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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > القسم الإداري > أرشيف المنتدى

أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 13-02-2010, 11:37 PM
محمد خالد ابراهيم محمد خالد ابراهيم غير متواجد حالياً
عضو خبير
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2009
المشاركات: 557
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
محمد خالد ابراهيم is on a distinguished road
Impp ساعدووووووووووونى

انا مش بعرف اكتب برجراف خالص ..... انا بحل اختبار الانجلش كله وباجى عند البرجراف وبقف ارجو من مدرسين اللغة الانجليزية الكرام انهم يساعدونى فى حل هذه المشكلة وعايز اعرف سؤال البرجراف دا عليه كام درجة فى الامتحان ولكم جزيل الشكر
قديم 14-02-2010, 01:19 AM
الصورة الرمزية مستر / طارق الديب
مستر / طارق الديب مستر / طارق الديب غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2009
المشاركات: 313
معدل تقييم المستوى: 15
مستر / طارق الديب is on a distinguished road

J كيف تتعامل مع هذا السؤال؟

¥>>يجب مراعاة القواعد العامة لكتابة موضوع التعبير وهى
1- إترك مسافة تعادل 5 حروف فى السطر الأول فقط من الموضوع.
2- إ بدأ كل جملة بحرف Capital كبير وواضح.
3- ضع (.) واضحة فى نهاية كل جملة.
4- ابدأ الموضوع بجملة رئيسية تحتوى فى مجملها على فكرة الموضوع.
5- إستخدم الزمن الصحيح والمناسب لنوعية الموضوع الذى نكتبه.
6- تجنب استخدام الجمل المعقدة وعليك استخدام الجمل البسيطة والسهلة فى المعنى.
7- خصص صفحة كاملة للموضوع فى ورقة الامتحان ويجب أن تترك سطر عند كتابة الموضوع.
8- يجب ترك مسافة بين كل كلمة وأخرى.

بعض الجمل والتعبيرات اللي ممكن تساعدك فى اي موضوع
لمواضيع مفيدة((السياحة - الرياضة- القراءة- التصدير للخارج- الحاسب الالي ...... الخ)
نتفق جميعا ان ...... شي مهم في حياتنا.
We All agree that... is important things in our life
نتفق جمعيا ان....... له دورا حيويا في هذه الايام.
We all agree that ...has vital role nowadays.
كلنا نقر باهمية .......... في حياتنا.
We all admit the importance of .... in our life.
لا عجب اذا قلنا ان ...... له اثار ايجابيا علينا.
No wonder if we say that ... has/have good positive effects on us.
كلنا نتفق ان ...... يلعب دور هام ف حياتنا.
We all agree that ...is plays an important part in our life.
اننا ندين لـــــ.... والتي تلعب دور حيوي ف حياتنا
We owe to ....which play a vital role part in our life.
لمواضيع ضارة( التلوث - الكثافة السكانية - الإرهاب.....الخ)
نحن نراي ان .....يمثل عقيه فى طريق تقدمنا
We can see that .... stands for an obstacle in the way of our progress.
من راي اعتقد ان ........ خطير وضار هذة الايام
In my point of view I think that.... is serious nowadays.
من وجهة نظري اعتقد ان يجلب الشر الي مجتمعنا.
In my point of view, I think that .....bring all evil to our society.
هذا يجلب لنا اثار سيئة وسلبية فى حياتنا
..... are-is harmful nowadays and have a bad and negative effects in our life.
لابد ان نتحد ونتعاون من اجل مصلحة بلدنا ضد....
We should unite and co-operate for the sake of our country against...
.................تعتبر وباء اجتماعي خطير فى مجتمعنا
……..is-are a serious social evil in our society.
مما لا شك فيه ان ...هي واحدة من اخطر الظواهر فى حياتنا.
There is no doubt that ..... is one of the most dangerous phenomena in our life.
......... يجلب لنا اثار سيئه وسلبية في بلدنا فى وقتنا الحالي
……………...bring us bad and negative effects in our country nowadays.
هناك اسباب مختلفة لمشكله ......... في بلدنا.
There are various causes for the problem of ...... in our country.

