بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 22-07-2014 11:09 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mesterawy (المشاركة 5940427)
Find the mistakes

The window seat is usually the first one taken-
The man's in the corner dog began to bark-
Amr said that he wished he had been younger-
Ruthless poachers hunt an elephant for the valuable ivory of its tusks-
Ahmed had only been watching TV twice that week-

نحن نؤمن اننا قادرون ان نستلهم الماضي وان نستنهض الحاضر وان نشق الطريق الى المستقبل

دا امتحان المستوى الرفيع بالازهر

3) Find the mistake in each of the following and then correct them
a. The window seat is usually the first one to be taken
b. The man in the corner
’s dog began to bark
c. Amr said that he wished he were younger
d. Ruthless poachers hunt the elephant for the valuable ivory of its tusks
Ahmed only watched TV twice that week

نحن نؤمن اننا قادرون ان نستلهم الماضي وان نستنهض الحاضر وان نشق الطريق الى المستقبل
We believe that we can be inspired by the past a, push the present forward and make our way to the future

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 22-07-2014 11:25 AM

رد : أستاذ/ mesterawy

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mesterawy (المشاركة 5940470)
find the mistakes
1-The questions must be answered are not easy ones.
2- Won't the park look good once the new tree will reach maturity?
3- The government is looking at the disabled's problems.
4- If only that you have told me about that earlier.
5- She is just asbeautiful as I have imagined.

دا امتحان المستوى الرفيع بالازهر

1-The questions which / that must be answered are not easy ones
2- Won't the park look good once the new tree reaches maturity
3- The government is looking at the problems of the disabled
و ان كنت أري أن الجملة السابقة صحيحة
4- If only you had told me about that earlier
5- She is exactly as beautiful as I have imagined

mesterawy 22-07-2014 02:55 PM

شكرا للرد بس الجمله التالته مش ممكن يكون حلها
looking after بدلا من looking at?

khot 22-07-2014 05:28 PM

I (visited-have visited) portugal once

وما الفرق بين I hear.....I have heard


I met him on the day when I was due to leave

ولو سمحت حضرتك تقصد ان supermarket carpark هى الاصحمن supermarket carpark
مع توضيح السبب فى جميع هذة الجمل ولكم جزيل الشكر

ناصر على فرج 26-07-2014 05:17 AM

سوال هام
1- I have listened to the weather forecast. It…………be warm tomorrow
Will is going to

There is a lot of smoke .the house will be on fire

Mr. Jan 29-07-2014 08:07 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ناصر على فرج (المشاركة 5945225)
1- I have listened to the weather forecast. It…………be warm tomorrow
Will is going to

There is a lot of smoke .the house will be on fire

:The first one
It is going to be warm tomorrow
:The second one
.There is a lot of smoke. The house is on fire
There is a lot of smoke. The house is going to be on fire

عادل عثمان 30-07-2014 10:12 PM

السلام عليكم وكل عام وانتم جميعا بخير انا عادل عثمان ارجو منكم توصيل سلامى الى الاستاذ عماد نفاد وارجوا ان اعرف رقم تلفونه لان المبايل فقد منى وعليه كل الارقام وهوصديق عزيز وارجو الاتصال به ولكم جزيل الشكر

اشرف القوصى المصرى 03-08-2014 06:23 PM

موضوع محير جدا
نرجو مناقشة الجملتين الأتيتين أعزائي المدرسين وأعطائي رد سريع
Millions of dollars ( are - has - is - has been ) spent on armament while poor children die of starvation .
انا اقول الأجابة هي are لأن الفاعل الحقيقي هنا هو millions التي لم يتعامل معها علي أنها مبلغ فلم تحدد الجملة ما هو و هو نفس حل كتاب Top students
الجملة الثانية
a hundred million dollars ( is spent - are spent - have been spent - are spending ) on education every month
انا أقول is spent لأن هذا مبلغ محدد و هو ما يطابق اجابات كتاب New Gem
ارجو من سيادتكم مناقشة هذا الموضوع لأنه يختلط علي الكثيرين الذين اخذوا في تعميم المفرد مع هذه التعبيرات بحجة اننا كمدرسين لا نستطيع توصيل ذلك للطالب
و شكرا و منكم نستفيد

