بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية (https://www.thanwya.com/vb/index.php)
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-   -   ضعوا هنا أي سؤال في الانجليزية و نجيب لكم عليه (https://www.thanwya.com/vb/showthread.php?t=6531)

adham_592005 01-06-2007 10:20 PM

السلام عليكم هذه بعض التراجم التى قد ينتفع بها الطلاب</span>
1-<span style="color:#009900">Do you think that there is a contradiction between globalization and national identity?
هل تعتقد ان هناك تعارض بين العولمة و الهوية الوطنية
2-We are united, Muslims and Christians, in loving our dear homeland and working for prosperity
كلنا متحدون,مسلمون و مسيحيون, فى حب وطننا الغالى والعمل من اجل ازدهاره
3-There are many things to be said in favour of technological advancement .It undoubtedly makes people's lives easier . Without the benefits that technology brings, the world would be a much harder place to live in .
هناك اشياء كثيره يمكن ان تقال لصالح التقدم التكنولوجي. ومما لا شك فيه انه يجعل حياه الناس اكثر سهوله. دون ان الفوائد التى تجلبها التكنولوجيا , لكان العالم اكثر صعوبه فى العيش
4-All divine (heavenly) religions call for love, peace, tolerance and non-violence (Renouncing / rejecting violence).
تدعو الديانات السماوية كلها الى الحب و السلام و التسامح و نبذ العنف.
5-The whole world felt sorry for the sinking of the Egyptian ferry , Alsalam 98.
لقد شعر العالم كله بالاسى لكارثة غرق السفينة المصرية السلام 98 .
6-The government has made every effort to combat the epidemic / plague of bird flu.
لقد بذلت الحكومة قصارى جهدها لمكافحة وباء انفلوانزا الطيور.

hunter 02-06-2007 06:15 AM

<div align="center"><div class='quotetop'>إقتباس(adham_592005 @ Jun 1 2007, 11:09 PM) [snapback]317210[/snapback]</div>

السلام عليكم : اولا :اشكر للاستاذ طارق جهوده وادعوا الله عز وجل ان يجعل ذلك فى ميزان حسناته
:ثانيا :أود ان استفسر عن صحة الجملة التالية (أنا غير مقتنع بصحتها رغم ان هناك مدرسا يذكرها للطلاب )
<span style="font-family:Arial">I haven't seen my uncle sinsc three years ago</span></span>.

هبل دة ولا عبط.........يمكن انجليزى جديد
:( :( :(
<span style="color:#FF0000">تعرف اية عن المنطق يا مرسى :o :o :blink: :blink:

Abdo Misr 02-06-2007 06:34 PM

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم استاذى الكريم
لدينا سوال فى (( نماذج الوزارة للمرحلة الاولى للثانوية العامة ))
ونرجو الحل (( Teacher Guide ))

رقم الصفحة فى الكتاب نسخة (( 2005 - 2006 ))

رقم الصفحة فى الكتاب نسخة (( 2006 - 2007))

healthy diet of fruits and vegetables will help prevent sickness ..................................
1- a
2- the
3- an
4- one


محمد عاطف 22 03-06-2007 08:10 AM

عاوزين شوية مقدمات للبراجراف تنفع لاى موضوع

علشان نلم درجات

محمد شيبت 04-06-2007 02:05 PM

he advised his readers to ******thier education
a)measure b)weight c)value d)count

منار مصطفى 05-06-2007 04:17 AM

أنا مش بعرف أذاكر الأنجليزى خالص..ضايعههههههههههههههههههههه..
الترجمة دية: إن الزواج المبكر يسبب للشباب تحمل مسئوليات كبيرة ولذلك يجب التفكير بروية قبل إتخاذ القرار.
Hamid said he was sorry he had broken the glass.(apologized)1

adham_592005 05-06-2007 10:30 AM

hunterXhunterحسن من اسلوبك ويجب ان تحترم أراء الاخرين شوف انت بتقول ايه ولمين عايزين نكون محترمين اكثر وانته ايه اللى عرفك إذا كانت صح او غلط انت بتشتغل ايه؟ أنا ولله الفضل والمنة أكبر متخصص فى اللغة الانجليزية وشفت الجملة فى احد المذكرات لأحد المدرسين زوالذى جعلنى اشك انها صحيحة هو انه يمكن استخدام اي نقطة زمنية بعد since مثل (last week_ yesterday_1999 ) فقلت ما المانع ان تكون النقطة الزمنية فيها ago

