بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-05-2014 10:37 PM

رد : أستاذة / *(نور)*

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة *(نور)* (المشاركة 5871220)
read the following quotation and then answer


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة *(نور)* (المشاركة 5871220)
(so if they saw me they would think that i was the king)
who said this and to whom?
who did the speaker mean by the pronoun they?
what two things did the speaker ask the adressee to do?
e_mail time sent may be afew seconds)(late/later/latter/latest) than actual time

Read the following quotation and then answer
(so if they saw me they would think that i was the king)
who said this and to whom
Rassendyll to Johann
who did the speaker mean by the pronoun they
The new servants at the mansion
what two things did the speaker ask the addressee to do
To give a letter to Antoinette De Mauban and to open the front door of the mansion at two o'clock

E_mail time sent may be a few seconds)(late/later/latter/latest) than actual time

Ayman M.Ebrahim 26-05-2014 10:43 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سنــدريــلا (المشاركة 5871244)
food متى تجمع
I try not to eat too .....fatty food
(much - many)
- الفرق بين lend و borrow
- she drinks much tea .correct
the marks of the suspects fingers on the gun proved that he was not
(innocent - guilty )

food الاكل بوجه عام لا يجمع
foods انواع متنوعة من الاطعمة

lend يسلف ( ياتى بعدها الشخص او الشىء كما يلى)
Ali lent Mona some money
Ali lent some money to Mona
borrow يستعير و ياتى بعدها الشىء و حرف الجر from
Mona borrowed some money from Ali

She doesn't drink much tea
She drinks too much tea


مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-05-2014 10:43 PM

رد : أستاذة / سنــدريــلا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سنــدريــلا (المشاركة 5871271)
شرح قاعده wish
the sun .....heat and light
(reflects - permeats - radiates- absorbs(
- fawzi owned a business making .... clothes
('-lady-lady's-ladies - ladies)
- the burglars broke ....through the kitchen window
(into-down-in-out )

شرح قاعده wish في المذكرة علي الرابط التالي

The sun .....heat and light
reflects - permeats - radiates- absorbs
- Fawzi owned a business making .... clothes
( ladies
' - lady - lady's - ladies )
- The burglars broke ....through the kitchen window
(into-down-in-out )

Ayman M.Ebrahim 26-05-2014 10:54 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سنــدريــلا (المشاركة 5871271)
شرح قاعده wish
the sun .....heat and light
(reflects - permeats - radiates- absorbs(
- fawzi owned a business making .... clothes
('-lady-lady's-ladies - ladies)
- the burglars broke ....through the kitchen window
(into-down-in-out )

I wish
- ياتى بعدها ماضى بسيط اذا كانت الجملة فى زمن المضارع
- ياتى بعدها ماضى تام اذا كانت الجمله فى زمن الماضى
- ياتى بعدها could + المصدر ( مع I - We ) او would + المصدر ( مع باقى الضمائر ) اذا كان زمن الجملة مستقبل
I wih I saw my friend now
I wish I had seen my friend yesterday
I wish I could see my friend tomorrow
I wish he would come tomorrow

wish to + مصدر

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-05-2014 11:02 PM

رد : أستاذة / سنــدريــلا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سنــدريــلا (المشاركة 5871283)
-الفرق بين as far as و as long as
- if i feel thirsty .i
(drink- will drink ) اريد مثال ع كل منهم
-that's ....rice ! I don't want to put on more weight
(too much - too little - little- not enough)
-He decide .....anew mobile phone
(to buy- buying)
- yesterday .I think he traveled abroad last week.correct

-الفرق بين as far as و as long as
حتي تصل الي as far as
Walk as far as you reach the supermarket, then turn right
علي حد علمي / علي قدر علمي as far as
As far as I'm concerned, doing a sport is better than following a diet

طالما as long as= if
As long as you work so hard, you'll be successful
علي مدي as long as
We have lived here for as long as I can remember
If I feel thirsty, I drink water
If I feel thirsty now, I'll drink water
-That's ....rice ! I don't want to put on more weight
(too much - too little - little- not enough)
He decided .....a new mobile phone yesterday
(to buy- buying)
??????!!!!!!I think he travelled abroad last week

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 26-05-2014 11:07 PM

رد : أستاذة / سنــدريــلا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سنــدريــلا (المشاركة 5871244)
food متى تجمع
I try not to eat too .....fatty food
(much - many)
- الفرق بين lend و borrow
- she drinks much tea .correct
the marks of the suspects fingers on the gun proved that he was not
(innocent - guilty )

I try not to eat too .....fatty food
(much - many)

- الفرق بين lend و borrow

lend something to somebody

يسلف / يقرض
I lent my CD player to my friend

lend somebody something
I lent my friend my CD player
borrow something from somebody/something
يستعير / يستلف
I borrow a CD player from my friend
- she drinks much tea .correct

she drinks a lot of tea
the marks of the suspects fingers on the gun proved that he was not

(innocent - guilty

هذا ما اعلم والله اعلى واعلم

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 26-05-2014 11:40 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سنــدريــلا (المشاركة 5871305)
- I ....in Athevs.This is my birthplace
(live - lived- am living)
-IN futher. technology will solve engine problems and keep everyone save .correct
- sara and Rana are singing in the school choir twice a week .correct
He will travel to saudi arabia when he ....from the faculty of engineering-
(is qualified - qualifies)
- قاعده ?prefer - rather
- ما الافعال التى يتغير حرف جرها عندما تبنى للمجهول ؟
- ما الكلمات التى نأخد الفعل ع الفاعل الاول - ع الفاعل التانى ؟
- ما حروف born ?
- A team .....well
(play- plays)

- I ....in Athens.This is my birthplace
(live - lived- am living)
-In the future, technology will solve engine problems and keep everyone save
- Sara and Rana are sing in the school choir twice a week
He will travel to Saudi Arabia when he ....from the faculty of engineering
(is qualified - qualifies)

- قاعده ?prefer - rather

على حد ما فهمت قصدك من السؤال
would rather
Subj. +would rather + inf. +than + inf
I 'd rather play football than listen to music
Subj. +would rather + Subj. +Past simple
I 'd rather you came early

Subj. +Prefer+ V+ing. +to+ V+ing
I 'prefer playing football to listening to music

Subj. + would Prefer+ to +Inf. +rather than+ Inf

I 'd prefer to play football rather than listen to music

- ما الافعال التى يتغير حرف جرها عندما تبنى للمجهول ؟

السؤال غير مفهوم

لكن على سبيل المثال الافعال اللى يستخدم بعدها المصدر بدون to فى المبنى للمعلوم
بنستحدم بعدها to والمصدر فى المبنى للمجهول

they made her leave early
She was made to leave early

- ما الكلمات التى نأخد الفعل ع الفاعل الاول - ع الفاعل التانى ؟

As well as / besides / in addition to

دا اللى عندنا فى منهج ثالثه

- A team .....well
(play- plays
) اكيد فى تكمله للسؤال ده لان الاجابتين صح

Ayman M.Ebrahim 26-05-2014 11:43 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سنــدريــلا (المشاركة 5871305)
- I ....in Athevs.This is my birthplace
(live - lived- am living)
-IN futher. technology will solve engine problems and keep everyone save .correct
- sara and Rana are singing in the school choir twice a week .correct
He will travel to saudi arabia when he ....from the faculty of engineering-
(is qualified - qualifies)
- قاعده ?prefer - rather
- ما الافعال التى يتغير حرف جرها عندما تبنى للمجهول ؟
- ما الكلمات التى نأخد الفعل ع الفاعل الاول - ع الفاعل التانى ؟
- ما حروف born ?
- A team .....well
(play- plays)

In the future
Sara and Rana sing in ...................
rather - prefer
rather ياتى بعدها صفة عادة سلبيه بمعنى الى حد ما
He is rather late
would rather ياتى بعدها المصدر
I'd rather come early
would rather عند المقارنه نستخدم than كما يلى
I'd rather study than sleep
would rather ياتى بعدها جملة فى الماضى البسيط
I'd rather you came early
prefer ياتى بعدها to + inf او v-ing
I prefer to study ( studying) مع اختلاف بسيط فى المعنى to تعبر عن حدث وقتى v-ing تعبر عن فكره عامة
would prefer to + inf
I'd prefer to study my lessons
prefer v-ing to v-ing
I prefer studying to sleeping

