بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية (https://www.thanwya.com/vb/index.php)
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-   -   أعمال قديمة جمعها في هذا الرابط مستر محمد ديوشي عطا (https://www.thanwya.com/vb/showthread.php?t=553050)

m saad 17-02-2009 12:09 PM

بارك الله فيكم.جهد مميز جدا.

رضا احمد السيد 17-02-2009 05:02 PM


جمال بديع 05-03-2009 12:07 PM

السلام عليكم اخوكم مستر حسن بديع
أقدم لكم بدايات من مذكرتي كيف تتعامل مع ورقة الأمتحان
لو الشغل عجبكم سوف أرسلها كاملة
Let's learn how to deal with the exam paper?

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (4M)
?أكمل الأجزاء الناقصة في الحوار الأتي: 4 درجات
كيف تتعامل مع هذا السؤال؟
قراءة رأس السؤال وجملة المقدمة التالية له جيداً، ثم تحديد ما يلي:
(أ) المتحدثين (ب) المكان(ج) الموقف الفكرة العامة

قراءة المحادثة بالكامل مرتين بهدف:
القراءة الأولى: لتتعرف على زمن المحادثة.
القراءة الثانية:لتتعرف على تفاصيل المحادثة.
تحديد المطلوب في كل فراغ من الفراغات الأربعة كما يلي:

إذا وجدت ......
يكون المطلوب .......
Yes, …….. No, ……….
سؤال بفعل مساعد (هل ..؟)
Of course, ..- sure,.. - certainly,..- ok,..
(Question Tag)سؤال مزيل
إجابة بجملة كاملة / كلمة واحدة
Wh...? سؤال بأداة استفهام
موقف من المواقف التي درستها
رد على هذا الموقف كما درست
رد على موقف درسته من قبل
الموقف المناسب لهذا الرد

Dialogue skills مهارات حوارية

Situation الموقف
Response الرد
How are you / things?
Fine, thanks. / Fine. And you?
Can /May I + المصدر …?
Certainly./ Here you are/ sorry, I need it.
Do you mind if I + المصدر..?
Not at all. / Yes, I’m sorry I can’t
Let’s/ Shall we/Why don’t + المصدر?
Good idea/Ok/ I’m not very keen.
How/ What about + (v+ ing)?
I’d prefer to …, Ok, but ….
Congratulations!/ Well done!
Thanks, I’m very pleased.
What a fantastic news!
Yes, I can’t believe it myself.
I’m sorry to hear this bad news.
Well, never mind.
What a pity!
It’s terrible, isn’t it?
I’m sorry for (v + ing)
Never mind./Well, I hope you …
Would you like to ….?
I’d love to./ I wish I could but…
What do you think of/ ..?
I think ……..
You should / shouldn’t + المصدر
I know I should/ shouldn’t.
If I were you, I would / wouldn’t
You are right./ I’ll see.
You are surprised.
Good Heavens!/ How nice to see you!
You visit a patient
I hope …. get well soon.
You are worried/ afraid
I’m worried about…/ I’m afraid of…
Can / Could you + المصدر..?
Sure/ of course./ sorry, I can’t.
Can I help you?
Yes, I’d like to……
Would you mind…..
Not at all./ I’m afraid you can’t.
Thanks a lot / very much
You’re welcome/ It’s a pleasure.
I wish you ………
Thanks a lot.
Watch out!/ Be careful or ….
Thank you.
Mr.Hassan Badia
Tel/ 0120546853

تعبيرات شائعة في أماكن مختلفة ومحادثات مختلفة:
Ê Railway station: في محطة السكة الحديد Ê
+ Can I help you? Ù Yes, I’d like to book a ticket to..
+ Single or Return? Ù ……………, please.
+ First or second class? Ù ……………, please.
+ How much is it? Ù ………. pounds, please.
+ Have a nice journey? Ù Thanks, a lot.

