بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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Ayman M.Ebrahim 22-05-2014 11:46 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة فاين فاين (المشاركة 5865022)
I want Sudan Exam

طالبة علم 6 23-05-2014 10:08 AM

How are you ? is a frequently...................... question

asked asked me said said to me )

sebaei 23-05-2014 11:04 AM

How are you ? is a frequently...........(asked)........... question

محمود ابو عطا 23-05-2014 11:58 AM

لو سامحت عاوز اجابة للأسئلة دي ضروري
find mistake and correct

The shuttle flow into space has been delayed by 24 hours
Those trees have grown phenomenon tall in the last two years
Treasure Island was written in 1883 and was a bestseller ever since
It was acceptable that Egypt should lose one of its most important monuments

محمدابراهيم سيد 23-05-2014 06:27 PM

find the mistake
3-WAS- has been

محمود حسنين 23-05-2014 11:45 PM

My sister will start a school in September find the mistake في ناس حلتها Starts وفي ناس حلتها will start school ما رأي حضراتكم وجزيتم الجنة

Ayman M.Ebrahim 23-05-2014 11:56 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمود ابو عطا (المشاركة 5866252)
لو سامحت عاوز اجابة للأسئلة دي ضروري
find mistake and correct

The shuttle flow into space has been delayed by 24 hours
Those trees have grown phenomenon tall in the last two years
Treasure Island was written in 1883 and was a bestseller ever since

It was acceptable that Egypt should lose one of its most important monuments

1- launch
2- phenomenally
3- has been
4- unthinkable - not acceptable

Ayman M.Ebrahim 24-05-2014 12:00 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمود حسنين (المشاركة 5867100)
My sister will start a school in September find the mistake في ناس حلتها Starts وفي ناس حلتها will start school ما رأي حضراتكم وجزيتم الجنة

اخى الفاضل
من وجهة نظرى المتواضعة الحل هو
My sister will start school in September
على اساس ان school بدون اى اداه تعنى الدراسه نفسها

General Ahmed 24-05-2014 07:35 AM

لو سمحت عاوز الاجابة دى
watch out! the baby
(will fall-is going to fall-is falling)

ولو سمحت الفرق بين include , contain , consist
بمثال و شكرا :))

محمود حسنين 24-05-2014 09:20 AM

وجهة النظر الاخري تقول ان الدراسة تتبع جدول زمني ولو اعتبرنا ان الدراسه في مصر عادة تبدأ في سبتمبر فالأصح ان نقول starts ما رأي حضراتكم مع كل الامتنان لرد حضرتك استاذي الفاضل

* محب الرسول * 24-05-2014 11:35 AM

ان حصول دولة ما علي بطولة عالمية لا يكون مجرد صدفة

ممكن ترجمة

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki 24-05-2014 02:43 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ayman M.Ebrahim (المشاركة 5867114)
1- flown
2- phenomenally
3- has been
4- unthinkable - not acceptable

اعتقد اجابة الجمله الاولى ممكن تكون
1- launch
مجرد رأى
والله اعلى واعلم

naglaa16 24-05-2014 05:08 PM

[QUOTE=General Ahmed;5867375]لو سمحت عاوز الاجابة دى
watch out! the baby
(will fall-is going to fall-is falling)

ولو سمحت الفرق بين include , contain , consist

الاجابة هي
"is going to fall "

لأن (is going to) تستخدم في الجملة :-
1- للتعبير عن نية أو عمل مخطط له قبل لحظة الحديث ويدل علي ذلك كلمات مثل:
Intend / intention / plan / have … in mind
2- التنبؤ بما قد يحدث مستقبلا في حالة وجود دليل غالبا مع:
I expect …/I'm sure …/I feel sure …/ I think…/I don't think… /I believe.. / I wonder… / I suppose…
3- و تستخدم ايضا للتعبير عما سيحدث في المستقبل اذا كان هناك قرار مسبق ويدل علي ذلك كلمات مثل:
decided / have decided / made a decision / made up … mind
4- تستخدم ايضا للتعبير عن أشياء علي وشك الحدوث:
Watch out! You are going to fall
5- يستخدم الماضي من هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن نية كانت موجودة لعمل شيء لـم يحدث في الماضي:
I was going to take the six o'clock train, but I got up late