محمود حسنين 27-05-2014 12:13 AM

نرجو الرد علي هذا السؤال مع ذكر السبب وجزاكم الله كل الخير
How ( many - much -often -a lot of) coffee do you drink a day ? 3 cups

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 27-05-2014 12:41 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمود حسنين (المشاركة 5871489)
نرجو الرد علي هذا السؤال مع ذكر السبب وجزاكم الله كل الخير
How ( many - much -often -a lot of) coffee do you drink a day ? 3 cups

How ( many - much -often -a lot of) coffee do you drink a day
ببساطه ليه

much تستخدم فى النفى والسؤال وتتبع باسم لا يعد " كميه

a lot of مع الاعداد والكميات ولكن فى الجمله المثبته

many مع الاعداد " تتبع بأسم يعد جمع " فى النفى والسؤال

How often تسأل عن عدد المرات ويجاب عليها ب once / twice / رقم + times او ظرف زمنى مثل every day


coffee تعبر عن كم القهوه ونستحدم معها much لانها كميه
coffees مقصود بها اكواب القهوه ونستحدم معها many لانها عدد

I don't drink much coffee
I drink two coffees a day

هذا ما اعلم والله اعلى واعلم

the hope 27-05-2014 02:32 AM

- choose
- The wind blew in a……………direction.
a) south b) southern c) southerly d) south of
- You…….mad if you think I'm going to lend you any more money.
a) should be b) ought to be c) must be d) are supposed to be
- The man………..the car was stolen, called the police.
a) who b) whom c) whose d) from whom
- The prisoners……….are all women.
a) who being released b) are being released c) being released d) who released
-Everyone has the right to their own ……..……..
a) believes b)books c)reviews d)beliefs
-Do you want more water? – No, thanks. I have ……
a) little b) a few c) a little d) few
- They set great………..on their son to be renowned scientist.
a) predictions b)expedition c)explorations d)expectations
-Many world countries are against………….…..nuclear waste.
a)burying b)lying c)wasting d)throwing away
- Doing different jobs can help writers ……….their stories .
a)for b) at c) on d) with
- Mona had a …..unpleasant experiences while living abroad.
a) many b)much c)little d) few
- Thank God you are alive. You endangered your life. You…..died.
a) must have b) can't have c) could have d) shouldn't
-The book ……….five thousand copies in its first year.
a) sold b)had been sold c)was sold d)was being sold
-" How ………did your brother do in the Olympics?" –"Oh! He came 4"
a) good b) well c) bad d) nice
-When the phone rang, she………….….what she was doing to answer it.
a) left b) was leaving c) had left d) had been leaving
- He forgot ……………..the medicine, so he took it again.
a) to take b) he takes c) taking d)to be taken
-They've widened the road and this is the best thing ……..this year.
a) is done b) done c)has been done d)was done
-It is really hard for someone to …………..…suffer from illness.
a) continuous b)currently c)never d)permanently
- How much have you …….…?
- I've painted three doors and five windows.
a)gained b) counted c) achieved d) made
-I prefer ……………my fish fried next time.
a) to having b) I have c) to have d) I'll have
-The patient is responding well ………the treatment.
d) from a) to b) with c) at
- Poor people suffer from the high………..,, of living.
a) cost b) price c) standard d) raising
-I suggest……..for them to answer before getting in touch with them again.
a) you to wait b) you waiting c) to wait d) you wait
- I wish it………..so much. The garden's turned to mud.
a) doesn't rain b) didn't rain c) hadn't rained d) wouldn't rain
-Pointing to countries makes students………….with the world map.
a) popular b) familiar c) satisfied d) delighted
-I’m not opposed to what you are saying. …….., I completely agree with you.
a) On the contrary b)the contrary c)In contrast d)Contrary
-The two models are exactly the same in……….. .
a) all cases b)any event c)contrasts d)all respects
-I don't know how you can put……….with these conditions!
a) on b)away c)up d)on
-………….out your mother in this photograph.
a)Look b)Identify c)Point d)Pick
-The earthquake caused………….the collapse of the building.
a) in b)from c)about d)no preposition
-I'll resign, I can't put............these conditions.
a) up with b) on c) off d) down
-We are really indebted ------ you for all the help you have given us.
a) to b) for c) that d) with
-He was convicted ---- burglary and sentenced to 3 years in prison.
a) of b) on c) with d) about
-He now has an excellent job and is independent ------- his parents.
a) of b) from c) than d) about
- The Earth spins on its………….. .
a- tax b-axes c- axis d-axe
- Mohammed decided to spend the summer holiday in Port Said …..spending it abroad.
a- rather than b- or rather c - rather d - would rather
- Geothermal energy is better than that…...non-renewable energy.
a- producing b- produced c- produce d- product
-………verbs can't be changed into passive.
a-Transitive b-Intransitive c-Modal d-Helping
-We will have met in a three …………. time .
a-months b– month's c – month d– months'
- After Hope's ..........................school , he went to oxford .
a- finishing b- finished c- had finished d- finishes
-In class,Amr always.............................the most thoughtful questions.
a- arises b- rises c- raises d- raise
-It was first time they .............................by concorde.
a- flew b- had flownc- have flown d- flies
-The suffix.............................changes the word "simple"into a verb .
a- en b- ize c- ify d- ate
-Furniture ………………. well in Demietta.
a- sells b- selling c- sell d- were sold
-Engineers used to have a lot of ..........................in these days.
a- statues b- status c- states d- statistics
-When she works a lot in the kitchen, she ..........................no energy at work.
a- had b- has c- is having d- will have
-Ali ..........................taking an early retirement.
a- considers b- is considering c- consider d- considering
-A small car is more ..........................than a large one.
a- economic b- global c- local d- economical
-Badly ..........................factories and companies make a lot of losses.
a- manager b- managed c- management d- manage
- The sooner, the …………… .
a) best b) better c) good d) worse
- I have few friends , …………….?
a) haven't I b) have I c) do I d) don't I

the hope 27-05-2014 02:58 AM

- find the mistake
- To be an arranged student is the way to success.
-He was accused of passing state secretes to a foreign country.
-I stopped to see Fatma. I have missed her so much since then.
-If the problem I had had any solutions. I wouldn't have asked your advice.
- The dancers wore fashionable customs while performing the folklore show.
- Although he was a student at Oxford, he joined the debating club.
- Most young men and women in Egypt have entrance to the internet.
. Ali smokes a lot. What a bad tradition!
.Groups of wind turbines a long the red sea in Egypt generate electricity.
- My train leaves at 11 o'clock tomorrow.
-Immediate on receiving Hala's letter, I replied.
- It's time he comes to school.
- It's time came to school.
- None of her stories is based on her travels to some countries.
- what are the aims to the project ?
-I included that we would arrive there at 6. p.m.
- Can you tell me what is your code number?
-He asked me what my name was.
- Siham suggested that I going out for dinner.
- I said to Hanan "Why don't you wait for me yesterday?"
- Did you fail the exam ? – Definitely no .
- After the earthquake the village was unrecognized . It was completely destroyed
- I wish I know where I parked my car.
- Mexico is the place that is where I met him .
-Though his being a difficult man , I get on well with him .
- Wood is recycled material .
-In the spring , a lot of pollen is released into the air by flowers.
- Trees leaves are like factories produce everything they need.
- His first two novels were immediate success and made him a rich man.
-They have a big festival in winter too.
- There’s a big procession, there’s high drum music and there are fireworks.
-Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman is well known to some people as Bint El-Shatei.
- We should recycle things rather than through it away.
- In the Picture , the boys play football.
- I won that prize twice .
- He suggested going to the zoo , and I'd get along with that .
- Our teacher asked us to carry out a traffic spray.

mahmoudmody1 27-05-2014 08:54 AM

سوال قصه
لما الملك قال لرسندل اننا كلانا مصاب من اصاب الملك_ممكن اجابات مواقف امتحانات الورك بوك

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 09:56 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
- choose
- The wind blew in a……………direction
a) south b) southern c) southerly d) south of
- You…….mad if you think I'm going to lend you any more money
a) should be b) ought to be c) must be d) are supposed to be

- The man………..the car was stolen, called the police

a) who b) whom c) whose d) from whom

- The prisoners……….are all women

a) who being released b) are being released c) being released d) who released

-Everyone has the right to their own ……..……..