yoso 06-06-2007 05:17 PM

أرجو من أستاذ طارق

أن يكتب طريقة سهلة لحل DIALOGUES

وجزاك الله كل خير عما فعلت

Hazem Ahmed 06-06-2007 07:51 PM

حد يعرف يعني ايه كلمة get over ارجو الرد

yoso 06-06-2007 08:58 PM

كلمة get over تعنى ( تغلب )

nasrawy000 06-06-2007 11:51 PM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
سؤالي هو
the-----of the Nile isUghanda.
2-After the-----the country had anew government
(revolution-independence) :D

from_sinai 08-06-2007 01:30 AM

the wheel was invented in the 4th millennium BC by the sumerianns (know
ممكن اقول we didnot know the wheel untile they had invented it????????????????

adel arrived at the end of the lesson (when
ممكن اقول when adel arrived the lesson was at the end????????????????????? غلط ؟

she felt faint so she fell to the ground (reason
ممكن اقول the reason for falling to the ground that she felt faint?????????????
يا رب يكونو صح
على فكره انتو بتوفرو علي حاجات كتير شكرا ليكو

صوت الحق 09-06-2007 11:30 PM

الحمد لله الامتحانات بداءت وكان العربى اليوم سهل عقبال الانجليزى وشكرا مقدما الى كل من ساهم معنا بوقته ومجهوده وجزاكم الله كل خير
عند سؤال
Leila forgot her worry and fear as samira

اسماءاحمد 10-06-2007 11:32 AM

انا عايزة اسال سوال فىrewriteممكن :rolleyes:
people admired the man for his courage

mor3b_kebeer 10-06-2007 11:58 AM

[quote]انا عايزة اسال سوال فىrewriteممكن :rolleyes:
people admired the man for his courage

the man was admired by the people for his courage

yoso 11-06-2007 09:11 PM

لو سمحت يامستر ممكن تعملى دة بعد أذنك طبعا

مقدمة ومؤخرة للبرجراف

وأكتب اية فى مضمون الخطاب

بس كدة

جزاك الله كل خييييييييير

elpolty 12-06-2007 08:34 PM

لو سمحت ممكن اجابة السؤال ده
after the (revolution - indpendence)the country has anew government

فاطمه السنجابى 12-06-2007 10:48 PM

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
شكرا جدا على المعلومات الجميله ديا يااستاذ طارق بس معلشى ليا سؤال انا مبعرفشى اكتب البرجراف ممكن تقولى ازاى ؟
وشكرا جزيلا

taher nada 14-06-2007 07:54 AM

<div class='quotetop'>إقتباس(matrix2000 @ Mar 9 2006, 10:20 PM) [snapback]85828[/snapback]</div>

افتتحنا هذا القسم للإجابة عن أسئلتكم في اللغة الإنجليزية خاصة في منهج الصفوف الثلاث الثانوية سواء في الكتاب أو القصة أو أسئلة الامتحانات
ما اهم التوقعات فى امتحان الثانوية العامة :)

star_2121 14-06-2007 05:59 PM

ممكن اعرف معنى التعبير ده "give and take"

قلب ملك 15-06-2007 02:35 AM

لو سمحت يا مستر انا عايزة اعرف اجابت الاسئلة دي
they told her it was wonderful that she hadpassed the driving test

he asked,*did hana get treatment?*

ولو سمحت حضرتك تلخصلي شرح لقاعدة (unless)
وجزاك اللة كل خير يا مستر وجعلة اللة في ميزان حسناتك انشاء اللة

mahmood alaa 15-06-2007 03:18 AM

<div class='quotetop'>إقتباس(قلب ملك @ Jun 15 2007, 03:35 AM) [snapback]328809[/snapback]</div>

