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elsaidhafez 18-08-2009 01:09 PM

Moveahead Plus : Units 1 : 4
2 مرفق
السلام عليكم
إللي بيدرس Moveahead يعرفني و أن أبعت الباقي من مذكراتي الخاصة

elsaidhafez 18-08-2009 01:22 PM

Unit 2 Moveahead Plus
السلام عليكم إخواني ..الوحدة الثانية من Moveahead plus

0124527307 - 0144272713 MOVE AHEAD PLUS UNIT 2 When did it happen ?

يهزم- يسقط
واسع- ضخم
مجري مائي
نائب- وكيل
مدة الرئاسة
قبل الميلاد
بعد الميلاد
سياسة التميز العنصري
يرفض- يتدهور
aqueduct=water way
BC.=Before Christ
AD=Anno Domini
مكان الميلاد
شديد الإحتمال
سلع معمرة
يفيض- يغمر
خصب- خصبة
يصون – يحفظ
يودع- يترسب
ينزع- يجرد
نظام تقويم
علم السيسة
مهندس معماري
عرض مثير
يتجعد- ينهار

durable adj.
durables n.
overflow v.
crumble ( up)

crumble =break into small pieces
overthrown = defeated
warlike = hostile
vast = very large
foundation = the basic part
the height = the top
overflow = what happens when there is too much water in a river
durable adj. = lasting for a long time
fertile = capable of producing good crops or plants
birthplace = the place where something started
preserve = to keep in good condition
skilled = talented
Singular and plurals :
quiz – quizzes fly – flies goose- geese radio- radios
bus – buses potato- potatoes youth- youths spoonful- spoonfuls
still life- still lifes ear-ring – ear-rings ox- oxen loaf- loaves
Singular only : news , physics, music, maths, homework, housework
Plural only : police , outskirts, trousers, scissors, jeans, cattle, folk, remains

pre-war, preschool, precooked, preview, prearrange
antiwar, anti- American, antisocial
redo, rewrite, remake, reuse, reorganize
dishonesty, disconnect, dislike, dissimilar
unhappy, unexpected, unkind, unbelievable
(do) again
opposite of a word

1-A lot of people lived on the island of Crete . ( population )
- There was a large population on the island of Crete .
2-Joan of Arc led the French army and was able to defeat the English.(succeeded)
-Joan of Arc led the French and succeeded in defeating the English .
3-Bjorn Borg was the only modern player to win the Wimbledon championship each year for five years . (row )
-Bjorn Borg was the only modern player to win the Wimbledon championship for five years in a row .
4-I think many of the same qualities can be found in all great men and women .
( share )
-I think many of the same qualities are shared by all great men and women .
Choose the right answer :
1-It took 12 years (to build-build-building-built)in 280 BC .
2-An earthquake (damaged-rescued-raised-increased)the Colossus .
3-In 654 AD the remains of the broken statue were taken(part-parts-apart-ports) and sold .
4-It could (affect-effect- defeat-reflect) light from tens of kms away .
5-A mausoleum is a tomb which contains the (dead-death-die-dying) bodies of famous people .
6-The great pyramid is the oldest and yet the (lonely-only-alone-a line ) surviving of the seven wonders .
7-The pyramid was made (on-for- up- at) of about two million blocks of stone .
8-The gardens were described as (am-is-be-being) above ground level .
9-This was one of the largest and most beautiful temples in ancient (historic- historical-history- historian ).
10-It was (replace-replacing-replaced-burnt) by a second temple which was destroyed by fire .

