بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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هتـــلر 04-01-2014 07:47 PM

لو سمحت يا استاذ
نذاكر الدروس اللى فى المنهج عندنا و نحفظها و لا لا ؟

fatima mhsn 04-01-2014 10:24 PM

find the mistake

It takes more energy to reuse materials than to make new materials
some countries have no fossil fuels for their own
liquids are sent by pipes to move to another place

what types of energy are used (few-most-many-the most)in Egypt

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-01-2014 10:54 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
ذاكر دروس الـ reading / Listening لتأخذ فكرة عن الموضوع و تثبت الكلمات و تستخدمها في سياق ، لكن لا داعي لحفظها

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-01-2014 11:02 PM

رد : أستاذة fatima mhsn

find the mistake
It takes more energy to reuse materials than to use new materials
It takes more energy to recycle materials than to make new materials
Some countries have no fossil fuels of their own

Liquids are carried / transported by pipes to be moved to another place
What types of energy are used (few-most-many-the most)in Egypt

هتـــلر 05-01-2014 03:04 PM


عاوز السبب كمان لو سمحت يا مستر

Do you have any plans for the weekend ? I ..... professor afifi on daturday mornign
('m meeting / 'm going to meet )

a maing part of the fridge is its temprature control ....
( system / leak)

it's impossible to find a ..... in a tap
(geyser / leak )

you can ..... the course if you like .it's open to everyone
(enroll / attend)

i'm reading ...... Anthony Hope novel .
(an / a )

millions of dollars ..... spent on armament
(has been/are)

physics.as well asbiology.......a challenge to me .
(are /is)_

Ten mintues ....... Let's wait five more
(has been passed /have passed)

find the mistake

Can you tell me how much is that going to cost to fix?

Geothermal energy is energy from hot rock in the springs

LinuxForEver 05-01-2014 04:09 PM

جزاك الله خيرا

بالنسبة للسؤال

She said a few minutes ago that she .... her uncle driving a new car

مش المفروض إن الجملة المباشرة هى

I have just seen my uncle driving a new car
و على الأساس ده فأنا ححول ال(have) إلى Had .. فياريت حضرتك تشرحلى السبب ؟
New telephone lines allow faster ... by fax or modem
transmission - transmit - transmitter
Ali didn't want to go with us to the theatre as he .... the play
has already watching - had already watchen

Advanced Level

1- Spain is a fertile country and exports a lot of products
2- You might use the word index when you are talking about the standared of living

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-01-2014 07:52 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
Do you have any plans for the weekend ? I am meeting professor Afifi on Saturday morning
am meeting / am going to meet )
لأن مقابلة شخص آخر تحتاج لترتيب ، مع الأخذ في الأعتبار أن صيغ المستقبل يمكن في بعض الأحيان أن يستخدم أحدها بدلا من الآخر ولا يجب أن تأتي في سؤال choose حسب موقع Longman
A main part of the fridge is its temperature control system
( system / leak)
It's impossible to find a
leak in a tap
(geyser / leak )
You can
attend the course if you like .it's open to everyone
(enroll / attend)
I'm reading
an Anthony Hope novel
(an / a )
Millions of dollars
has been spent on armament
has been /are)
Physics as well as biology
is a challenge to me
(are /is)
Ten mintues
have passed. Let's wait five more
(has been passed /have passed)
Find the mistake
Can you tell me how much that
is going to cost to fix?
Geothermal energy is energy from hot rock in the EARTH

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-01-2014 08:08 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
She said a few minutes ago that she has just seen her uncle driving a new car
لا تتحول الأزمنة اذا كان الكلام قد قيل من فترة قصيرة
New telephone lines allow faster transmission by fax or modem
transmission - transmit - transmitter
Ali didn't want to go with us to the theatre as he had already watched the play
has already watching - had already watched
Advanced Level
1- Spain is a fertile country and exports a lot of produce
2- You might use the word level / average when you are talking about the standard of living

زياد المغربى 06-01-2014 12:05 AM

I m helping my grand ...................the shopping
for -on - with
لو سمحت يا مستر الجملة دى جات فى امتحان الاسكندرية اليوم للشهادة الاعدادية ومحلولة FOR هل الاجابة صحيحة وشكرا لحضرتك

