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تعلم الانجليزية خاص بتعليم الانجليزية للكبار والصغار ، دورات الانجليزية بمراكز اللغات وشهادة TOEFL

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 07-09-2024, 12:47 AM
mosaadabd460 mosaadabd460 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
المشاركات: 314
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
mosaadabd460 is on a distinguished road

Elon welcome to uh Israel uh you've been
here before yes this is a visit unlike
anyone because you started it out uh in
the communities right next to Gaza where
the horrendous Massacre took place U we
went there together and I yeah and then
I showed you a a short film of some of
the horrors and I I wonder if you can
give you some of your impressions of
what you saw
I it was jarring to see the scene of the
massacre or one of the scenes of the
massacres um as well as to see the short
afterwards uh that uh showed a you know
more of of innocent people getting
killed I was troubling in that movie
especially to see the joy experienced by
the people that were killing innocent
civilians including kids and you know
babies and defenseless people
essentially so
um you know it's it's one thing if
obviously if civilians die accidentally
um but if it's another thing to Revel in
the joy of killing civilians that's not
you know that's frankly that's evil it's
it's really a a manifestation of a death
cult that's what Kamas is it's a it's a
death cult uh and they they glorifying
Gore I mean some of the things that we
saw are
children being murdered in front of
their parents parents being murdered in
front of their children uh mothers who
hid their the little boys in a
laundromat in an
oven uh or in a hidden attic and these
monsters found the attic and you can
imagine what these people felt these
little boys felt like in a grim fairy
tale the monsters coming at you and they
killed them and burned them they
beheaded women they beheaded men
they tied a woman next to to a
tree uh and raped her repeatedly and
then murdered her they um shot uh at uh
people in a nature Festival Music
Festival yeah killed hundreds you saw
the pictures that it's just horrible I
mean just killed people um women yes um
I mean the bottle is often made that uh
well you know but but you know Israel
has killed civilians
you know also in Gaza but the there is
an important difference here which is
that Israel tries to avoid killing
civilians doing everything he can to to
avoid killing civilians and you know
there's there's there's not sort of Joy
expressed at killing well it's it's it's
regret first of all every civilian
casualty is is a tragedy and we try to
minimize them but what what is happening
here is that Hamas is essentially
committing a double War crime the first
war crime is to deliberately Target
civilians MH uh and not only target them
but mutilate them rape them behead them
burn them uh the second war crime is to
deliberately hide behind civilians which
is what they're doing in Gaza so they're
not an army and bases or out in field
Maneuvers they're implanting themselves
in residential areas in schools and
hospitals the hospitals are the command
centers we found tunnels there with with
the military equipment with guns with
ammo uh so what do you do against an
enemy of this kind well uh the one thing
you cannot do is give immunity to the
terrorists because they're hiding among
civilians because if you give them
immunity everybody says they shouldn't
be doing this but effectively nobody's
willing to take the action to make sure
that this is not an effective tactic
because if it is it'll repeat itself
again and again and again by the way
Kamas says we're going to do it again
and again but it's not only against
Israel that they'll do it this will
spread very quickly throughout the
Middle East and Peril the entire region
from there they'll go to Europe and from
there they'll also go elsewhere to
America whom they call the great Satan
we're just a little sat America is the
great Satan America is the great Satan
and this is an Iranian AIS yes yes yes
Iran theis andas it's all part of that
same AIS that goes against Israel the
United States uh free civilization and
the modern Arab states were all on one
side they're on the other side
so how do you fight it well let's see
you know the people who are protesting
and what Israel is doing do not take
into account the fact that Israel asked
uh we called on the Palestinian
population to leave the zone of fighting
okay they wanted to leave guess who
stopped them at gunpoint Hamas okay we
broke that and created a a cordon a safe
Corridor that they could leave to the
southern part of the Gaza Strip where no
fighting was taking place yes and guess
who fired on the safe Gordon that we uh
safe Corridor Kamas so it's not Israel
that's preventing the civilians from
leaving the war zone it's Hamas it's not
Israel that is shooting at civilians who
want to escape it's Hamas uh but we
shouldn't give them the ability to U you
know to escape responsibility which is
what all these demonstrations are
happening you know the example I'll
give Hitler does this horrible you know
these horrible crimes he perpetrates the
Holocaust M uh yeah the Allies strike
back they invade Normy the Germans hold
themselves up in the German cities
nobody said well don't attack uh the the
vermar the German Army the Nazi army
because you have civilians there in fact
that's exactly what the Allies did
through the cities of France and the
cities of Germany and many many many
civilians were killed
uh I don't know what history would be
like if you had uh you know the kind of
mass communications that we have today
in protests would have been launched
against the Allies on behalf yeah of the