لو سمحت يا مستر انا عايزة اعرف اجابت الاسئلة دي
they told her it was wonderful that she hadpassed the driving test

he asked,*did hana get treatment?*

ولو سمحت حضرتك تلخصلي شرح لقاعدة (unless)
وجزاك اللة كل خير يا مستر وجعلة اللة في ميزان حسناتك انشاء اللة
1)they congratulated her on passing the driving test
2)he asked if hana had gotten treatment

mahmood alaa 15-06-2007 03:42 AM

q1)They donot read english novels very often (hardly)
ans: they hardly read english novels
q2) you willnot leave until we arrive(when)
ans: when we arrive you will leave
q3)the.......is the strongest part of the tree
(trunk -bark)
ans :trunk
q4) the film was really enjoyable i wish you........with us
(had been-would be)
q5)after..........the country got new government
(independence-revolution )
ans: independence
mask of gold:
q1) inspite of having little hope ,leila..................... w
ans: leila searched for ahelp
q2) why did dr hafez and team decided to go to quenco
ans: i donot know the answe r
q3) after the team work had come back to quenco , they...s
ans: idonot know
q4) why was the doctor assistant helpful to leila
ans: idonot know
q5) leila was so surprised because.......................... v
ans: idonot know
the wrong answers please answer my unanswered one and correct

heba1 15-06-2007 01:40 PM

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
اذا سمحت يا مستر تجاوبلى على الجملتين الاختيارى دول
1/new screen .........................will be able to describe pictures
a-writers b-composers c-viewers d- readers
2- the braille system of ...........................dots enabled blind people to read for the first time
a- risen b- arisen c- aroused d-raised
3- thr bargain was a......................
a- success b- successful c- successor d- successive

kamykazy 15-06-2007 03:00 PM

ابه الفرق بين؟
electric - electrical
historic - historical
economic - economical

mahmood alaa 15-06-2007 04:08 PM

<div class='quotetop'>إقتباس(heba1 @ Jun 15 2007, 02:40 PM) [snapback]329207[/snapback]</div>

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
اذا سمحت يا مستر تجاوبلى على الجملتين الاختيارى دول
1/new screen .........................will be able to describe pictures
a-writers b-composers c-viewers d- readers
2- the braille system of ...........................dots enabled blind people to read for the first time
a- risen b- arisen c- aroused d-raised
3- thr bargain was a......................
a- success b- successful c- successor d- successive
see work book page14

مستر على 16-06-2007 10:54 AM

مسترعلى الغندور عضو جديد بينكم * [color=#FF6600]

adham_592005 17-06-2007 02:00 PM

<div align="left">1-Libraries
Libraries are very important in our life. They are a very important source of knowledge to human beings. The government has set up a number of public libraries where people can read. It also gives great attention to libraries to develop the habit of reading. With the help of libraries, researchers can find the information they seek easily. Modern libraries use computers to make it easy for the visitor to find the books needed easily. In fact the number of libraries in a country refers to the importance of knowledge and science in it.
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2-How to spend your spare time
Time is very important in our life. It should be spent wisely. We should try to make full use of it. We can spend it reading useful books to gain knowledge and culture. We can practise sports to keep our bodies fit and healthy. We can take part in summer camps. Also, we can exchange visits with our friends and relatives.
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3-The computer
The computer is one of the most important inventions in this age. It is considered a scientific miracle. It is widely used in many fields of life. It helps people in their work. Life has become easy with the help of the computer. It is used in almost everywhere. It can store enormous amounts of information. The computer enables us to use the internet. Undoubtedly, the computer can replace many sets. In fact, without computers many of our technological miracles would be impossible.
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Tourism is very important to our country. It is on of the chief sources of our national income. It brings foreign currency to our country. Tourists like visiting Egypt to enjoy its wonderful weather and to see the old monuments. Egypt is full of tourist attractions. Egypt exerts great efforts to encourage tourists to come to it. It provides them with easy and comfortable means of transport and cheap hotels. Egyptian people are friendly and helpful to tourists. In short, tourism is a vital instrument in fostering opportunities for peace and stability.
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Reading is a useful hobby. It is very important in every educated man's life. It increases our knowledge about any thing in our world. It also makes us respectable persons among others. It enriches and widens our minds. It is a fun. It is one of the joys of life. A book is the man's best friend. The more you read ,the more you understand life.
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Smoking is very harmful to health. It has many fatal effects on man's life. It is the main cause of serious diseases such as cancer and lung diseases. A lot of people die yearly because of diseases resulting from smoking. Smoking is a bad habit that annoys non-smokers. Smokers hurt themselves by ignoring doctors' warnings and refusing to give up smoking. They can give up smoking if they have strong will.
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7-The role of the youth today
The youth are the backbone of any nation. They play an essential part in the life of their country. The duty of pupils and students is to study hard to succeed and prepare themselves for the future. The prosperity of a country depends on the hands of the youth. They have to exert every effort to develop their country and to achieve progress. They should make full use of their time. They should defend their country by every means.
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Education is not an end but a means to an end. The purpose of educating children is fit them for life. They must be educated in such a way that each of them can do the job suited to his brain. It is essential to choose a system of education which prepares children for life. Education provides the society with good citizens. It aims at preparing a generation of scientists able to stand up the monopoly of science and technology by some countries. It widens the mind and makes it free from superstitions. It enables people to be aware of everything around them. It teaches people how to behave well in different situations.
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معتز العفريت 19-06-2007 11:15 AM

