بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:45 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5868672)
- وما الفرق بين bring - fetch

يحضر / يجلب bring
يذهب و يعود بــ fetch

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:50 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5868668)
- إستفسار لو سمحت: لماذا هذه الإجابات بالشكل الأتي:
If I had gone to the party , I (would be - will be - would have been ) tired now
How much milk and butter .............in the fridge? ( is - or - are )0
The mobile isn't working . Have you tried ................the batteries
changing / to change

الأولي تعرف بــ mixed if
الثانية : اسم لا يعد + and +اسم لا يعد = فعل جمع
الثالثة : تعني يجرب شيء ليري نتيجته

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:54 AM

رد : أستاذ / light ray
1)Sports and games play an important role in building up one's body and character. They are also an effective means of acquiring many virtues such as co-operation, self - sacrifice and discipline. Through games and sports young people find an outlet to their energies and they can be protected from deviation
1) تلعب الرياضة والألعاب دورا هاما في بناء جسد المرء و شخصيته ، و هي أيضا وسيلة فعالة لاكتساب فضائل كثيرة مثل التعاون، والتضحية بالنفس والانضباط ، و من خلال الألعاب الرياضية يجد الشباب متنفسا لطاقاتهم ، ويمكن حمايتهم من الانحراف.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:55 AM

رد : أستاذ / light ray
2)Today we live in a global village where news and information move very quickly from north to south. Thanks to the computer and the Internet, we become acquainted with what happens in the world while we are sitting at home
2) نحن نعيش اليوم في قرية عالمية حيث تنتقل الأخبار والمعلومات بسرعة جدا من الشمال إلى الجنوب ، فبفضل الكمبيوتر والإنترنت، يتم اعلامنا بما يحدث في العالم، بينما نحن نجلس في المنزل

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:56 AM

رد : أستاذ / light ray
3-)Peace gives every country the chance to carry out many useful projects. These projects cost a lot of money which is spent on wars and destructive weapons. When peace prevails, we can spend such sums of money to build new factories, reclaim the desert lands, solve the problem of housing and transport
3 -) يمنح السلام كل البلاد فرصة لتنفيذ العديد من المشاريع المفيدة ، و تتكلف هذه المشاريع الكثير من المال الذي ينفق على الحروب والأسلحة المدمرة. عندما يسود السلام، يمكننا أن ننفق مثل هذه المبالغ من المال لبناء مصانع جديدة، واستصلاح الأراضي الصحراوية، وحل مشكلة الإسكان والنقل.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 08:00 AM

رد : أستاذ / ramy9

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ramy9 (المشاركة 5855134)
if you listen to that loud music you ..... a headache
السؤال دة فى ال evaluation اجابتة get مع ان will get موجودة؟ ازاى و هو هنا عمل specification يعنى مش هتبقى something commonly agreed on

If you listen to that loud music, you ..... a headache
will get - get
و سيبك من اجابة التقويم لأنها خطأ

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 08:06 AM

رد : أستاذ / ramy9

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ramy9 (المشاركة 5855134)
if you listen to that loud music you ..... a headache
السؤال دة فى ال evaluation اجابتة get مع ان will get موجودة؟ ازاى و هو هنا عمل specification يعنى مش هتبقى something commonly agreed on

If you listen to that loud music you ..... a headache
will get - get
و سيبك من اجابة التقويم لأنها خطأ

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 08:10 AM

رد : أستاذ / mr.sayedalaa

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mr.sayedalaa (المشاركة 5858974)
هام جدا
هذه الجملة وردت فى امتحان كفر الشيخ
Million babies ........................................ every year .
a) born b) are born c) were born d) is born
الجملة الاصلية فى WB هى
A million babies ............................ every year .
a) born b) are born
وفى دليل المعلم للصف الثالث الاعدادى الاجابة هى are born
فما هى الاجابة الصحيحة ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Million babies ............................ every year .
a) born b) are born c) were born d) is born
من و جهة نظري الجملة السابقة خطأ والصح انها تبدأ بـ Millions of أو مثل الجملة الاصلية فى WB هى
A million babies ............................ every year .
a) born b) are born