Nazis because because as the German
chancellor who visited Israel and saw
these these Horrors he said Kamas are
the new Nazis Kamas are the new Nazis
and people are demonstrating either out
of ignorance or out of malevolence
they're protesting yeah for the wrong
side I mean it is it was troubling to
see massive protests in almost every
major city um in favor of Hamas or well
they'll generally characterize it as
sort of a free Palestine movement um and
I and I think you know one can generally
agree that we want the you know a good
future for
Palestinians um and we want to you
know I mean the the challenge is really
how do you you know get get rid of the
ones who are hell vents on murdering
Jewish people um while you know
minimizing civilian casualties and then
ultimately stopping the um the the the
sort of propaganda that is convincing
people to engage in um you know Murder
so that at the end of the day that
that's really essential is is to figure
out okay what how are they being trained
to have these to believe that murdering
and having Joy at the death of civilians
is a good thing um and to stop that
training well I think you you hit the
nail on the head um because you have we
have a first a mission to destroy Kamas
nothing's going to stop that because if
you want peace destroy Kamas if you want
want security destroy Hamas if you want
a better life for the Palestinians in
Gaza who've been hijacked uh by Hamas
destroy Hamas U all of that is a
precursor to the question that you asked
you first have to get rid of the
poisonous regime uh as you did in
Germany as you did in Japan in World War
II these were two there's no choice
there's no choice that's a prerequisite
there's no but but then look at what
happened I mean what you had in Germany
was den nification and what you had in
Japan under uh uh Douglas MacArthur was
a cultural uh Reformation uh and Japan
that you visit today is so different
from Japan of the 1930s yeah Germany
that you visit today is so different
from Germany of the 1930s well is that
possible in the Arab world and I
categorically say of course it is
because we've seen it already in two
places we've seen it in the Gulf States
and we see that when you visit Dubai or
when you visit Abu Dhabi or when you
visit Bahrain you see something entirely
different sure there was in fact a
cultural change there uh and let me say
that that same thing is in my opinion
happening uh to a considerable extent in
Saudi Arabia the
deradicalization of uh these Muslim
countries these Arab countries is some
of it already took place some of it is
taking place yeah but there's another
country with a substantial Arab minority
where that is already taking place and
that's called Israel 20% of our citizens
are Arabs most of them Muslim right uh
they serve on you know in high places in
the academy and the Supreme Court in the
knesset and so on and I'm not saying
that there are there isn't uh some
radicalism there but mostly there isn't
and in fact they're integrated into the
society so we have to do the same think
we have to demilitarize Gaza after the
the destruction of Hamas and we have to
deradicalize Gaza and that will take
some time especially work on the mosques
and on the schools that's where children
are you know embi uh their values and
then we have to also rebuild Gaza and I
hope to have our Arab friends uh help in
that context yeah and and you know um
I'd like to help as well so I think it's
it's it's important to parap fness uh in
taking out the the terrorists those who
wish or intent on motor and then at the
same time to then help uh those who
remain which is also what happened in
Germany and Japan exactly right um you
know it's it's interesting because
uh this quite a rare thing in history um
usually the Victor uh pillages the you
know the loser um and uh and uh um if
you look at after World War I you know
the Treaty of asai was a big mistake um
and it created immense bitterness in
Germany and it's part of what led to
World War II and then World War II that
people realized listen we we actually
need to rebuild the economies and
instead of uh punishing them and so you
know you had the rebuilding of Japan
rebuilding of of Germany and much of
Europe and um and then we've we've had
peace and prosperity for a long time I
think that this is possible but it has
that uh
small small uh prerequisite I'm saying
small and I don't really mean small it's
a big job of getting rid of Kamas which
we will and and remember that what
Israel suffered on this ignominious day
of October 7th was proportionately like
2911 so you know when people make a
ceasefire sure and Kamas says well you
know if we're still around we're going
to do it again and again and again
that's a direct quote yes okay so would
you would you make you you don't need to
read between the lines you just read the
lines they're they're they're quite
explicit about it yes so obviously we
can't do that anymore than uh America
would make a ceasefire with al- Qaeda
after 911 yeah and this is
2911 uh so so they have to go and they
will go I'm talking about combatants I'm
talking about terrorists I'm talking
about terrorist Chieftains uh but then I
think we can build a different future
with the Palestinians and and the thing
that I'm I have to also uh really
respond to is these demonstrations
against Israel which is the only force
that is taking a measures to prevent
civilian casualties we're trying to do
everything that we can including
entering uh into Gaza humanitarian help
uh but we have mass demonstrations where
were these
demonstrations when over a million Arabs
and Muslims were killed in Syria in
Yemen many of them starving to death
those who didn't die in explosions and