a) believes b)books c)reviews d)beliefs

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 09:57 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
-Do you want more water? – No, thanks. I have ……

a) little b) a few c) a little d) few

- They set great………..on their son to be renowned scientist

a) predictions b)expedition c)explorations d)expectations

-Many world countries are against………….…..nuclear waste

a)burying b)lying c)wasting d)throwing away

- Doing different jobs can help writers ……….their stories

a)for b) at c) on d) with

- Mona had a …..unpleasant experiences while living abroad

a) many b)much c)little d) few

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 09:58 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
- Thank God you are alive. You endangered your life. You…..died

a) must have b) can't have c) could have d) shouldn't

-The book ……….five thousand copies in its first year

a) sold b)had been sold c)was sold d)was being sold

-" How ………did your brother do in the Olympics?" –"Oh! He came 4"

a) good b) well c) bad d) nice

-When the phone rang, she………….….what she was doing to answer it

a) left b) was leaving c) had left d) had been leaving

- He forgot ……………..the medicine, so he took it again

a) to take b) he takes c) taking d)to be taken

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 09:59 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
-They've widened the road and this is the best thing ……..this year

a) is done b) done c)has been done d)was done

-It is really hard for someone to …………..…suffer from illness

a) continuous b)currently c)never d)permanently

- How much have you …….…

- I've painted three doors and five windows

a)gained b) counted c) achieved d) made

-I prefer ……………my fish fried next time

a) to having b) I have c) to have d) I'll have

-The patient is responding well ………the treatment

d) from a) to b) with c) at

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:00 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
- Poor people suffer from the high……….of living

a) cost b) price c) standard d) raising

-I suggest……..for them to answer before getting in touch with them again

a) you to wait b) you waiting c) to wait d) you wait

- I wish it………..so much. The garden's turned to mud

a) doesn't rain b) didn't rain c) hadn't rained d) wouldn't rain

-Pointing to countries makes students………….with the world map

a) popular b) familiar c) satisfied d) delighted

-I’m not opposed to what you are saying. …….., I completely agree with you

a) On the contrary b)the contrary c)In contrast d)Contrary

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:04 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
The two models are exactly the same in all respects

a) all cases b)any event c)contrasts d)all respects

-I don't know how you can put……….with these conditions

a) on b)away c)up d)on

Pick out your mother in this photograph

a)Look b)Identify c)Point d)Pick

-The earthquake caused………….the collapse of the building

a) in b)from c)about d)no preposition

-I'll resign, I can't put............these conditions

a) up with b) on c) off d) down

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:05 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
-We are really indebted ------ you for all the help you have given us
a) to b) for c) that d) with

-He was convicted ---- burglary and sentenced to 3 years in prison

a) of b) on c) with d) about

-He now has an excellent job and is independent ------- his parents

a) of b) from c) than d) about

- The Earth spins on its axis

a- tax b-axes c- axis d-axe

- Mohammed decided to spend the summer holiday in Port Said …..spending it abroad

a- rather than b- or rather c - rather d - would rather

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:06 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
- Geothermal energy is better than that…...non-renewable energy

a- producing b- produced c- produce d- product

-………verbs can't be changed into passive

a-Transitive b-Intransitive c-Modal d-Helping

-We will have met in a three …………. time

a-months b– month's c – month d– months'

- After Hope's ..........................school , he went to oxford

a- finishing b- finished c- had finished d- finishes

-In class, Amr always.............................the most thoughtful questions

a- arises b- rises c- raises d- raise

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:07 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
-It was first time they .............................by concorde

a- flew b- had flown c- have flown d- flies

-The suffix............................changes the word "simple"into a verb

a- en b- ize c- ify d- ate

-Furniture ………………. well in Demietta
a- sells b- selling c- sell d- were sold
-Engineers used to have a lot of ..........................in these days
a- statues b- status c- states d- statistics
-When she works a lot in the kitchen, she ..........................no energy at work
a- had b- has c- is having d- will have

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:10 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
-Ali ..........................taking an early retirement
a- considers b- is considering c- consider d- considering
-A small car is more ..........................than a large one
a- economic b- global c- local d- economical
-Badly ..........................factories and companies make a lot of losses
a- manager b- managed c- management d- manage
The sooner, the better
a) best b) better c) good d) worse

- I have few friends , …………….

a) haven't I b) have I c) do I d) don't I

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:57 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
- find the mistake
- To be an arranged ( organized ) student is the way to success

-He was accused of passing state ( the state- the state's ) secretes to a foreign country

-I stopped to see ( seeing ) Fatma. I have missed her so much since then

-If the problem I had had any solutions. I wouldn't have asked ( wouldn't ask ) your advice

- The dancers wore fashionable customs ( costumes )while performing the folklore show

- Although ( While ) he was a student at Oxford, he joined the debating club

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:58 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
- Most young men and women in Egypt have entrance ( access) to the internet

. Ali smokes a lot. What a bad tradition ( habit )0

.Groups of wind turbines a long ( along) the red sea in Egypt generate ( generates ) electricity

- ??????!!!!!My train leaves at 11 o'clock tomorrow

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:59 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
-Immediate ( Immediately ) on receiving Hala's letter, I replied

- It's time he comes ( came )to school

- It's time came ( I/ she/he / you / they / we came - to come) to school

- None of her stories is based on her travels to some ( any ) countries

- what are the aims to ( of ) the project

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:59 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
-I included ( concluded )that we would arrive there at 6. p.m

- Can you tell me what is your code number ( your code number is )0

-He asked me what my name was ( is)0

- Siham suggested that I going ( go - should go )out for dinner

- I said to Hanan "Why don't ( didn't) you wait for me yesterday

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 11:00 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
- Did you fail the exam ? – Definitely no ( not)0

- After the earthquake the village was unrecognized ( unrecognizable) . It was completely destroyed

- I wish I know ( knew)where I parked my car

- Mexico is the place that is ( _______ )where I met him

-Though his being a difficult man , I get on well with him

- Wood is recycled ( a recyclable )material

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 11:01 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
-In the spring , a lot of pollen is released into the air by ( from) flowers

- Trees' leaves are like factories ( which) produce everything they need

- His first two novels were immediate success ( successes) and made him a rich man

????!!!!-They have a big festival in winter too

- There’s a big procession ( celebration ) , there’s high drum music and there are fireworks

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 11:02 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
-Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman is well - known to some people as Bint El-Shatei

- We should recycle things rather than through it away

- In the Picture , the boys play ( are playing) football

- I won { have won) that prize twice

- He suggested going to the zoo , and I'd get ( go )along with that

- Our teacher asked us to carry out a traffic spray ( survey)0

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 11:06 AM

رد : أستاذ / mahmoudmody1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5871756)
لما الملك قال لرسندل اننا كلانا مصاب من اصاب الملك_ممكن اجابات مواقف امتحانات الورك بوك

Detchard injured the king
اجابات مواقف امتحانات الورك بوك علي هذا الرابط

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 27-05-2014 01:11 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5871599)
- choose
- The wind blew in a……………direction.
a) south b) southern c) southerly d) south of
- You…….mad if you think I'm going to lend you any more money.
a) should be b) ought to be c) must be d) are supposed to be

- The man………..the car was stolen, called the police.
a) who b) whom c) whose d) from whom

- The prisoners……….are all women.

a) who being released b) are being released c) being released d) who released

-Everyone has the right to their own ……..……..
a) believes b)books c)reviews d)beliefs

-Do you want more water? – No, thanks. I have ……
a) little b) a few c) a little d) few

- They set great………..on their son to be renowned scientist.
a) predictions b)expedition c)explorations d)expectations

-Many world countries are against………….…..nuclear waste.
a)burying b)lying c)wasting d)throwing away

- Doing different jobs can help writers ……….their stories .
a)for b) at c) on d) with

- Mona had a …..unpleasant experiences while living abroad.
a) many b)much c)little d) few

- Thank God you are alive. You endangered your life. You…..died.
a) must have b) can't have c) could have d) shouldn't

-The book ……….five thousand copies in its first year.
a) sold b)had been sold c)was sold d)was being sold

-" How ………did your brother do in the Olympics?" –"Oh! He came 4"
a) good b) well c) bad d) nice

-When the phone rang, she………….….what she was doing to answer it.
a) left b) was leaving c) had left d) had been leaving