Choose the right answer :
1-He (returned- was returning- returns-is returning ) home after I had met him yesterday.
2-I wanted to see him again as soon as he (goes-had gone-has gone-was going) .
3-He (will take-took-would take-takes) the prize as soon as he had won the competition.
4-He (doesn't-didn't-won't-needn't) tell me her name until she had left .
5-He went for a walk after he( had eaten-eating-has eaten-having eaten) dinner .
6-He had worked for himself before (got-gets-getting-has got) this job .
7-Did you post the letter after (had written-wrote-writing-write) it ?
8-He (does-had done-was doing-would do ) nothing before he saw us .
9-The fire had spread to the next building before the firemen (had arrived-arrived- would arrive- arrives ) .
10-When I arrived at the theatre, the play (has already started-already starts- had already started-will already start ) .
11-I didn't forgive him until I (know-had known-would know- have known ) the reason for his shameful conduct .
12-No sooner (he had got-had he got-he has got-he got )the message than he read it .
13-By the time he arrived at home, his wife (has made-makes-is making-had made) the dinner .
14-When she had done the shopping, she (will return-was returning-returned-returns) home .
15-We went to the cinema as soon as we (have finished-will finish-would finish-had finished) our work .
16-When I had heard the good news I (hurry- hurried- will hurry –had hurried) to inform him .
17-When I found my wallet I discovered that someone (has taken-had taken- was taking –takes ) the money out of it .
18-I found the pen which I (am losing-have lost-was losing-had lost ) .
19-He didn't go out until the teacher ( has allowed-had allowed-was allowed-would allow ) him to do so .
20-He thanked me for what I ( had done-have done-do-am doing) when he visited me.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :
1-I read the message. Then I knew the time of his arrival . ( After)
2-First he read the instructions and then he operated the machine . ( Before )
3-The president ended his speech, then the attendants clapped loudly . ( until)
4-As soon as I had eaten supper I went to bed . ( Before )
5-He had read the story before he made some notes . ( After )
6-The store detective didn't stop him until he had left the shop . ( Before )
7-He took the medicine after he had had a meal . ( He didn't )
8-She heard the bad news and then she began to cry. ( Having )
9-He found a space, then he parked his car . ( When )
10-Having checked the price, I bought a computer . ( After )
11-When I was on holiday , I swam in the sea everyday . ( used to )
12-I failed to solve the problem , so I asked his help . ( when )
13-When did you leave the town ? ( How long )
14-Eman was in the habit of visiting Fairouz . ( used to )
15-He had the ability to do the test . ( was

elsaidhafez 18-08-2009 01:30 PM

أنا آسف لإرسال الوحدة بهذا الشكل لأنه يبدو لأن المحتوى كان أكبر من الملف

ghada mahmoud 24-08-2009 12:03 PM

Great job
Your work is marvellous. I want you to do me a favour, please upload the rest of move ahead, plus Pygmalion and Wuthering Heights if you have any notes. Thanks a lot

elsaidhafez 24-08-2009 01:55 PM

The Syllabus for this year changed .If you study last year syllabus tell me and I'm readt to upload what you need .

elsaidhafez 24-08-2009 02:08 PM

Moveahead Plus Unit 3
1 مرفق
السلام عليكم.. مرفق الوحدة الثالثة Moveahead Plus

elsaidhafez 24-08-2009 02:16 PM

Moveahead Plus unit 4
1 مرفق
السلام عليكم .. مرفق الوحدة 4 Moveahead Plus

ghada mahmoud 25-08-2009 10:53 AM

Yes, I need any notes for Pygmalion, Wuthering Heights and Move ahead Plus.
I'm very thankful to you.

الأستاذ/وائل تهامي 27-08-2009 03:08 AM


الأستاذ/وائل تهامي 27-08-2009 03:10 AM


ابو كريمان 28-08-2009 02:22 PM

يا ريت ترسلها تانى بعد التنسيق

tamerkok 17-09-2009 11:04 PM

1 مرفق
first thanks for offering help
i'm really in need to any thing belongs to move ahead plus
this is my e-mail to be in contact
this is for yahoo
plz i wanna know your opinion
about this quiz for unit one

tamerkok 17-09-2009 11:17 PM

thanks for your great effort

tamerkok 17-09-2009 11:28 PM

you are an excellent teacher

osama133 02-10-2009 12:21 AM

thanks for your

Nefert 09-10-2009 12:09 AM

Many thanks for you

Nefert 09-10-2009 12:14 AM

استاذى الكريم
انا فى معهد ازهري نموذجي ومحتاجه المنهج ضروري
على فكره انا اولى ثانوى
وشكرا يا مستر

MAZEN gamal 14-10-2009 09:19 PM

very good work
انا لا ادرس هذا المنهج هل هو خاص بالازهر

MAZEN gamal 14-10-2009 09:25 PM

بارك اللة فيك

Nefert 15-10-2009 07:19 PM

لأ موجود في بعض مدارس اللغات والمعاهد الازهريه النموذجيه والخاصه

Huda Mohammed 15-10-2009 10:30 PM

thanks a lot for your great efforts

Huda Mohammed 2010 15-10-2009 10:34 PM

Is unit 5 available?

