بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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AhmedElWakil07 09-06-2014 01:41 AM

Choose: The last important ............. I went to was my brother's wedding.
A) occasion.
B) anniversary.
C) ceremony.
D) festival.
Correct:1- early Trains were driven by steam force.
2- The internet contacts people all over the world.
ولكم جزيل الشكر

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 01:45 AM

رد: أستاذة /toqa waelمـريـم

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة toqa wael (المشاركة 5890380)
can you plz tell me how should i know the suitable function in mini dialogue ???

فقط عبر عن الغرض من الكلام ..... هل هو طلب ، استفسار ، رد ، عرض خدمة ، طلب اذن ، اعطاء رأي ، استنتاج ، تقديم اقتراح ، عرض مساعدة .....الخ

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 01:49 AM

رد: أستاذ / AhmedElWakil07

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة AhmedElWakil07 (المشاركة 5890382)
Choose: The last important ............. I went to was my brother's wedding.
A) occasion.
B) anniversary.
C) ceremony.
D) festival.
Correct:1- early Trains were driven by steam force.
2- The internet contacts people all over the world.
ولكم جزيل الشكر

The last important ............. I went to was my brother's wedding

A) occasionB) anniversaryC) ceremonyD) festival
1- Early Trains were driven by steam force (power)0

2- The internet contacts ( connects) people all over the world

بنت من المستقبل 09-06-2014 04:41 AM

ايه الفرق بين reword rewording aword awording فى الجمله ديه

my sister wants to be a teacher she believes teaching is a ...... career
( reword rewording aword awording)

2- the suit was cheep ,,,,,,,, for him to buy ( such - too - enough- so )
3- mistakes the space station will be like a spin wheel

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 07:15 AM

رد: أستاذة / بنت من المستقبل

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بنت من المستقبل (المشاركة 5890433)
ايه الفرق بين reword rewording aword awording فى الجمله ديه

my sister wants to be a teacher she believes teaching is a ...... career
( reword rewording aword awording)

2- the suit was cheep ,,,,,,,, for him to buy ( such - too - enough- so )
3- mistakes the space station will be like a spin wheel

ايه الفرق بين reward - rewarding - award -awarding فى الجمله ديه

My sister wants to be a teacher she believes teaching is a
rewarding career
( reward - rewarding - award - awarding)
وهي تعني هنا وظيفة مجزية أو تدر دخلا كبيرا
2- the suit was cheap .........for him to buy ( such - too - enough- so)0 )
The space station will be like a spin (spinning) wheel

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 07:17 AM

رد: أستاذة / بنت من المستقبل

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بنت من المستقبل (المشاركة 5890433)
ايه الفرق بين reword rewording aword awording فى الجمله ديه

my sister wants to be a teacher she believes teaching is a ...... career
( reword rewording aword awording)

2- the suit was cheep ,,,,,,,, for him to buy ( such - too - enough- so )
3- mistakes the space station will be like a spin wheel

ايه الفرق بين reward - rewarding - award -awarding فى الجمله ديه

My sister wants to be a teacher she believes teaching is a
rewarding career
( reward - rewarding - award - awarding)
وهي تعني هنا وظيفة مجزية أو تدر دخلا كبيرا
2- the suit was cheap .........for him to buy ( such - too - enough- so)0 )
The space station will be like a spin (spinning) wheel

atef18 09-06-2014 07:49 AM

<P>find mistakes</P>
<P>three quarter of this rice is enough to make the dish </P>
<P>الحل و المعنى</P>

atef18 09-06-2014 07:54 AM

P>find mistakes</P>
<P>three quarter of this rice is enough to make the dish </P>
<P>الحل و المعنى</P>
يا مستر

سلمة بن الأكوع 09-06-2014 07:56 AM

The biologist said, “These fish swim upstream in the autumn.” The biologist said that these fish _____ upstream in the autumn.

a) swim
b) have swum
c) swum
d) are swimming

Mariam told us, “Many elephants are killed each year by illegal hunters.” Mariam told us that many elephants _____ each year by illegal hunters
a) killed

b) have been killed
c) was killed
d) are killed
هل هذه الجمل تعبر عن حقائق ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:03 AM