Ë Doctor’s/Clinic: في عيادة الطبيب Ë
+ What’s the wrong with you? Ù I have a pain in …………
+ What’s the matter? Ù I suffer from ……….
+ How do you feel? Ù I feel unwell, I ………
+ You need to / should… Ù Ok, sir, …………..
Ì Restaurant :في المطعــم Ì
+ Can I help you, ….? Ù Yes, I’d like to have……
+ May I take you order sir? Ù Yes, I’d like ……….
+ Are you ready to order sir? Ù Yes, I’d like ………
+ How do you like your meal sir? Ù well done/ fried / grilled / boiled.
+ What would you like to have? Ù I’d like to have ………
Í Hotels/ flatsفي الفنادق ؟ شقق Í
+ Can I help you? Ù Yes, I’d like to book a room.
Single or double? ………., please.
How much is it per night? It is …. per night.
How long will you stay? I will stay for…….
Can I have your passport? Yes, Here you are.
Î When shopping: عند التسوق Î
+ May/ Can I help you? Ù Yes, I’d like to buy ….
+ What colour/ size? Ù I like لون / مقاس
+ Do you like it? Ù Yes, …………….
+ Does it fit you? Ù No, can I have another one?
+ Do you have the same inثم تذكر اسم لون))? Ù Yes, sir. Here you are.
+ How much is it? Ù It is …… pounds.
+ Can I have a cheaper one? Ù Yes, this …
+ Can I try it? Ù It is loose / long / short / tight.
+ How would you like to pay..? Ù By credit card.
+ In cash or installment بالتقسيط? Ù …………., please.
Ï Library: في المكتبة Ï
+ Can I help you? Ù I’m looking for a book in …..
+ How can I help you? Ù I’d like to borrow this book.
+ Where can I find…? Ù It’s on that shelf.
+ Be quiet./ Don’t make a noise. Ù Ok, sir. I’m sorry.
Ð A check in desk (airport): في مكتب الحجز في المطار Ð
+ Passport and tickets, please? Ù Here you are.

abo zeyad 06-03-2009 02:47 PM

جزاكم اللة خيرا
نريد المزيد
ونحتاج الى اجابت للاسئلة لاننا نريد ان نصحح لانفسنا
وان شاء اللة لو فى حد ربنا يوفقة ويحط اسءلة القصة س و ج

Mr. Medhat Salah 07-03-2009 07:43 PM


حسن بديع 27-03-2009 03:09 AM

Communication Skills
1. When you meet someone in the morning, you say “Good morning”.
2. When you meet someone in the afternoon, you say “Good afternoon”.
3. When you meet someone in the evening, you say “Good evening”.
4. When you greet someone, you say “Hi”. “Hello”.
5. When you go to bed, you say “Good night”.
6. Someone greets you in the morning, you say “Good morning”.
7. Someone greets you in the afternoon, you say “Good afternoon”.
8. Someone greets you in the evening, you say “Good evening”.
9. When you leave someone, you say “Goodbye – Bye for now – See you later”.
10. Someone wants to leave and say “Goodbye”, you say “Goodbye”.
11. You ask someone about his health, you say “How are you? How are things”
12. You meet a friend, you say “How are you?”
13. Someone asks about your health, you say “Fine, thanks”.
14. You introduce your friend to someone, you say “This is my friend …..”.
15. You meet someone for the first time, you say “How do you do?”
16. Someone greets you and says “How do you do?”, you say “How do you do?”
17. You meet a tourist at the airport, you say “Welcome to Egypt”.
18. You ask someone about his country or city, you say “Where do you com from?” or “Where are you from”?
19. You want to offer someone something to eat, you say “What would you like to eat”?
20. You want to offer someone something to drink, you say “What would you like to drink?”
21. You want to use your friend’s camera, you say :
- May I use your camera, please ?
- Can I use your camera, please ?
- Could I use your camera, please ?
- Do you mind if I use your camera, please?
- Do you mind using your camera, please?
22. Someone wants to have something, you agree, you say:
- sure. Here you are
- Go ahead
- Help yourself
- Yes of course, Certainly”.
23. Someone wants to have something. You don’t agree, you say :
- Sorry. I’d rather you didn’t
- Sorry I need it myself”.
24. Someone says “Do you mind if I borrow your pen? , you say :
- Not at all
- No problem
- No, I don’t”.
25. You want to know when the train leaves, you say “When does the train leave ?”
26. You want to know when the train arrives, you say “ When does the train arrive?”
27. You want to know the time the train takes to reach Cairo, You say “How long does the journey take?”
28. You suggest going to the zoo, you say :
- Why don’t we go to the zoo ?
- Shall we go to the zoo ?
- Let’s go to the zoo.
- What about going to the zoo?
- How about going to the zoo?
29. Someone suggest something you accept, you say :
- Yes, let’s
- Good idea.
- OK.
- Why not.
30. Someone suggests something you don’t accept. You say:
- I’m not very keen
- I don’t feel like it
Mr. Hassan Badia