مقدمة لموضوعات نافعة أو هدامة
In fact, much has been said and written about the( importance - dangers ) of … اسم الموضوع….in our life. In my opinion this subject is worth writing about because of its ( good---bad ) effects on man’s life.
فى الحقيقة إن الكثير قد قيل و كٌتِب عن ( أهمية – مخاطر)...............فى حياتنا. من وجهة نظرى فإن هذا الموضوع يستحق الكتابة عنه بسبب تأثيراتة (الإيجابية – السلبية) على حياة الإنسان.
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....................................
خاتمة لموضوعات نافعة أو هدامة
Finally it is quite clear that ..… اسم الموضوع ..….is (bless --- curse) . We can't ignore the (advantages - disadvantages ) of this subject in our daily life.
فى النهاية أصبح من الواضح أن .... اسم الموضوع... ( نعمة – نقمة). ونحن لا نستطيع أن نتجاهل (مميزات– عيوب) هذا الموضوع فى حياتنا اليومية.

كلمات تساعدك على الكتابة

we should…
ينبغى أن ....
double production
نضاعف الإنتاج
to achieve prosperity and welfare
لنحقق الرخاء والرفاهية
to overcome ( solve) our problems
لـــــ نتغلب على مشاكلنا
to lead a peaceful quiet life
لــــــ نحيا حياة مسالمة هادئة
take part in = participate in = share in
نشارك فى
play an important part in
يلعب دوراً فى
devote ( him self) to…
يكرس حياته لـ ..
spare no effort
لا يدخر وسعاً
do (his) best
يبذل قصارى جهده
increase our exports
نزيد صادراتنا
for the sake of our country
لصالح بلدنا
cooperate together
لنتعاون معاً
for the good of
put an end to
نضع نهاية (حد) لـ
the problem of unemployment
مشكلة البطالة
this problem leads; to many other problems
هذه المشكلة تؤدى إلى مشكلات كثيرة
find alternative sources of energy
إيجاد مصادر بديلة للطاقة
solar power
الطاقة الشمسية
water power
الطاقة المائية
will soon run out = be exhausted
سريعاً سينفذ
humanity and civilization
الإنسانية والحضارة
the most powerful computer in the world
أقوى كمبيوتر فى العالم
a revolution of information resources
ثورة فى مصادر المعرفة
modern technology
التكنولوجيا الحديثة
great projects
مشروعات ضخمة (عظيمة)
a cultural event
حدث ثقافى
a radical change
تغيير جذرى
in the field of education
فى مجال التعليم
press plays an important role
تلعب الصحافة دوراً هاماً
in forming public awareness
فى تكوين الوعى العام
illiteracy and unemployment result in
ينتج عن الأمية والبطالة
the spread of crime
انتشار الجريمة
we must exploit all our natural resources
يجب أن نستغل كل مواردنا الطبيعية
production goes side by side with
يسير الإنتاج جنب إلى جنب مع
we seek peace for
نحن نبحث عن السلام من أجل
the welfare and happiness of man
رفاهية وسعادة الإنسان
smoking is bad and we must give it up
التدخين عادة سيئة ويجب الإقلاع عنه
a means to an end
وسيلة تؤدى إلى غاية
it teaches us discipline and cooperation
تعلمنا النظام والتعاون
help the handicapped overcome
مساعدة المعوقين على التغلب على
the disability
upgrading education
تحديث التعليم (النهوض بالتعليم)
thinkers, scientists and men of letters
المفكرون والعلماء والأدباء
will be indebted to him for his discoveries
مديونون له لاكتشافاته
great achievements
إنجازات عظيمة
aim at
يهدف إلى
up -to - date
حديث (على الموضة)
out – of- date
قديم (ليس على الموضة)
constructing fly over bridges and tunnels
تشييد الكبارى والأنفاق
establishing child libraries
إنشاء مكتبات الأطفال
supply with = provide with
يزود بـ
enrich their knowledge
لإثراء معرفتهم
create the good citizen
لخلق المواطن الصالح
raise the standard of living
يرفع مستوى المعيشة
decrease the consumption
تخفيض( تقليل ) الإستهلاك
increase the national income
زيادة الدخل القومى
increase our productions
زيادة إنتاجنا

