بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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سلمة بن الأكوع 10-01-2014 12:56 AM

استاذنا ممكن اجابة choose و find the mistake في الامتحان الموجود هنا ضروري جدا


مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-01-2014 10:28 AM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
للأسف أخي الكريم هذا الملف لا يفتح عندي ، يمكنك الأقتباس منه و سأجيبك ان شاء الله

سلمة بن الأكوع 10-01-2014 11:43 AM

Next week my English lesson …………………..at 10 am
( start – is starting – is - will start )
The film ………………..at 7 this evening
( starts - will start - is starting - is going to start )
What kind of side effects do you think astronauts have suffered ……….. space ?
( from – about – into – in )
Find the mistake
At all hope wrote 32 works of fiction
In future there may be 50 or more snakes in each wind farm
Car computers can alert the driver when there is a mistake in the car
Many countries that have to pay a lot of energy are seldom rich

لميس الحديدى رمضان 10-01-2014 01:15 PM

find the mistake
stop talking to me as if you are my father

سلمة بن الأكوع 10-01-2014 02:00 PM

1. Haqqi spent most of his time as a ……………………… in Assuit.
( lawyer – politician – writer – diplomat )
1. I haven't had a steady ……………. since last March.
(career – job – work – profession)
Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- The children watched ourselves on video.
Please make you at home
This designer always comes up with new ideas. He is very imaginary

LinuxForEver 10-01-2014 02:42 PM

جزاك الله خيرا

He still loves her ... the fact that she doesn't want tot marry him

(despite - regardless - although)
Advanced Level

switch off the machine. (it
He is efficient in this field. ( efficiency

Is " He has got efficiency in this field " correct

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-01-2014 08:30 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
Next week my English lesson …………………..at 10 am
( start – is starting – is - will start )
The film ………………..at 7 this evening
( starts - will start - is starting - is going to start )
What kind of side effects do you think astronauts have suffered ……….. space ?
( from – about – into – in )
Find the mistake
In all, hope wrote 32 works of fiction
In future, there may be 50 or more snakes in each wave farm
Car computers can alert the driver when there is something wrong with the car
Many countries that have to pay a lot for energy are seldom rich

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-01-2014 08:32 PM

رد : أستاذة لميس رمضان
find the mistake
Stop talking to me as if you were my father

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-01-2014 08:36 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
1. Haqqi spent most of his time as a ……………………… in Assuit.
( lawyer – politician – writer – diplomat )
1. I haven't had a steady ……………. since last March.
(career – job – work – profession)

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- The children watched themselves on video.
Please feel at home
This designer always comes up with new ideas. He is very imaginative

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-01-2014 08:40 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

He still loves her ... the fact that she doesn't want to marry him
(despite - regardless - although)
Advanced Level

The machine is on. Switch it off
He has efficiency in this field
He has got efficiency in this field

سلمة بن الأكوع 11-01-2014 09:03 AM

I do not reading much ................. stories
(fictional - fictitious - fiction - factual )
في الاجابات

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 11-01-2014 01:39 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
I do not read much ................. stories
(fictional - fictitious - fiction - factual )

LinuxForEver 11-01-2014 02:22 PM

جزاك الله خيرا أستاذنا على جهد حضرتك معانا


? Will ice melt if it is heated
Is "Will --> does" correct
The novel : FTM

Sir Jacob Borrodaile tells Rose that he will offer Rassendyll a real job

Advanced Level


The cow was fed a short time ago. (already
Is " The cow has already been fed " correct

chalijaly 11-01-2014 04:53 PM

يا استاذ ممكن امتحان السنادى يكون فيه سياسة؟؟؟

هتـــلر 11-01-2014 10:40 PM

انا بشكرك جداً جداً على تعبك معانا و جزاك الله خيراً عشان بتساعدنا


someone thinks magazines are a waste of money . disagree giving a reason

tell your foreign friend how to make tea the egyptian way

a friend wants a job to help poor people . advice him

a friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep fit . state another way

someona asks where your friend ali is . you've not seen him for a long time . You are almost certain he is on holiday

you forgot to thank a friend for a present he gave you

a friend asks you why you have such an expensive phone .you have 2 reasons

an interviewer has asked you why you have applied for a job in a particular company . Give a reason