يحتـوى علـى جـزء أو أكثـر مـن الأجـزاء ( المكونات ) و ليس كـل المكـونات. include
The pair of glasses includes two lenses-
يحتـوى علـى شـئ بداخـله ( علـى كـل) contain
CD-ROMs can contain words, music and pictures-
يتكـون مـن كـل المكـونات الأساسيـة comprise / consist of / is composed

The United Kingdom consists of / is composed of/ comprises England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
يـرفـق/يحيـط Enclose
He enclosed a photo with his letter. My house is enclosed by a high fence-

ياسر الشاكة 24-05-2014 05:46 PM

historic شيء تاريخي ذو قيمة تاريخية Al Azhar is a historic place
historicalمتعلق بدراسة التاريخ مثل فيلم /بحث / كتاب historical researches بمعني أبحاث تاريخية و الله الموفق

محمد السعيد عامر 24-05-2014 06:23 PM

Please read the handout carefully at first.
B : Ok.
A : Any questions?
B : No, thanks

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-05-2014 07:31 PM

ركن السؤال و الأجابة
و فقنا الله و اياكم

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-05-2014 07:33 PM

أسئلة من أحد الطلاب
Find the mistakes and correct
You shouldn't miss this match , it's living
( live )
This is alive ( a live ) match , isn't it ? 0
Your time should be well (done - given - made - sent ) Choose
Have you ever (done - given - made - taken ) time ? Choose
If I had gone to the party , I (would be - will be - would have been ) tired now
How much milk and butter .............in the fridge? ( is - or - are )0
I must have done my homework ,didn't I? ( tag question )0

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-05-2014 07:54 PM

رد : أستاذ / singer111
الامتحانات التجربيبية وامتحان السوادن مهمين ولا لا
ما اجابات هذه الأسئلة بالقصة ؟
Show that the king's lfe is quite hard , but a pretend king's life is even harder ? 0
what would deprive duke michael of being a king from Rassendyll's point of view?0
الأسئلة ممكن تيجي ولا لا
ياريت اجابات القصة من 2011 دور اول حتي 2013 دور ثاتي

ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
الامتحانات التجربيبية وامتحان السوادن مهمين
Show that the king's life is quite hard , but a pretend king's life is even harder?0
A king's life is hard because he has too many responsibilities, but he knows how to carry out these responsibilities. A pretend king's life is even harder because, in addition to responsibilities, he doesn't know how to carry out these responsibilities or what the king's duties are.0

What would deprive Duke Michael of being a king from Rassendyll's point of view? 0
His mother wasn't royal
الأسئلة ممكن تيجي
ياريت اجابات القصة من 2011 دور اول حتي 2013 دور ثاتي
القصة الحالية لم تدرس سوي العام الماضي 2013 فقط و امتحاناتها موجودة بالإجابات في قسم الامتحانات

ابراهيم السداوى 24-05-2014 07:57 PM

ما ينفعش نوصف فرد كأنه جدول مواعيد لكن will start بعد my sister تعبر عن شئ مؤكد فى المستقبل أو حقيقة مستقبلية أما school بمعنى الدراسة لا تأخذ أداة لذلك حل مستر ايمن هو الصح وهو حل دليل المعلم لأن الجملة فى Work book

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-05-2014 08:03 PM

رد : أستاذ / hericho
Many people ...........online shopping to do rather than go to ordinary shops
would prefer / would rather / would like / would better
Over the next five years , i .............. to many countries
will travel / will have travelled
I really appreciate ..............me at this difficult time
your helps / you help / you helping / your helping
The mobile isn't working . Have you tried ................the batteries
changing / to change

Find the mistake

1-The building was survived the earthquake, but then was destroyed by fire.
2-Retirement usually brings with it a persuasive drop in income.
3-People are prepared to concentrate long distances if they are desperate for work.
4-We soon became friendly with the double next door. They are really nice people.
5-One of the people arrested was Michael Jones, that is a member of the local council.
ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــ
Many people ...........online shopping to do rather than go to ordinary shops
would prefer / would rather / would like / would better
Over the next five years , I .............. to many countries
will travel / will have travelled
I really appreciate ..............me at this difficult time
your helps / you help / you helping / your helping
The mobile isn't working . Have you tried ................the batteries
changing / to change
Find the mistake
1-The building was survived (survived ) the earthquake, but then was destroyed by fire.0
2-Retirement usually brings with it a persuasive ( massive)drop in income
3-People are prepared to concentrate ( commute ) long distances if they are desperate for work.0
4-We soon became friendly with the double ( couple )next door. They are really nice people
5-One of the people arrested was Michael Jones, that ( who ) is a member of the local council