انابشكر الموقع المثير ده

rahmaahmed 19-06-2007 07:21 PM

شكراً بالفعل على هذا الموقع .
ولـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــكن أين الاجابات ؟؟؟؟؟
عندي أسئلة ياريت حضرتك تجاوب عليها ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

1-…. you are an amateur, you can’t take part in the Olympic Games. a) Unless B) Because c) So d) As
2-The king asked the chief….advice. a) his B) some c) for d) many
3- Sinai has some of the most beautiful.............. in Egypt.
a- landslides b- landmarks c- landscapes d- landlords
4- When our national team won the Cup, we were in high……….
a-spots b- sports c- spirits d- souls
5- Changes in the world's climate have taken place ........... the ages.
a- over b- during c- along d- around
6- The champion was ....... of his gold medal for taking drugs.
a- stripped b- striped c- awarded d- given
7- May I ........ look at this photo? a- take b- make c- do d- put
8- He .......... a survey of people's eating habits.
a- made b- played c- raised d- carried out
9- He didn't pay attention, so he missed the ............ of the lecture.
a- drift b- grips c- clue d- point
10. The operator asked me if I'd like to ……… for a while as the line
was engaged and I agreed. a. hold b. get through c. dial d. hang up
11 I …………..a shower which I use every morning to take a bath.
a. have b. have been got c. have had d. have got
12. When I………………it,I should go out.
a. finished b. have finished c. had finished d. was finishing
13. Once the cause of his failure has been……we can decide what to do about it. a. pinned b. dimmed c. pinpointed. d- obscure
14. There has been an increase ………crimes this month.
a. of b. in c. at d. for
15. We ……… two showers in our bathroom.
a-have b- have got c- had got d- are got
16. The ……… between the two countries were the cause of the war between them. a-borders b-edges c- outlines d- limits
17. Professor Magdi Yacoub is ..... regarded as a great specialist on heart transplant. a) deeply B) lengthly c) narrowly d) widely
18. I'll participate in this activity ……. I've been formally invited.
a) as regards B) as long c) provided that d) however
19. The husband ……. when he argued the matter with his wife.
a) fell into hot water B) got into hot water
c) got out of cold water d) got aside
20- You can express love, sorrow and joy ..... your tongue.
a) from B) with c)by d) at
21- When I finished my telephone call, I ........ up.
a) hanged b)hung c) held d) put
22- She ……. some of her money for scientific research.
a) granted B) lent c) invested d) worked
23 - If I borrow money, I ……. pay it back.
a) would B) -should c) will d) can
24- Some thieves had broken ……. our flat when we were out.
a) in B) into c) up d) off

يا ريت الاجابــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــة ؟!!

noona 29-08-2007 06:37 PM

please answer this question about the spiders story
? what did captain want to do with the spiders in the desert ? why was it impossible to achieve such agoal
هذا السؤال علي الفصل الرابع .