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 08:10 AM

رد : أستاذ / mr.sayedalaa

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mr.sayedalaa (المشاركة 5858974)
هام جدا
هذه الجملة وردت فى امتحان كفر الشيخ
Million babies ........................................ every year .
a) born b) are born c) were born d) is born
الجملة الاصلية فى WB هى
A million babies ............................ every year .
a) born b) are born
وفى دليل المعلم للصف الثالث الاعدادى الاجابة هى are born
فما هى الاجابة الصحيحة ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Million babies ............................ every year .
a) born b) are born c) were born d) is born
من و جهة نظري الجملة السابقة خطأ والصح انها تبدأ بـ Millions of أو مثل الجملة الاصلية فى WB هى
A million babies ............................ every year .
a) born b) are born

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 08:14 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5856812)
1. That meat smells awful. I think it's gone ………. .
A off Bby C out D over
2.Who was the first person………………. today?
you spoke to you spoke whom you spoke spoke to you
. I haven't got a chair……………….
for to sit down to sit on for sitting to sit
. Don't leave your shoes on the table ………………..
take them off pick up them pick them off put off them

5. What time does the bus……….Central London?
leave to go away to leave for go away for

1. That meat smells awful. I think it's gone off .
A off Bby C out D over
2.Who was the first person………………. today?
you spoke to - you spoke - whom you spoke - spoke to you
3. I haven't got a chair……………….
for to sit down - to sit on - for sitting - to sit
4. Don't leave your shoes on the table pick up them

take them off - pick up them - pick them off - put off them
5. What time does the bus……….Central London
leave to - go away to - leave for - go away for

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 08:14 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5856812)
1. That meat smells awful. I think it's gone ………. .
A off Bby C out D over
2.Who was the first person………………. today?
you spoke to you spoke whom you spoke spoke to you
. I haven't got a chair……………….
for to sit down to sit on for sitting to sit
. Don't leave your shoes on the table ………………..
take them off pick up them pick them off put off them

5. What time does the bus……….Central London?
leave to go away to leave for go away for

1. That meat smells awful. I think it's gone off .
A off Bby C out D over
2.Who was the first person………………. today?
you spoke to - you spoke - whom you spoke - spoke to you
3. I haven't got a chair……………….
for to sit down - to sit on - for sitting - to sit
4. Don't leave your shoes on the table pick up them

take them off - pick up them - pick them off - put off them
5. What time does the bus……….Central London
leave to - go away to - leave for - go away for

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 08:22 AM

رد : أستاذ / محمد السعيد عامر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمد السعيد عامر (المشاركة 5868069)
Please read the handout carefully at first.
B : Ok.
A : Any questions?
B : No, thanks

Please read the handout carefully at first.
B : Ok.

A : Any questions?

B : No, thanks
Place : Classroom - Meeting hall
A: Teacher - Presenter
B: Student - One of the attendants
Function : Request - Inquiry - Thanking

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 08:22 AM

رد : أستاذ / محمد السعيد عامر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمد السعيد عامر (المشاركة 5868069)
Please read the handout carefully at first.
B : Ok.
A : Any questions?
B : No, thanks

Please read the handout carefully at first.
B : Ok.

A : Any questions?

B : No, thanks
Place : Classroom - Meeting hall
A: Teacher - Presenter
B: Student - One of the attendants
Function : Request - Inquiry - Thanking

محمد السعيد عامر 25-05-2014 10:42 AM

أنا سعيد ان حضرتك رجعت
I like the idea,but I have one objection/suggestion. Timing is not suitable
If I were famous , I would not like the celebrity/puplicity/popularity.I am a private person
I regret coming to the stadium.If I watch the match on TV,it would have been better
There is really availability/many/much/of this product in our town.you can find it anywhere here
He was shocked on/by hearing the bad news
I currently/never have an e-reader Do you

احمد محمد سيد هانى 25-05-2014 11:37 AM

سؤال هام
ما الفرق بين historic و historical

محمود حسنين 25-05-2014 12:21 PM

جزاكم الله خيرا استاذي الفاضل احمد فاضل

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 12:32 PM

رد : أستاذ / احمد محمد سيد هانى

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة احمد محمد سيد هانى (المشاركة 5869182)
ما الفرق بين historic و historical

محمود حسنين 25-05-2014 12:36 PM

I prefer ...........to fiction
a-escapism b- biography c- literature d- fraction
وجزيتم الجنة