اسماء سعد حمد 06-08-2014 07:25 PM

انا اتفق مع حضرتك الاجابه will get

mohamedyousef99 08-08-2014 01:36 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر انا طالب فى الصف الاول الثانوى ومعى اسئلة و مش عارف اسألها لحضرتك ازاى
ممكن اكتبها لحضرتك فى ركن السؤال و الاجابة الخاص بالصف الثالث الثانوى علشان انا مش لاقى ركن السؤال والاجابة للصف الاول الثانوى ولا ده مينفعش ارجو الرد من حضرتك

khot 08-08-2014 07:00 PM

I (visited-have visited) portugal twice

khot 08-08-2014 08:20 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر محمد الحل مع ذكر السبب
I (visited-have visited) portugal twice

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-08-2014 12:15 AM

رد : أستاذ/ khot

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة khot (المشاركة 5960653)
I (visited-have visited) portugal twice

I (visited-have visited) portugal twice
لأن كلمة twice تدل أن الحدث قابل للتكرار

mohamedyousef99 09-08-2014 04:51 PM

لو سمحت يا مسترممكن تصححلى ده
translate into arabic
1- equality and justice are essential for establishing our modern country
*ان المساواة والعدالة ضروريان لتاسيس دولتنا الحديثة
2-winning a championship requires a lot of hard work and patience
*ان الفوز بالبطولة يتطلب كثير من العمل الجاد والصبر
3-it is thought that the wave of democracy can not be stopped
انه من المعتقد ان موجة الديمقوراطية لايمكن ان تتوقف
4_vast areas of Egypt's desert have been turned into fertile land
*ان مساحات واسعة من صحراء مصر تم تحويلها الى اراضى خصبة
translate into english
1- ينبغى ان يكون للشباب دور فعال فى اعادة البناء
*the youth should have an effective role in rebuilding
2-نفخر بعلمائنا المصريين الذين يعملون فى مجال الفضاء مثل د الباز
*we are proud of our egyptian scientists who work for the field of the space such as Dr El Baz

mohamedyousef99 09-08-2014 05:27 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر ممكن تصححلى ده
choose the corect answer
1-temperatures may ........ below zero tonight
(feel- fail- fade- fall)
2- my father works for a newspaper......... "AL_AKHBAR"
(calls- call- calling- called)
3-they live in a cottage in a ....... area, far away from where other people live
(near- rainy- remote- dry)
4-Marie Curie was the winner of Nobel Prize ........ Physics
(from- for- on- at)
5-Dr El- Baz is the world's greatest expert........ remote sensing
(of- at- in- out)
6-teachers......... their pupils very much . they have an effect on their behaviour
(influence- hate- dislike- ignore)
7-A lot of training makes sport stars .............i
(succeeds- success- successful- successfully)
8-The Pan _Arab Games is a .......... international sports championship
(major- minor- remote- small)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-08-2014 08:35 PM

رد : أستاذ/ mohamedyousef99

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mohamedyousef99 (المشاركة 5961983)
لو سمحت يا مسترممكن تصححلى ده
translate into arabic
1- equality and justice are essential for establishing our modern country
*ان المساواة والعدالة ضروريان لتاسيس دولتنا الحديثة
2-winning a championship requires a lot of hard work and patience
*ان الفوز بالبطولة يتطلب كثير من العمل الجاد والصبر
3-it is thought that the wave of democracy can not be stopped
انه من المعتقد ان موجة الديمقوراطية لايمكن ان تتوقف
4_vast areas of Egypt's desert have been turned into fertile land
*ان مساحات واسعة من صحراء مصر تم تحويلها الى اراضى خصبة
translate into english
1- ينبغى ان يكون للشباب دور فعال فى اعادة البناء
*the youth should have an effective role in rebuilding
2-نفخر بعلمائنا المصريين الذين يعملون فى مجال الفضاء مثل د الباز
*we are proud of our egyptian scientists who work for the field of the space such as Dr El Baz

