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-   -   حل امتحان المستوى الرفيع كا ملا جميع الاسئله 2011 (https://www.thanwya.com/vb/showthread.php?t=337871)

Ab ahmed 06-07-2011 06:43 PM

حل امتحان المستوى الرفيع كا ملا جميع الاسئله 2011
1 مرفق

ل امتحان المستوى الرفيع كا ملا جميع الاسئله

مستر محمود عبد العاطى 06-07-2011 10:39 PM

بارك الله فيك

amrtaha 06-07-2011 11:04 PM

طيب حضرتك مش المفروض الجملة رقم 5 فى السؤال5 فى الامتحان لازم اقول ان الفقة دة هو القواعد اللى بتحكم تصرفات الممسلم وكدة زى ماهى فى كتاب المستوى لانى اعتقد كدة الاجابة ليست صحيحة تماما لان الكلمة فى الامتحان معناها الفقة واجابة حضرتك كتبت الفقة طب ازاى؟

عاشق اللغة الانجليزية 07-07-2011 02:01 AM

ربنا يبارك فيك

golden_boy201099 07-07-2011 02:25 PM

مش راضي يتحمل

golden_boy201099 07-07-2011 02:27 PM

ارجوكم عاوز احملة ارجو الرد بسرعة

angel.roaa 07-07-2011 03:23 PM

مش راضي يتحمل

Ab ahmed 08-07-2011 09:46 AM

1- السؤال الاول to be marked by impression
2- القطعه
a-to maintain their lifestyles.
b-more stress and less free time for ourselves and for our families and friends.
c- young people
d- government should redistribute some of our money to the developing world. Workers' unions, which propose a shorter working week , are also suggesting a new style of working-jobs shared by two or more people to reduce unemployment
e- Workers' / young people

3- Find

1- -Amira is as good as Nora or Amira is as equally good as Nora
2----On no condition can't I...........
3- repeated
4- anniversary
5-paid in
4-Answer Reading for adults
1-w hile he was peeling an orange
2- Food shortage
3- Oil is expected to run out soon and its price is very high
4- To eat meatless meals , to use TVP and Soya bean also by reclaiming the desert
5- It helps doctors to diagnose, to suggest suitable medicine and to record information about patients
5- spotlight on islam
1- If he wanted money they would make him the richest , if he wanted authority they would crown him
2- Mohamed was an illiterate and lived in an illiterate society so he couldn't be the writer / The holy quran has many prophecies and scientific facts
3- To believe in Allah the one , his prophets , his angles, his books and the day of judjement
4-As it is a moral safeguard and social necessity
5- It is Fiekh
6- الترجمه
يعتقد الباحثون ان الأجيال القادمة من المحتمل ان تكون أكثر عرضه للمعاناه من امراض الكبد والقلب
25 January revolution has made ( induced ) a radical change in the concepts of the Egyptian people
ا/ علاء هدايا
معهد فتيات شنباره الميمونه

Ab ahmed 08-07-2011 09:52 AM

استاذ عمرو كلام حضرتك مضبوط يمكن ان تكون الاجابه Jurisprudence is the laws govering the Muslim's treatment of others.
وكن انها نفس معنى الفقه فهو القواعد التى تحكم تعاملات المسلم مع الاخرين - كل مافي الامر اني اردت ان اختصر وخصوصا ان كلمه فقه موجوده في النص

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