محمود حسنين 25-05-2014 12:58 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mr.ahmed fadel (المشاركة 5868548)
الاجابة الصحيحة هى حذف a قبل school
يعنى will start school

شكرا جزيلا استاذي الفاضل احمد فاضل وجزيتم الجنة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 01:03 PM

رد : أستاذ / محمود حسنين

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمود حسنين (المشاركة 5869251)
I prefer ...........to fiction
a-escapism b- biography c- literature d- fraction
وجزيتم الجنة

I prefer ...........to fiction
a-escapism b- biography c- literature d- fraction

the hope 25-05-2014 02:46 PM

Find the mistake:
1. During having a walk, I saw an armed robbery .
2- Engineering is a job that requires a lot of accuracy.
- He must have difficulty sleeping last night. He said he had anxiety.3

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 05:21 PM

رد : أستاذ / the hope

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5869466)
Find the mistake:
1. During having a walk, I saw an armed robbery .
2- Engineering is a job that requires a lot of accuracy.
- He must have difficulty sleeping last night. He said he had anxiety.3

Find the mistake:0
1. During ( while )having a walk, I saw an armed robbery

2- Engineering is a job ( profession ) that requires a lot of accuracy
- He must have ( must have had ) difficulty sleeping last night. He said he had anxiety.3

متفائلة فى زمن اليأس. 25-05-2014 06:23 PM

ما الفرق بين Enthusiastic , Enthusiast

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 25-05-2014 06:49 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5868742)
- find the mistake
- He must have difficulty sleeping last night. He said he had anxiety.

- He must have had difficulty sleeping last night. He said he had anxiety.

محمود ابو عطا 25-05-2014 08:31 PM

ممكن رد سريع علي السؤال ده
find the mistake
If only they are here now.
It is necessary for you to come . you had to come

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 25-05-2014 08:39 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمود ابو عطا (المشاركة 5870087)
ممكن رد سريع علي السؤال ده
find the mistake
If only they are here now.
It is necessary for you to come . you had to come

If only they are here now.
If only they were here now.

It is necessary for you to come . you had to come
It is necessary for you to come . you have to come

It is necessary for you to come . you had to come
It was necessary for you to come . you had to come

hagadela2 25-05-2014 09:46 PM

شكرا جزييييييييييييييلا

Ayman M.Ebrahim 25-05-2014 09:51 PM

باااااارك الله فيكم اساتذتى الافاضل
مستر محمد ديوشي
مستر نشأت الحماقى

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 10:37 PM

رد : أستاذة / متفائلة فى زمن اليأس

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة متفائلة فى زمن اليأس. (المشاركة 5869888)
ما الفرق بين Enthusiastic , Enthusiast

متحمس / لديه حماس ( .Enthusiastic( adj
شخص متحمس Enthusiast ( n)0

ايمن حمدي 25-05-2014 10:59 PM

thanks so much

yahya gamal 25-05-2014 11:31 PM

19-Translatation لطم الإنسان الطبيعة فردت له الصاع صاعين .

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 26-05-2014 12:01 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة yahya gamal (المشاركة 5870342)
19-Translatation لطم الإنسان الطبيعة فردت له الصاع صاعين .

Man fighted {slapped} the nature and it rsponded by fighting { slapping } him back twice

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-05-2014 12:06 AM

رد : أستاذ / yahya gamal

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة yahya gamal (المشاركة 5870342)
19-Translatation لطم الإنسان الطبيعة فردت له الصاع صاعين .

When man slapped nature, it blew him back twice

Ayman M.Ebrahim 26-05-2014 12:29 AM

رد : أستاذ / mahrousahmed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahrousahmed (المشاركة 5870389)
choose the correct answer:

1- the space station will be like a giant............wheel with spokes like a bike wheel.
a) cycling b) spinning c) orbiting d) steering
2- three one-pound coins.......on the desk.
a) is b) are c) be d) am
3- ..........can live without energy.
a) no one b) everyone c) nothing d) none
4- nuclear power produces dangerous........which must be stored for thousands of years before it is safe.
a) waist b) waste c) garbage d) litter
5- yehia haqqi's first short story...........in 1925.
a) published b) came out c) established d) developed
6- the.....of a tree is like the skin for humans.
a) trunk b) root c) bark d) branch
7- a detective always works.............crimes.
a) for b) to c) on d) in
8- the great wall of china is the longest structure ever...........
a) build b) building c) built d) builder
9- the wind was so strong that it lifted people........their feet.
a) of b) off c) out d) up
10- i wish i ...........where i left my jacket.
a) know b) had known c) knew d) will know
11- amy johnson made many long-...........flights.
a) distant b) distance c) distances d) distantly
12- ..........greene was at oxford, he wrote a few poems.
a) during b) while c) however d) as long as
13- "e-" in e-books stands for.............
a) electric b) electrical c) electronic d) elected
14- i can't see you this evening. "........my homework.
a) am doing b) am going to do c) will do d) do
15- i'd prefer to choose a friend........likes and dislikes are the same as mine.
a) who b) that c) whose d) whom
16- it.....................that egypt will be better in the future.
a) hoped b) hopes c) is hoped d) hoping

1- The space station will be like a giant............wheel with spokes like a bike wheel
a) cycling b) spinningc) orbiting d) steering
2- Three one-pound coins.......on the desk

a) is
b) are c) be d) am
Nothing can live without energy
a) no one b) everyone c) nothing d) none

4- Nuclear power produces dangerous........which must be stored for thousands of years before it is safe

a) waist
b) wastec) garbage d) litter
5- Yehia Haqqi's first short story...........in 1925

a) published
b) came outc) established d) developed
6- The.....of a tree is like the skin for humans

a) trunk b) root
c) barkd) branch
7- A detective always works.............crimes

a) for b) to
c) ond) in
8- The great Wall of China is the longest structure ever...........

a) build b) building
c) builtd) builder
9- The wind was so strong that it lifted people........their feet

a) of
b) offc) out d) up
10- I wish I ...........where I left my jacket

a) know
b) had known c) knew d) will know
11- Amy Johnson made many long-...........flights

a) distant
b) distancec) distances d) distantly
while Greene was at oxford, he wrote a few poems
a) during
b) whilec) however d) as long as
13- E- in e-books stands for electronic

a) electric b) electrical
c) electronicd) elected
14- I can't see you this evening. "........my homework

a) am doing
b) am going to do c) will do d) do
15- I'd prefer to choose a friend........likes and dislikes are the same as mine

a) who b) that
c) whosed) whom
16- It.....................that Egypt will be better in the future

a) hoped b) hopes c) is hopedd) hoping
و فوق كل ذى علم عليم

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 26-05-2014 02:15 AM

رد : أستاذ / mahrousahmed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahrousahmed (المشاركة 5870390)
The Novel ( The Prisoner of Zenda)
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the Duke poison the real King?
2- How did the fate help in spoiling the Duke's plot against his brother?
3- Flavia proved to be an observant woman. Illustrate.
4- How could Rassendyll succeed in covering his mistakes?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
" It's a lesson I'll never forget."
a) Who said this? To whom?
b) What was that lesson?
c) When did the speaker learn that lesson?
C) Find the mistake in the following sentences and write them correctly:
a- Rassendyll wrote a book about social problems in Ruritania.
b- Detchard was the only survivor of the Duke's Six Men.

A) Answer the following questions:0
1- Why did the Duke poison the real King
Because the Duke wanted to prevent the real King from attending the coronation in order to be crowned instead
because he wanted to be the king
2- How did the fate help in spoiling the Duke's plot against his brother
Fate made Rassendyll arrive on time, pretend to be the king and attend the coronation

3- Flavia proved to be an observant woman. Illustrate
When she saw the pretended king " Rassendyll " she could notice the little differences between him and the real king
She noticed that the king had some changes. She said the king was more tired ,serious and also thinner

4- How could Rassendyll succeed in covering his mistakes
He became very good at pretending he had forgotten rules or people that he had meet
Read the following quotation and answer the questions:0

" It's a lesson I'll never forget."
a) Who said this? To whom?
Rassendyll to the princess

b) What was that lesson
A person who has a position in society has responsibilities, but even without a position in sosiety , we all have a duty to help other people when we can and we all become better people for doing so
c) When did the speaker learn that lesson
At the end of his journey / story
After saving the king
C) Find the mistake in the following sentences and write them correctly:0

a- Rassendyll wrote a book about social problems in Ruritania
a- Rassendyll wrote a book about his story in Ruritania
b- Detchard was the only survivor of the Duke's Six Men
b- Rupret was the only survivor of the Duke's Six Men