إنتبه: هذة الموضوعات مكتوبة جملة جملة للتسهيل ويجب أن تٌكتب على هيئةParagraph
[1] For and Against T. V
1. We can't imagine our life without television.
2. It is considered the cheapest means of entertainment.
3. It provides us with useful information in all fields of life.
4. It shows us the habits and customs of other peoples.
5. TV may waste our time when we spend too much time in front of it.
6. It may teach children bad habits such as violence and crime.
7. In my opinion T.V weakens family ties.
8. The matter needs a family control.
[2] Unemployment
1. Unemployment is one of the most dangerous phenomena in our life.
2. It has its bad and negative effects nowadays.
3. I think so because unemployment may bring all the evil to any society.
4. In fact most university graduates find no work nowadays, consequently they waste their time uselessly.
5. And as a result, they become a means of destruction and a ruin to their own society.
6. The youth who find no jobs anywhere may be an easy catch to those who drive them in the wrong direction. They can commit horrible crimes against their country.
7. It is time for us to unit, co-operate and stand as one hand to quick solutions to this thorny problem.
8. Thus the government should proovide the newly graduated youth with free loans to set up small projects.
9. Moreover, the youth shouldn't wait for the government posts but they should learn different crafts to help them earn their living.
3. The True Friend (Friendship)
1. No one can live without friends.
2. Friendship is necessary because man is sociable by nature; it is so difficult for him to live in isolation.
3. In our life we meet a lot of people but a few of them are chosen to be friends.
4. A good friend should be frank, honest and faithful to his friends.
5. A good friend should keep secrets.
6. The friend who enjoys these merits is a rare coin these days.
7. It's true to say "A friend in need is a friend indeed".
8. We must choose friends carefully because birds of feather flock together.
4. Reading is as important as food.
1. In fact much has been said and written about the importance of reading in our life.
2. Reading is a source of knowledge and information.
3. It widens the scope of man's knowledge.
5. We have to feed our minds as we feed our bodies.
6. Reading is the food of minds.
7. So, it is true to say a good book is a good friend.
8. Reading is as important as air and water.
9. The first word in Holy Quran was " Read"

5 Modern means of communication
1. In my opinion this subject is worth writing about.
2. No one can deny the importance of modern means of communication in our life.
3. They have enabled us to communicate with other people all over the world in no time.
4. Through T. V screens we can watch the current events that take place in different parts of the world.
5. We can keep in touch with relatives and friends through the telephones.
6. They help planes and ships to find their way.
7. Thanks to the internet the world has become a small village.
6 The desert is the future of our country"
1. It is necessary for Egypt to develop the desert regions.
2. Most of the area of Egypt is vast deserts and the Egyptians are living in a narrow valley.
3. Egypt is suffering from the serious problem of over-population.
4. In order to solve this problem, the government has been building great projects to cultivate the desert.
5. In Sinai, canals have been dug to increase the green land.