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 06-01-2014 12:23 AM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
I'm helping my grandfather with the shopping
for -on -
I m helping my grandfather do the shopping
I m helping my grandfather to do the shopping

سلمة بن الأكوع 06-01-2014 11:15 AM

1. Rubbish is also a ………………. source of energy
( renewable - geothermal - non-renewable - nuclear )
2. Our boat was ………………. by high waves.
( fueled - watered - rocked - recharged )
3. Badly ………………. factories and companies make a lot of losses
( manager - managed - management - manage )
4. Solar energy is ………………. to the earth as heat and light
( pumped - recycled - generated - radiated )
5. ………………. site is where waste material is buried under layers of earth
( landslide - landfill - landscape - landfall )
6. He had a swim and lay on the sand to ………………. himself.
( sun - fuel – moon – hot )
7. Scientists are now working ………………. ways to use solar power instead of petrol vehicles.
( for - at - in - on )
8. Much electricity ………… in Egypt today comes from the High Dam.
( generate - generates - generated - generating )

samy asd 06-01-2014 11:34 AM

تسلم تسلم يا مستر

samy asd 06-01-2014 11:35 AM

ما الفرق بين Compare to و Compare with

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 06-01-2014 12:45 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
1. Rubbish is also a ………………. source of energy
( renewable - geothermal - non-renewable - nuclear )
2. Our boat was ………………. by high waves.
( fueled - watered - rocked - recharged )
3. Badly ………………. factories and companies make a lot of losses
( manager - managed - management - manage )
4. Solar energy is ………………. to the earth as heat and light
( pumped - recycled - generated - radiated )
5. ………………. site is where waste material is buried under layers of earth
( landslide - landfill - landscape - landfall )
6. He had a swim and lay on the sand to ………………. himself.
( sun - fuel – moon – hot )
7. Scientists are now working ………………. ways to use solar power instead of petrol vehicles.
( for - at - in - on )
8. Much electricity ………… in Egypt today comes from the High Dam.
( generate - generates - generated - generating )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 06-01-2014 01:08 PM

رد : أستاذ samy asd
1 transitive: to examine or judge two or more things in order to show how they are similar to or different from each other The report compares the different types of home computer available
compare something/somebody with something/somebody The police compared the suspect's fingerprints with those found at the crime scene.

compare something/somebody to something/somebody Davies' style of writing has been compared to Dickens'.

compare and contrast (=an expression used when telling students to write about the things that are similar or different in works of literature or art)Compare and contrast the main characters of these two novels.

compared to/with something

used when considering the size, quality, or amount of something in relation to something similar: a 20% reduction in burglary compared with last year
Compared to our small flat, Bill's house seemed like a palace.

intransitive: to be better or worse than something else compare (favourably/unfavourably) with something
intransitive: to be better or worse than something else
The quality of English wines can now compare with wines from Germany.
How does life in Britain compare with life in the States?
The imported fabric is 30% cheaper and compares favourably (=is as good) in quality.

something doesn't/can't compare (with something)

if something does not compare with something else, it is not as good, large etc: The rides at the fair just can't compare with the rides at Disneyland.

compare notes (with somebody)

informal to talk to someone in order to find out if their experience of something is the same as yours: Leading scientists got together in Paris to compare notes on current research.

LinuxForEver 06-01-2014 01:19 PM

جزاك الله خيرا أستاذنا على جهد حضرتك معانا

You must be careful not to ... your head on the ceiling as it's very low

bang - knock - hang

The ancient Egyptians dug some statues from a massive piece of stone

Is "dug-->carved" correct

Advanced Level

I'm afraid you have to comply these regulations

They are building him a villa. ( having

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 06-01-2014 03:50 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
You must be careful not to bang your head on the ceiling as it's very low
bang - knock - hang
The ancient Egyptians
carved some statues from a massive piece of stone
Advanced Level
I'm afraid you have to comply with these regulations
They are building him a villa. ( having
He is having a villa built

هتـــلر 06-01-2014 06:46 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر ليه فى القصه قال i was going walking in teh alps
ليه مقالش i was going to ?!

