بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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fatima mhsn 24-03-2014 01:09 PM

They are expected ..................the cup

to have won
that they will win
to win
to have been win

الصح)to win)

شهد اليوسف 24-03-2014 02:54 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5794635)
find the mistake

the pain can`t be born

born يولد

يتحمل borne

شهد اليوسف 24-03-2014 03:08 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5794639)
They are expected ..................the cup

to have won
that they will win
to win
to have been win

الصح)to win)

اعتقد هتبئا to win لانو معلوم مش مجهول :bosyht9:

منينة منينة 24-03-2014 05:56 PM

ترجم الى اللغة العربية

1-لم ينجح العلماء حتى يومنا هذا فى ايجاد او تطوير علاجه فعالا لنزلات البرد
2-ابن النفيس عالم عربى جليل يرجع اليه الفضل فى اكتشاف الدورة الدموية

3-لا يكف العلماء ابدا عن البحث فى طرق جديدة تسهم فى حل مشكلة نقص الطعام
4-قضايا العصر الحاضر كثيرة و معقدة و لا سبيل لمعالجتها الا بالتعاون الجاد بين كافة دول العالم
5-المراة نصف المجتمع وتلد النصف الاخر
6-كلما زاد عدد السكان كلما ازدادت الحاجة لانتاج المزيد من الطعام الذى يلبى احتياجاتهم
7-تبنى السدود لاغراض ثلاثة : توفير المياه اللازمة للرى, و توليد الكهرباء والحماية من الفيضانات
8-كل عام تشارك اكثر من مائة و ثمانين دولة فى مؤتمر المناخ للبحث عن حلول مناسبة لقضايا البيئة
9-شهدت اوروبا موجة ثلوج غير مسبوقة تسببت فى تعطيل المئات من الرحلات الجوية
10-عدد السكان فى مصر فى زيادة مستمرة , و هذا يتطلب استصلاح المزيد من الاراضى الصحراوية
لو سمحت يا مستر ارجو ترجمة الجمل السابقة

هتـــلر 24-03-2014 07:27 PM

A:what do you think of the penalty captain Gamal ?
B:i think the referee wasn't right to declare it .

A:what if a shark comes ?
B:don't panic ! sharks won't attack unless they are provoked

A:get ready ! you have a visit at the colonel's office
B:who is there ?
A:your lawyer

A:what's the weather today ?
B:extremely freezing

your friend didn't come to school today . guess why

A:where are you heading ?
B:to the high way
A:can you give me a ride ?
B:no problem

A:i'm afraid the flight has been delayed for 2 hours
B:oh no !

fatima mhsn 24-03-2014 10:02 PM

find the mistake

I wish Ali could visit cairo next week

If only I stay in my last job.My current job is so boring

If wishes were horses,then beggars would ride

Leila wishes she could read faster

We never could have imagined Omar`s fine achieving

You refuse to come to my party.I wish you could come to it

the hope 24-03-2014 10:45 PM

1. In the wind turbines there are underground ………..… to transport electricity.
a-motors b-wires c-blades d-towers

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-03-2014 11:12 PM

رد : استاذ الحويني 1996

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الحويني 1996 (المشاركة 5794598)
1. Van Gogh, perhaps Holland's most ………………. artist, died in poverty.


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الحويني 1996 (المشاركة 5794598)
( calculated – cancelled - celebrated – captured )
1. His opinion was supported by ……………….. facts.
( historian – hysterical – historical – historic
find the mistake
1- Composers are skilled in playing music, usually as a job.
1- His views different considerably from those of his parents.

1. Van Gogh, perhaps Holland's most ………………. artist, died in poverty.0
( calculated – cancelled - celebrated – captured )
1. His opinion was supported by ……………….. facts.0
( historian – hysterical – historical – historic
find the mistake
1- Musicians are skilled in playing music, usually as a job.0
1- His views differ considerably from those of his parents.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-03-2014 11:17 PM