adham_592005 02-09-2007 05:24 PM

ربنا يوفق الجميع

مستر طارق فؤاد 08-09-2007 05:04 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة adham_592005 (المشاركة 270925)
<div align="left">1-Libraries
Libraries are very important in our life. They are a very important source of knowledge to human beings. The government has set up a number of public libraries where people can read. It also gives great attention to libraries to develop the habit of reading. With the help of libraries, researchers can find the information they seek easily. Modern libraries use computers to make it easy for the visitor to find the books needed easily. In fact the number of libraries in a country refers to the importance of knowledge and science in it.
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2-How to spend your spare time
Time is very important in our life. It should be spent wisely. We should try to make full use of it. We can spend it reading useful books to gain knowledge and culture. We can practise sports to keep our bodies fit and healthy. We can take part in summer camps. Also, we can exchange visits with our friends and relatives.
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3-The computer
The computer is one of the most important inventions in this age. It is considered a scientific miracle. It is widely used in many fields of life. It helps people in their work. Life has become easy with the help of the computer. It is used in almost everywhere. It can store enormous amounts of information. The computer enables us to use the internet. Undoubtedly, the computer can replace many sets. In fact, without computers many of our technological miracles would be impossible.
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Tourism is very important to our country. It is on of the chief sources of our national income. It brings foreign currency to our country. Tourists like visiting Egypt to enjoy its wonderful weather and to see the old monuments. Egypt is full of tourist attractions. Egypt exerts great efforts to encourage tourists to come to it. It provides them with easy and comfortable means of transport and cheap hotels. Egyptian people are friendly and helpful to tourists. In short, tourism is a vital instrument in fostering opportunities for peace and stability.
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Reading is a useful hobby. It is very important in every educated man's life. It increases our knowledge about any thing in our world. It also makes us respectable persons among others. It enriches and widens our minds. It is a fun. It is one of the joys of life. A book is the man's best friend. The more you read ,the more you understand life.
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Smoking is very harmful to health. It has many fatal effects on man's life. It is the main cause of serious diseases such as cancer and lung diseases. A lot of people die yearly because of diseases resulting from smoking. Smoking is a bad habit that annoys non-smokers. Smokers hurt themselves by ignoring doctors' warnings and refusing to give up smoking. They can give up smoking if they have strong will.
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7-The role of the youth today
The youth are the backbone of any nation. They play an essential part in the life of their country. The duty of pupils and students is to study hard to succeed and prepare themselves for the future. The prosperity of a country depends on the hands of the youth. They have to exert every effort to develop their country and to achieve progress. They should make full use of their time. They should defend their country by every means.
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Education is not an end but a means to an end. The purpose of educating children is fit them for life. They must be educated in such a way that each of them can do the job suited to his brain. It is essential to choose a system of education which prepares children for life. Education provides the society with good citizens. It aims at preparing a generation of scientists able to stand up the monopoly of science and technology by some countries. It widens the mind and makes it free from superstitions. It enables people to be aware of everything around them. It teaches people how to behave well in different situations.
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لا أعرف ماذا تريد بالضبط؟؟ هل تريد الترجمة أم نماذج مواضيع براجراف؟؟ و لو كان للترجمة ألا ترى أنها قطع كثيرة؟؟

Xx.Youri.xX 08-09-2007 05:13 PM

وسهلة أيضا مستر طارق

snow_white3727 08-09-2007 07:46 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rahmaahmed (المشاركة 273235)
شكراً بالفعل على هذا الموقع .
ولـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــكن أين الاجابات ؟؟؟؟؟
عندي أسئلة ياريت حضرتك تجاوب عليها ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

1-…. you are an amateur, you can’t take part in the Olympic Games. a) Unless B) Because c) So d) As
2-The king asked the chief….advice. a) his B) some c) for d) many
3- Sinai has some of the most beautiful.............. in Egypt.
a- landslides b- landmarks c- landscapes d- landlords
4- When our national team won the Cup, we were in high……….
a-spots b- sports c- spirits d- souls
5- Changes in the world's climate have taken place ........... the ages.
a- over b- during c- along d- around
6- The champion was ....... of his gold medal for taking drugs.
a- stripped b- striped c- awarded d- given
7- May I ........ look at this photo? a- take b- make c- do d- put
8- He .......... a survey of people's eating habits.
a- made b- played c- raised d- carried out
9- He didn't pay attention, so he missed the ............ of the lecture.
a- drift b- grips c- clue d- point
10. The operator asked me if I'd like to ……… for a while as the line
was engaged and I agreed. a. hold b. get through c. dial d. hang up
11 I …………..a shower which I use every morning to take a bath.
a. have b. have been got c. have had d. have got
12. When I………………it,I should go out.
a. finished b. have finished c. had finished d. was finishing
13. Once the cause of his failure has been……we can decide what to do about it. a. pinned b. dimmed c. pinpointed. d- obscure
14. There has been an increase ………crimes this month.
a. of b. in c. at d. for
15. We ……… two showers in our bathroom.
a-have b- have got c- had got d- are got
16. The ……… between the two countries were the cause of the war between them. a-borders b-edges c- outlines d- limits
17. Professor Magdi Yacoub is ..... regarded as a great specialist on heart transplant. a) deeply B) lengthly c) narrowly d) widely
18. I'll participate in this activity ……. I've been formally invited.
a) as regards B) as long c) provided that d) however
19. The husband ……. when he argued the matter with his wife.
a) fell into hot water B) got into hot water
c) got out of cold water d) got aside
20- You can express love, sorrow and joy ..... your tongue.
a) from B) with c)by d) at
21- When I finished my telephone call, I ........ up.
a) hanged b)hung c) held d) put
22- She ……. some of her money for scientific research.
a) granted B) lent c) invested d) worked
23 - If I borrow money, I ……. pay it back.
a) would B) -should c) will d) can
24- Some thieves had broken ……. our flat when we were out.
a) in B) into c) up d) off

يا ريت الاجابــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــة ؟!!

