بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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Jung Ji-Hoon 27-02-2014 03:05 AM

Find the mistakes:

1- I realised I trapped and escape seemed impossible.

2- One applicant interviewed, the other is waiting outside.

3- I'm happy he arrests and put in prison.

4- Help! The house robs.

5- If I laugh a lot, I expect something bad happens. Why? I don't Know.

6- Have you take a taxi if you are late for school?

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-02-2014 03:15 AM


Natural remedies are attracting increasing attention all over the world.
Herbal medicines not only cure illnesses, but they help prevent any
harmful side effects as well. For many, plant medicines are much safer
than medical ones.

1- النفايات النووية التى تدفن فى باطن الارض تمثل تهديدا للبيئة عاجلا أم اجلا.

2- علينا أن ندعم كل فكر بناء يخدم مصلحة الوطن.

عبير الجوري 27-02-2014 09:20 AM

?Ten years from now ,Will you ..............me
(Is fogotten -had forgoteen - have forgotten - forget)

?Have you been waiting in this queue for long
Yes by 4 o'clock l ..........for two hours
( will wait - will have been wating - will be waiting - will have waited )

?......... you post this letter for me please
( would-will-shall-should)

The workers ..........decorating the office this time next week
(Will have been finished - will be finishing -will have finished - will finish)

ما معني harvest
انتظر الاجابة وبرجاء توضيح كل جملة ولماذا تم اختيار اختيار معين
جزاك الله خيرا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-02-2014 09:28 AM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5761395)
Find the mistakes:

1- I realised I trapped and escape seemed impossible.
2- One applicant interviewed, the other is waiting outside.
3- I'm happy he arrests and put in prison.
4- Help! The house robs.
5- If I laugh a lot, I expect something bad happens. Why? I don't Know.
6- Have you take a taxi if you are late for school?

1- I realised I was trapped and escape seemed impossible.
2- One applicant is being interviewed, the other is waiting outside.
3- I'm happy he has been arrested and put in prison.
Help! The house is being robbed / has been robbed
5- If I laugh a lot, I expect something bad to happen. Why? I don't Know.
6- Will / Do you take a taxi if you are late for school?0

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-02-2014 09:42 AM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5761401)
Natural remedies are attracting increasing attention all over the world.
Herbal medicines not only cure illnesses, but they help prevent any
harmful side effects as well. For many, plant medicines are much safer
than medical ones.
1- النفايات النووية التى تدفن فى باطن الارض تمثل تهديدا للبيئة عاجلا أم اجلا.
2- علينا أن ندعم كل فكر بناء يخدم مصلحة الوطن.

Natural remedies are attracting increasing attention all over the world
يجتذب العلاج الطبيعي اهتماما متزايدا في جميع أنحاء العالم.
Herbal medicines not only cure illnesses, but they help prevent any harmful side effects as well. For many, plant medicines are much safer than medical ones
الأدوية العشبية لا تعالج الأمراض فحسب، لكنها تساعد على منع أي آثار جانبية ضارة أيضا. و بالنسبة للكثيرين، فالأدوية النباتية أكثر أمانا بكثير من الأدوية الكيميائية.
1- النفايات النووية التى تدفن فى باطن الارض تمثل تهديدا للبيئة عاجلا أم اجلا.
1 - The nuclear waste which is buried in the ground represents a threat to the environment, sooner or later.
2- علينا أن ندعم كل فكر بناء يخدم مصلحة الوطن.
We must support every positive thought which serves the interests of the country.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-02-2014 09:57 AM

رد : أستاذة عبير الجوري
[QUOTE=عبير الجوري;5761521]?Ten years from now ,Will you ..............me
(Is fogotten -had forgoteen - have forgotten - forget)
?Have you been waiting in this queue for long
Yes by 4 o'clock l ..........for two hours
( will wait - will have been wating - will be waiting - will have waited )
?......... you post this letter for me please
( would-will-shall-should)
The workers ..........decorating the office this time next week
(Will have been finished - will be finishing -will have finished - will finish)
ما معني harvest
انتظر الاجابة وبرجاء توضيح كل جملة ولماذا تم اختيار اختيار معين