عزتى في دينى 24-05-2014 08:50 PM

مشكووووووور يا مستر
جزاكم الله خيرا

محمود حسنين 24-05-2014 10:21 PM

My sister will start a school in September find the mistake في ناس حلتها Starts وفي ناس حلتها will start school ولكل دليله ما رأي حضراتكم وجزيتم الجنة

Mr.Ahmed Fadel 24-05-2014 11:01 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمود حسنين (المشاركة 5868477)
My sister will start a school in September find the mistake في ناس حلتها Starts وفي ناس حلتها will start school ولكل دليله ما رأي حضراتكم وجزيتم الجنة

الاجابة الصحيحة هى حذف a قبل school
يعنى will start school

the hope 25-05-2014 12:03 AM

1- Choose the correct answer:
1- The company is ......... for oil off the Red sea coast.
d- drilling c- digging b- tunneling a- extracting
2. That meat smells awful. I think it's gone ……………. .
off d-by c- out b- a- over
3.Who was the first person………………. today?
a- you spoke to b- you spoke c- whom you spoke d- spoke to you
4. I haven't got a chair……………….
fa- or to sit down b- to sit on c- for sitting d- to sit
5. Don't leave your shoes on the table ………………..
take them off b- pick up them c- pick them off d- put off them
6. What time does the bus……………….Central London?
a- leave to b- go away to c- leave for d- go away for
7. If you phone John now, I can tell you that he ……… his favourite TV programme.
will watch d- has watched c- is being watched b- a- will be watching
8) Aren't they friends ……………….?
a- of yours b- of you c- to yours d- to you
9-The book ……….five thousand copies in its first year.
a) sold b)had been sold c)was sold d)was being sold
10- There has been a ....... ..of bombings since peace talks broke down.
a- waive b- wave c- current d- chain
11- Using renewable energy means we'll never ............... it.
a- run out of b- run out c- use up d- capture
12- .............. water which is then used to turn turbines.
d- hold down b- moves behind c- hold back a- leave behind;
13. They are twins. They take ……………… each other.
a. over b. up c. after d. away
14.I will try not to …………...too much of your time
a. take up b. make up c. give up d. show up
15- You can check the meanings of these words ……… your Active Study Dictionary
d- on c- of b- at a- in
16- I hope to…………….a good doctor in the future.
a) do b) take c) make d) give
17- The man………..the car was stolen, called the police.
a) who b) whom c) whose d) from whom
18 – I chose the curtains because they are my (popular – favourable – favourite – loveable) shade of red.
19–There was (just– quiet– really– hardly)enough cake for all of us to have a very small slice each.
20 – Prediction about finding more oil is not certain; it’s always been a serious (occasion – condition – business – situation).
21–There was nothing (else– also– next– either) I could do to convince him to buy my old Fiat.
22 – Gamal is a long (way – travel – distance –road) lorry driver, he travels from Alex to Tripoli every ten days.
23- When I went to talk to the manager , he told me he could only ( provide_ spare_ hear_ let) a few minutes.
24- ( On _ In the course of _ While _ Through ) the discussion , he lost his temper .
25 _ You can do without it , ( can you _ can’t you _ will you _ won’t you ) .
26 _ Could you ( suggest _ advise _ tell _ recommend ) some short stories to read in summer ?
27 – At the factory , every Thursday is ( pay – wages – cash – money ) day , and the men go out to the cafeteria after work .
28 – He persisted (to – in – for – on) finishing the test even through the bell has rung.
29– It was (thoughtless– thoughtful– careless– considerable) of the children to clean the room for their mother.
30– She kept on ( raise – rising – raising – arising ) objections to all our plans without giving good reasons.
31 _ Your ideas , ( as _ like _ similar _ similarly ) hers , seem very strange to me .
32 – She(picked up–piched–picked out–cut )some flowers and put them in a vase .
33 – I’ve often ( surprised – thought – wondered – puzzled ) why they went to live abroad.
34 – Egypt is ( too warm– warm enough– not warm enough– so warm ) to grow tea in.
35 – I couldn’t talk to him . He couldn’t help ( do – to do – doing – done ) his homework .
2) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
1- Noha said," It's rather late and was time for you to go to sleep .
2- If it rains , the roads will get slippery and dangerous .
3- Every one is putting their umbrellas up. It must be started raining.
4- Perhaps the manager is at the office, he must be at the office.
5- I said that I was meeting them here. the following Saturday.
6- The last time I visited M**** is three months ago .
7- If the house to be repainted, it would look more attractive.
8- Bean on mind that there'll be a big meal later.
9- What is the legal punishment for treasure?
10- We appear to have been the sacrifices of cruel cultural invasion.
11- The river floods its banks last week.
12- Stop behaving as if you were being silly !
13- I carried the knife carefully so as not to cut me.
14- You don't object to work late tonight, do you?
15- Angry means the best that something could possibly be.
16- If something is usual, you can get it, buy it or use it.
17- Patient means showing a lot of interest and excitement about something.
18- Tide means done alone, without anyone else helping you.
19- He couldn't decide which one he liked good.
20- Geothermal energy makes less damage than traditional power station.
21- Geothermal energy is energy from hot rock in the springs.
22- The company is thought it is making a big profit.
23- We have all laid bets on the favourite.
24- How many metres down is the sinking ship?
25- Liquids are sent by pipes to move to another place.
26- A team of astronauts landed on the ground of the moon.
27- He was suspected of pointing his wife causing her death.
28- After finishing a school, he went to oxford university.
29- The couple was married later that year.
30- He must have difficulty sleeping last night. He said he had anxiety.
31- Do you know how far is the sun from the earth?
32- The boys made some mistakes before they had punished.
33- What do you think is beyond reach to day can be within reach tomorrow.
34- My brother is such a good-educated that he went to Cairo University and then Oxford.
35- Treasure Island was written in 1883 and was a bestseller ever since
36- The girls wish I had bake a cake instead of biscuits.
37- However, don't tell me that I told you this.
38- Some of these children knows the difference between right and wrong.
39- Soha, who is now in university, had written poetry since primary school.
40- Do you think you will be passed your exams? - I hope I will.