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 11-01-2014 11:08 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
? Will ice melt if it is heated
Will --> does:022yb4:
The novel : FTM
Sir Jacob Borrodaile tells Rose that he will offer Rassendyll a real opportunity
Advanced Level
The cow was fed a short time ago. (already
The cow has already been fed:022yb4:

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 11-01-2014 11:13 PM

رد : أستاذ chalijaly
يا استاذ ممكن امتحان السنادى يكون فيه سياسة؟؟؟
أعمل حسابك لكل الأحتمالات ، لأننا ممكن نتكلم سياسة في الأقتصاد و الأمن و الأرهاب و الأعلام والصحافة و التعليم.........؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 11-01-2014 11:30 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
Someone thinks magazines are a waste of money . Disagree giving a reason
I disagree with you because they give us a lot of information
Tell your foreign friend how to make tea the Egyptian way
First, boil some water. Then, put tea and sugar in a cup. After that, pour the boiling water into the cup. Finally, cover it for three or four minutes

A friend wants a job to help poor people . Advise him
I advise you to work for a charity

A friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep fit . State another way
I think that walking is also a good way to keep fit

Someone asks where your friend Ali is . You've not seen him for a long time . You are almost certain he is on holiday
He must be on holiday

You forgot to thank a friend for a present he gave you
I wish I had thanked my friend for the present

A friend asks you why you have such an expensive phone .You have 2 reasons
I bought this mobile because it has a good camera it is good at surfing the net

An interviewer has asked you why you have applied for a job in a particular company . Give a reason
I applied here because I enjoy this kind of work. I also has great experience in it

LinuxForEver 12-01-2014 11:19 AM

جزاك الله خيرا أستاذنا على جهد حضرتك معانا

Trasnlate into English
تتمتع مصر بطبيعة ساحرة و جو بديع و مناظر جميلة و تراث حضارى عريق
IS "Egypt is featured by magical nature, beautiful weather, fantastic views and deep-rooted legacy" correct

... is the science or study of numbers, quantities or shapes
He was soaked in mud when I saw him. His father ... him if he knew what happened

would punish - would have punished
Advanced Level

The mechanic is going to mend our car. ( we are
IS "We are having our car mend by the mechanic" correct

هتـــلر 12-01-2014 04:20 PM

I had a breifcase once . I don't iknow if I have still got it .
ليه مقالش هنا have had ?!

In my grandfather's village . they still follow the same traditional habits .that he used to follow when he was a boy .
ليه مقالش customs ?

find the mistakes

can you tell me how much is that going to cost to fix ?

Geothermal energy is energy from hot rocks in the springs

send it to me as on e-mail letter if possible

A7medovic 12-01-2014 04:58 PM

find the mistakes

can you tell me how much is that going to cost to be fixed ?

Geothermal energy is energy from hot rocks in the earth

send it to me as on e-mail attachment if possible[/QUOTE]

مرمركو 12-01-2014 05:22 PM

ممكن اجابات الكتاب المدرسى

هتـــلر 12-01-2014 06:32 PM

يعنى ايه عطار و محل عطارة بالانجليزى ؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-01-2014 10:30 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
Trasnlate into English
تتمتع مصر بطبيعة ساحرة و جو بديع و مناظر جميلة و تراث حضارى عريق
Egypt is featured by magical nature, beautiful weather, fantastic views and deep-rooted heritage:022yb4:
... is the science or study of numbers, quantities or shapes
He was soaked in mud when I saw him. His father ... him if he knew what happened
would punish - would have punished
Advanced Level

The mechanic is going to mend our car. ( we are
We are going to have our car mended by the mechanic

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-01-2014 10:51 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
I had a briefcase once.I don't know if I have still got it .
مقالش هنا have had لأنه يتحدث في المضارع البسيط وليس التام ، لأن have got مضارع بسيط
In my grandfather's village . they still follow the same traditional habits that he used to follow when he was a boy .
مقالش customs لأنها تعني عادات مجتمع ليست موروثة بالضرورة و هنا يقصد عادات موروثة
find the mistakes
can you tell me how much that
is going to cost to fix ?
Geothermal energy is energy from hot rocks in the earth
send it to me as an e-mail attachment if possible

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-01-2014 10:57 PM

رد : أستاذ A7medovic
find the mistakes
Can you tell me how much that is going to cost to be fixed
Geothermal energy is energy from hot rocks in the earth
Send it to me as an e-mail attachment if possible