- He forgot ……………..the medicine, so he took it again.
a) to take b) he takes c) taking d)to be taken

-They've widened the road and this is the best thing ……..this year.
a) is done b) done c)has been done d)was done

-It is really hard for someone to …………..…suffer from illness.
a) continuous b)currently c)never d)permanently

- How much have you …….…?
- I've painted three doors and five windows.
a)gained b) counted c) achieved d) made

-I prefer ……………my fish fried next time.
a) to having b) I have c) to have d) I'll have

-The patient is responding well ………the treatment.
d) from a) to b) with c) at

- Poor people suffer from the high………..,, of living.
a) cost b) price c) standard d) raising

-I suggest……..for them to answer before getting in touch with them again.
a) you to wait b) you waiting c) to wait d) you wait

- I wish it………..so much. The garden's turned to mud.
a) doesn't rain b) didn't rain c) hadn't rained d) wouldn't rain

-Pointing to countries makes students………….with the world map.
a) popular b) familiar c) satisfied d) delighted

-I’m not opposed to what you are saying. …….., I completely agree with you.
a) On the contrary b)the contrary c)In contrast d)Contrary

-The two models are exactly the same in……….. .
a) all cases b)any event c)contrasts d)all respects

-I don't know how you can put……….with these conditions!
a) on b)away c)up d)on

-………….out your mother in this photograph.
a)Look b)Identify c)Point d)Pick

-The earthquake caused………….the collapse of the building.
a) in b)from c)about d)no preposition

-I'll resign, I can't put............these conditions.
a) up with b) on c) off d) down
-We are really indebted ------ you for all the help you have given us.
a) to b) for c) that d) with

-He was convicted ---- burglary and sentenced to 3 years in prison.
a) of b) on c) with d) about

-He now has an excellent job and is independent ------- his parents.
a) of b) from c) than d) about

- The Earth spins on its………….. .
a- tax b-axes c- axis d-axe

- Mohammed decided to spend the summer holiday in Port Said …..spending it abroad.
a- rather than b- or rather c - rather d - would rather

- Geothermal energy is better than that…...non-renewable energy.
a- producing b- produced c- produce d- product
-………verbs can't be changed into passive.
a-Transitive b-Intransitive c-Modal d-Helping

-We will have met in a three …………. time .
a-months b– month's c – month d– months'

- After Hope's ..........................school , he went to oxford .
a- finishing b- finished c- had finished d- finishes
-In class,Amr always.............................the most thoughtful questions.
a- arises b- rises c- raises d- raise
-It was first time they .............................by concorde.
a- flew b- had flownc- have flown d- flies

-The suffix.............................changes the word "simple"into a verb .
a- en b- ize c- ify d- ate

-Furniture ………………. well in Demietta.
a- sells b- selling c- sell d- were sold

-Engineers used to have a lot of ..........................in these days.
a- statues b- status c- states d- statistics
-When she works a lot in the kitchen, she ..........................no energy at work.
a- had b- has c- is having d- will have
-Ali ..........................taking an early retirement.
a- considers b- is considering c- consider d- considering
-A small car is more ..........................than a large one.
a- economic b- global c- local d- economical

-Badly ..........................factories and companies make a lot of losses.
a- manager b- managed c- management d- manage

- The sooner, the …………… .
a) best b) better c) good d) worse
- I have few friends , …………….?
a) haven't I b) have I c) do I d) don't I

- The wind blew in a……………direction.
a) south b) southern c) southerly d) south of
- You…….mad if you think I'm going to lend you any more money.
a) should be b) ought to be c) must be d) are supposed to be
- The man………..the car was stolen, called the police.
a) who b) whom c) whose d) from whom
- The prisoners……….are all women.
a) who being released b) are being released c) being released d) who released
-Everyone has the right to their own ……..……..
a) believes b)books c)reviews d)beliefs
-Do you want more water? – No, thanks. I have ……
a) little b) a few c) a little d) few
- They set great………..on their son to be renowned scientist.
a) predictions b)expedition c)explorations d)expectations
-Many world countries are against………….…..nuclear waste.
a)burying b)lying c)wasting d)throwing away
- Doing different jobs can help writers ……….their stories .
a)for b) at c) on d) with
- Mona had a …..unpleasant experiences while living abroad.
a) many b)much c)little d) few
- Thank God you are alive. You endangered your life. You…..died.
a) must have b) can't have c) could have d) shouldn't
-The book ……….five thousand copies in its first year.
a) sold b)had been sold c)was sold d)was being sold
-" How ………did your brother do in the Olympics?" –"Oh! He came 4"
a) good b) well c) bad d) nice
-When the phone rang, she………….….what she was doing to answer it.
a) left b) was leaving c) had left d) had been leaving
- He forgot ……………..the medicine, so he took it again.
a) to take b) he takes c) taking d)to be taken
-They've widened the road and this is the best thing ……..this year.
a) is done b) done c)has been done d)was done
-It is really hard for someone to …………..…suffer from illness.
a) continuous b)currently c)never d)permanently
- How much have you …….…?
- I've painted three doors and five windows.
a)gained b) counted c) achieved d) made
-I prefer ……………my fish fried next time.
a) to having b) I have c) to have d) I'll have
-The patient is responding well ………the treatment.
d) from a) to b) with c) at
- Poor people suffer from the high………..,, of living.
a) cost b) price c) standard d) raising
-I suggest……..for them to answer before getting in touch with them again.
a) you to wait b) you waiting c) to wait d) you wait
- I wish it………..so much. The garden's turned to mud.
a) doesn't rain b) didn't rain c) hadn't rained d) wouldn't rain
-Pointing to countries makes students………….with the world map.
a) popular b) familiar c) satisfied d) delighted
-I’m not opposed to what you are saying. …….., I completely agree with you.
a) On the contrary b)the contrary c)In contrast d)Contrary
-The two models are exactly the same in……….. .
a) all cases b)any event c)contrasts d)all respects
-I don't know how you can put……….with these conditions!
a) on b)away c)up d)on
-………….out your mother in this photograph.
a)Look b)Identify c)Point d)Pick
-The earthquake caused………….the collapse of the building.
a) in b)from c)about d)no preposition
-I'll resign, I can't put............these conditions.
a) up with b) on c) off d) down
-We are really indebted ------ you for all the help you have given us.
a) to b) for c) that d) with
-He was convicted ---- burglary and sentenced to 3 years in prison.
a) of b) on c) with d) about
-He now has an excellent job and is independent ------- his parents.
a) of b) from c) than d) about
- The Earth spins on its………….. .
a- tax b-axes c- axis d-axe
- Mohammed decided to spend the summer holiday in Port Said …..spending it abroad.
a- rather than b- or rather c - rather d - would rather
- Geothermal energy is better than that…...non-renewable energy.
a- producing b- produced c- produce d- product
-………verbs can't be changed into passive.
a-Transitive b-Intransitive c-Modal d-Helping
-We will have met in a three …………. time .
a-months b– month's c – month d– months'
- After Hope's ..........................school , he went to oxford .
a- finishing b- finished c- had finished d- finishes
-In class,Amr always.............................the most thoughtful questions.
a- arises b- rises c- raises d- raise
-It was first time they .............................by concorde.
a- flew b- had flown c- have flown d- flies
-The suffix.............................changes the word "simple"into a verb .
a- en b- ize c- ify d- ate
-Furniture ………………. well in Demietta.
a- sells b- selling c- sell d- were sold
-Engineers used to have a lot of ..........................in these days.
a- statues b- status c- states d- statistics
-When she works a lot in the kitchen, she ..........................no energy at work.
a- had b- has c- is having d- will have
-Ali ..........................taking an early retirement.
a- considers b- is considering c- consider d- considering
-A small car is more ..........................than a large one.
a- economic b- global c- local d- economical
-Badly ..........................factories and companies make a lot of losses.
a- manager b- managed c- management d- manage
- The sooner, the …………… .
a) best b) better c) good d) worse
- I have few friends , …………….?
a) haven't I b) have I c) do I d) don't I

محمد السعيد عامر 27-05-2014 02:15 PM

ممكن الاجابة
أنا سعيد ان حضرتك رجعت
I like the idea,but I have one objection/suggestion. Timing is not suitable
If I were famous , I would not like the celebrity/puplicity/popularity.I am a private person
I regret coming to the stadium.If I watch the match on TV,it would have been better
There is really availability/many/much/of this product in our town.you can find it anywhere here
He was shocked on/by hearing the bad news
I currently/never have an e-reader Do you