Translate into Arabic
1- Equality and justice are essential for establishing our modern country
ان المساواة والعدالة ضروريان لتاسيس دولتنا الحديثة:022yb4:
2-Winning a championship requires a lot of hard work and patience
*ان الفوز ببطولة يتطلب كثير من العمل الجاد والصبر:022yb4:
3-It is thought that the wave of democracy can not be stopped
انه من المعتقد ان موجة الديمقوراطية لايمكن ان تتوقف:022yb4:
4_Vast areas of Egypt's desert have been turned into fertile land
*ان مساحات واسعة من صحراء مصر تم تحويلها الى اراضى خصبة :022yb4:
Translate into English
1- ينبغى ان يكون للشباب دور فعال فى اعادة البناء
:022yb4:The youth should have an effective role in rebuilding
2-نفخر بعلمائنا المصريين الذين يعملون فى مجال الفضاء مثل د الباز
*We are proud of our Egyptian scientists who work in the field of space such as Dr El Baz

mohamedyousef99 10-08-2014 06:42 AM

اشكرك استاذى الفاضل

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-08-2014 10:33 AM

رد : أستاذ/ ramy9

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ramy9 (المشاركة 5858846)
if you listen to that loud music you ..... a headache
السؤال دة فى ال evaluation اجابتة get مع ان will get موجودة؟ ازاى و هو هنا عمل specification يعنى مش هتبقى something commonly agreed on

If you listen to that loud music you will get a headache
علي فكرة ، لا يوجد دليل تقويم رسمي للصف الثالث

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-08-2014 10:36 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اشرف القوصى المصرى (المشاركة 5954663)
نرجو مناقشة الجملتين الأتيتين أعزائي المدرسين وأعطائي رد سريع
Millions of dollars ( are - has - is - has been ) spent on armament while poor children die of starvation .
انا اقول الأجابة هي are لأن الفاعل الحقيقي هنا هو millions التي لم يتعامل معها علي أنها مبلغ فلم تحدد الجملة ما هو و هو نفس حل كتاب Top students
الجملة الثانية
a hundred million dollars ( is spent - are spent - have been spent - are spending ) on education every month
انا أقول is spent لأن هذا مبلغ محدد و هو ما يطابق اجابات كتاب New Gem
ارجو من سيادتكم مناقشة هذا الموضوع لأنه يختلط علي الكثيرين الذين اخذوا في تعميم المفرد مع هذه التعبيرات بحجة اننا كمدرسين لا نستطيع توصيل ذلك للطالب
و شكرا و منكم نستفيد

Millions of dollars ( are - has - is - has been ) spent on armament while poor children die of starvation:022yb4:
a hundred million dollars ( is spent - are spent - have been spent - are spending ) on education every month:022yb4:

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-08-2014 10:40 AM

رد : أستاذ/ ناصر على فرج

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ناصر على فرج (المشاركة 5945225)
1- I have listened to the weather forecast. It…………be warm tomorrow
Will is going to
There is a lot of smoke .the house will be on fire

1- I have listened to the weather forecast. It…………be warm tomorrow
Will - is going to
There is a lot of smoke .the house is / must be on fire

مستر / أيمن الجمال 10-08-2014 11:00 AM

Great effort, Thanks

Great effort, Thanks

khot 11-08-2014 09:28 PM

طب لو سمحت يا مستر
لو كانت الجملة دى كدا
I (have visited-visited) portugal once
فهل once هنا معناها ذات مرة ام مرة واحدة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 11-08-2014 11:44 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mohamedyousef99 (المشاركة 5962024)
لو سمحت يا مستر ممكن تصححلى ده
choose the corect answer
1-temperatures may ........ below zero tonight
(feel- fail- fade- fall)
2- my father works for a newspaper......... "AL_AKHBAR"
(calls- call- calling- called)
3-they live in a cottage in a ....... area, far away from where other people live
(near- rainy- remote- dry)
4-Marie Curie was the winner of Nobel Prize ........ Physics
(from- for- on- at)
5-Dr El- Baz is the world's greatest expert........ remote sensing
(of- at- in- out)
6-teachers......... their pupils very much . they have an effect on their behaviour
(influence- hate- dislike- ignore)
7-A lot of training makes sport stars .............i
(succeeds- success- successful- successfully)
8-The Pan _Arab Games is a .......... international sports championship
(major- minor- remote- small)