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-05-2014 09:09 AM

رد : أستاذنا الفاضل / Ayman M.Ebrahim

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ayman m.ebrahim (المشاركة 5870399)
1- the space station will be like a giant............wheel with spokes like a bike wheel
a) cycling b) spinningc) orbiting d) steering
2- three one-pound coins.......on the desk

a) is
b) are c) be d) am
nothing can live without energy
a) no one b) everyone c) nothing d) none

4- nuclear power produces dangerous........which must be stored for thousands of years before it is safe

a) waist
b) wastec) garbage d) litter
5- yehia haqqi's first short story...........in 1925

a) published
b) came outc) established d) developed
6- the.....of a tree is like the skin for humans

a) trunk b) root
c) barkd) branch
7- a detective always works.............crimes

a) for b) to
c) ond) in
8- the great wall of china is the longest structure ever...........

a) build b) building
c) builtd) builder
9- the wind was so strong that it lifted people........their feet

a) of
b) offc) out d) up
10- i wish i ...........where i left my jacket

a) know
b) had known c) knew d) will know
11- amy johnson made many long-...........flights

a) distant
b) distancec) distances d) distantly
while greene was at oxford, he wrote a few poems
a) during
b) whilec) however d) as long as
13- e- in e-books stands for electronic

a) electric b) electrical
c) electronicd) elected
14- i can't see you this evening. "........my homework

a) am doing
b) am going to do c) will do d) do
15- i'd prefer to choose a friend........likes and dislikes are the same as mine

a) who b) that
c) whosed) whom
16- it.....................that egypt will be better in the future

a) hoped b) hopes c) is hopedd) hoping
و فوق كل ذى علم عليم

بارك الله فيك استاذي الكبير الفاضل و جعله في ميزان حسناتك

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-05-2014 09:24 AM

رد : أستاذ / Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mr.nashaat elhamaki (المشاركة 5870475)
a) answer the following questions:0
1- why did the duke poison the real king
because the duke wanted to prevent the real king from attending the coronation in order to be crowned instead
because he wanted to be the king
2- how did the fate help in spoiling the duke's plot against his brother
fate made rassendyll arrived on time, pretend to be the king and attend the coronation

3- flavia proved to be an observant woman. Illustrate
when she saw the pretended king " rassendyll " she could notice the little differences between him and the real king
she noticed that the king had some changes. She said the king was more tired ,serious and also thinner

4- how could rassendyll succeed in covering his mistakes
he became very good at pretending he had forgotten rules or people that he had meet
read the following quotation and answer the questions:0

" it's a lesson i'll never forget."
a) who said this? To whom?
rassendyll to the princess

b) what was that lesson
a person who has a position in society has responsibilities, but even without a position in sosiety , we all have a duty to help other people when we can and we all become better people for doing so
c) when did the speaker learn that lesson
at the end of his journey / story
after saving the king
c) find the mistake in the following sentences and write them correctly:0

a- rassendyll wrote a book about social problems in ruritania
a- rassendyll wrote a book about his story in ruritania b- detchard was the only survivor of the duke's six men
b- rupret was the only survivor of the duke's six men

بارك الله فيك أخي الفاضل و جعله في ميزان حسناتك

mido_an3 26-05-2014 12:43 PM

find mistake and correct

The shuttle flow into space has been delayed by 24 hours
Those trees have grown phenomenon tall in the last two years
Treasure Island was written in 1883 and was a bestseller ever since
It was acceptable that Egypt should lose one of its most important monument
1- flow : launch
2- phenomenally
3- الجملة صحيحة ، راجع النص فى كتاب المعلم
4- acceptable : unthinkable / not acceptable

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 26-05-2014 01:58 PM

بارك الله فيكم
بارك الله فيكم

اخى الفاضل الاستاذ / مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
واخى الفاضل الاستاذ / ايمن ابراهيم

