بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-03-2014 04:44 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5796625)
who was the book writing by??

is the correct answer

who was the book written by?

who was the book written by?0:022yb4:

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-03-2014 04:45 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5796682)
He was driving with one hand and waving with the another
is the correct answer" other"

He was driving with one hand and waving with the other

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-03-2014 04:47 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5796683)
If it goes on raining for many long,it will flood the river

find the mistake

is the correct answer


If it goes on raining for much longer ,it will flood the river

fatima mhsn 26-03-2014 10:39 PM

If you plant a tree,it ..........the world to breathe

helps-will help

If it.............tomorrow,I will go for a walk

doesn`t rain
won`t rain

find the mistake

Don`t worry if I was late tonight

If he will be sick,he had better go to bed

If it stops snowing,the plane wouldn`t be able to take off

If you are reading this book now,you`d enjoy it

It`s raining hard.We get wet if we go out

work before 3 o`clock

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-03-2014 11:27 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5797051)
If you plant a tree,it ..........the world to breathe

helps-will help

If it.............tomorrow,I will go for a walk

doesn`t rain
won`t rain

find the mistake

Don`t worry if I was late tonight

If he will be sick,he had better go to bed

If it stops snowing,the plane wouldn`t be able to take off

If you are reading this book now,you`d enjoy it

It`s raining hard.We get wet if we go out

work before 3 o`clock

If you plant a tree,it ..........the world to breathe
helps-will help
If it.............tomorrow,I will go for a walk
doesn`t rain
won`t rain
find the mistake
Don`t worry if I am late tonight
If he is sick,he had better go to bed
If it stops snowing,the plane will be able to take off
If you read this book now,you`d enjoy it
It`s raining hard.We will get wet if we go out
work before 3 o`clock

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-03-2014 12:01 AM

اسئلة من أحد ابنائنا الطلاب

الوحده الساادسة
He is working as a ................for a European country
diplomat / spy
الوحده السابعة
The artist used a small .........to paint the fine lines of the face
roller / brush
people regard the tapping on their phones as a/an ..........of privacy
occurrence/ conquer / attack / invasion
I guess it .............uncle on the telephone
could have been / mightn't have been / can't have been / must have been
Climbing Everest .......difficult . The oxygen is very thin at the top
must be / must have been
you ...........be hungry . you have just eaten a huge pizza
must / can't
they ........have brought the pieces of metal very far . they are too big
can't / must

زياد المغربى 27-03-2014 12:37 AM


It is (I - myself - mine - me) who painted the walls of this room.

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-03-2014 02:01 AM


1- A: we should have got tickets. We should never travel this way again.
B: Yes, you're right. We shouldn't endanger our lives.
A: Be careful to lie down on your stomach when there is a flyover.

2- A: I might stay here for another week.
B: You're welcome. Please tell us when you've decided.
A: But I want to replace my room if possible. I'd like a double one overlooking the Nile.

3- A: I hope you've admired my report.
B: It's the best commentary on the event. It's going to be published in tomorrow's paper.

4- A: Would you please put us in the picture about situation in Washington?
B: As you see, over 5.000 demonstrators near the White House, holding up slogans opposing the government's economic policy.

5- A: Please fasten your seat belt and extinguish your cigarette.
B: Are we going to take off?
A: Yes, sir. In five minutes.

6- A: How long have you been feeling unwell?
B: Since last week.
A: I've examined your chest. It seems that you smoke a lot, don't you?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Take one of these tablets three times a day, but you must also give up smoking.

7- A: I wonder if you have got these tablets.
B: We have, but you'd better consult a doctor before you take them.
A: Why?
B: They have a lot of side effects.

8- A: Ten hours have passed. Yet, we haven't caught a single fish.
B: Let's sail farther. If we do, we will, I think.

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-03-2014 02:25 AM


1- نحن فى حاجة الى التصالح مع أنفسنا ومع الاخرين اذا ما اردنا اعلاء مصلحة الوطن.

2- لدى المرأة العربية من القدرات ما يجعلها عضوا فاعلا فى المجتمع مثلها مثل الرجل.

3- تخطط مصر لبناء عدد من محطات الطاقة النووية بغرض انتاج الكهرباء.

4- يزخر التاريخ المصرى بالكثير من الشخصيات الوطنية التى كرست جُل حياتها خدمة للوطن وضحت بالكثير من اجله.