Choose the correct answer
1-Temperatures may ........ below zero tonight
:av4056bb7jp3:(feel- fail- fade- fall)
2- My father works for a newspaper......... "AL_AKHBAR"
:av4056bb7jp3:(calls- call- calling- called)
3-They live in a cottage in a ....... area, far away from Where other people live
:av4056bb7jp3:(near- rainy- remote- dry)
4-Marie Curie was the winner of Nobel Prize ........ Physics
:av4056bb7jp3:(from- for- on- at)
5-Dr El- Baz is the world's greatest expert........ remote sensing
:av4056bb7jp3:(of- at- in- out)
6-Teachers......... their pupils very much . They have an effect on their behaviour
:av4056bb7jp3:(influence- hate- dislike- ignore)
7-A lot of training makes sport stars .............i
:av4056bb7jp3:(succeeds- success- successful- successfully)
8-The Pan _Arab Games is a .......... international sports championship
:av4056bb7jp3:(major- minor- remote- small)


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة khot (المشاركة 5964279)
طب لو سمحت يا مستر
لو كانت الجملة دى كدا
I (have visited-visited) portugal once
فهل once هنا معناها ذات مرة ام مرة واحدة

I (have visited-visited) Portugal once
once هنا معناها مرة واحدة، لكن :
Once, I (have visited-visited) Portugal

khot 14-08-2014 12:25 AM

شكرا يا مستر
وبعد لذنك ما هو الفرق بين
.............Ihear ......... وI have heard ......

khot 14-08-2014 12:30 AM

Ahmed (is going to move_is moving)to the city centre on 15th July 2015

Mr. Jan 14-08-2014 12:42 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة khot (المشاركة 5966871)
Ahmed (is going to move_is moving)to the city centre on 15th July 2015

This is a prepared definite action
Ahmed is moving to the city centre on 15th July

mister 81 15-08-2014 01:16 PM

افتراضي جمله اختيارى اسئله المتفوقين (كتاب جيم 2015)
revenge was the main --------------------the fire
a) reason for b)cause of c)reason of d)because of

ناصر على فرج 15-08-2014 03:45 PM

سوال هام
Be careful you ………………..yourself with that knife
Will hurt are going to hurt
وهل التحذير هنا قريب ام بعيد؟:028ja7:

abozenana 15-08-2014 05:15 PM

thank you very much

شعبان بدوى 15-08-2014 07:44 PM

reason for

mister 81 15-08-2014 11:42 PM

طيب ليه cause of ما تنفعش

احمد يسرى حماده 16-08-2014 08:47 AM

جمل محيره من كتاب جيم (أرجو المساعده)
fine.you set the table, and i --------------------the bread
am cutting - will cut 0 am going to cut
2-the weather report says it -------------cloudy all day
will be - am going to be
3-sunrise --------at 6.40 a.m .tomorrow
is about to be - will be - is going o be
4-quicke! Give me a paper tissue, i ---------------again
will sneeze - am going to sneeze- sneeze
find the mistake:
look! I buy that beautiful kitten for Yunus for his birthday.

Samy1992 16-08-2014 09:03 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة احمد يسرى حماده (المشاركة 5969359)
fine.you set the table, and i --------------------the bread
am cutting - will cut 0 am going to cut
2-the weather report says it -------------cloudy all day
will be - am going to be
3-sunrise --------at 6.40 a.m .tomorrow
is about to be - will be - is going o be
4-quicke! Give me a paper tissue, i ---------------again
will sneeze - am going to sneeze- sneeze
find the mistake:
look! I buy that beautiful kitten for Yunus for his birthday.

First, you set the table and i am going to cut the bread
the weather report says it will be cloudy all day
sunrise is going to be at 6.40 a.m. tomorrow
Quick! give me a paper tissue, i am going to sneeze again
I'm going to buy

احمد يسرى حماده 16-08-2014 10:56 AM

fine.you set the table, and i --------------------the bread
am cutting - will cut 0 am going to cut
2-the weather report says it -------------cloudy all day
will be - am going to be
3-sunrise --------at 6.40 a.m .tomorrow
is about to be - will be - is going to be
4-quicke! Give me a paper tissue, i ---------------again
will sneeze - am going to sneeze- sneeze
find the mistake:
look! I buy that beautiful kitten for Yunus for his birthday.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-08-2014 11:59 AM

رد : أستاذ/ احمد يسرى حماده

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة احمد يسرى حماده (المشاركة 5969439)
fine.you set the table, and i --------------------the bread
am cutting - will cut 0 am going to cut
2-the weather report says it -------------cloudy all day
will be - am going to be
3-sunrise --------at 6.40 a.m .tomorrow
is about to be - will be - is going to be
4-quicke! Give me a paper tissue, i ---------------again
will sneeze - am going to sneeze- sneeze
find the mistake:
look! I buy that beautiful kitten for Yunus for his birthday.

