بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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Mr.samer 18-01-2011 10:25 PM


we have been to cairo -----------i
(late - later- latter - lately)

I will --------the driving test
(do - make -take - have)

teacher amr 19-01-2011 05:15 PM

اتمنى الاجابه على هذه الاسئله من الاساتذه الكرام على وجه السرعه وشكرا للكل المشاركين
How did they know the right crater
How many craters led to the center of the earth
What were Axel's fears about Sneffels
What did the Professor see on a rock? And What did they refer to
- How did the sharp rocks help them to descend
What did the Professor find out about the rocks
Where did they stop at first
- How was Fridrikson a gentle man
Why was Prof examining the rocks
The shell of an insect preserved in the rock mean.......
- It was strange that the cave ………………..……………
Axel knew that they had only enough water for5 days, so …………………………
The Professor was examining the rocks while …………………………………………………
At the bottom of the crater there were ……..………………………………………
Axel was frightened to go down into Sneffels, so the Professor …………………… - They hurt their legs when …………………………………………………
The professor would do the same if he ………………………………………………………

وهل ممكن يجى سؤال qutation او وصل فى القصه وشكرا لكم :049gc0:

teacher amr 19-01-2011 05:16 PM

اتمنى الاجابه على هذه الاسئله من الاساتذه الكرام على وجه السرعه وشكرا للكل المشاركين

How did they know the right crater
How many craters led to the center of the earth
What were Axel's fears about Sneffels
What did the Professor see on a rock? And What did they refer to
- How did the sharp rocks help them to descend
What did the Professor find out about the rocks
Where did they stop at first
- How was Fridrikson a gentle man
Why was Prof examining the rocks
لاحظ الفراغ بعد الجمل
The shell of an insect preserved in the rock mean.......
- It was strange that the cave ………………..……………
Axel knew that they had only enough water for5 days, so …………………………
The Professor was examining the rocks while …………………………………………………
At the bottom of the crater there were ……..………………………………………
Axel was frightened to go down into Sneffels, so the Professor …………………… - They hurt their legs when …………………………………………………
The professor would do the same if he ………………………………………………………

وهل ممكن يجى سؤال qutation او وصل فى القصه وشكرا لكم

Mr.samer 20-01-2011 01:32 AM


he ------------- abrave thing yesterday
(did - made - had - took)

we have been arrivivg in cairo ----------i
(late - later - latter - lately )

we have been to cairo -------------i
(late - latter - later - lately)

at scool you must ---------- your books
(remember - forgt - bring - fetch )

I visited many interesting places-----------------( use interest)i

you want to order you lunch at aresturant -----------------(what you say at this situation)i

you haven't seen you friend for along time ----------(what you say at this situation )i

you acceot your friend's invitation on his birthday ------------(what you say at this situation )i

ahmed is going out and it's raining -----------------------------(advise him )i

you have had aheadache for amonth . you go and visit the doctor --------------(situation)i

you give your opinion about educational prigrammes on tv ----------(situation )i

you ask apoliceman to show you the way to the mosque -------------(situation )i

you meet your friend whose father has just died --------------(situation )i

you invite afriend to attend your birthday party -------------(situation )i

مستر الخولى 20-01-2011 02:19 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة teacher amr (المشاركة 3027135)
اتمنى الاجابه على هذه الاسئله من الاساتذه الكرام على وجه السرعه وشكرا للكل المشاركين
How did they know the right crater
How many craters led to the center of the earth
What were Axel's fears about Sneffels
What did the Professor see on a rock? And What did they refer to
- How did the sharp rocks help them to descend
What did the Professor find out about the rocks
Where did they stop at first
- How was Fridrikson a gentle man
Why was Prof examining the rocks
The shell of an insect preserved in the rock mean.......
- It was strange that the cave ………………..……………
Axel knew that they had only enough water for5 days, so …………………………
The Professor was examining the rocks while …………………………………………………
At the bottom of the crater there were ……..………………………………………
Axel was frightened to go down into Sneffels, so the Professor …………………… - They hurt their legs when …………………………………………………
The professor would do the same if he ………………………………………………………

وهل ممكن يجى سؤال qutation او وصل فى القصه وشكرا لكم :049gc0:

How did they know the right crater?
- When the clouds broke and the sun shone brightly on Sneffels, the shadow of Scartaris fell on the middle chimney.

How many craters led to the center of the Earth?
- Only one crater led to the centre of the Earth, that is, the one which the shadow of Scartaris touches before July.

What were Axel's fears about Sneffels?
- He was afraid that the volcano might wake up again and erupt.

What did the Professor see on a rock? And What did they refer to?
- He saw the letters/marks that spelled the name of Arne Saknussemm.

- How did the sharp rocks help them to descend?
They used these rocks to hold on to as they descended.

What did the Professor find out about the rocks?
They proved that the centre of the Earth could not be hot.

Where did they stop at first?
They stopped in a cave.

- How was Fridrikson a gentle man?
He arranged for a guide called Hans to guide them to Sneffels.

Why was Prof examining the rocks?
- To find out what the centre of the Earth would be like. (Or any possible answer)

1.The shell of an insect preserved in the rock mean.......
- the three explorers took the wrong path. Or, they were walking through younger rocks.

2. It was strange that the cave ………..…
- were full of air.

3. Axel knew that they had only enough water for5 days, so…
- he was worried as they used about half of their water.

4. The Professor was examining the rocks while ……………
- they were descending the middle chimney.

5. At the bottom of the crater there were ……........
- three chimneys

6. Axel was frightened to go down into Sneffels, so the Professor……..
-assured him that the volcano would not wake up and erupt again 7. They hurt their legs when ……………………………
-they walked over beds of lava.

8. The professor would do the same if he …………………………
- were Axel.

وهل ممكن يجى سؤال qutation او وصل فى القصه ?
- لا طبعا ، الأسئلة بتبقى ف حدود سؤال مقالى أو أكمل فقط ، الـ quotation بتيجى ف الثانوية العامة ان شاء الله.

المســ نور ــتقبل 20-01-2011 12:26 PM


akh20089 20-01-2011 06:38 PM


hossam elshenawy 20-01-2011 06:47 PM


teacher amr 20-01-2011 08:22 PM

مش عارف اشكرك ازاى يامستر الخولى انت رائع جدا شكر

teacher amr 20-01-2011 08:48 PM

professor tried hard to solve the problem of............................

on_ in my way
in _on the way

ارجو الرد سريعا وشكرا

teacher amr 20-01-2011 08:51 PM

ازاى نستنتج عنوان الايميل من الاسئله المطلوبه

hossam elshenawy 20-01-2011 09:17 PM


hossam elshenawy 20-01-2011 09:27 PM

ازيك يا مستراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا ااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا فاكرنى

BosBos& 20-01-2011 09:58 PM

استاذ السؤال دة مش عارفةاحله خالص وانا امتحاني يوم السبت ارجو الرد قبل يوم السبت
الؤال هو How long did the cloud cover the sun??? السؤال دة من القصة

BosBos& 20-01-2011 10:03 PM

استاذ السؤال دة مش عارفةاحله خالص وانا امتحاني يوم السبت ارجو الرد قبل يوم السبت
السؤال هو؟؟ How long did the cloud cover the sun السؤال دة من القصة

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