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 06-01-2014 10:56 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
I was going walking in the Alps
هنا هو يقصد أنه ذاهب الي هناك للمشي أو التريض ، ويقصد توضيح الغرض من الذهاب الي المكان ..... وكما تعلم أن الأنشطه يتم التعبير عنها بعد go بأستخدام v.+ing مثل :
go fishing / go swimming / go sightseeing.......etc

mister 81 07-01-2014 12:04 AM

the shop (opens - open- is open - opened) every day except Fridays
لو سمحت يا مستر الجمله دى جاءت فى امتحان طوخ - قليوبيه 2014 الصف الثانى الثانويه. ما رأى حضرتك فيها؟

mister 81 07-01-2014 12:20 PM

نتمنى مشاركه حضرتك مستر محمد ديوشى

LinuxForEver 07-01-2014 02:12 PM

جزاك الله خيرا أستاذنا على جهد حضرتك معانا

1- He promised he will phone me as soon as the train arrived in Cairo.

Is " arrived-->arrives " correct
2- Unless your help, I would have missed my plane

Is " Unless --> without "

Advanced Level

1- There has been a lot of research into cancer in the last fifty years. (doing

Is " Scientists have been doing a lot of .... " correct
2- It was a great honour for our factory when the president visited it. ( honoured)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-01-2014 03:41 PM

رد : أستاذ mister 81
The shop (opens - open- is open - opened) every day except on Fridays
الجمله دى فيها اختيارين صحيحين لأن كلمة (open ) تستخدم كصفة بمعني مفتوح بالأضافة الي استخدامها كفعل

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-01-2014 03:52 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
1- He promised he would phone me as soon as the train arrived in Cairo
Without your help, I would have missed my plane
Advanced Level

Scientists have been doing a lot of research into cancer in the last fifty years:022yb4:
Our factory was honoured when the president visited it.
2- Our factory was honoured with a visit by the President factory

سلمة بن الأكوع 07-01-2014 07:39 PM

جزاك الله خيرا على مجهود حضرتك الكبير
- this is a.................. box that makes things disappear
( magnet - magical - magic - magician )
انا اختارتها magical بس محلولة في اجابات surprise
بالنسبة لعنوان unit 1 هل reach اخدت حرف جر عشان هي اسم ولا العنوان ده مصطلح
وهل reach لو جاءت اسم تاخد حرف جر على طول
ما الفرق بين leaking و leaky

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-01-2014 12:57 AM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
- This is a
magic box that makes things disappear
( magnet - magical - magic - magician )
الأجابة magicلأن الصندوق سحري ، أما magicalمعناها ساحر أي جميل أو خلاب
بالنسبة لـ reach

reach for = touch = try to get to The officer reached for his gun

لو جاءت reach اسم ليس بالضرورة أن تاخد حرف جر على طول
Keep chemicals out of the reach of children
Keep a glass of water within reach
The beach is within easy reach of the hotel
He lives in Paraguay, well beyond the reach of the British authorities.

لا فرق بين leaking و leakyعند استخدامهما كصفة

زياد المغربى 08-01-2014 02:42 AM

my elder brother ............watching a movie on his computer last night
used to enjoy -is used to enjoying -enjoyed -would enjoy
he offered to ...................her a hand with doing some house work
help -lend borrow -take
how ...............did your brother do in the olympics ?oh he came 4
good -well-bad -nice
find the mistakes
aya is angry as you make mistakes of whatever she does
the olympics is a sports festival hold every four years

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-01-2014 03:02 AM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
My elder brother enjoyed watching a movie on his computer last night
used to enjoy -is used to enjoying -enjoyed -would enjoy
He offered to
lend her a hand with doing some house work
help -lend borrow -take
well did your brother do in the Olympics ? Oh! he came 4
good -well-bad -nice
find the mistakes
Aya is angry as you make fun of whatever she does
The Olympics is a sports festival held every four years