6. Schools have been built to educate the inhabitants.
7. Hospitals with modern equipment have been built.
8. Investors are encouraged to establish modern projects in the fields of industry and agriculture.
9. Our government has built new cities in the desert to relieve the pressure of the crowded cities.
7 . Money
1. There is no doubt that money can play an important role in our life.
2. In fact, we can't do without it. Money can buy everything we need.
3. Money walks, money talks, money does everything.
4. A lot of people think that money will solve all the world's problems.
5. Money is a good slave, but a bad master.
6. Money is a mixed blessing.
7. At the same time money is a double edged weapon.
8. Some people think that money is the root of all evil.
9. It can encourage people to commit crimes to get money.
10. Money can't buy health, happiness and love.
8.The computer
1. Thanks to science there are lots of scientific inventions.
2. We are now living in the age of computers.
3. Computers are considered the wonders of modern life.
4. They are used in every field of life.
5. You can do your shopping and pay your bills through the computer.
6. You can log onto the internet to get information of any kind or talk to any person anywhere.
7. Computers have changed our life completely.
8. In brief, the computer is a great scientific miracle that has helped man to achieve progress.
9. Shortage of food
1. Many parts of the world are suffering from the shortage of food.
2. Always the elders and sick people die of starvations.
3. A hungry world is never a peaceful one.
4. Our government is taking this into consideration.
5. Areas of the desert are being reclaimed and turned into green land.
6. New methods of irrigation are used to save water.
7. It is expected that Toshka project will supply us with lots of foods.
10 . Tourism
1. Tourism is an important industry without smoke or dust.
2. It plays a vital role in increasing our national income.
3. It is a good earner of hard currency.
4. It serves to employ huge numbers of people.
5. We should work hard to encourage tourism.
6. We have to provide clean and comfortable places at reasonable prices
7. We should have tourism awareness and treat them in a friendly way.
8. We should improve means of transport and communication.
9. Finally , one can say that tourism is the back bone of our economy.
11. Places of interest in Egypt
1. There are many wonderful places of interest in Egypt.
2. Egyptian monuments are very interesting and attract the tourists to visit.
3. In Cairo, Tourists can visit the Egyptian museum
4. The Egyptian museum is full of royal mummies and treasures.
5. Cairo is also famous for its ancient mosques and churches.
6. In Giza tourists visit the sphinx and the pyramids.
7. The pyramids are considered of the Seven Wonders of the World.
8. In Luxor and Aswan there are the temples and the Valley of the Kings.
9. In Sinai St. Catherine and the Coral reefs are famous all over the world.
10.There are summer resorts in the north coast and Sharm El-Sheikh.
12. Pollution
1. Pollution is one of the great problems we face nowadays.
2. There are three types of pollution.
3. First the smoke from cars and factories causes air pollution.
4. Oil from big ships pollutes the water.
5. Pollution has bad effects on man’s health.
6. Laws should be passed to protect the environment.
7. Our state does its best to face this problem and the fight will continue.
13 . Free Time
1. We can’t ignore the importance of holidays and free time in our life.
2. They make us fresh and ready to go to work again.
3. Our leisure time is the filter which purifies our life.
4. Time is man’s capital and wealth, it is more important than money.
5. The youth should spend their time in a useful way.
6. We should spend our time reading, doing activities or help the parents.
7. Sports can help us to be healthy and fit.
14. The Pros and cons of advertisements
1. In fact, much has been said and written about the importance and the dangers of advertisements in our life.
2. In my opinion this subject is worth writing about because of its good and bad effects on man’s life.
3. Advertisements everywhere; we read, watch and listen to them.
4. We read advertisements in newspapers and on roads , watch them on TV and listen to them on radios.
5. No one can deny their effects on shopping rates.
6. Advertisements make us buy something we need or do not need.
7. Advertisements may trick us, they may give false descriptions.
15. Learning foreign languages
1. Learning foreign languages become indispensable necessity.
2. Foreign languages enable us to read foreign books, newspapers.
3. They enable us to know what happens in the world.
4. They enable us to know customs and traditions of other nations.
5. They help us to acquire other countries' civilization and technology.
6. Foreign languages give us clear picture about the outer world.
7. It widens our scope of knowledge, thinking and international understand.
8. So we can talk to foreign people who come to our country.
9. When we travel abroad, we communicate with people understand them.
16.Modern means of communications
1. No one can deny that we live in the age of technology.
2. Modern means of communication play a great role in our life today.
3. They have enabled man to communicate with people all over the world.
4. They are essential for saving time and efforts.
