اول مذكرة كاملة لكل الوحدات للترم الاول 2013-2014 (المنهج الجديد)
1 مرفق
اول مذكرة كاملة محاولة بسيطة ومتوضعة لكل الوحدات للترم الاول 2013-2014 (المنهج الجديد) طريقة التحميل سهلة جدا فية مربعين واحد اصفر وواحد رصاصى نطغط على المربع الرصاصى يظهر عداد انتظر حتى ينتهى وبعد كدة نكت الارقام فى المربع ونضغط ثم يبداء التحميل الاول الرجاء تسطيب الخطوط حتى تخرج المذكرة بالشكل المطلوب دعواتكم المذكرة اربع اجزء حتى يسهل تحميلها وبعد التحمل نعمل كوبى و بست لباقى الاجزء معامسموح باستخدم المذكرة كما تحب الاقتباس او وضع الاسم فالمذكرة لكم جميعا |
نرجو إعادة رفعها مستر خالد لأنه لا يوجد إلا ملف الخطوط
الله ينور يا مستر
جزيت الفردوس الاعلى |
ميرسى جدا مستر خالد ياريت حضرتك يكون فى مذكرات كمان لباقى مراحل ابتدائى علشان يكون اسهل علينا
جزاء الله كله الخير وجعله الله فى ميزان حسناتك |
جزاك الله خيراً يا مستر
بعد اذن حضرتك ممكن تعيد رفعها مرة اخرى لان كل الروابط اللى حضرتك وضعها لا تعمل ممكن ترفع على مواقع رفع افضل واسهل وجزاك الله خيرا
جعله الله فى ميزان حسناتك |
شكرا جدا جدا جدا جدا
شكرا جزيلا يا أستاذنا
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين الحمد لله الذي وهب لهذا المنتدي اناس مخلصين حريصين كل الحرص علي مساعدة الجميع من زملاء وابناء وهنا اتقدم بخالص الشكر والتقدير لسيادتكم متمنيا لكم من الله دوام الصحة والعافية وان يجعل الله هذا العمل صدقة جارية وفي ميزان حسناتكم يوم القيامة مستر ابراهيم الدسوقي |
والله ياأخى الكريم انت وحشنى جداً ومش عارف انت ليه بطلت تسأل عليه
جزاك الله خيرا على موضوعك وبوركت |
لو سمحت يا استاذنا الفاضل ترفع لينا المذكره على رابط اخر اكثر سهوله
هو فية مربعين اسفل الصفحة واحد اصفر والاخر رصاصى اضعط على المربع الرصاصى وهيبدا اظهار ارقام بعدها اكتبهم فى المربع واضغط ويبدا التحميل |
شكرااااااااااااااا لكم جميعا
السلام عليكم
أستاذى الفاضل لك كل جزيل الشكر ... لنا رجاء إذا تكرمت ان ترفعهم على مواقع رفع سهلة لأن الموقع الحالى لا يعمل |
تسلم ايديك , شغل جامد
Thanks a lot for your great work
الحمد لله رب العالمين الحمد لله الذي وهب لهذا المنتدي اناس مخلصين حريصين كل الحرص علي مساعدة الجميع من زملاء وابناء وهنا اتقدم بخالص الشكر والتقدير لسيادتكم متمنيا لكم من الله دوام الصحة والعافية وان يجعل الله هذا العمل صدقة جارية وفي ميزان حسناتكم يوم القيامة |
بعد إذن مستر خالد غباشي ... روابط سهلة أخري للفائدة ، المحتوى مضغوط ب 90 ميجا وملف الخطوط يمكنكم تحميله من المرفقات في الصفحة الأولي: 59 صفحة بالتوفيق للجميع |
جزاك الله خيرا
كل عام وانت بخير
يا مستر خالد التعامل مع ملفات الفتره الاخيره صعب.عايزين نستفيد من حضرتك يا ريت ملفات وورد زي الاول.