Fine.you set the table, and I --------------------the bread
am cutting - will cut - am going to cut
2-The weather report says it -------------cloudy all day
will be - is going to be
3-Sunrise --------at 6.40 a.m .tomorrow
is about to be - will be - is going to be
4-Quick! Give me a paper tissue, I ---------------again
will sneeze - am going to sneeze- sneeze
Find the mistake
Look! I will buy that beautiful kitten for Yunus for his birthday

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-08-2014 02:10 PM

رد : أستاذ/ نور

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة *(نور)* (المشاركة 5848179)
this factory used to be mr.ahmeds .He...................it for years and years
owned-has owned-owns-was owned

This factory used to be Mr.Ahmed's .He...................it for years and years.0
owned-has owned-owns-was owned

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-08-2014 09:53 PM

رد : أستاذ/ solo1981

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة solo1981 (المشاركة 5872856)
She's always after update fashions.

She's always after up-to-date fashions

احمد يسرى حماده 16-08-2014 11:23 PM

بعد اذنك حضرتك مستر محمد الجمله الثانيه فيها اختيار is going to
الجمله الأخيره المستر حلها فى الدرس am going to
فأرجو التوضيخ وشكرا لاهتمامك

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-08-2014 02:34 AM

رد : أستاذ/ احمد يسرى حماده

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة احمد يسرى حماده (المشاركة 5970083)
بعد اذنك حضرتك مستر محمد الجمله الثانيه فيها اختيار is going to
الجمله الأخيره المستر حلها فى الدرس am going to
فأرجو التوضيخ وشكرا لاهتمامك

الرد علي الجملة الأولي من موقع longman و الرابط موجود قبل الاجابة :

You put the table and I ... bread. (will cut - cut - can cut)

This sentence has more than one answer, and the first verb should be set, not put.
The verbs set and cut (and put) have the same form in the present and past. So the sentence could mean any of these:
You do X (an order) and I will do Y (an offer)
You did X and I did Y
You do X (an order) and I am able to do Y
My guess is that the author intended the first reading, but the others are equally valid
الرد علي الجملة الثانية و الثالثة من موقع longman و الرابط موجود قبل الاجابة :
(c) Weather forecasts are based on data that is gathered and ****yzed. That may constitute a form of "present reality" or "evidence". In the reports themselves, however, the form will is often used because it is more formal and less cumbersome than saying going to repeatedly. Frequently weather reporters will begin with going to and then continue with will.

(42) It's going to be a beautiful day tomorrow. It will be sunny and breezy all day. The high will be 32 and the low at night will be 22.

But when we talk about tomorrow's weather based on what it is now, not on a published forecast based on data, the "present reality" is not so clear. The fact that the weather has been bad for three days does not necessarily mean that it will continue to be bad. Weather can change quickly. Either future form can be used. See also section 1f above.

(43) It's been rainy for three days. It probably will be the same tomorrow.
(44) It's been rainy for three days. It's probably going to be the same tomorrow.

In contrast to the above, where either form can be used, there are two examples in the Sec 2 textbook, page 22, where one form is the better choice.

The first is someone reading a brochure about England.

(45) I think the weather in ×England will be cold and rainy.

She is not reading a weather forecast about the very near future (the next day or two), but a brochure about travel facts. Based on her reading, she predicts what the weather will be when they travel. Will is the better choice here.

In the other example on that page, someone is looking at the sky and sees that it is clear.

(46) It's going to be another very sunny day.

She is basing her statement about today based on the present reality of a clear sky. Going to is the better choice here.

The present continuous is not used for predictions, so it is not used to talk about future weather conditions.

(47) *It's raining tomorrow.