وفى كل من ساهم ولو بحرف لوجه الله لمساعدة ابنائتا طلبة وطالبات الثانويه العامه

جعله الله فى ميزان حسناتنا جميعا

abotrekaabotreka377 26-05-2014 02:45 PM

بالله عليك ان ترد على النظام القديم هيمتحن انجليزى يوم 9 ولا يوم 10

abotrekaabotreka377 26-05-2014 02:47 PM

الانجليزى + the prisoner or the mask

ramy9 26-05-2014 06:03 PM

Evaluation p.83
The.......of the internet has taken place over the last twenty years
و عندى سؤال كمان فى exam كنا خدناه أول السنة بس مش فاكر اجابتة اذا امكن الحل :)
The plane......at 7'oclock.However it.......at 9 o'clock because of the storm
takes off-will take off-is taking off-is going to take off
أنا عارف ان الجزئية الأولى حتبقى takes off عشان time table/schedule بس الجزء الثانى من السؤال حيكون ايه؟

و شكرا جزيلا على المجهود العظيم.

Ayman M.Ebrahim 26-05-2014 06:34 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ramy9 (المشاركة 5871095)
Evaluation p.83
The.......of the internet has taken place over the last twenty years
و عندى سؤال كمان فى exam كنا خدناه أول السنة بس مش فاكر اجابتة اذا امكن الحل :)
The plane......at 7'oclock.However it.......at 9 o'clock because of the storm
takes off-will take off-is taking off-is going to take off
أنا عارف ان الجزئية الأولى حتبقى takes off عشان time table/schedule بس الجزء الثانى من السؤال حيكون ايه؟

و شكرا جزيلا على المجهود العظيم.

evolution تطور
will take off توقع

*(نور)* 26-05-2014 08:18 PM

اجابة هذه الاسئلة اذا سمحتوا
read the following quotation and then answer
(so if they saw me they would think that i was the king)
who said this and to whom?
who did the speaker mean by the pronoun they?
what two things did the speaker ask the adressee to do?

e_mail time sent may be afew seconds)(late/later/latter/latest) than actual time

سنــدريــلا 26-05-2014 08:32 PM

1- He ..........the job he has alot of experience
(will get - is going to get )
الفرق بين ask . wonder
2- there were only .......empty seats on the train
(few - a few )

سنــدريــلا 26-05-2014 08:41 PM

food متى تجمع
I try not to eat too .....fatty food
(much - many)
- الفرق بين lend و borrow
- she drinks much tea .correct
the marks of the suspects fingers on the gun proved that he was not
(innocent - guilty )

سنــدريــلا 26-05-2014 08:59 PM

شرح قاعده wish
the sun .....heat and light
(reflects - permeats - radiates- absorbs(
- fawzi owned a business making .... clothes
('-lady-lady's-ladies - ladies)
- the burglars broke ....through the kitchen window
(into-down-in-out )

سنــدريــلا 26-05-2014 09:13 PM

-الفرق بين as far as و as long as
- if i feel thirsty .i
(drink- will drink ) اريد مثال ع كل منهم
-that's ....rice ! I don't want to put on more weight
(too much - too little - little- not enough)
-He decide .....anew mobile phone
(to buy- buying)
- yesterday .I think he traveled abroad last week.correct

سنــدريــلا 26-05-2014 09:34 PM

- I ....in Athevs.This is my birthplace
(live - lived- am living)
-IN futher. technology will solve engine problems and keep everyone save .correct
- sara and Rana are singing in the school choir twice a week .correct
He will travel to saudi arabia when he ....from the faculty of engineering-
(is qualified - qualifies)
- قاعده ?prefer - rather
- ما الافعال التى يتغير حرف جرها عندما تبنى للمجهول ؟
- ما الكلمات التى نأخد الفعل ع الفاعل الاول - ع الفاعل التانى ؟
- ما حروف born ?
- A team .....well
(play- plays)

Ayman M.Ebrahim 26-05-2014 10:36 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سنــدريــلا (المشاركة 5871234)
1- He ..........the job he has alot of experience
(will get - is going to get )
الفرق بين ask . wonder
2- there were only .......empty seats on the train
(few - a few )

will get لانها توقع
a few
ask من الممكن ان ياتى بعدها مفعول او بدون مفعول و ايضا بمعنى يطلب
He asked me if I had played the matc.
He asked why I woul travel.
He asked me to ( not to ) open the door.
wonder يتسائل او يتعجب لا ياتى بعدها مفعول
I wonder if he can answer the question

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