?Ten years from now ,Will you ..............me
(Is fogotten -had forgoteen - have forgotten - forget)
الأستفسار عما اذا كان الحدث سيكون قد تم في وقت معين في المستقبل
?Have you been waiting in this queue for long
Yes, by 4 o'clock l ..........for two hours
( will wait - will have been wating - will be waiting - will have waited )
التعبير عن حدث سيكون قد استمر لمدة بحلول وقت معين في المستقبل
?......... you post this letter for me please
( would-will-shall-should)
طلب خدمة
The workers ..........decorating the office this time next week
(Will have been finished - will be finishing -will have finished - will finish
التعبير عن حدث سيكون قد تم بحلول وقت معين في المستقبل
معني harvest حصاد / يحصد / محصول

LinuxForEver 27-02-2014 11:51 AM

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود

The student is busy from his school work, he wants to finish it quickly
Is (from-->with
Mona is thought that have been outside the house last night
Is (that-->to
Nothing do concering this issue yet
Is (do-->has been done

A: What time is the next train to Alex ?
B: Nine thirty-five
A: which platform ?
B: Platform number five

Place: Train station
A: Traveller
Function: Asking for and giving information

سلمة بن الأكوع 27-02-2014 12:47 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الحويني 1996 (المشاركة 5761348)
find the mistakes in the following sentences then write them correctly:

1- he felled in his attempt to break the record.

1- i'm sure my cousin will ……………. A good accountant. He loves mathematics.
(make – take – do – act
ما الفرق بين admit و confess

ارجو حل هذه الاسئلة وجزاك الله خيرا

ارجو حل هذه الاسئلة وجزاك الله خيرا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-02-2014 01:35 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة LinuxForEver (المشاركة 5761653)

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود
The student is busy from his school work, he wants to finish it quickly
Is (from-->with
Mona is thought that have been outside the house last night
Is (that-->to
Nothing do concering this issue yet
Is (do-->has been done
A: What time is the next train to Alex ?
B: Nine thirty-five
A: which platform ?
B: Platform number five
Place: Train station
A: Traveller
Function: Asking for and giving information

The student is busy with / doing his school work, he wants to finish it quickly:022yb4:
Mona is thought to have been outside the house last night:022yb4:
Nothing has been done concerning this issue yet:022yb4:
A: What time is the next train to Alex ?
B: Nine thirty-five
A: which platform ?
B: Platform number five
Place: Train station
A: Traveller
B: Information clerk
Function: Asking for and giving information:022yb4:

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-02-2014 01:40 PM

رد : أستاذ الحويني 1996
1- he failed in his attempt to break the record.
1- i'm sure my cousin will ……………. A good accountant. He loves mathematics.
(make – take – do – act

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-02-2014 05:58 PM


1- You're too shy to answer questions in class. You ask your teacher for advice.

2- Your mother wants to dial a number on your mobile. She asks you for instructions.

3- Your younger brother asks how trees can help reduce air pollution. You answer.

4- You hear that a school friend is suspected of a mobile theft. You defend this friend.

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-02-2014 07:31 PM


1. A: But it is said you've run over that poor fellow.
B: That's not true, Sir
A: What is the truth then?
B: I've told you everything about it, and you can ask him when he wakes up.
A: He will never wake up; he has died.

2. A: I can't really believe that I've managed to prove this man's innocence.
B: Congratulations, Sir! You're an old hand

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-02-2014 07:32 PM

1- She's been crying since she ....... of the accident.
( is informed - informed - was informed - has informed )

2- If he panics on seeing a doll, he ...... have a phobia of dolls.
( does - will - is - would )

Jung Ji-Hoon 27-02-2014 07:33 PM

1- What did Sapt do with the king before they left the hunting lodge and why?

2- What motive did the Duke have for poisoning his brother?

3- How was Sapt's plan to rescue King Rudolf a risk?

4- How did Sapt manage to persuade Rassendyll to go to Strelsau to be crowned?

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-02-2014 09:04 PM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5762034)
1- You're too shy to answer questions in class. You ask your teacher for advice.
2- Your mother wants to dial a number on your mobile. She asks you for instructions.
3- Your younger brother asks how trees can help reduce air pollution. You answer.
4- You hear that a school friend is suspected of a mobile theft. You defend this friend.

1- What should I do to get rid of my shyness in class?0
2- First, unlock the mobile like that. Then, dial the number from left to right. Finally, press the green button.0
3- Trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.0
4- He can't have stolen this mobile. He is a very honest person.0

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