings;
a. Types and functions of lysosomes.
b. Different types of bone cells.
Illustrate your answers with coloured diagrams.

June Exam., 1999
Time allowed : 2 Hours CAIRO UNIVERSITY
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ANSWER THE Following QUESTIONS (10 Marks each)
1. Give a full account on the histological structure and functions of the spleen.
2. Describe the histological characteristics of cardiac muscle and purkinje muscle fibres.
3. In a table — form mention the differences between:
a- Medium — sized artery and vein b- Spinal and sympathetic ganglia.
4. Give a full account on
a- Endoplasmic Reticulum b- Blood 1 lymphocytes.
5- Illustrate your answers with coloured diagrams.

Mid — year
June Exam., 1999
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Time allowed: 1 Hours cairo UNIVERSITY
First year. FACULTY OF Medicine
ANSWER THE Following QUESTIONS: (2 marks)
1. Define the differential leucocytic count and mention its clinical importance.
2. Enumerate 4 differences between mitosis and meiosis.
3. Write 4 histological characteristics of epithelium
4. Mention 4 modifications of the cell membrane with reference to their roles in cell function.
5. Write the names of the cells involved in erythropoiesis
6. Mention the epithelium of each of the following:
a- Gall bladder. b- Urinary bladder.
c- Trachea. d- Skin
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7. Enumerate 4 functions of the Golgi body
8. Mention the type of cartilage in the following organs:
a- Trachea b- Ear pinna
c- Intervertebral discs d- Costal cartilages
9. Mention one specific stain for each of the following:
a- Histiocytes. b- Fat cells.
c- Mast cells. d- Reticular fibres.
10. Name 2 sites of each of the following:
a- Loose C.T. b- Adipose C.T.
c- White fibrous C.T. d- Yellow elastic C.T.

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June Exam., 1999
Time allowed: 2 Hours CAIRO UNIVERSITY
1. Discuss (with drawing ) the histological structure of thick ( non — hairy) skin and mention the names and
functions of receptors found in its layers .(10 marks)
2. Draw a coloured labeled diagrams of the of following:
3. Give a detailed account on: (5 Marks each)
a- The role of lymphocytes in the immune system (6 marks)
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b- Neuroglia proper. (4 marks)
4. Write an account on each of the following: (5 marks each)
a- Lysosomes
b- Bone cells

30/5/2001 TIME ALLOWED: 2 hours
1. Illustrating your answer with a coloured diagram, describe the histological picture of the spleen, with reference to its
microcirculation, theories of circulation & functions.
(10 marks).
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2. Draw coloured & labeled diagrams of the following:
a) Medium-sized artery & vein.
b) Spongy bone.
(5 marks each).
3. Give a detailed account of the following:
a) Conducting system of heart.
b) Classification of neurons, with reference to examples.
(5 marks each).
4. Discuss the following:
a) kertinocytes of skin epidermis.
b) Neutrophil leucocytes.
(5 marks each).
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رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-11-2009, 01:28 AM
الصورة الرمزية ღ ღDr.MoustafaSofaღ ღ
ღ ღDr.MoustafaSofaღ ღ ღ ღDr.MoustafaSofaღ ღ غير متواجد حالياً
عضو قدير
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2009
العمر: 32
المشاركات: 343
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
ღ ღDr.MoustafaSofaღ ღ is on a distinguished road

Thank U VM Dr

يامتلقح جوا قلبى وقلبى مش متين من حلاوتك جانى اسكر ادينى انسولين :D :D
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-11-2009, 03:43 PM
Nour ELeslam Nour ELeslam غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
المشاركات: 58
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
Nour ELeslam is on a distinguished road

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ღ ღDr.MoustafaSofaღ ღ مشاهدة المشاركة
Thank U VM Dr
Dont mention it
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-11-2009, 03:26 AM
الصورة الرمزية د/بسمة الاسلام
د/بسمة الاسلام د/بسمة الاسلام غير متواجد حالياً
عضو قدوة
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
المشاركات: 1,471
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
د/بسمة الاسلام is on a distinguished road

ممكن بس حضرتك توضح دي ايه

دي امتحانات ايه بالظبط ؟؟
نصف العام يعني ايه امتحان اعمال السنة الى عليه 20 في المية ولا دي ايه ؟؟
لكل من قرأ حرفا اجتهدت فى اخراجه بصورة لائقة ..استودعكم الله ..لا تنسونى من صالح دعائكم ...فانا بحاجة اليه ..سلام الله ورحمته وبركاته ..
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-11-2009, 03:51 PM
Nour ELeslam Nour ELeslam غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
المشاركات: 58
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
Nour ELeslam is on a distinguished road

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة د/بسمة الاسلام مشاهدة المشاركة
ممكن بس حضرتك توضح دي ايه

دي امتحانات ايه بالظبط ؟؟
نصف العام يعني ايه امتحان اعمال السنة الى عليه 20 في المية ولا دي ايه ؟؟
هى دى الاسئله اللى فى امتحان اخر السنه بس على الجزء اللى بندرسه فى الترم الاول
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-11-2009, 03:19 PM
الصورة الرمزية bonno
bonno bonno غير متواجد حالياً
طالب ثانوى ( الصف الثالث )
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2008
العمر: 32
المشاركات: 135
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
bonno is on a distinguished road

باستاذنك يا دكتورة انقل الامتحانات دي لموقعنا الجديد
ولو تحبي تشرفينا فيه
انشاناه بناء على الفكرة التي تقدم بها احد الدكاترة ان يكون لنا منتدى خاص
نتبادل يه الخبرة والمعرفة
ولا مانع من توفير الثقافة و الترفيه

لو تحبي تشرفينا فيه


the king of the future
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-11-2009, 03:59 PM
Nour ELeslam Nour ELeslam غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
المشاركات: 58
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
Nour ELeslam is on a distinguished road

[quote=bonno;1773250]باستاذنك يا دكتورة انقل الامتحانات دي لموقعنا الجديد
ولو تحبي تشرفينا فيه
انشاناه بناء على الفكرة التي تقدم بها احد الدكاترة ان يكون لنا منتدى خاص
نتبادل يه الخبرة والمعرفة
ولا مانع من توفير الثقافة و الترفيه

لو تحبي تشرفينا فيه


طبعا يادكتور علشان الكل يستفيد منه
بالتووووووووووووووووووووووووووفيق ان شاء الله
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 10-02-2010, 02:04 AM
سلمى سامى سليم سلمى سامى سليم غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2009
المشاركات: 52
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
سلمى سامى سليم is on a distinguished road

شكرا جزيلا
رد مع اقتباس
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