بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-03-2014 11:30 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5797860)
I regret oversleep last night.I wish I haven`t overslept
is the correct answer
I regret oversleeping last night.I wish I hadn`t overslept

I regret oversleep last night.I wish I hadn`t overslept

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-03-2014 11:33 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5797869)
I wish I hadn`t put on so much weight.I wish I can go on a diet
is the correct answer
could instead of can
would have gone

I wish I hadn`t put on so much weight.I wish I could have gone on a diet

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-03-2014 11:35 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5797873)
If only I stay in my last job .My current job is so boring


had stayed?

If only I had stayed in my last job .My current job is so boring

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-03-2014 11:57 PM

رد : استاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5797886)
1- Your little brother wants to eat without washing his hands. You give a warning.
2- You have just been to the Egyptian Museum. A friend asks you how you found it.
3- You want to dive off a bridge. Your friend warns you not.
4- You give a friend reasons for you being so keen on using the internet.
5- A friend wants to know how cutting down forests is a threat to man's life. You explain.
6- a school friend asks you which subject you hate. You answer, giving a reason.
7- You discover that the friend swimming with you in the roaring sea has suddenly disappeared. You make a guess.
8- There is a gas leak in the kitchen. Your sister is going to switch on the oven.
9- You think traffic should be reduced in your city centre. You make a suggestion.
10- your friend wants to take some photos in a No photo area.
11- A friend suggests going swimming but you're ill. You express a wish.
12- Dad asks you what kind of person your friend is. This friend does things as soon as he or she thinks of them.
13- A friend is meeting you at the weekend. You just want to check.
14- You are in a tour company. Ask about the price of a package tour to luxor.
15- You apologise to a friend for losing his pen, but your friend looks very angry.
16- You failed a school test because you didn't revise well. You express a wish.
17- You have a job interview tomorrow, you express a wish.
18- you regard someone as your hero. You are asked for reasons.
19- you persuade a friend to go canoeing with you. he says he feels ill.
20- You don't believe in spontaneity. You state a reason.

1- Wash your hands or you will be ill
2- I found it fantastic
3- You are right
4- The internet gives s a lot of information

5- Forests provide us with oxygen
6- I hate maths as it is difficult
7- He must have drowned
8- Don't do that or you will make a fire
9- People have to use public transport
10- That is illegal
11- I wish I could but I'm ill
12- My friend is spontaneous
13- You are meeting me at the weekend, aren't you?0
14- ?How much is a package tour to Luxor
15- I will buy you another pen
16- I wish I had revised
17- I wish I could do well in tomorrow's interview
18- He does what I'd like to do
19- I hope you will get better soon
20- Spontaneity leads to mistakes

LinuxForEver 28-03-2014 11:25 AM

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود

If only I can get a ticket for tomorrows match

Is can --> could
Translate into English


شكرا جزيلا على المجهود

If only I can get a ticket for tomorrows match

Is can --> could
Translate into English

تحاول معظم الدول جاهدة إيجاد مصادر متجددة للطاقة محل مصادر الطاقة التقليدية

Most countries do it's best to replace traditional power sources with renewable power sources
يجب وضع خطط عاجلة لمواجهىة أى تغيرات جوية مفاجئة خاصة السيول

Emergence plans must be set to face any surprising change in weather specially torrents

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 28-03-2014 01:24 PM

رد : استاذ LinuxForEver

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة LinuxForEver (المشاركة 5798521)
شكرا جزيلا على المجهود
If only I can get a ticket for tomorrows match
Is can --> could
Translate into English
تحاول معظم الدول جاهدة إيجاد مصادر متجددة للطاقة محل مصادر الطاقة التقليدية
Most countries do it's best to replace traditional power sources with renewable power sources
يجب وضع خطط عاجلة لمواجهىة أى تغيرات جوية مفاجئة خاصة السيول
Emergence plans must be set to face any surprising change in weather specially torrents

If only I
could get a ticket for tomorrows match
Translate into English
تحاول معظم الدول جاهدة إيجاد مصادر متجددة للطاقة محل مصادر الطاقة التقليدية
Most countries do their best to find alternative renewablesources of energy to replace traditional ones
يجب وضع خطط عاجلة لمواجهىة أى تغيرات جوية مفاجئة خاصة السيول
Emergency plans must be put to face any sudden changes in the weather specially torrents

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 28-03-2014 01:45 PM

مجرد رأي
find the mistake
1-Ali suggedted going to the theatre together the next day
2-The tunnel which goes under the Nile has diameter of ever eight meters
3-He raised his had to ask a question
4-The swindler made a wicked plan to take fahad's money
5-Perhaps Ahmed is ill, he might / could be ill
6-Sorms can cause / do much / a lot of damage

warda201026 28-03-2014 02:09 PM

مستر لو سمحت الفرق بين along و a long
وبين sometimes وبين some times

Jung Ji-Hoon 28-03-2014 03:14 PM


A: will you take one or two?
B: Two.
A: OK. You'll have them delivered to your home and installed today.
A: Fantastic! Neither the children nor I can sleep in this unusual hot weather.

fatima mhsn 28-03-2014 08:14 PM

He has his own factory,he works against himself

find the mistake

is the correct answer

by himself

fatima mhsn 28-03-2014 08:17 PM

find the mistake

I`ll take you to other engineering work

is the correct answer


fatima mhsn 28-03-2014 08:30 PM

The thieves attached the old woman and robbed her


fatima mhsn 28-03-2014 09:14 PM

find the mistake

The tunnel under Nile is about 8 metres in length

جرجس111111 28-03-2014 10:28 PM

find the mistakes
chares dickens was a famous man of literature

please , " stay with us that night "

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 29-03-2014 12:49 AM

رد : استاذة warda201026

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة warda201026 (المشاركة 5798634)
مستر لو سمحت الفرق بين along و a long
وبين sometimes وبين some times

مستر لو سمحت الفرق بين
ظرف بمعني " علي طول / بامتداد" تأتي بعد فعل أو قبل مكان along
صفة بمعني " طويل المسافة / المدة" تأتي أو قبل مكان أو زمان a long
ظرف تكراربمعني " أحيانا / بين الحين والآخر" sometimes
صفة و موصوف تعمل عمل ظرف الزمان
بمعني " في بعض الاوقات" some times

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