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 03:52 PM

رد : أستاذ / محمد السعيد عامر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمد السعيد عامر (المشاركة 5872114)
أنا سعيد ان حضرتك رجعت
I like the idea,but I have one objection/suggestion. Timing is not suitable
If I were famous , I would not like the celebrity/puplicity/popularity.I am a private person
I regret coming to the stadium.If I watch the match on TV,it would have been better
There is really availability/many/much/of this product in our town.you can find it anywhere here
He was shocked on/by hearing the bad news
I currently/never have an e-reader Do you

I like the idea,but I have one objection. Timing is not suitable
If I were famous , I would not like the publicity / popularity. I am a private person
I regret coming to the stadium.If I had watched the match on TV, it would have been better
There is really plenty of this product in our town.you can find it anywhere here
He was shocked on / by hearing the bad news
I currently have an e-reader. Do you

سلمة بن الأكوع 27-05-2014 04:38 PM

where is the nearest shop .................. sells newspaper ?
( where - which )

mahmoudmody1 27-05-2014 05:10 PM

1.what would have happened Rassen hadnot gone to strelsau
2,what will happen if they don.t have a king in stre.

the first time rassen saw flav was in the park

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 06:23 PM

رد : أستاذ / mahmoudmody1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5872276)
1.what would have happened Rassen hadnot gone to strelsau
2,what will happen if they don.t have a king in stre.

the first time rassen saw flav was in the park

1.What would have happened if Rassenyll had not gone to Strelsau
Michael would have become the new king and the real king would have been either killed or imprisoned
What will happen if they don't have a king in
Michael will become the new king and the real king will either be killed or imprisoned
The first time
Rassenyll saw Flavia was in the coronation building

ramy9 27-05-2014 08:05 PM

Mona's biographical accounts of her life.......by her husband
was written-were written-wrote-had been written
If we plant trees,then we.......cleaner air
have-will have-will has-will be having

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:11 PM

رد : أستاذ / ramy9
Mona's biographical accounts of her life.......by her husband
was written-were written-wrote-had been written
If we plant trees,then we.......cleaner air
have-will have-will has-will be having

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:49 PM

رد : أستاذ / abotrekaabotreka377

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة abotrekaabotreka377 (المشاركة 5870914)
بالله عليك ان ترد على النظام القديم هيمتحن انجليزى يوم 9 ولا يوم 10

الجدول علي هذا الرابط

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:51 PM

رد : أستاذ / سلمة بن الأكوع

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سلمة بن الأكوع (المشاركة 5872250)
where is the nearest shop .................. sells newspaper ?
( where - which )

where is the nearest shop .................. sells newspaper
( where - which )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-05-2014 10:53 PM

رد : أستاذ / سلمة بن الأكوع

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سلمة بن الأكوع (المشاركة 5872250)
where is the nearest shop .................. sells newspaper ?
( where - which )

where is the nearest shop .................. sells newspaper
( where - which )