alot |
جزاك الله خيرا
many thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks
جزاك الله خيرا
شكرررررررررررررررررررااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا ا
جزاك الله خيرا
سبحان الله وبحمدة
جزاك الله خيرا
جزاك الله خيرا
الرابط باااااااااااااااايظ
للاسف الروابط مش شغالة
واللهي الروابط لا تعمل نهائيا
Mr.M.A.A.Aleem's Notes مذكرات مستر / محمود عبد العليم ( الصف الأول الثانوي ) 1-Where did this story start? In a town in England. 2-When did this story happen? During the industrial revolution. 3-Why did most of the English towns need people? To work in the factories that opened all over the country. 4-How were the people who came to find work ? They were poor. They couldn't buy food to eat. They couldn't find a place to sleep. 5-Why did these people go to the workhouse? To have a bed and food. 6-Who were working in the small dark room of one workhouse? A nurse and a doctor. 7-Who was with them in the room? A new baby born boy ( Oliver Twist) , and his mother (Agnes) 8-Why did the doctor and the nurse think that the boy would die? Because , he was breathing difficultly. 9-Why didn't the nurse know the boy mother's name? Because ,the mother was too ill and weak to speak when she arrived. 10-What did the mother ask from the doctor and the nurse? To see her baby. 11-What did the mother do when she picked up the baby? She kissed him gently on his cheek , smiled and died. 12-What did the nurse say about Oliver's mother (Agnes) after her death? The nurse said she was beautiful and she wouldn't know anything about her. 13-To where was Oliver sent ? He was sent to a nearby old house ( old building) . 14-Why was Oliver sent to the old house? To live with the orphans. 15-Who were the orphans? They were the children whose parents were destitute.( had no money , no food , no home etc). 16-Why was Mrs. Mann given a little money? To look after the orphans. 17-Why didn't the boys have much food? Because , Mrs. Mann took some of the little money for herself. 18-Why wasn't Oliver happy to live with Mrs. Mann in the old house ? a) Mrs. Man was cruel (unkind ). b) He didn't have enough food. c) He didn't go to school. d) He didn't know the world outside. 19-Who was Mr. Bumble? He was an important official from the workhouse. 20-Why did Mr. Bumble visit Mrs. Man in the old house? Because ,Oliver became nine years old and had to go to the workhouse to work for his food. 21-Why was Oliver sad (wretched) to leave the old house? Because, he would leave his friends and the only home he knew. 22-What did the managers of the workhouse tell him when he cried? They said he was lucky to work there and they would give him food and a bed for nothing. 23-How did Oliver find the boys of the workhouse? a)They were thin and weak like him. Their clothes were old and too big for them. They had hard life. 24-Why was their life hard? a) The beds were uncomfortable . b) The food wasn't enough. C) Their food was only thin soup. 25-What plan did the children make in order not to starve? They decided to ask for more food and chose Oliver to do so. 26-Why was the food master furious when Oliver asked for more food? Because, no one dared to do so before. 27-To where did the food master take Oliver ? He took Oliver to the managers of the workhouse. 28-What did the managers decide to do with Oliver? a)To lock him in a cold dark room. B)To put a message on the door of the workhouse for anyone to take him in return for five pounds. 29-What was Oliver's feelings in the cold dark room? He felt alone. He couldn't sleep and was crying all the time. 30-When did they take him out of the room ? At the time of the food ( when it was time to eat). 31- How did Bumble punish Oliver in front of the boys? He made Oliver stand in front of them while they were eating. He also beat him. 32-Why did the managers of the workhouse allow Bumble to punish Oliver? Because, they didn't want any boy to ask for more food like Oliver again. 33-Who was Mr. Sowerberry ? He was a coffin maker. 34-Why did he decide to take Oliver? Because he needed an apprentice. 35-Why was Oliver crying while walking with Bumble to Sowerberry's house? Because he became without friends. 36-Why weren't the Sowerberrys happy on seeing Oliver? a) Mr. Sowerberry said he was very small. b) Mrs. Sowerberry said he would cost them money to feed him. 37-What did Mrs. Sowerberry do for Oliver? a)She gave him old food to eat. b) She asked him to sleep in the shop. 38-Why wasn't it easy for Oliver to sleep in the shop? Because , it was dark and surrounded by unfinished coffins. 39-Why did Oliver wake up suddenly in the morning? Because Noah kicked the shop door . 40-How did Noah treat Oliver badly ? Noah gave Oliver a small kick and ordered him to open the shutters. 41-How did Mrs. Sowerberry treated the two boys differently? a)She asked Noah to sit by the fire to have more breakfast. b)She gave Oliver a little bread that was freezing cold. 42-Why did Noah get angry with Oliver? a)Because, Mr. Sowerberry was pleased with Oliver's work. b)Because , Mrs. Sowerberry took Oliver to the outside work leaving Noah to work inside. 43-What made Oliver feel angry and ashamed? Noah insulted his mother saying that she wasn't good at anything. She was to be punished. 44-According to Oliver , how did his mother die? She died of a broken heart. 45-Why did Noah cry for help? Because , Oliver hit him hard. 46-How did the Sowerberrys punish Oliver for hitting Noah? They locked him in the dark cellar. 47-How did Bumble explain Oliver's strange behaviour ? He thought that Mrs. Sowerberry was kind to Oliver and gave him too much meat . 48-What solution did Bumble suggest for that strange behaviour? He suggested leaving him in the cold cellar without food for a few days , then give him only soup. 49- What final decision did Oliver make ? He decided to leave the Sowerberrys' house because his life there was unbearable . |
جزاك الله خيراً
يا حماعة موقع عز فايل ده مش حلو خالص و متعب و مش بيحمل معايا
نرجو من الأستاذ أخونا الفاضل أن يرفعها على موقع تانى |
ايوا كده
الميديا فاير موقع جميل |
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الله يكرمك ويبارك فى صحتك يا مستر خالد...تسلم من كل مكروه
Many Thanks
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