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-01-2014 11:03 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
محـــــل عطارة Herb shop
Herb dealer

زياد المغربى 12-01-2014 11:20 PM

the publisher has scheduled june the first for the .............of her new novel
leave -release -come out -launch
find the mistakes
microorganisms are available to ***** eye
i wish know what i was going to do when i leave school
man is dire need of nutrients , because he isnt eating a diet that is going to keep him healthy and energetic .the problem is that our soil has been severly depleted of nutrients and other healthy ingredients .this ruins the soil and the nutrients and crops have
للعلماء دور هام فى تحقيق الازدهار والرفاهية لافراد المجتمع
يلعب العلم والبحث العلمى وتطبيقاته التكنولوجية دورا مهما فى تطوير ورفاهية المجتمع

زياد المغربى 13-01-2014 01:07 AM

ارجو الرد يا مستر بارك الله فيك

LinuxForEver 13-01-2014 11:32 AM

جزاك الله خيرا

A: How long haven't we seen each other
B: For about three months
? A: What would you like to drink, tea or coffee
B: Tea, please

Is " Function: Asking about preference / Offering someone something to drink " correct
Respond ...theatre
You warn your friend that he may fall off the ladder

IS " Look out! you are going to fall off the ladder " correct

Advanced Level

They hardly go to the theatre .... ? (question tag)
do not they ?

LinuxForEver 13-01-2014 01:17 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مرمركو (المشاركة 5677404)
ممكن اجابات الكتاب المدرسى

من هنا حتلاقى كتاب المدرسة الSB و الWB بإجاباتهم


General Edu --> Teachers --> Third year --> Teacher Guide

الموقع اللى فات حتلاقى فيه أسئلة على المنهج كله ، منظمة و مٌجابة و مستواها كويس جدا

زياد المغربى 13-01-2014 01:49 PM

ارجو الرد يا مستر بارك الله فيك

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 13-01-2014 04:13 PM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي

A: Watch out this element is too dangerous
B: What if I added it to sodium nitrate
A: It might cause face deformities
Place : Science lab A: Teacher B : Student
Function : Warning / Inquiry / Expressing probability
The publisher has scheduled June the first for the .............of her new novel
leave -release -come out -launch
find the mistakes
Microorganisms are visible to ***** eye
I wish I knew what I was going to do when I leave school
Man is dire need of nutrients , because he isn't eating a diet that is going to keep him healthy and energetic .the problem is that our soil has been severely of nutrients and other healthy ingredients .this ruins the soil and the nutrients the crops have
ان الأإنسان في حاجة ماسة للعناصر الغذائية لأنه لا يتناول وجبات تبقيه صحيا و نشيطا، و المشكلة أن تربتنا تم استنزاف ما بها من مغذيات ومكونات صحية أخري بشكل حاد، و هذا يدمر التربة والعناصر الغذائية بالمحاصيل

للعلماء دور هام فى تحقيق الازدهار والرفاهية لافراد المجتمع
Scientists play an important role in achieving prosperity and welfare to the members of society

يلعب العلم والبحث العلمى وتطبيقاته التكنولوجية دورا مهما فى تطوير ورفاهية المجتمع
Scientific research and its technological applications play an important role in the development and prosperity of the society

chalijaly 13-01-2014 04:24 PM

ربنا يبارك فيك يا مستر محمد
بالنسبة لسؤال ال function
دلوقتى ممكن السؤال يبقى ليه كذا اجابة زى اللى حضرتك كاتبها دى Warning / Inquiry / Expressing probability
طيب كلهم اجابة صحيحة نكتبهم جمب بعض كده ولا كل واحده فى اجابة لوحدها؟؟
طيب لو كتباهم جمب بعض وكلهم صح بس نموذج الاجابة كاتب واحده غيرهم هتتحسب عندنا غلط؟؟
وبالنسبة لسؤال الاخطاء..لو فيه اجابتين صح لجملة واحده اكتبهم جمب بعض ولو شاكك فى اتنين اكتب كل واحده فى اجابة لوحدها ؟؟؟
يارييت حضرتك تعملنا امتحان صعب جدا على اول 9 وحدات ...بليييييييز :(