meralll 27-05-2014 11:45 PM

1- 18 is the age………….you can vote.
a) in which b) with which c) at which d) by which
2- Amy Jonson made many long-………..flights.
a) distant b) distance c) distances d) distantly
3- It took her a while to………….to living alone.
a) use b) shape c) adopt d) adjust
4- Our teacher asked us to write a composition about time…….
a) management b) department c) amendment d) government
5- …………you have the ability to fly a plane?
a) Are b) Do c) Have d) Can
6- Nuclear power produces dangerous……which must be stored forthousands of years before it is safe.
a) paste b) waste c) leak d) energy
7- Alexandria,……….lies on the Mediterranean, is a big city.
a) where b) which c) that d) what
8- The wind blew in a……………direction.
a) south b) southern c) southerly d) south of
9- The space station will be like a giant……wheel with spokeslike a bike wheel.
a) spinning b) orbiting c) turning d) cycling
10- The oud was taken to Europe and………into a number of modern instruments.
a) evaluated b) evolved c) revolved d) resolved
11- I hope to…………….a good doctor in the future.
a) do b) take c) make d) give
12- You…….mad if you think I'm going to lend you any more money.
a) should be b) ought to be c) must be d) are supposed to be
13- The man………..the car was stolen, called the police.
a) who b) whom c) whose d) from whom
14- The prisoners……….are all women.
a) who being released b) are being released c) being released d) who released
15- I remember……..to the circus by my grandfather when I was a child.
a) having taken b) to be taken c) being taken d) was taken
16-………..…members attended, so the meeting was cancelled.
d) Little a) A few b) Many c) Few
17-Everyone has the right to their own ……..……..
a) believes b)books c)reviews d)beliefs
18-We went on the journey as…….…, however the weather was terrible.
a) planning b) planned c)plans d)be planned
19-We have …….…..sugar, so we have to buy some.
d) little a) a few b) a little c) few
20-Do you want more water? – No, thanks. I have ……
d) little a) a few b) a little c) few
21-This pair of trousers…………expensive, so I can't buy it.
a) are b) is c) be d) has
22- They set great………..on their son to be renowned scientist.
a) predictions b)expedition c)explorations d)expectations
23-Many world countries are against………….…..nuclear waste.
a)burying b)lying c)wasting d)throwing away
24- He has a sun-tanned face . He seems to work ………..
a) outdoor b) abroad c) outdoors d) indoors
25- Doing different jobs can help writers ……….their stories .
a)for b) at c) on d) with
26-Everyone………..me lucky because I always win things.
a) called b) is calling c)calls d) calling
27- Mona had a …..unpleasant experiences while living abroad.
a) many b)much c)little d) few
28-The information you have received………been useful.
a) have b) is c) were d) has
29- A wind turbines is a tall tower built in an ………….place.
a) opens b) opened c) open d)opening
30-Amal used to be naughty when she was young , but now she ……….
a) don't b) doesn't c) isn't d) hasn't
31- Thank God you are alive. You endangered your life. You…..died.
a) must have b) can't have c) could have d) shouldn't
32- Sap can be used to make rubber if wood is ………..
a) heated b) manufactured c) grown d) cooked
33- Every year ………cells below the bark of a tree form new wood.
a) hard b) dead c) soft d) diseased
34-My elder brother………….watching a movie on his computer last night.
d) would enjoy a) used to enjoy b) is used to enjoying c) enjoyed
35-The book ……….five thousand copies in its first year.
a) sold b)had been sold c)was sold d)was being sold
36- He offered to…..……..her a hand with doing some housework.
a) help b) lend c)borrow d) take
37-Some think that prices will………greatly in the coming years.
d) arouse a) rise b) raise c) arise
38-" How ………did your brother do in the Olympics?" –"Oh! He came 4"
a) good b) well c) bad d) nice
39-About 2 million people travel…………..the underground everyday.
a) over b) in c) on d) at
40-One should get accustomed to……….an interesting thing at the weekend.
a) doing b) making c) taking d) forming
41-It is important to have new work skills. This makes you ……….
a)employable b)an assistant c)enviable d)an applicant
42- You can't possibly do all the work alone. You must have someone to ...........you.
a) assist b) do c) employ d) encourage
43-The position of the moon ……….…….over the month.
a) evolves b) spins c)varies d) orbits
44-If only you……….……..when this happened. Try , please.
a) remember b)would remember c)remembered d) had remembered
45-When the phone rang, she………….….what she was doing to answer it.
a) left b) was leaving c) had left d) had been leaving
46- He forgot ……………..the medicine, so he took it again.
a) to take b) he takes c) taking d)to be taken
47-Death is an important event ,which is …………..by a funeral ceremony of some kind.
a) made b) caused c) marked d) attended
48-If the money I had…….....enough, I would have bought the villa.
a) had b ) were c) been d)had been
49-Three prisoners managed to escape ………..the alarms positioned around the prison.
a) so b)despite c)because d)although
50-They've widened the road and this is the best thing ……..this year.
a) is done b) done c)has been done d)was done
51-He said he knocked on the door and waited until he ………to go in
d) permits a) was permitted b) permitted c)had permitted
52-If she …………..guilty, she'd have been imprisoned..
a) found b) was found c) had found d) had been found
53- Mona ……….me Where she had been the day before.
a) asked b) said c) told d) wondered
54-The astronauts are going to………….a space station in space .
a) build b)invent c)****yse d)lunch
55-The necklace she is wearing can't be hers. It is her……….
a) mother's b) mothers' c) mothers d) mother
56- He wrote five ………of short stories when he was still a student at university.
a) styles b) copies c) collections d) times
57- If there is a lot of rain in a year , the rings in a tree ……..quite wide .
a) have been b) are c) will be d) were
58-It is really hard for someone to …………..…suffer from illness.
a) continuous b)currently c)never d)permanently
59- To test his ideas, Dr Jekyll started doing experiments………himself.
a) at b)on c)about d) in
60-……….our surprise, the film ended happily.
a) At b) For c)To d) In
61- This year's prize has been won by a 78 ………-old man.
a) years' b) year's c) years d)year
62-Arab countries shouldn't be in……….as they face the same challenges.
a) condition b) confidence c) harmoney d) conflict
63-Sorry, I forgot............ you yesterday as I promised.
a) to phone b) phoning c) phone d) have phoned
64- Her carelessness …… in a terrible fire that destroyed the house.
a) resulted b) caused c) absorbed d) specialized
65- Thy novel was published in 1845 and it was a……………
d) success a) successful b) succeed c) successor
66-They .........the building so that the sun illuminates it most of the time.
a) laid b) did c) imposed d) positioned
67-She was deeply envious………….. my high marks.
a) by b)with c) of d) from
68-I dislike……….to do something against my will.
a) to force b)being forced c)forcing d)forced
69- I regret ………you about it. I should have kept it a secret.
a)tell b)telling c)to tell d) told
70- If you put a block of snow in the sun , it …………..melts.
a) regularly b) phenomenally c) gradually d) effectively
71- How much have you …….…? - I've painted three doors and five windows.
a)gained b) counted c) achieved d) made
72-It is important that scientists……the causes of serious diseases.
a) research b) avoid c)specialize d) improve
73-The road is good , but narrow. I wish it …………. A little wider..
a) had b)had been c)were d) is
74- He stopped ………the lift. He walks up the stairs.
a) taking b) to take c) takes d)to taking
75-I prefer ……………my fish fried next time.
a) to having b) I have c) to have d) I'll have
76-The patient is responding well ………the treatment.
d) from a) to b) with c) at
77- The rain was so heavy that the waterwheel………..for three days.
a) launched b) leaked c)spun d) washed
78- Poor people suffer from the high………..,, of living.
d) cost a) price b) standard c) raising
79- By this time next year, we ………….into our new house.
d) move a) will have moved b) will move c) will be moved
80- That is the house ……..entrance is guarded by a wild dog .
a) Which b) where c) whose d) who
81-I suggest……..for them to answer before getting in touch with them again.
a) you to wait b) you waiting c) to wait d) you wait
82- She can't get used to ………….for such a large company.
a) work b) working c) being work d) worked
83- I wish it………..so much. The garden's turned to mud.
a) doesn't rain b) didn't rain c) hadn't rained d) wouldn't rain
84-Maha told us that many elephants ……….each year by illegal hunters.
a) killed b) have been killed c)was killed d) are killed
85- The Great Wall of China is 6,400 kilometres ……... .
a) long b)tall c)high d) length
86-Pointing to countries makes students………….with the world map.
a) popular b) familiar c) satisfied d) delighted
87- Watch out! You …….…..bang your head on the door frame.
a)shall b) will c) are going to d)should
88-The teacher blamed the boy, sitting in the first …….for the noise.
a) queue b) line c) raw d) row
89-He fought…………..a lion.
a) with b)as c)like d)the same
90-I’m not opposed to what you are saying. …….., I completely agree with you.
a) On the contrary b)the contrary c)In contrast d)Contrary
91-The two models are exactly the same in……….. .
a) all cases b)any event c)contrasts d)all respects
90-She said it…………..she meant it.
a) as b)like c)like as if d)as if
91-I don't know how you can put……….with these conditions!
a) on b)away c)up d)on
92-………….out your mother in this photograph.
a)Look b)Identify c)Point d)Pick
93-The earthquake caused………….the collapse of the building.
a) in b)from c)about d)no preposition
94-My sister feels nervous..........traveling by plane.
a) in b) about c) at d) with
95-I'll resign, I can't put............these conditions.
a) up with b) on c) off d) down
96-We are really indebted ------ you for all the help you have given us.
a) to b) for c) that d) with
97-He was convicted ---- burglary and sentenced to 3 years in prison.
a) of b) on c) with d) about
98-He now has an excellent job and is independent ------- his parents.
a) of b) from c) than d) about
99-Mr. Khalid doesn’t want to get involved ------ that kind of business.
a) in b) by c) to d) at
100- The astronauts went on a………..…space walk to replace a broken fuel pump.
a-two–hours b- two hour c- two hour's d-two hours'
101- Everyone who has travelled in space has described his ……………feeling.
a- magical b- magic c- magician d- magically
101- People usually ………to book their holidays every year.
a-queue b- line c-vote d-stand
102- The contents of the report ….. to the press.
a-was leaked b-leaking c-were leaked d-leaked
103- The Earth spins on its………….. .
a- tax b-axes c- axis d-axe
104- Astronauts cope …………………. weightlessness inside a spacecraft.
a-up b-for c-by d-with
105- He was happy as he was crowned …………. Success
a- at b- by c- from d- with
106- If you want to know the news, you can read ................
a-much paper b- many paper c- a paper d- paper
107- I bought ................ to print my documents.
a-papers b- paper c- a paper d- many papers
108. Can I borrow you scissors? Mine ------ sharp enough.
a – isn't b – aren't c – doesn't d – don't
109-The trousers you bought for me ……………….. fit me.
a- doesn't b - don't c - isn't d- hasn't
110-Please time how long I will take to do 5 ………………. around the playground.
a-taps b- laps c – tops d- lips
111- Mohammed decided to spend the summer holiday in Port Said …..spending it abroad.
a- rather than b- or rather c - rather d - would rather
112- Geothermal energy is better than that…...by traditional power stations.
a- Producing b- produced c- produce d- product
113- Geothermal energy is better than that…...non-renewable energy.
a- producing b- produced c- produce d- product
114-………verbs can't be changed into passive.
a-Transitive b-Intransitive c-Modal d-Helping
115-We always take a three …………. holiday at the end of the year.
a-months b– month's c – month d– months'
116-We will have met in a three …………. time .
a-months b– month's c – month d– months'
117-There was nobody in the house ……………………….. Ali.
a-rather than b – other than c– otherwise d– other
118 – Neither Hams nor her friends ……………. happy.
a-is b– are c– was d – has
119 – Hams, as well as, her friends …………………. happy.
a- is b– are c – were d– have
120-I like listening to………music, those of the Romans and Greeks.
a) classics b) classic c) classical d) classically
121–Miss Nahla , …………works as a guide, is very clever.
a – that b – who c – whose d – which
122–Miss Nahla , …………works are great , is very clever.
a – that b – who c – whose d – which
123- After Hope's ..........................school , he went to oxford .
had finished

124-In class,Amr always.............................the most thoughtful questions.

125-It was first time they .............................by concorde.
had flown
have flown

126-It was first time they .............................by concorde.
had flown
have flown

127-The suffix.............................changes the word "simple"into a verb .

128-Yesterday a boat ………………. a group of tourists sank near Luxor.

129-Furniture ………………. well in Demietta.
were sold

130-She planted rose bushes along the ...................of the garden.

131-The tree forms a new ring which represents a year of ...................

132-We can make a deep narrow hole by using a ..........................

133-Engineers used to have a lot of ..........................in these days.

134-When she works a lot in the kitchen, she ..........................no energy at work.
is having
will have

135-Hany ..........................taking an early retirement.
is considering

136-A small car is more ..........................than a large one.

137-Storm chaser are just out for..........................and adventure

138-Badly ..........................factories and companies make a lot of losses.

139-Much electricity ..........................in Egypt today comes from the High Dam.

140-Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator ..........................going to have to make a decision.

141-The publisher has scheduled June the first for the ..........................of her new novel.
come out

142-Fewer traditional newspaper will ..........................in a few years.
be published
have published
have been published

143-Fewer traditional newspaper will ..........................by a few years.
be published
have published
have been published

144-A ball is a……………. which is very formal .