medhatbuammar1 16-10-2009 06:04 PM

excellent that you did if u please move ahead 1 and move ahead 2 alot of thanks

maha mahmoud alex 16-10-2009 06:18 PM

لو سمحتم هو مافيش كمياء اولي ثانوي لغات ارجو الرد

Nefert 17-10-2009 01:43 PM

على الرابط ده

ahmed7700 23-10-2009 03:24 PM

Many thanks Mr Elsayed
I'm ahmed Al 7ady
24 th October secondary language school Ismailia I'm greatly happy to find a teacher for sec. language school so that we can exchange materials and advices especially when advice comes from a great experience like yours here is my e-mail address ahmedalhady7700***********

ahmed7700 23-10-2009 03:41 PM

24th October sec Language school Ismailia
I wish we could exhange material and advice

mrwaelsalama 28-10-2009 10:31 AM

thanks very much indeed

rska2008 04-12-2009 01:33 PM

I am from jordan can you give me the chapter5 from teacher's book

rska2008 04-12-2009 01:37 PM

انا مدرس للمادة كيف استطيع ان احصل على كتاب المعلم . Moveahead plus Teacher's Book

elsaidhafez 06-12-2009 10:59 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rska2008 (المشاركة 1782368)
انا مدرس للمادة كيف استطيع ان احصل على كتاب المعلم . Moveahead plus teacher's book

الكتاب موجود فى دار النشر أو الموجه المشرف على المدرسة أو مكتبة المدرسة تشتريه
على حساب المدرسة او تصويره من أحد الزملاء

tomjack881 09-12-2009 12:02 AM

ارجو من الاستاذ العزيز ان يضع باقي الوحدات حيث اني طالب في اولي ثانوي و لا يوجد اي كتب خارجية لهذة السلسة

الخواجة ماريو 26-12-2009 12:47 PM

thanks alot

MAZEN gamal 26-12-2009 02:11 PM

( ان لله اقواما اختصهم بقضاء حوائج الناس...............)

جعلك الله منهم --- ننهل من علمك ونتعلم منك

Huda Mohammed 2010 05-02-2010 01:59 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة elsaidhafez (المشاركة 1510174)
السلام عليكم
إللي بيدرس Moveahead يعرفني و أن أبعت الباقي من مذكراتي الخاصة

Great work indeed
Thanks a lot
Waiting for the rest of the units in the second term

ahmed_eldaly 06-02-2010 05:27 AM

لكل مجتهد نصيب
مجهود رائع بارك الله فيك

مسز بوله 08-02-2010 09:56 AM

Thank you Mr.

مسز بوله 08-02-2010 10:04 AM

Thank you Mr. Said Hafez for your great efforts which encourage me to polietly request the rest units. I mean moveahead plus units 5,6 and 7 . Then I will be grateful if they are available to be used by me:022yb4:

hoba_1610 11-02-2010 03:57 PM

مجهود يفوق الوصف يا مستر
جزاك الله خيرا

رافت شنوده 20-02-2010 01:24 AM

thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssss ssssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaa llllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooottttttttttttt

0oDo0 25-02-2010 10:43 PM

بس ياريت الوحدات 5.6.7 لاني محتجاهم ضروري

راجية عفو الرحمن 26-02-2010 03:26 PM

الشكر الجزيل لك استاذنا الفاضل و هل هناك امل ان تضع ما يخص الفصل الدراسي الثاني انا طبعا ام و لست معلمة و اعاني كثيرا لعدم وجود كتب خارجية
عفوا على الاطالة و لكن ان لم يوجد ما يخص الفصل الدراسي الثاني فهل تتكرم بارسال طريقة للمذاكرة حتى يتمكن الطالب من حل كتاب workbook لأننا تقريبا لم نضع فيه كلمة
و لكمنا مزيد الشكر و التقدير على حسن تعاونك مع ابنائك الطلبة و اولياء امورهم

hobabass 27-02-2010 12:58 PM

مجهود رائع ومتميز من استاذ حقيقى الرجا استكمال باقى الوحدات للافادة منها فى النصف الثانى من العام حيث انك اغنيتنا حقا عن البحث عن الكتب الخارجية

hagadel2 28-02-2010 12:27 AM

thank you very much

abo elzahraa 02-03-2010 12:15 AM

can you send second term please?

مرام يوسف 10-03-2010 05:13 PM

great effort
thanks alot

Mr. Fathy Moustafa of Ismailia 01-08-2010 11:09 PM

Thank you
Does anyone have notes for Move Ahead 3 (Prep Three) Thanks

teefa2004 02-08-2010 10:30 AM

Thanks a lot...

I was wondering if there are any differences between Move Ahead and Move Ahead Plus?!

sthanna 08-08-2010 08:06 AM


Mr. Medhat Salah 08-08-2010 12:29 PM

thaaaaanks alot

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