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 13-01-2014 04:24 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
A: How long haven't we seen each other B: For about three months
? A: What would you like to drink, tea or coffee
B: Tea, please

Place : Home A: Friend / host B : Friend / guest

Function : Inquiry / Expressing missing / offering a drink / polite request

Asking about preference / Offering someone something to drink:022yb4:

You warn your friend that he may fall off the ladder
Look out! you are going to fall off the ladder :022yb4:
Advanced Level
They hardly go to the theatre, do they

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 13-01-2014 04:28 PM

رد : أستاذ chalijaly
بالنسبة لسؤال ال function
ممكن السؤال يبقى ليه كذا اجابة نكتبهم جنب بعض هتتحسب صح ان شاء الله
وبالنسبة لسؤال الاخطاء
لو فيه اجابتين صح لجملة واحده اكتبهم جنب بعض ولو شاكك فى اتنين اكتب كل واحده فى اجابة لوحدها

زياد المغربى 13-01-2014 04:46 PM

The publisher has scheduled June the first for the .............of her new novel
leave -release -come out -launch
ممكن تفسير للجملة دى وبارك الله لك

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 13-01-2014 09:31 PM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
The publisher has scheduled June the first for the .............of her new novel
leave -release -come out -launch
تفسير الجملة: حدد الناشر الأول من يونيو موعدا لاطلاق الرواية الجديدة
launch ( a rocket - a satellite - a shuttle - spaceship - a campaign - a fashion - a novel - a film - a song )0

زياد المغربى 14-01-2014 11:09 PM

he ............. at while he is out in the street
hates being staring -hates staring -hates being started -hates been stared
most of our shopping .............done on the internet in the coming few years
will- will have -will shouldn't be
alot of jewellery ..............to be stolen from the safe
were said has said was said -have been said
we insisted ...............by the prime ministre
on seeing -on being seen -to see in seeing
he asked me ............i had written my report or not
whether -weather -if -had
if only i .....................live in Cairo from 2000 till 2010
don't live -wasnt living -havent living -havent lived -hadn't lived
find the mistakes
he wished he never met her
the window is barred so the robbers must have got through it
are having the responsibility for taking care of bets good for young children
will you fetch me a glass of water ,please

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 14-01-2014 11:39 PM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
he ............. at while he is out in the street
hates being staring -hates staring -hates being stared -hates been stared
most of our shopping .............done on the internet in the coming few years
will be - will have -will shouldn't be
a lot of jewellery ..............to be stolen from the safe
were said - has said - was said -have been said
we insisted ...............by the prime ministre
on seeing -on being seen -to see in seeing
he asked me ............i had written my report or not
whether -weather -if -had
if only i .....................live in Cairo from 2000 till 2010
don't live -wasn't living -haven't living -havent lived -hadn't lived
find the mistakes
he wished he had never met her
the window is barred so the robbers can't have got through it
IS having the responsibility for taking care of pets good for young children
will you bring me a glass of water ,please

Ayman M.Ebrahim 14-01-2014 11:44 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زياد المغربى (المشاركة 5681636)
he ............. at while he is out in the street
hates being staring -hates staring -hates being started -hates been stared
most of our shopping .............done on the internet in the coming few years
will- will have -will be
alot of jewellery ..............to be stolen from the safe
were said has said was said -have been said
we insisted ...............by the prime ministre
on seeing -on being seen -to see in seeing
he asked me ............i had written my report or not
whether -weather -if -had
if only i .....................live in Cairo from 2000 till 2010
don't live -wasnt living -havent living -havent lived -hadn't lived
find the mistakes
he wished he never met her
the window is barred so the robbers must have got through it
are having the responsibility for taking care of bets good for young children
will you fetch me a glass of water ,please

had never met
can't have got

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 15-01-2014 12:18 PM

رد : أستاذ الكل الأستاذ أيمن ابراهيم
بارك الله فيكم أستاذ أيمن ...... ومنكم نستفيد ...... شكرأ لذوق حضرتك

Ahmed Elqasry 15-01-2014 12:57 PM

السلام عليكم انا 3 ثانوى نظام جديد و عندى استفسار فى (unit 13 ) هو انا احط ازاى مثلاً (for Which - At which -by Which -For Who )
عشان الصراحه مش فاهمها اوى و هل (where ) = (in Which ) بس ولا تساوى حاجات كمان