رد: أستاذ / atef18

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة atef18 (المشاركة 5890479)
<P>find mistakes</P>
<P>three quarter of this rice is enough to make the dish </P>
<P>الحل و المعنى</P>

Three quarters of this rice is enough to make the dish.0
ثلاثة أرباع هذا الارز تكفي لعمل الوجبة

سلمة بن الأكوع 09-06-2014 08:07 AM

Ten minutes ago, Nourhan told me you..................left
(have - had ).

atef18 09-06-2014 08:08 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مستر محمد ديوشي عطا (المشاركة 5890488)
Three quarters of this rice is enough to make the dish.0

ثلاثة أرباع هذا الارز تكففي لعمل الوجبة

هى المفروض السؤال كده هتبقى نفس الاجابه
و شكرا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:09 AM

رد: أستاذ / سلمة بن الأكوع

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سلمة بن الأكوع (المشاركة 5890481)
The biologist said, “These fish swim upstream in the The biologist said that these fish _____ upstream in the autumn.0
a) swim
b) have swum
c) swum
d) are swimming
Mariam told us, “Many elephants are killed each year by illegal hunters.” Mariam told us that many elephants _____ each year by illegal hunters
a) killed
b) have been killed
c) was killed
d) are killed
هل هذه الجمل تعبر عن حقائق ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

The biologist said that these fish _____ upstream in the autumn.0
a) swim
b) have swum
c) swum
d) are swimming
Mariam told us, “Many elephants are killed each year by illegal hunters.” Mariam told us that many elephants _____ each year by illegal hunters
a) killed
b) have been killed
c) was killed
d) are killed
هذه الجمل تعبر عن حقائق

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:11 AM

رد: أستاذ / سلمة بن الأكوع

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سلمة بن الأكوع (المشاركة 5890492)
Ten minutes ago, Nourhan told me you..................left
(have - had ).

Ten minutes ago, Nourhan told me you..................left
(have - had )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:14 AM

رد: أستاذ / atef18

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة atef18 (المشاركة 5890493)
هى المفروض السؤال كده هتبقى نفس الاجابه
و شكرا

Three quarters of this rice is enough to make the dish.0

atef18 09-06-2014 08:16 AM

وبعد اذنك دول كمان
when sami .........he uses turpentine to thin paint
paints - will paint
we congratulated her ............her success
on at for by
would you mind if i can borrow your story
a will is a legal paper
butter is moiten when heated
ارجو الافاده

ana mohmed 09-06-2014 08:24 AM

سؤال ارجو الرد بسرعة
1- Each one has finished his work ........... is ready to leave now
(no body - some body - every body - any body ) أرجو الرد بسرعة

atef18 09-06-2014 08:24 AM

وبعد اذنك دول كمان
when sami .........he uses turpentine to thin paint
paints - will paint
we congratulated her ............her success
on at for by
would you mind if i can borrow your story
a will is a legal paper
butter is moiten when heated
ارجو الافاده و شكرا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:26 AM

رد: أستاذ / atef18

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة atef18 (المشاركة 5890506)
وبعد اذنك دول كمان
when sami .........he uses turpentine to thin paint
paints - will paint
we congratulated her ............her success
on at for by
would you mind if i can borrow your story
a will is a legal paper
butter is moiten when heated
ارجو الافاده

when Sami ........,he uses turpentine to thin paint
paints - will paint
we congratulated her ............her success
on - at - for - by
would you mind if I can (could) borrow your story
a will is a legal paper( document)0
Butter is molten ( melts / melted) when heated

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:29 AM

رد: أستاذ / ana mohmed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ana mohmed (المشاركة 5890511)
1- Each one has finished his work ........... is ready to leave now
(no body - some body - every body - any body )