in battle where were the demonstrations
in London in Paris in San Francisco in
Washington where are they and the answer
is they don't care about the
Palestinians right they hate Israel and
they hate Israel because they hate
America and they say so they say they
say from the river free Palestine from
The River To The Sea right you know what
the river to the Sea means yes the the
river not a river it's a creek it's
called the Jordan River okay the sea is
the Mediterranean in between is Israel
right all of 50 miles wide when they say
free Palestine from The River To The Sea
they say destroy Israel yeah so they're
demonstrating for the destruction of
Israel on behalf of people who committed
the worst savagery perpetrated on the
Jewish people since the holoc C that is
a moral collapse uh and uh it's
understandable that people will have
concern for civilian casualties because
we do as well that I understand it's
inconceivable and incomprehensible that
people will actually protest on behalf
of these murderers these deliberate
killers of babies uh and not uh you know
they're not accidentally uh killing
these people we went into these Cottages
today we saw where these killers came in
and shot cribs yes shot families
murdered bullet casings in in the crib
bullet casings in the crib exactly it's
just shocking uh and and so one has to
understand in every legitimate War there
what you said before The Accidental uh
civilian casualties that accompany any
legitimate military action that's often
happened happened to the Allies unid
it's unavoidable unfortunately you try
to minimize it but what these terrorists
Hamas terrorists did is deliberately
cross the line they were out there to
Massacre murder civilians on mass and
let me tell
you Schultz the chancellor of Germany
called him when he visited Israel he
called him the new Nazis called Kamas
the new Nazis I'll tell you what the
difference between the original Nazis
and the new Nazis is capability if they
had the capability oh yes if they wen't
thrown back by
brave soldiers who flooded the lines and
brave civilians who fought with their
fingernails uh they would have killed
every last one of us yeah I agree so you
know I what what do you do to correct
these uh these lies in these distortions
well one tell the truth have the
conversation we're having today but I I
think there's also a built-in there's a
built-in weakness in u Western High
higher education it's not new uh in 1933
shortly a few days after the rise of
Hitler the Oxford Student Union
uh had a
debate uh and the debate was should uh
that generation fight for king and
country and they resolved two to one
under no circumstances to fight for king
and country well they soon learned
differently they couldn't if they
tolerated this kind of aggression that
Germany was perpetrating and the
barbarism it soon spread to Britain it
soon spread to the entire world if we
tolerate this kind of barbarism that
Hamas perpetrated on on Israel by the
way on Jews and Arabs Alik in Israel
Arab citizens
beduins uh they spoke to me these bedan
Fighters Arab fighters in the in the
Israeli Defense Force one of them said
you know
I woke up on that day rushed to the line
and the first thing I saw he said the
first thing I saw
was a corpse of a woman a headless
corpse of a woman and he said to me then
I knew exactly what we were fighting we
is Arabs and Jews in Israel fighting
these monsters so I think that once we
recognize that we have to unite all the
forces of civilization against this new
barbarism this Savage
medievalism that is trying to stop a
better future for all of us and we can
achieve this future I think if we beat
Hamas we can go back to peace with Saudi
Arabia I think we can expand the circle
of Peace beyond anything imaginable we
build rebuild Gaza we can build
development projects that will defy the
imagination of the world but first we
have to win it's like against the Nazis
it's like against al Qaeda it's like
against uh Isis first you have to win
yeah I I I think that makes perfect
sense um the those who are in tented
motor must must be neutralized uh then
uh the the propaganda must stop um that
is training people to be Motors in the
future and
then and then and then making uh Gaza
prosperous and if if if if that happens
I think we'll be a good future well I
hope you'll be involved in it and I'd
love to help and the fact that you came
here I think speak volumes speaks
volumes of your uh your commitment to
try to secure a better future um I you
know I wish we had more time the last
time we spoke we spoke about AI yeah and
I think even here in this short visit
you had a glimpse of the great talents
that are yeah available here tremendous
talent in Israel and but it's talent
that serves the world uh it's h you know
all these things you you look at your
iPhone you know a good part of it was
made here you use ways was made here
sure you eat a cherry tomato was made
here that's the that's the positive part
of the future that we have begun to
build and we'll resume building after
this uh after we defeat Kamas because
and and the last thing I say is I've
never seen the people of Israel Elon so
United you know we we have a an
opportunity to quarrel among ourselves
our politics are famous for it and yet
here everyone United you know everyone
United I formed a Unity government uh an
emergency Unity government and the
people and the it's not merely the
soldiers it's the families even families
of soldiers who on the front line and
they say finish the job so we can have a
better future yeah
well I hope uh for a better future for
here and for the world thank you and
thank you for coming here yeah thank you
very me
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