5- علينا جميعا أن نساهم فى انجاح المؤسسات الخيرية وذلك بأن ندعمها بالمال أو بغيره.

6- ان غزو الصحراء وتحويلها الى أرض خضراء هو أملنا الوحيد فى مستقبل أفضل للأجيال القادمة.

7- لا ينكر أن للمرأة اسهامات جليلة على مر التاريخ سواء فى المنزل أو العمل أو حتى فى ساحات القتال.

8- الزلازل كوارث طبيعية تعجز كل وسائل التكنولوجيا عن التنبؤ بها أو منعها من الحدوث.

9- يبحث العلماء عن مصادر بديلة ونظيفة للبترول للحفاظ على البيئة وحماية الصحة العامة.

10- علينا ان نشجع السياحة والاستثمار الاجنبى فهما ركيزتان اساسيتان لنمو الاقتصاد القومى لبلادنا.

11- ليس من المستحيل أن تحقق هدفا أو طموحاً ما ولكن هذا يتوقف على كم الجهد المبذول فى سبيله.

12- مصر فى حاجة ماسة الى جهود المخلصين من أبنائها لتحتل مكانة مرموقه بين دول العالم.

13- تنفق الدولة ملايين الجنيهات على ترميم وصيانة المواقع الأثرية القديمة لكونها جزء هام من تراثنا الثقافى.

14- أحد أهم أولويات المرحلة الراهنة هو اعادة بناء الاقتصاد القومى.

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-03-2014 02:49 AM


1- It is important to have your own personal opinion and to decide what should or shouldn't be done. One's being influential lies in the strength of one's personality. There are situations where you need to be strict and decisive. Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream.

2- Thanks to the internet, the chance for individuals to obtain mass information at a great speed has become lots more available than before. This has resulted in a feverish race among nations to obtain advanced technology.

3- The earth provides enough to satisfy every person's need, but not every person's greed. When we take more than we need, we simply deprive others of what they need. Motivated by greed, man borrows from the future, robbing grandchildren of their rights. He also destroys the environment and species.

4- Forests, despite being major suppliers of oxygen, are being destroyed at an incredible rate, which is regarded as a threat to life on earth. These are not only our oxygen-making factories, they also soak up about 150 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year.

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-03-2014 03:04 AM

1- You have got two hands, each of ............ has five fingers.
( that - it - which - them )

2- The Nile used to flood. This was useful..........the land was covered with fertile mud.
( in which - which - in that - by which )

3- I think that by 2030, the issue of global warming........................
( will tackle - may have been tackled - is tackled - will have tackled )

4- Half the world's population....................English by 2050.
( will speak - is spoken - will have spoken - will have been spoken )

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-03-2014 03:06 AM


9- A: Here is the rest of the fees agreed on, LE 2.000. A thousand thanks.
B: It's been a pleasure. I'm so glad we've won the case. It seemed impossible.
A: I'm so grateful. I'd never be proved innocent.

10- A: I'd like to book a holiday to India, please.
B: With pleasure. I can also arrange it for you if you would like.

11- A: I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for long.
B: It's all right. I'd like a zero haircut.

12- A: I'd like six passport-size photographs.
B: OK, sir. Have a seat, please.
A: When can I have them developed?
B: In two hours' time, at most.

13- A: Today we're going to play the film "The Mask of Gold".
B: What if someone has a question, sir?
A: If you have questions, keep them till the end.

14- A: Oh dear! Two hundred dollars for such a big pearl.
B: The bigger the pearl is, the less valuable it is!
A: That is not at all a fair price; I'll have to go and sell it somewhere else.

15- A: Have you got a driving licence?
B: Yes, I have. I passed my test last year.
A: Good! You'll have to travel a lot in case you get the job.
B: I don't mind, sir.

LinuxForEver 27-03-2014 11:57 AM

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود
The wind can be used to give electricity
give --> produce / generate

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-03-2014 04:03 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زياد المغربى (المشاركة 5797184)

It is (I - myself - mine - me) who painted the walls of this room.

It is (I - myself - mine - me) who painted the walls of this room
لأن بعدها ضمير وصل

Spring.Rose 27-03-2014 04:13 PM

عندي سؤال مهم جدا مش لاقيه اجابته
ف موضوع التعبير ف الانجليش بنكتب مقدمه محفوظه للموضوع مثلا It's good to talk about this topic........

ارجو الرد سريعااااااااااااا

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