1- Each one has finished his work. ........... is ready to leave now
(no body - some body - everybody - any body )

ana mohmed 09-06-2014 08:35 AM

some one asks you a favour and you ........... to do it
(agree - accept -accepted - avoided ) أرجو الرد

atef18 09-06-2014 08:36 AM

شهدائنا مسجلون فى التاريخ و لن ننساهم ابدا مهما طال الزمن
الاعلام حركه تنوريه وليس اثاريه
نعمل من اجل كرامتنا ولا يمكننا التنازل عنها مهما كان السبب
و شكرا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:42 AM

رد: أستاذ / atef18

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ana mohmed (المشاركة 5890520)
some one asks you a favour and you ........... to do it
(agree - accept -accepted - avoided ) أرجو الرد

Some one asks you a favour and you ........... to do it
(agree - accept -accepted - avoided )

ana mohmed 09-06-2014 08:52 AM

It is advisable to think carefully before .......... a business letter
(responding to - responding - replying - answering to ) أرجو الرد

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:52 AM

رد: أستاذ / atef18

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة atef18 (المشاركة 5890521)
شهدائنا مسجلون فى التاريخ و لن ننساهم ابدا مهما طال الزمن
الاعلام حركه تنوريه وليس اثاريه
نعمل من اجل كرامتنا ولا يمكننا التنازل عنها مهما كان السبب
و شكرا

شهدائنا مسجلون فى التاريخ و لن ننساهم ابدا مهما طال الزمن
Our martyrs are registered in history. We will never forget them forever

الاعلام حركة تنويرية وليست إثارية
Media is a movement which aims at enlightening , not excitement
نعمل من اجل كرامتنا ولا يمكننا التنازل عنها مهما كان السبب
We work for our dignity and we can not give it up for whatever reason

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:55 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة hericho
Rubbish is a cheap source of (nuclear-non_smokingnon_
renewable-renewable) energy.
هى القمامة متجدده ولا غير متجدده

Rubbish is a cheap source of (nuclear-non_smoking- non
renewable-renewable) energy
القمامة متجدده

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 08:57 AM

رد: أستاذ / ana mohmed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ana mohmed (المشاركة 5890527)
It is advisable to think carefully before .......... a business letter
(responding to - responding - replying - answering to ) أرجو الرد

It is advisable to think carefully before .......... a business letter
(responding to - responding - replying - answering to )

حامد السيد حامدد 09-06-2014 09:01 AM

امتحان انجليزي نظام قديم امتي؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-06-2014 09:04 AM

رد: أستاذ / حامد السيد حامدد

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حامد السيد حامدد (المشاركة 5890538)
امتحان انجليزي نظام قديم امتي؟

اليوم عقب انتهاء الأمتحان الساعة 12

الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى 09-06-2014 09:05 AM

9-It was (such sensible – so sensible – sensible enough – such a sensible) solution to the problem that the audience cheered loudly.

Solty Ray 09-06-2014 09:08 AM

اسئلة من كتاب workbook
1\the distance from here to cairo (is _are)two kilometres
2\we arrived half an hour late .the film(began_was beginning_had begun_has begun)half an hour an hour earlier
3\Agatha Christie's books (have been translated_were being translated) into more languages
4\the Romans (captured_had captured) petra nearly two thousand years ago
5\your train leaves in ten minutes if you hurry,you(catch_will catch_ would catch_are catch)it
6\the children were covered in sand when they got home . they(played _had been playing) on the beach

mado95 09-06-2014 09:14 AM

امتحان النظام القديم اتسرب بس مقدرش احط روابط إلا لما اكمل 25 مشاركة وتقريبا اليوم السابع حط صور الامتحان ممكن تبصوا عليه هناك

mado95 09-06-2014 09:15 AM

ممنوع قبل انتهاء وقت اللجنة

الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى 09-06-2014 09:19 AM

سئلة من كتاب workbook
1\the distance from here to cairo (is _are)two kilometres
2\we arrived half an hour late .the film(began_was beginning_had begun_has begun)half an hour an hour earlier
3\Agatha Christie's books (have been translated_were being translated) into more languages
4\the Romans (captured_had captured) petra nearly two thousand years ago
5\your train leaves in ten minutes if you hurry,you(catch_will catch_ would catch_are catch)it
6\the children were covered in sand when they got home . they(played _had been playing) on the beach
والله اعلم _________

الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى 09-06-2014 09:20 AM

22. Scientists can get a thin piece of wood by……..a hole in the tree.
a. hammering
b. digging
c. drilling
d. tunneling

روز روز 09-06-2014 09:20 AM

شكرا لحضرتك علي المجهود الكبير ده وربنا يجعله في ميزان حسناتك

روز روز 09-06-2014 09:23 AM

22. Scientists can get a thin piece of wood by……..a hole in the tree.
a. hammering
b. digging
c. drilling
d. tunneling
رد مع اقتباس

روز روز 09-06-2014 09:27 AM

9-It was (such sensible – so sensible – sensible enough – such a sensible) solution to the problem that the audience cheered loudly.

such +a -an +adj+n
والله اعلم

mahmoudmody1 09-06-2014 09:28 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى (المشاركة 5890561)
22. Scientists can get a thin piece of wood by……..a hole in the tree.
a. hammering
b. digging
c. drilling
d. tunneling


الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى 09-06-2014 09:36 AM

4- I want to make some sandwiches. Have we got a bread?
9- If only they write more quickly.
12-Don't come at 4 o'clock tomorrow. I sleep then.

الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى 09-06-2014 09:40 AM

26- I remember (having taken – to be taken – being taken – was taken) to the circus by my grandfather when I was a child.

Solty Ray 09-06-2014 09:40 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى (المشاركة 5890571)
4- I want to make some sandwiches. Have we got a bread?
9- If only they write more quickly.
12-Don't come at 4 o'clock tomorrow. I sleep then.

2\write_______wrote or had written
3\sleep_____________will sleep
بس ياريت حد من المدرسين يجاوب علشان انا مش متأكدة

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 09-06-2014 09:43 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى (المشاركة 5890571)
4- I want to make some sandwiches. Have we got a bread?
9- If only they write more quickly.
12-Don't come at 4 o'clock tomorrow. I sleep then.

- I want to make some sandwiches. Have we got any bread?
حل اخر
- I want to make some sandwiches. Have we got enough bread?

- If only they wrote more quickly.
-Don't come at 4 o'clock tomorrow. I will be sleeping then.

Solty Ray 09-06-2014 09:43 AM

اسئلة من workbook
find the mistake
1\million of cars produce by japanese companies every year
2\travelling by plane sometimes makes me a headache
3\ the street where i live is only three meters width
4\How in earth is it possible to irrigate the desert?
5\she is very hungry when the rescue team found her. she had eaten nothing for nearly three days
6\ iif only they write more quickly

Solty Ray 09-06-2014 09:46 AM

لو في السؤال بتاع الاشخاص وانا عايزة اقول شخص ما او شخص مار
اقول اية

atef18 09-06-2014 09:46 AM

I want to make some sandwiches. Have we got any bread

Solty Ray 09-06-2014 09:48 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الاستاذ محمد الاسوانى (المشاركة 5890575)
26- I remember (having taken – to be taken – being taken – was taken) to the circus by my grandfather when I was a child.

الحل:was taken
والله اعلم

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 09-06-2014 09:48 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Solty Ray (المشاركة 5890576)
2\write_______wrote or had written
3\sleep_____________will sleep
بس ياريت حد من المدرسين يجاوب علشان انا مش متأكدة

عندما يمنع فعل حدوث فعل اخر فى المستقبل افضل صيغه تستخدم هى المضارع المستمر
I can't visit you tomorrow . I am meeting a friend at the air port

محمد محروس 2 09-06-2014 09:48 AM

لو سمحتوا انا عايز إجابات البراكتيس بتاع الورك بوك .
لو سمحتوا انا عايز إجابات البراكتيس بتاع الورك بوك .

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 09-06-2014 09:50 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Solty Ray (المشاركة 5890588)
الحل:was taken
والله اعلم

being taken

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