رد : استاذ الحويني 1996

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الحويني 1996 (المشاركة 5794605)
1- Before you go to London, you should practise …………………… English.
a- speak b- speaking c- to speaking d- speaks
1- She was so weak after the illness that she couldn't ……………….. walk without help.
a- even b- until c- too d- either
1- Some ……………… were interviewed on TV last night.
a- celebrations b- celebrated c- celebrities d- celebrates
2- The discovery of penicillin was a …………………. in the history of medicine.
a- landmark b- landowner c- landlord d- landlady
1- They ……………………… a new system for running the factory.
a- dried b- believed c- served d- evolved
1- Ali is planning spent all weekend revising for next week's math test.
2- As medical knowledge revolves, beliefs change.
The prices here ferry according to the season

1- Before you go to London, you should practise …………………… English.
a- speak b- speaking c- to speaking d- speaks
1- She was so weak after the illness that she couldn't ……………….. walk without help.
a- even b- until c- too d- either
1- Some ……………… were interviewed on TV last night.0
a- celebrations b- celebrated c- celebrities d- celebrates
2- The discovery of penicillin was a …………………. in the history of medicine.0
0 a- landmark b- landowner c- landlord d- landlady
1- They ……………………… a new system for running the factory.0
a- dried b- believed c- served d- evolved
1- Ali is planning to spend all weekend revising for next week's math test.0
0 2- As medical knowledge evolves, beliefs change.0
00 The prices here vary according to the season

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-03-2014 11:19 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5794624)
find the mistake
As soon as seeing the accident,I called the police

find the mistake
/ Just on / After / Just after / Soon after / Immediately after seeing the accident,I called the police

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-03-2014 11:22 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5794634)
find the mistake
The mousetrap has been moving without a break since 1952

find the mistake
The mousetrap has been performed without a break since 1952

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-03-2014 11:23 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5794635)
find the mistake
the pain can`t be born

find the mistake
the pain can`t be borne

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-03-2014 11:26 PM

رد : استاذة fatima mhsn

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5794639)
They are expected ..................the cup

to have won
that they will win
to win
to have been win

الصح)to win)

They are expected ..................the cup
to have won
that they will win
to win
to have been win

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-03-2014 11:39 PM

رد : استاذة منينة منينة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة منينة منينة (المشاركة 5794840)
ترجم الى اللغة العربية

1-لم ينجح العلماء حتى يومنا هذا فى ايجاد او تطوير علاجه فعالا لنزلات البرد
2-ابن النفيس عالم عربى جليل يرجع اليه الفضل فى اكتشاف الدورة الدموية
3-لا يكف العلماء ابدا عن البحث فى طرق جديدة تسهم فى حل مشكلة نقص الطعام
4-قضايا العصر الحاضر كثيرة و معقدة و لا سبيل لمعالجتها الا بالتعاون الجاد بين كافة دول العالم
5-المراة نصف المجتمع وتلد النصف الاخر
6-كلما زاد عدد السكان كلما ازدادت الحاجة لانتاج المزيد من الطعام الذى يلبى احتياجاتهم
7-تبنى السدود لاغراض ثلاثة : توفير المياه اللازمة للرى, و توليد الكهرباء والحماية من الفيضانات
8-كل عام تشارك اكثر من مائة و ثمانين دولة فى مؤتمر المناخ للبحث عن حلول مناسبة لقضايا البيئة
9-شهدت اوروبا موجة ثلوج غير مسبوقة تسببت فى تعطيل المئات من الرحلات الجوية
10-عدد السكان فى مصر فى زيادة مستمرة , و هذا يتطلب استصلاح المزيد من الاراضى الصحراوية
لو سمحت يا مستر ارجو ترجمة الجمل السابقة

1 - Up till this day, scientists have not succeeded in finding or developing an effective treatment for common cold
2 - Ibn Al-Nafis is a great Arab scientist to whom
the discovery of blood circulation is credited
3 -
scientists never stop searching for new ways to contribute to solving the problem of food shortage
4 - The issues of the present era are several and complex and there is no way to address it , but the hard collaboration between all countries of the world
5 - Women are half of the society and give birth to the other half
6 - The greater the population the greater the need to produce more food which meets their needs
7 - Dams are
built for three purposes of : providing water for irrigation , power generation and protection from floods
8 - each year more than one hundred and eighty countries participate in the climate conference to search for appropriate solutions to environmental issues
9 -Europe has seen an unprecedented wave of snow which caused the disruption of hundreds of flights
10 - The number of the population in Egypt increases in a continuous way, and this requires further reclamation of desert land

منينة منينة 25-03-2014 12:58 AM

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