145-Ayman can't afford……………. a lap top.
to buy
to buying

146-I wonder if I …………….get another copy.
was able to
am able to

147-There's hardly ……………. sugar in my coffee.

148- The sooner, the …………… .
a) best b) better c) good d) worse
149- I have few friends , …………….?
a) haven't I b) have I c) do I d) don't I
150- He ……………….. mistakes . What annoys the teacher .
a) is always making b) always makes c) makes always d) always is making
4 - Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1-The timing of the Chinese New Year's Day depends on the place of the moon.
2- Total eclipses of the sun are a rare occurs.
3- Is your life be happier if your parents were wealthy?
4- To be an arranged student is the way to success.
5-It is expected that the sun's energy will last for another five billions years.
6- Space equipment must be examined probably.
7-The accident left him severely enabled. He no longer moves.
8-Gymnastics ******* me more than playing tennis.
9-He was accused of passing state secretes to a foreign country.
10-The story of the film is passed on real events.
11-Scientific experiments which can come wrong affect people .
12-I go to school everyday.
13- I suggest that she sees a doctor.
14-I stopped to see Fatma. I have missed her so much since then.
15-The space station is like a giant spin wheel with spokes.
16-Objects swim in space since there is no gravity.
17-The amazing thing about the book was how quick he wrote it.
18- These trousers are too narrow for his waste.
19- There is a problem in the engine of my new car.
20-Some authors had to pay back the publication themselves.
21- Every year, the rays of the raising sun illuminate the statue of Ramses II.
22-If the problem I had had any solutions. I wouldn't have asked your advice.
23- The dancers wore fashionable customs while performing the folklore show.
24- As long as I'm concerned, the internet is the marvel of this age.
25-The molten rock is heated underground lakes of water.
26-It is important for students to regular revise what they have learnt.
27- I haven't done any arrangements for next week.
28- Orange is a kind of fruit.
29- A deductive works on crimes.
30- Gulliver's Travels were made into a film.
31- Unusual weather causes serious draughts in some places.
32- I can't go out because the heat of the sun.
33- I haven't seen Ali late.
34-The wind drives the paddles of wind turbines.
35-The more people want to make something, the cheaper it will become.
36- Are you ready to work on a charity?
37- Although he was a student at Oxford, he joined the debating club.
38- Most young men and women in Egypt have entrance to the internet.
39- Space discovery can help us invest our money.
40. Switch off the AC when it does not needed.
41. Ali smokes a lot. What a bad tradition!
42.Groups of wind turbines a long the red sea in Egypt generate electricity.
43. Cars are a mean of transport.
44. Don't forget to bring a box of paper.
45. Sameh went to a schools in the village.
46. I could hardly hear something.
47. She has got afew books.
48.Can you tell me what the thief was alike?
49.It's a good thing to know what source of person you are.
50- Yesterday at this time, I have watching TV.
51- She said it as of she meant it.
52- My car has broken down. I'll go to a mechanic to have it repair.
53- Eventually, you will have to give down your playful ways and get to work.
54- My train leaves at 11 oc'lock tomorrow.
55.You'll enjoy reading the work of Youssef Edris .
56.It's one of the books you just can't let it down.
57.Dr Rahma went to London a pair of years ago.
58. Whose the suspect for the murder of John Doe?
59- Haqqi an expert in Arab culture.
60- However you do , don't move .
61-Immediate on receiving Hala's letter, I replied.
62- It's time he comes to school.
63- It's time came to school.
64- At last, the prisoner was sit free.
65- The pain can't be born.
66- None of her stories is based on her travels to some countries.
67- Hady is said to is a swindler.
68-Hady was said to is a swindler.
69-Aya always aims of get high marks every year.
70- what are the aims to the project ?
71-I included that we would arrive there at 6. p.m.
72- Trees help the earth to breath.
73-If you don't water plants, they will die.
74- If you don't water this plant , it dies .
75- We are proud of he won the prize.
76- Abu Simbel is the site of two temples which were craved into a cliff in about 1250 BC.
77-Cairo Metro is the only underground railway system in Africa and the Middle East.
78- Can you tell me what is your code number?
79- I wanted to know what you were doing now.
80-He asked me what my name was.
81-He asked me where the post office was.
82- Siham suggested that I going out for dinner.
83- I said to Hanan "Why don't you wait for me yesterday?"
84- Shaimaa said to me," You'll be tired the next day".
85- He asked me if I had written my reports or not .
86-It's expected that the eclipse won't be total. If it is total, the sky would go dark.
87- The boxer is weak. If he is stronger, he'd win the game.
88- If the volcano erupted yesterday, most people would have left their homes.
89- Did you fail the exam ? – Definitely no .
90- If you like places off the beaten track , why don't visit the Dakhla oasis ?
91- Peace knows to be constructive .
92-Most girls I know like music .
93- After the earthquake the village was unrecognized . It was completely destroyed .
94- Practise makes perfect , so you should always try it.
95- I wish I know where I parked my car.
96- I wish I know that you were ill when I parked my car.
97- I wish I study hard this year .
98- Mexico is the place that is where I met him .
99-Though his being a difficult man , I get on well with him .
100- My brother is a football enthusiastic . He loves it very much .
101- Wood is recycled material .
102- Newspapers are made from recyclable wood .
103- Please water the plants regularly while I’m go.
104- The fireworks let up the sky on Revolution Day.
123-In the spring , a lot of pollen is released into the air by flowers.
124- After the wood is ground, it is mixed with water. Then the bulb passes hot rollers to make wood .
125- The thief tried escaping but he couldn't.
126- When I went to France last year , there was a lot of rain fall .
127- Everyone has seen plants grow .
128- Trees leaves are like factories produce everything they need.
129- His first two novels were immediate success and made him a rich man.
130-They have a big festival in winter too.
131- There’s a big procession, there’s high drum music and there are fireworks.
132-Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman is well known to some people as Bint El-Shatei.
133- While he was being at Oxford, he wrote a few poems.
134- His family was influence in the world of banking and business .
135-As soon as I’d finished writing one story, I started the next one.
136- The news concern her success pleased her family.
137- The thief escaped thorough the window .
138- We should recycle things rather than through it away.
139- The money we collect is given up to the poor.
140- My dream is to reach for the stars , so I read many books about reach the stars .
141- In the Picture , the boys play football.
142- I won that prize twice .
143- I gained a huge a mount of information in the last two years.
144- I have gained a huge amount of information last year.
145- He suggested going to the zoo , and I'd get along with that .
146- July 2008 was the 40th anniversary of the first man walked on the moon.
147- Is the writer like his heroes ? - No in the least . He was a well-educated.
148- Most Young people like reading about adventures stories .
149- The petrol is pumped to the earth's surface from underground then pumped to the power stations.
150- Many commuters travel on under the ground .
151- Snakes made of plastic are used to generate electricity by waves .
152- Sat-nav is a devise that help car drivers find their way .
153- travel gives people a lot of experience.
154- Our teacher asked us to carry out a traffic spray.
155- If you eat a lot of salt , it will make you thirsty .
156-That pan is very hot. If you pick it up, you burn your hand .
157- It was unthinkable that Egypt loses one of its most important monuments.
158- Our street is 50 metres length .
159- The tunnel is 8 metres in length .
160 As long as I am concerned , he has lived in Assiut for as well as I can remember .