5. There are different means of communications such as telephone, mobiles, the Internet and satellites.
6. These means help us to get in touch with the world progress.
7. We can know what happen all over the world through TV screens.
8. Modern means of communications have made the world a small village.
9. They are vital for exchanging opinions and points of views.
1. Needless to say that Egypt has achieved great progress in this field.
17 .Computers
1. Computer is considered one of the greatest discoveries of our modern age. They save time and efforts.
2. The benefits of computer are limitless.
3. A computer has a perfect memory, which can store huge amounts information.
4. Nowadays computers are used every where such as hospitals, banks, school, airports and stations.
5. Computers let us communicate with people in other countries very quickly.
6. Through the computer we can log on the internet web to get any information we need.
7. The computer can help students to learn, make friends and do research.
8. Computer games are very interesting means of entertainment.
9. As for its disadvantages a lot of computer games are violent.
10.If a computer is broken down, most people can't fix it.
11.In a word, we should make the best use of computer.
اللهم وفقنا لما تحبه و ترضاه
Reading as a hobby
Reading is a useful hobby . it is a good means to spend our time and to increase our general knowledge , we read daily newspapers and magazines , by reading newspapers we are aware of all the news of our county as well as the news of the world . magazines deal with cultural subjects , reportages and short stories , the book is the fiend of man. We read prose and poetry in literary books while scientific books deal with to date inventions and historical stories. Man can never feel lonely so long as he has book or a magazine as friend.
Libraries are placed where we can read or borrow books we can spend a useful time reading in the library , we can find many books of various kinds and standards which satisfy all classes , all tastes and all cultures the library is the best place where a person can be acquainted with the latest researching of brave men , the emotions and feelings of men of arts , in fact , it is a spring of knowledge which is never finished .it is the place where a person finds comfort and reliefafter the troubles and cares of life . in the library a person can find himself among books which are the best friends of man , through books in libraries we spend our spare time and increase our general knowledge.
Television as a means of amusement and education
The television is a means of amusing and education it is a good means before which we can spend our spare time and increase our general knowledge . On the television screen we enjoy various programs which satisfy all desires, tastes and cultures. The cultural programs are of great value, they include social problems and religious subjects the entertaining programs appeal to many people . They enjoy listening to music and songs and looking at public parties , plays and films , the educational programs are of great importance because they are good means of illustration .
The role of the youth in our new society
The progress of any nation depends greatly on its youth and the services they do for the prosperity of their country , a youth can serve his county in various ways , he can take part in the industrial projects of his country, during the summer vacation he may go to village , mix with the farmers and teach them how to read and write . he also shows them to use modern machines to increase production , so a youth shares in improving social condition . a youth should always be ready to offer the last drop of his blood if his country is attacked by enemy , he should train himself todefend it , in fact every youth must be aware of his duties and obligations. so that we may lead our beloved country to progress and peace .
Life is full of ups and down . a wise person should think of the day when he becomes unable to earn his living , he should bear in mind that a rainy day will come and so he has to be ready for it. Saving is of great benefit . we must not spend our incomes unwisely , we have to save part of our income so as to face the unknown future saving enables a person to secure a better life and good living condition for his children and his family , a child may fall ill and a father finds himself in a difficult position if he has not saved money to provide for such a situation , if we save money we serve ourselves as well as our agriculture projects thus all of us live in a society whose standard of welfare is secured for all citizens .
In war man leaves all his habits and human thoughts. He is changed into a wild animal or even worse because animals fight to get their food and living while people fight to enslave other and destroy civilization. It is a destruction of all human values and treasures which always improve mankind. It destroys man and the products of his skill and labor. Most of the inventions and discoveries are badl used during war or even modified for killing human beings and humiliating humanity. If the world cannot abolish war , the fact of civilization is obvious. It will go down in great ruin. Until the world finds a way to stop war forever we as an independent country have to protect ourselves by increasing our armed forces.
Sports and games