سلمة بن الأكوع 08-01-2014 08:13 AM

1. Can you imagine the ………feeling of looking down on the Earth as it spins below you? It is marvellous.
a) magic b) tragic c) terrifying d) frightening
1. Medicines have side …................……..
a) effect b) affect c) affection d) effects
1. Space scientists have found cures for most of the side …................
a) affects b) affection c) effect d)effects
1. A lot of youth in Egypt ……… more money from tourism.
a) benefit b) gain c) win d) gather
1. The astronauts are going to ….. a space station in space. ث . ع 2011
a- build b- invent c- ****yse d- arrest
1. The fashion house is now ……. Some new winter dresses.
a- launching b- lunching c- condemning d- coaching
when he came back home he felt the ..........of the air

(warmth - warming - warm - warmly )
the moon was first visited by the soviet ................luna 2 in 1959
( space craft - aeroplane - satellite - space station )
the fire caused ..............to property estimated 6 $ million

(lose - harm - damage - deterioration )
under our education order you can choose the type of schooling that your child receives
- the TV set has been the marvel in the last hundreds years

زياد المغربى 08-01-2014 11:41 AM

My elder brother enjoyed watching a movie on his computer last night
used to enjoy -is used to enjoying -enjoyed -would enjoy
He offered to
lend her a hand with doing some house work
help -lend borrow -take
well did your brother do in the Olympics ? Oh! he came 4
good -well-bad -nice

الف شكر يا مستر بس ممكن تفسير الاختيارات
this book ............................five thousand copies
sold - was sold -had been sold

سلمة بن الأكوع 08-01-2014 12:44 PM

- It is arranged . We ................to the red sea this summer
(are going to go - will go - go - going )

LinuxForEver 08-01-2014 01:19 PM

جزاك الله خيرا

Advanced Level

1- We are proud of our son. He has just got his master degree. (pride

2- I respect him regardless of his mistakes. (Whatever

IS " Whatever his mistakes are, I respect him " correct

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-01-2014 05:57 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
1. Can you imagine the ………feeling of looking down on the Earth as it spins below you? It is marvellous.
a) magical b) tragic c) terrifying d) frightening
1. Medicines have side effects
a) effect b) affect c) affection d) effects
1. Space scientists have found cures for most of the side effects
a) affects b) affection c) effect d)effects
1. A lot of youth in Egypt gather more money from tourism.
a) benefit b) gain c) win d) gather
1. The astronauts are going to build a space station in space. ث . ع 2011
a- build b- invent c- ****yse d- arrest
1. The fashion house is now launching Some new winter dresses.
a- launching b- lunching c- condemning d- coaching
when he came back home he felt the warmth of the air

(warmth - warming - warm - warmly )
The moon was first visited by the soviet space craft luna 2 in 1959
( space craft - aeroplane - satellite - space station )
the fire caused damage to property estimated 6 $ million
(lose - harm - damage - deterioration )

under our education system you can choose the type of schooling that your child receives
- the TV set has been the marvel for the last hundreds years
the TV set was the marvel in the last hundreds years

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-01-2014 05:59 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
- It is arranged . We
are going to go to the red sea this summer
(are going to go - will go - go - going

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-01-2014 06:03 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

1- We are proud of our son. He has just got his master degree. (pride
We take pride in
our son. He has just got his master degree
2- I respect him regardless of his mistakes. (Whatever
Whatever his mistakes are, I respect him
Whatever mistakes he does, I respect him

سلمة بن الأكوع 08-01-2014 07:37 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مستر محمد ديوشي عطا (المشاركة 5670703)
- It is arranged . We
are going to go to the red sea this summer
(are going to go - will go - go - going

انا كنت مختارها will عشان تستخدم لعمل ترتيبات مستقبلية
ليه الاختيار
are going to go

fatima mhsn 08-01-2014 07:47 PM

find the mistakes
Instead of burning wood,plants and trees growing

geothermal energy makes less damage than traditional power station

زياد المغربى 08-01-2014 08:31 PM

ارجو الرد يا مستر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زياد المغربى (المشاركة 5670177)
my elder brother enjoyed watching a movie on his computer last night
used to enjoy -is used to enjoying -enjoyed -would enjoy
he offered to
lend her a hand with doing some house work
help -lend borrow -take
well did your brother do in the olympics ? Oh! He came 4
good -well-bad -nice