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 15-01-2014 04:23 PM

رد : أستاذ Ahmed Elqasry
1 مرفق
السلام عليكم :
ملف يحتوي علي ضمائر الوصل في المرفقات

هتـــلر 15-01-2014 06:51 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر علملى البرجراف ده

Charity societies are very important in any country . They are organisations which help poor and homless people . Rich people founded them and support them with their money . These charity societies help poor people to live in a reasonable standard by providing them with food, medicine and also education . We can help them by donating money ,time and effort . Rich businessmen should support these societies by money .
There are many charity societies in Egypt like El-Resala and these societies make great efforts to help everyone to live happier and more comfortable life . Many people volunteer to help those societies and this shows that there are many people who have great heart and willingness to help each other . In my point of view, I see that government should do the role of these societies and give these poor people their own civil rights because all developed countries support their citizens and offer them good services and provide them with all their rights .

In short, I hope every one learn from these societies how to love other people and offer them help and supprot them happily .

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 15-01-2014 07:31 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
Charity societies are very important in any country . They are organisations which help poor and homeless people . Rich people found them and support them with their money . These charity societies help poor people to live in a reasonable standard by providing them with food, medicine and also education . We can help them by donating money ,time and effort . Rich businessmen should support these societies by money. There are many charity societies in Egypt like El-Resala and these societies make great efforts to help everyone to live happier and more comfortable life . Many people volunteer to help those societies and this shows that there are many people who have great heart and willingness to help each other . In my point of view, I see that the government should do the role of these societies and give these poor people their own civil rights because all developed countries support their citizens and offer them good services and provide them with all their rights. In short, I hope every one learns from these societies how to love other people and offer them help and support them happily .0
6 من 6 ان شاء الله

Ahmed Elqasry 16-01-2014 12:05 AM

الجمل دى مش فاهم ايه علاقه (At - By ) فييهم ارجو الرد
1-Tomorrow.I am going to a meeting .......... we're going to discuss woman's role in socitey
(for which -at which- by which - to which)
2-He says he's busy .........he really means he doesn't want to go out this evining
(for which -at which- by which - to which)
3-they said something cruel .......... i think they should apologise
(for which -at which- by which - in which)
4- dr aisha Wrote many books and artikals ........she agreud for women's postive role in the modern world
(in which -at which- by which - to which)
ايه الاجابات و ليه اخترناها و ايه علاقه حروف الجر بالاجابات

زياد المغربى 16-01-2014 01:08 AM

the post man ,by yehia haqqi,.........first prize in 1968
awarded -was awarded
find the mistakes
look out the chair will break
الجملة معلوم ولا مجهول يا مستر ارجو التوضيح
تولى الحكومة اهتماما كبيرا بالاطفال لانهم قادة المستقبل

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 16-01-2014 07:01 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ahmed Elqasry (المشاركة 5683660)
الجمل دى مش فاهم ايه علاقه (At - By ) فييهم ارجو الرد
1-Tomorrow.I am going to a meeting .......... we're going to discuss woman's role in socitey
(for which -at which- by which - to which)
2-He says he's busy .........he really means he doesn't want to go out this evining
(for which -at which- by which - to which)
3-they said something cruel .......... i think they should apologise
(for which -at which- by which - in which)
4- dr aisha Wrote many books and artikals ........she agreud for women's postive role in the modern world
(in which -at which- by which - to which)
ايه الاجابات و ليه اخترناها و ايه علاقه حروف الجر بالاجابات

طبعا بعد اذن مستر محمد ولحين ان يجيب السؤال
مجرد رأى

Tomorrow.I am going to a meeting .......... we're going to discuss woman's role in society
at which- by which - to which)
at a meeting
2-He says he's busy .........he really means he doesn't want to go out this evening
by his words "which he says"
(for which -at which- by which - to which)
3-they said something cruel .......... i think they should apologise
apologise for
(for which -at which- by which - in which)
4- Dr. Aisha Wrote many books and articles ........she argued for women's positive role in the modern world
in articles
(in which-at which- by which - to which)
Which = Where /or/ When+حرف جر
(for which -

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-01-2014 03:24 PM

رد : أستاذ الكل Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki
بارك الله فيكم استاذ نشأت ، نتمني دوام المشاركة بمثل هذه الأجابات القيمة التي لابد أن تأتي من أستاذ كبير

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