هو انا اقدر اقولك شوية من اللى فاكراهم لانى فى 3 ثانوى

1 -as
3-landscapes (مناظر طبيعية)
4-spirits (روح معنوية)
5-مش عارفاها
8-مش عارفاها
10-مش عارفاها
12-مش عارفاها

انا حليتلك جزء منهم

مستر طارق فؤاد 08-09-2007 09:08 PM

[quote=noona;289423]please answer this question about the spiders story [/quote]

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة noona (المشاركة 289423)
? what did captain want to do with the spiders in the desert ? why was it impossible to achieve such agoal
هذا السؤال علي الفصل الرابع .

He wanted to destroy all the sipders in the site in the desert.It is impossible Because:
-It was a a great scientific discovery.
-They would destroy an important archaeological site.
-They didn’t know the exact area of the spiders which would escape underground.
-That matter must be decided at higher level.

زبادو 29-10-2007 12:49 AM

اولا الموقع جامد طحن ثانيا عاوزة اسال شوية اسئلة
The Care Apatient Recieves After The Operation Is Essential(post
Natural Gas Reaches The Houses Through Pipes(piped

Unique Muslimah 29-10-2007 12:54 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زبادو (المشاركة 310449)
اولا الموقع جامد طحن ثانيا عاوزة اسال شوية اسئلة
The Care Apatient Recieves After The Operation Is Essential(post
Natural Gas Reaches The Houses Through Pipes(piped

Is the care given to a patient after an operation essential?..umm

Does the natural gas reach houses through pipes?.1
..is that what ur asking for? i hope it helps :)

زبادو 29-10-2007 01:15 PM

no imean the care the patient recieves is essintial after the operation
use the word post

صوت الحق 29-10-2007 03:58 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة tarekfouad (المشاركة 293373)
[quote=noona;289423]please answer this question about the spiders story

He wanted to destroy all the sipders in the site in the desert. Because:
-It was a a great scientific discovery.
-They would destroy an important archaeological site.
-They didn’t know the exact area of the spiders which would escape underground.

-That matter must be decided at higher level.
هذا ما تعودنا من حضرتك بارك الله فيك وجزاك كل خير

biso_000 29-10-2007 10:11 PM

معلش يامستر هتعبك شويه
اولا بحب اشكر حضرتك على المجهود الخرافى انشاء الله يبقى فى ميزان حسناتك المهم انا عندى مشكله تعبانى قوى فى الانجليزى ان انا مبعرفش افرق بين الصفه والحال والاسم والظرف ومعرفش بيتحطوا فين فى الجمله ولا ازاى احط حال مكان صفه وعاوز اعرف ازاى استخدم كل دول ارجوك يمستر هيا دى المشكله الوحيده عندى فى الانجليزى ارجوك يمستر لو هترد عليا يبقى شرح وافى وكامل حتى اقدر استوعب واسف على التطويل

Unique Muslimah 30-10-2007 05:24 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زبادو (المشاركة 310505)
no imean the care the patient recieves is essintial after the operation
use the word post

oh ok...so u want me to use the word "post" ok! ummm let's see
it would beeee....Is the patient's post care essential for the operation??? but that wouldn't make sense, though:confused:....the first one makes more sense..i donno why u guys have to be so strict about those simple stuff when they all mean the same thing:rolleyes:

Unique Muslimah 30-10-2007 05:26 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زبادو (المشاركة 310449)
اولا الموقع جامد طحن ثانيا عاوزة اسال شوية اسئلة
The Care Apatient Recieves After The Operation Is Essential(post
Natural Gas Reaches The Houses Through Pipes(piped

ok! i think i got it:p umm let's c
The post care a patient receives after the operation is essential
is that what ur asking for?????:confused:

زبادو 30-10-2007 06:08 PM

شكرا يا جماعة على مجهودكم بس انا سالت المستر بتاعى وقالى على الجابة الصحيحة وهى
post co_operative care is essential ................. and thanx