May be some other time”.
31. You congratulate someone, you say “Well done – Congratulation”.
32. Someone congratulates you, you say “Thank you – Yes, I didn’t believe it myself”.
33. Something bad happens to someone, you say :
- What bad news !
- I’m sorry to hear you bad news.
34. Something bad happens to you, you say :
- Well never mind
- Yes, it’s really terrible”.
35. You want to ask about the weather, you say “What is the weather like today?”
36. Someone asks you about the weather, you say “It’s sunny – rainy – windy”.
37. You do something wrong, (Make mistake), you say :
- I’m very sorry, but ………
- I’m really sorry, but ……….
- I’m awfully sorry, but ……….
38. Someone makes a mistake and apologizes but you don’t accept his apology. You say :
- Don’t worry
- It doesn’t matter
- never mind”.
39. Someone makes a mistake and apologizes. You accept his apology, You say :
- I hope you’ll mend it
- Oh! No.
- It was new”.
40. You see a thief running. You say “Stop thief”.
41. You advise someone to study hard, you say :
- You should study hard.
- If I were you, I’d study hard.
42. You ask someone about his / her opinion of something, you say “What do you think of ………… ?
43. You ask someone about his favourite hobby, You say “What’s your favourite hobby?”
44. You thank someone. You say :
- Thanks.
- Many thanks.
- Thank you very much”.
45. Someone thanks you. Yu say :
- Not at all
- Don’t mention it”.
46. You visit someone in hospital. You say :
- I hope you will get better soon
- I wish you speedy recovery.
47. Someone ask you about things you no longer do today. You say “I used to ……….”.
48. You visit someone. You say “I’d like to invite you to ……”.
49. Someone invites you. You agree. You say “Yes, I’d love to”.
50. When you are afraid of something. You say :
- I’m afraid.
- I’m frightened.
- I’m terrified.

** Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Your friend suggests going to the cinema. You agree
2. You read good news.
3. You apologize for making a mistake.
4. You ask Adel about his opinion of your new glasses.
5. You meet someone for the first time.
6. You introduce Rania to your sister.
7. You ask Amany about her health.
8. You apologize for losing Nabil’s watch.
9. Advise Samy who is lazy.
10. Someone asks you how you are.
11. Nora asks you to lend her a book. You don’t agree.
12. Nader apologize for breaking your camera.
13. You ask Abeer about her favourite hobby.
14. You saw a nice thing . Give your opinion.
15. Marwa wants you to help her to carry a heavy bag.
16. Hussein gives you a present in your birthday party.
17. Your friend smokes. You advise him.
18. You ask Ali to open the door.
19. Sami asks you “Do you mind helping me?” You agree.

20. You suggests going to the theatre.
21. You ask Nagy about his opinion of your new skirt.
22. You want to help Rania with her homework.
23. You refer having tea.
24. Ahmed suggest going shopping. You agree.
25. You greet your friend in the morning.
26. You introduce your friend Aia to your mother.
27. You apologize for coming late.
28. You don’t mind helping Samira.
29. You suggest going for a walk.
30. You meet a tourist who visits Egypt.
31. You suggest reading in the school library.
32. Ali wants to borrow your pen. You agree.
33. Ramy is bad at Maths. Advise him.
34. You want to help your mother with the housework.
35. You accept Magdy’s apology for breaking the glass.
36. You greet your friend in the afternoon.
37. Your friend suggest playing football. You are busy.
38. You go to bed.
39. You are asked about your opinion about your school.
40. Your friend feels tired and ask you for advice.
41. Heba failed in her exams.
42. You come late for school.
43. Your brother passed his final exams.
44. You ask your friend to lend you a pen.
45. You suggest having pizza at a restaurant.
46. You meet a friend after a long time.
47. You end a conversation.
48. It’s very hot. You are asked to open the window. You agree.
49. Your brother won a prize.
50. You leave your friends.
51. Your friend had a bad accident.
52. You ask your friend about the weather.
53. Your friend has lost his money.
54. Your friend wants to borrow your bicycle but you need it.
55. Someone asks you about things you no longer do today.
56. Your friend asks you to help him with his homework. You agree.
57. You visit a sick friend in hospital.
58. Your friend gets up late. Advise him.
59. Your friend lost your cassette. You accept his apology.
60. You ask someone about the weather tomorrow.
61. You heard good news.

62. You didn’t do your homework.

63. You meet Nabil in the afternoon.
64. Amr won the gold medal.
65. You want your sister to turn off the T.V.
66. You suggest going to the club.
67. You are asked to tidy the room. You agree.
68. You offer to help an old man to cross the road.
69. Ali wants to use your computer. You refuse.
70. You meet someone for the first time.
أخوكم مستر /حسن بديع
الزقازيق شرقية
نسألكم الدعاء

omar younis omar 28-03-2009 06:00 AM

very gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooood

ramzy2000 02-04-2009 09:29 AM

مجهود رائع من أستاذ فاضل

أ/ محمد عبد العظيم 09-04-2009 02:01 PM

جزاك لله خيراً

أ/ محمد عبد العظيم 09-04-2009 02:04 PM

جزاك الله خيراً

pحازووم 14-04-2009 02:41 PM


مستر محمود عبد العاطى 22-04-2009 10:43 AM


اسامة الفيومى 08-05-2009 09:31 PM

خلاص خلصت كل الكلام
مش عارف اقول ايه ولا ايه
بارك الله فيك

egyptgreencat 19-05-2009 07:26 AM

AAsscdfffff g

Mr/ Mahmoud.K 01-06-2009 04:30 PM

many thanks
please I ask to change my name from a member to Mr or Teacher or anything suitable

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