Ayman M.Ebrahim 28-05-2014 12:29 AM

أعزائى الطلبة و الطالبات
نحن هنا بالفعل من أجلكم
و لكن نصيحة من أخ اكبر او أب
هناك الكثير من الاسئلة يرفعها الطالب و قد تم الرد عليها بالفعل
و من هنا الرجاء ان تقومى بقراءة ما تم الاجابة عنه للاستفاده منه و حتى لا يتم اعاده ما تم رفعة و الاجابه عنه

ثانيا الرجاء من الطالب الذى يرفع عدد كبير من الاسئلة ان يقسمها فى عدة مشاركات تخفيفا على المعلم

و حتى تكون الاستفاده كبيره ان يقوم بحلها و يصححها له المعلم

شكرا لكم

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 28-05-2014 01:09 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ayman M.Ebrahim (المشاركة 5872828)
أعزائى الطلبة و الطالبات
نحن هنا بالفعل من أجلكم
و لكن نصيحة من أخ اكبر او أب
هناك الكثير من الاسئلة يرفعها الطالب و قد تم الرد عليها بالفعل
و من هنا الرجاء ان تقومى بقراءة ما تم الاجابة عنه للاستفاده منه و حتى لا يتم اعاده ما تم رفعة و الاجابه عنه

ثانيا الرجاء من الطالب الذى يرفع عدد كبير من الاسئلة ان يقسمها فى عدة مشاركات تخفيفا على المعلم

و حتى تكون الاستفاده كبيره ان يقوم بحلها و يصححها له المعلم

شكرا لكم

حقا اتفق معك يا اخى الكريم
تمت الاجابه على معظمها فى الصفاخات السابقه

وع العموم

وهذه اول 30 جمله وسوف اكمل الباقى بالترتيب ان شاء الله

1- 18 is the age………….you can vote.
a) in which b) with which c) at which d) by which
2- Amy Jonson made many long-………..flights.
a) distant b) distance c) distances d) distantly
3- It took her a while to………….to living alone.
a) use b) shape c) adopt d) adjust
4- Our teacher asked us to write a composition about time…….
a) management b) department c) amendment d) government
5- …………you have the ability to fly a plane?
a) Are b) Do c) Have d) Can
6- Nuclear power produces dangerous……which must be stored forthousands of years before it is safe.
a) paste b) waste c) leak d) energy
7- Alexandria,……….lies on the Mediterranean, is a big city.
a) where b) which c) that d) what
8- The wind blew in a……………direction.
a) south b) southern c) southerly d) south of
9- The space station will be like a giant……wheel with spokeslike a bike wheel.
a) spinning b) orbiting c) turning d) cycling
10- The oud was taken to Europe and………into a number of modern instruments.
a) evaluated b) evolved c) revolved d) resolved
11- I hope to…………….a good doctor in the future.
a) do b) take c) make d) give
12- You…….mad if you think I'm going to lend you any more money.
a) should be b) ought to be c) must be d) are supposed to be
13- The man………..the car was stolen, called the police.
a) who b) whom c) whose d) from whom
14- The prisoners……….are all women.
a) who being released b) are being released c) being released d) who released
15- I remember……..to the circus by my grandfather when I was a child.
a) having taken b) to be taken c) being taken d) was taken
16-………..…members attended, so the meeting was cancelled.
d) Little a) A few b) Many c) Few
17-Everyone has the right to their own ……..……..
a) believes b)books c)reviews d)beliefs
18-We went on the journey as…….…, however the weather was terrible.
a) planning b) planned c)plans d)be planned
19-We have …….…..sugar, so we have to buy some.
d) little a) a few b) a little c) few
20-Do you want more water? – No, thanks. I have ……
d) little a) a few b) a little c) few
21-This pair of trousers…………expensive, so I can't buy it.
a) are b) is c) be d) has
22- They set great………..on their son to be renowned scientist.
a) predictions b)expedition c)explorations d)expectations
23-Many world countries are against………….…..nuclear waste.
a)burying b)lying c)wasting d)throwing away
24- He has a sun-tanned face . He seems to work ………..
a) outdoor b) abroad c) outdoors d) indoors
25- Doing different jobs can help writers ……….their stories .
a)for b) at c) on d) with
26-Everyone………..me lucky because I always win things.
a) called b) is calling c)calls d) calling
27- Mona had a …..unpleasant experiences while living abroad.
a) many b)much c)little d) few
28-The information you have received………been useful.
a) have b) is c) were d) has
29- A wind turbines is a tall tower built in an ………….place.
a) opens b) opened c) open d)opening
30-Amal used to be naughty when she was young , but now she ……….
a) don't b) doesn't c) isn't d) hasn't
31- Thank God you are alive. You endangered your life. You…..died.
a) must have b) can't have c) could have d) shouldn't

هذا ما اعلم والله اعلى واعلم

solo1981 28-05-2014 01:29 AM

جملة محيرة جدا للمتميزين فقط
She's always after update fashions.

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 28-05-2014 01:58 AM

meralll تابع اسئلة

33- Every year ………cells below the bark of a tree form new wood.
a) hard b) dead c) soft d) diseased
34-My elder brother………….watching a movie on his computer last night.
d) would enjoy a) used to enjoy b) is used to enjoying c) enjoyed
35-The book ……….five thousand copies in its first year.
a) sold b)had been sold c)was sold d)was being sold
36- He offered to…..……..her a hand with doing some housework.
a) help b) lend c)borrow d) take
37-Some think that prices will………greatly in the coming years.
d) arouse a) rise b) raise c) arise
38-" How ………did your brother do in the Olympics?" –"Oh! He came 4"
a) good b) well c) bad d) nice
39-About 2 million people travel…………..the underground everyday.
a) over b) in c) on d) at
40-One should get accustomed to……….an interesting thing at the weekend.
a) doing b) making c) taking d) forming
41-It is important to have new work skills. This makes you ……….
a)employable b)an assistant c)enviable d)an applicant
42- You can't possibly do all the work alone. You must have someone to ...........you.
a) assist b) do c) employ d) encourage
43-The position of the moon ……….…….over the month.
a) evolves b) spins c)varies d) orbits
44-If only you……….……..when this happened. Try , please.
a) remember b)would remember c)remembered d) had remembered
45-When the phone rang, she………….….what she was doing to answer it.
a) left b) was leaving c) had left d) had been leaving
46- He forgot ……………..the medicine, so he took it again.
a) to take b) he takes c) taking d)to be taken
47-Death is an important event ,which is …………..by a funeral ceremony of some kind.
a) made b) caused c) marked d) attended
48-If the money I had…….....enough, I would have bought the villa.
had b ) were c) been d)had been

49-Three prisoners managed to escape ………..the alarms positioned around the prison.
a) so b)despite c)because d)although
50-They've widened the road and this is the best thing ……..this year.
a) is done b) done c)has been done d)was done
51-He said he knocked on the door and waited until he ………to go in
d) permits a) was permitted b) permitted c)had permitted
52-If she …………..guilty, she'd have been imprisoned..
a) found b) was found c) had found d) had been found
53- Mona ……….me Where she had been the day before.
a) asked b) said c) told d) wondered
54-The astronauts are going to………….a space station in space .
a) build b)invent c)****yse d)lunch
55-The necklace she is wearing can't be hers. It is her……….
a) mother's b) mothers' c) mothers d) mother
56- He wrote five ………of short stories when he was still a student at university.
a) styles b) copies c) collections d) times
57- If there is a lot of rain in a year , the rings in a tree ……..quite wide .
a) have been b) are c) will be d) were
58-It is really hard for someone to …………..…suffer from illness.
a) continuous b)currently c)never d)permanently
59- To test his ideas, Dr Jekyll started doing experiments………himself.
a) at b)on c)about d) in
60-……….our surprise, the film ended happily.
a) At b) For c)To d) In
61- This year's prize has been won by a 78 ………-old man.
a) years' b) year's c) years d)year
62-Arab countries shouldn't be in……….as they face the same challenges.
a) condition b) confidence c) harmoney d) conflict
63-Sorry, I forgot............ you yesterday as I promised.
a) to phone b) phoning c) phone d) have phoned
64- Her carelessness …… in a terrible fire that destroyed the house.
a) resulted b) caused c) absorbed d) specialized

هذا ما اعلم والله اعلى واعلم

*(نور)* 28-05-2014 08:37 AM

this factory used to be Mr. Ahmed,s.He.................... it for years and years

(owned_has owned-owns -was owned)

mahmoudmody1 28-05-2014 08:52 AM

صحفي‏ ‏سأل‏ ‏مديره‏ ‏عن‏ ‏مقاله‏ ‏قالرايه فيه 1البلاس والمتحدثين والوظيفه اللغويه

في‏ ‏المطار‏ ‏بيقول‏ ‏انا‏ ‏تعب‏ ‏من‏ ‏الجلوس _رد عليه استرخ ستقلع قريبا ‏‎ ‎من‎ ‎المتحدث‎ ‎اليه‎ ‎وfunct

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 28-05-2014 10:33 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة *(نور)* (المشاركة 5872952)
this factory used to be Mr. Ahmed,s.He.................... it for years and years

(owned_has owned-owns -was owned)

this factory used to be Mr. Ahmed,s.He.................... it for years and years

(owned_has owned-owns -was owned)

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