زبادو 30-10-2007 06:10 PM

and natural gas is piped to the house

FrDeT sHraB 31-10-2007 09:25 PM

عندي سؤال فكاكة
حد يجاوب
We is playing
الجملة دي صح ؟
اه صح ادوني التفسييييييييييييييير
السؤال التاني بئا
حد يقولي يعني ايه you your money
نياهاهاهاه جاوبو يا فالحين نياهاهاها

one way 03-11-2007 01:56 PM


The eclipse is about to occur
he had left the building before the bomb exploded
what is the difference between a lunar elipse and a solar eclipse
skilled workers have better chance of getting a good job
we couldn't find an effective solution to the problem
it is more unusual to see a solar eclipse than a lunar eclipse

مستر طارق فؤاد 05-11-2007 05:24 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة biso_000 (المشاركة 310593)
اولا بحب اشكر حضرتك على المجهود الخرافى انشاء الله يبقى فى ميزان حسناتك المهم انا عندى مشكله تعبانى قوى فى الانجليزى ان انا مبعرفش افرق بين الصفه والحال والاسم والظرف ومعرفش بيتحطوا فين فى الجمله ولا ازاى احط حال مكان صفه وعاوز اعرف ازاى استخدم كل دول ارجوك يمستر هيا دى المشكله الوحيده عندى فى الانجليزى ارجوك يمستر لو هترد عليا يبقى شرح وافى وكامل حتى اقدر استوعب واسف على التطويل

طبعا لا داعي للأسف.. انا تحت أمرك..

أولا راعي ان الجملة بتتكون من:

Subject -> Verb -> object -> adverb -> place -> time

الصفة عادة بتيجي بعد V. to be

. أو بعد بعض الأفعال مثلseem- sound - look - feel ....etc

أو قبل الاسم

لكي نأتي بالظرف(الحال) نضيف

و لكن هناك الكثير من الشواذ

(سأخصص موضوع كامل للظرف بإذن الله)

bad -> badly - slow -> slowly

اما الاسمnoun
فهو إما اسم شخص أو شيئ أو فكرة أو مكان

و الضمير pronoun
يحل محل الاسم و هناك أنواع مختلفة من الضمائر

مثل ضمائر الفاعل و ضمائر المفعول و ضمائر الملكية و الضمائر المنعكسة

(سأحاول عمل موضوع مفصل لها)

أتمنى يكون الشرح السريع ده كافي

مستر طارق فؤاد 05-11-2007 05:35 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زبادو (المشاركة 310745)
and natural gas is piped to the house


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة FrDeT sHraB (المشاركة 310816)
عندي سؤال فكاكة
حد يجاوب
We is playing
الجملة دي صح ؟
اه صح ادوني التفسييييييييييييييير
السؤال التاني بئا
حد يقولي يعني ايه you your money
نياهاهاهاه جاوبو يا فالحين نياهاهاها

طبعا أنا أسف جدا على اسلوبك لطرح السؤال..
يا أخي العزيز الموقع هنا يهتم فقط باللغة الأنجليزية لطلبة الثانوية العامة أو ما يساعدهم في تطوير مستواهم في اللغة الانجليزية و ليس مكانا لأسئلة تلعب بالألفاظ لأن في الانجليزية الكلمة ممن تكون فعل أو اسم أو ساعات صفة بنفس الهجاء و من هنا اللعب اسمحلي اسميه الغير مجدي.. و على فكرة فيه من ده أكتر مما تتصور بس هنا مش مجاله.

أخيرا عيب الجملة الأخيرة اللي انت قلتها لأن في هذا الجزء مش الطلبة أز الزوار هي اللي بتجاوب (أرجو تراجع عنوان الموضوع)

مستر طارق فؤاد 05-11-2007 05:44 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة one way (المشاركة 311556)

The eclipse is about to occur
he had left the building before the bomb exploded
what is the difference between a lunar elipse and a solar eclipse
skilled workers have better chance of getting a good job
we couldn't find an effective solution to the problem
it is more unusual to see a solar eclipse than a lunar eclipse

The eclipse is forthcoming.
He had left the building before the bomb went off.
How does a lunar elipse differ from solar eclipse?
The workers who have a skill, have better chance of getting a good job
We couldn't solve the problem effectively.
It is not common to see a solar eclipse than a lunar eclipse

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