الف شكر يا مستر بس ممكن تفسير الاختيارات وحل الجملة دى كمان
this book ............................five thousand copies
sold - was sold -had been sold

وربنا يبارك فى حضرتك

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-01-2014 10:30 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة

It is arranged . We
are going to go to the Red Sea this summer
are going to go - will go - go - going
لا تستخدم will الا لعمل ترتيبات مستقبلية سريعة وقت الكلام مثل :
I and you will meet tonight to discuss the matter
أما الترتيبات المستقبلية فيعبر عنها المضارع المستمر بشرط أن يتم ذكر تعبير زمني مستقبلي ، لكن هذا الأختيار غير متاح في جملة حضرتك فيكون الأقرب هو going to

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-01-2014 10:37 PM

رد : أستاذة fatima mhsn
find the mistakes
Instead of burning wood,
grow plants and trees
Geothermal energy does / causes less damage than traditional power station

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-01-2014 10:47 PM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
my elder brother enjoyed watching a movie on his computer last night
used to enjoy -is used to enjoying -enjoyed -would enjoy
لأن هنا نتحدث عن موقف محدد في الماضي مرتبط بوقت معين وليس عادة
he offered to lend her a hand with doing some house work
help -lend - borrow -take
لأن هنا lend her a handبمعني يساعد أو يمد يد العون
how well did your brother do in the olympics ? Oh! He came 4
good -well-bad -nice
لأن هنا الظرف well يصف الكيفية التي تم بها الفعل do وليس اسم
This book sold five thousand copies
sold - was sold -had been sold

زياد المغربى 08-01-2014 11:08 PM

The…………… were stuck in the metro for three hours because of a power failure.
a) diameters b) commuters c) regions d) cliffs

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-01-2014 11:21 PM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
The commuters were stuck in the metro for three hours because of a power failure.
a) diameters b) commuters c) regions d) cliffs

زياد المغربى 09-01-2014 12:06 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مستر محمد ديوشي عطا (المشاركة 5671298)
the commuters were stuck in the metro for three hours because of a power failure.
a) diameters b) commuters c) regions d) cliffs

معناها ايه الجملة يا مستر

سلمة بن الأكوع 09-01-2014 04:19 PM

fiction خيالي مكتوبه في surprise
fictional خيالي
ما الفرق بينهما
1. Oliver Twist is the ……….... hero of one of Charles Dickens’ most famous novels.
( fictional - fiction - fictions - fictionalize )

سلمة بن الأكوع 09-01-2014 04:26 PM

جزاك الله خيرا
ممكن حضرتك تشوف في اجابات غلط في الجمل دي
Choose the correct answer
1. I drink a …………. of water every morning .
( glass – bag – tube - packet )
2. I have ……….. pens . I don't need any more .
( a little – little - a few – few )
3. I don't have ………………. time left .
( many - some - much – few )
4. will you bring me …………. sugar ?
( any - some - few - a lot )
5. Egypt has……………. natural resources .
( little - few - a lot of - a little )
6. I take a……………….. of honey every morning .
( jar - tube – glass - spoonful )
7. He hasn't got ……………furniture in his house .
( a lot of – some – any – many )
8. There are …………….. books on the shelf . They are not enough .
( many- few - a lot of - any)
9. He needs ……………. bread to make a sandwich .
( a few - a lot of - a loaf of – many )
10. All the news ………….good .
( are – were - have been – is )
11. I have…………… CDs . I need some more .
( little - a little - a few- few )
12. The luggage …………..labelled.
( are- is - are being - have been )
13. She eats just one …………… of meat everyday .
( slice - lump - kilo - packet )
14. My brother has ………………..experience , so he didn't get the job .
( a little - a few - little - few )
15. The attack on the shop caused ……….damage
( a few - many - a lot of - few )
16. Are there ………………. biscuits left ?
( some – an - any - a )
17. How ……………… people are there in the team?
( many – much – little - more)
18. Thirty pounds ……………….. a lot of money for a five – year – old wallet.
( is - are - were - have been )
19. The trousers you bought for me ……………….. fit me.
( doesn't - don't - isn't - hasn't )
20. The police ……………… to interview two men about the robbery .
( want – wants - has wanted - is wanted )
21. Can I borrow you scissors ? Mine ………………….. sharp enough.
( isn't - aren't - doesn't - don't )
22. I can't find my binoculars تلسكوب . Do you know where …………………. ?
( it is - they are - it was - was it )
23. There are too ……………. people on the ship , it is going to sink.
( much- little – more – many )
24. Dou you think the people…………….. happy with the government?
( are - was - is - has been )
25. …………… the police know how the accident happened?
( Does – Is - was – Do )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-01-2014 09:02 PM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
The commuters were stuck in the metro for three hours because of a power failure
ظل المسافرين الي أعمالهم عالقين (محبوسين) في المترو لمدة ثلاث ساعات بسبب مشكلة في الطاقة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-01-2014 09:08 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
الأدب / خيال (خيالي عندما تستخدم كصفة) fiction
Works of fiction - Science fiction story
خيالي / من نسج الخيال (صفة) fictional