Once again, teachers and test writers must be aware that the future forms are very complex in ×English and that often more than one form can be used in a given sentence. The choice of form might depend on what the speaker intends to emphasize. While there are some situations in which one form or the other is clearly correct, there are many other situtions in which more than one form can be used

الرد علي الجملة الأخيرة من موقع longman و الرابط موجود قبل الاجابة :

الرد علي الجملة الأخيرة من موقع longman و الرابط موجود قبل الاجابة :

Look! I will buy that beautiful kitten for ×Yunus for his birthday. (Sec 3, Unit 1 Grammar exercises on this website) Why did we use “will” in the sentence above instead of “going to” to show intention?
The word “Look!” at the beginning is meant to show that the person has just made this decision at the spur of the moment upon seeing a beautiful kitten (in a pet shop). This is a quick decision, so will is the better choice. I have changed the sentence a bit so that the sudden decision is (I hope) clearer: Look at that beautiful kitten! I’ll buy it for Yunus for his birthday.

احمد يسرى حماده 17-08-2014 12:31 PM

شكرا مستر محمد على مجهودك العظيم

أبو عبد الله الجيزاوي 17-08-2014 12:49 PM

ممكن يا مستر إجابات امتحان الدور الثاني
أو إجابات سؤال الاختيارات والتصحيح عشان أطمن
أنا امتحاني مؤجل للدور الثاني وامتحنت النهاردة

khot 17-08-2014 10:33 PM

The students were inspected on ancient Egyptian history

khot 18-08-2014 01:38 AM

شكرا على الرد ولكن هل inspect ياتى معها حرف جر مثل on

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 18-08-2014 12:11 PM

رد : أستاذ/ khot

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة khot (المشاركة 5970845)
The students were inspected on ancient Egyptian history

The students were tested / examined on ancient Egyptian history

مسافر222 19-08-2014 06:15 PM

reason for لأن السبب معنوي وليس مادي

mohamedyousef99 19-08-2014 11:06 PM

translate into arabic
1-industry and agriculture are the backbone of economic development
*ان الصناعة والزراعة يكونوا العمود الفقرى للتطوير الاقتصادى
2-Egypt is proud of her scientists who have made scientific achievement
*ان مصر فخورة بعلمائها الذين الذين قاموا بعمل التقدم العلمى

translate into english
1-يجب ان يتسلح الشباب بالعلم والتكنولوجيا حتى يحققوا طموحاتهم
*The youth must have science and tecnology to achieve thier ambitions

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-08-2014 12:22 AM

رد : أستاذ/ mohamedyousef99

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mohamedyousef99 (المشاركة 5972663)
translate into arabic
1-industry and agriculture are the backbone of economic development
*ان الصناعة والزراعة يكونوا العمود الفقرى للتطوير الاقتصادى
2-Egypt is proud of her scientists who have made scientific achievement
*ان مصر فخورة بعلمائها الذين الذين قاموا بعمل التقدم العلمى

translate into english
1-يجب ان يتسلح الشباب بالعلم والتكنولوجيا حتى يحققوا طموحاتهم
*The youth must have science and tecnology to achieve thier ambitions

1-Industry and agriculture are the backbone of economic development
*ان الصناعة والزراعة هما العمود الفقرى للتطور الاقتصادى
2-Egypt is proud of its scientists who have made scientific achievement
*ان مصر فخورة بعلمائها الذين الذين حققوا انجازا علميا

1-يجب ان يتسلح الشباب بالعلم والتكنولوجيا حتى يحققوا طموحاتهم
*The youth must have science and tecnology to achieve thier ambitions:av4056bb7jp3:

احمد يسرى حماده 20-08-2014 11:11 AM

Mona (works - is working) at Ain Shames Hospital on Thursdays and Fridays.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-08-2014 11:22 AM

رد : أستاذ/ احمد يسرى حماده

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة احمد يسرى حماده (المشاركة 5973027)
Mona (works - is working) at Ain Shames Hospital on Thursdays and Fridays.

Mona (works - is working) at Ain Shames Hospital on Thursdays and Fridays

الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى 20-08-2014 01:26 PM

ليه حضرتك يا مستر محمد توقفت عن اكمال المذكرة 2014

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