Sports and games are of the greatest value for the building of our bodies and the improving of our health. They make our bodies strong and prevent us from getting too fat. Playing games strengthens our bodies.
Develops our muscles and *******es our minds. Sports and games are also useful in character building . they teach us unselfishness, courage discipline and cooperation. A sportsman has the ability to win without boasting and to lose without complaining . he faces difficulties and problems with a smile and without despair. Sports and games are good means to spend our spare time. They help in spreading international understanding and international peacemaking among the youth of the world.
Science at home
Science has made our life comfortable and pleasant. In our modern home , we use the gas stove which cooks our food , the refrigerator which keeps it fresh and the electric washing machine which washes our
clothes. The electric fan *******es us is summer. Air conditioning machines keep the air cool in summer and warm in winter. The electric heater provides us with hot water in the kitchen and the bathroom. The
electric mixer helps in beating the fat and the eggs and in squeezing the fruit. The television, the recorder and the radio are the best means of amusement in our modern home.
Tourism in Egypt
Tourism in the A.R.E is an important source of wealth . it is a good means to increase our national income tourists visit the A.R.E so as see our ancient civilization . A visit to the Egyptian museum gives a true
picture of our glory in ancient times. The pyramids, the sphinx and other ancient monuments attract tourists who come from every corner in the world to spend a lovely time in the Nile valley . not only does our ancient civilization attract tourists to visit our country. But the also come to enjoy our fine weather . the A.R.E is considered as an international winter resort where tourists enjoy they shining sun and beautiful scenery. They visit our country not only to enjoy its pleasant climate and its historical places but also to witness the modern projects which have been carried out all over the country. First class hotels have been built in various parts of the country to receive our tourists.
How we make use of our deserts
We make use of the natural wealth which lies hidden in the bottom of the desert. In the eastern desert, engineers, geologists, experts and laborers prospect for oil and exploit fields. In the deserts near Aswan iron ore is found in large quantities. It is used in the iron and steel industry . the reclamation of the deserts is one of the chief projects carried out in the A.R.E the desert is changed into cultivable land. Thus we can increase the area of the green land. People who live in overpopulated districts settle down in the new reclaimed land. In order to make use of the oases we have to encourage rural industries and facilitate means of transport. Desert plants are of great importance they are used in making medicine. There are many historical places in our deserts. They attract tourists to visit our country .
Overpopulation in Egypt
Overpopulation is a serious problem that needs an urgent solution . it is caused when production becomes less than consumption . in order to solve such a problems , agricultural and industrials production should be increased so as to met the people's demands. We have to encourage people to leave overpopulated places and settle in the land which has been reclaimed in the desert still, the most important solution of overpopulation is birth control and family planing. People should know that the high birth rate is a serious problem that must be solved by birth control. A family with many children lives from hand to mouth . a small family leads a pleasant and happy life while a big family faces many troubles and difficulties such as lack of food and clothing .

Egypt works for peace, yet we should have a strong army
When Egypt waged war against israil on the 6of October 1973 it was a war for peace not for aggression. After winning the battle we raised the slogan of peace and began rebuilding our country . Egypt works for peace , yet we should have a strong army to protect the peace we are working for today Egypt has a very strong army to protect the peace we are working for today Egypt has a very strong and highly trained army. It is manned and officered by young and patriotic men. It uses the most sophisticated weapons used in the electronic war. It has mirage 2000 and the first early warning plane, thus our modern army has the ability to function on any front and can deter any aggression .
Modern Inventions
Necessity is the mother of invention .Inventions are important in our life .Without them life would be difficult. Now, we lead a comfortable life thanks to modern technology .Many people have invented many tings like phone, mobile ,vehicles , planes, computer, internet…..etc… .They begin with a simple idea and develop it . every one can be like them and become an inventor . Just think in a good idea that people need . May be one day you will be like Bill Gates , the owner of Microsoft.
قديم 26-02-2010, 07:56 PM
الصورة الرمزية samar saad
samar saad samar saad غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متألق
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2010
المشاركات: 3,238
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
samar saad is on a distinguished road

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