1. Oliver Twist is the fictional hero of one of Charles Dickens’ most famous novels.

( fictional - fiction - fictions - fictionalize )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-01-2014 09:27 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
Choose the correct answer
1. I drink a …………. of water every morning .
:022yb4:( glass – bag – tube - packet )
2. I have ……….. pens . I don't need any more .
:022yb4:( a little – little - a few – few )
3. I don't have ………………. time left .
:022yb4:( many - some - much – few )
4. will you bring me …………. sugar ?
:022yb4:( any - some - few - a lot )
5. Egypt has……………. natural resources .
:022yb4:( little - few - a lot of - a little )
6. I take a……………….. of honey every morning .
:022yb4:( jar - tube – glass - spoonful )
7. He hasn't got ……………furniture in his house .
:022yb4:( a lot of – some – any – many )
8. There are …………….. books on the shelf . They are not enough .
:022yb4:( many- few - a lot of - any)
9. He needs ……………. bread to make a sandwich .
:022yb4:( a few - a lot of - a loaf of – many )
10. All the news …………good .
:022yb4:( are – were - have been – is )
11. I have…………… CDs . I need some more .
( little - a little - a few- few )
12. The luggage …………..labelled.
:022yb4:( are- is - are being - have been )
13. She eats just one …………… of meat everyday .
:022yb4:( slice - lump - kilo - packet )
14. My brother has ………………..experience , so he didn't get the job .
:mad:( a little - a few - little - few )
لأن الخبرة لا تكفي بدليل أنه لم يحصل علي الوظيفة
15. The attack on the shop caused ……….damage
:022yb4:( a few - many - a lot of - few )
16. Are there ………………. biscuits left ?
:mad:( some – an - any - a )
لأن هذا أستفهام و الكلمة جمع وكمان تبدأ بحرف ساكن
17. How ……………… people are there in the team?
:022yb4:( many – much – little - more)
18. Thirty pounds ……………….. a lot of money for a five – year – old wallet.
:022yb4:( is - are - were - have been )
19. The trousers you bought for me ……………….. fit me.
:022yb4:( doesn't - don't - isn't - hasn't )
20. The police ……………… to interview two men about the robbery .
:022yb4:( want – wants - has wanted - is wanted )
21. Can I borrow you scissors ? Mine ………………….. sharp enough.
:022yb4:( isn't - aren't - doesn't - don't )
22. I can't find my binoculars . Do you know where …………………. ?
:mad:( it is - they are - it was - was it )
لأن التلسكوب جمع مثل النظارة
23. There are too ……………. people on the ship , it is going to sink.
:mad:( much- little – more – many )
لأن people تعد وجمع
24. Dou you think the people…………….. happy with the government?
:mad:( are - was - is - has been )
لأن people هنا بمعني الشعب

25. …………… the police know how the accident happened?
( Does – Is - was – Do )

سلمة بن الأكوع 09-01-2014 11:59 PM

جزاك الله خيرا ومش عارف اشكر حضرتك ازاي

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