the hope 25-05-2014 12:09 AM

- إستفسار لو سمحت: لماذا هذه الإجابات بالشكل الأتي:
If I had gone to the party , I (would be - will be - would have been ) tired now
How much milk and butter .............in the fridge? ( is - or - are )0
The mobile isn't working . Have you tried ................the batteries
changing / to change

the hope 25-05-2014 12:10 AM

- وما الفرق بين bring - fetch

the hope 25-05-2014 12:17 AM

Find the mistake:
1. During having a walk, I saw an armed robbery .
2- Engineering is a job that requires a lot of accuracy .

Ayman M.Ebrahim 25-05-2014 12:34 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5868684)

Find the mistake:

1. During having a walk, I saw an armed robbery .

2- Engineering is a job that requires a lot of accuracy .

1- While
2- a profession

the hope 25-05-2014 12:37 AM

- He has begun to realize his…….and wants to achieve it.
a) patent b) potential c) potentially d) probable

Ayman M.Ebrahim 25-05-2014 12:38 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة General Ahmed (المشاركة 5867375)
لو سمحت عاوز الاجابة دى
watch out! the baby
(will fall-is going to fall-is falling)

ولو سمحت الفرق بين include , contain , consist
بمثال و شكرا :))

is going to fall

consist (of يشتمل على
contain يحوى بداخله
include يتضمن - ياتى قبلها الكل و بعدها الجزء

Ayman M.Ebrahim 25-05-2014 12:45 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5868712)
- He has begun to realize his…….and wants to achieve it.
a) patent b) potential c) potentially d) probable

اخى الحبيب
هل انت متاكد من هذة الجمله؟
عموما ان كانت سليمه اقرب اجابه هى
potential بمعنى امكانياته او قدرته

Ayman M.Ebrahim 25-05-2014 12:50 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mr.nashaat elhamaki (المشاركة 5867831)
اعتقد اجابة الجمله الاولى ممكن تكون
1- launch
مجرد رأى
والله اعلى واعلم

بارك الله فيك اخى الحبيب
اجابتك صحيحة
و تم تعديل الاجابه
عذرا للسهو

the hope 25-05-2014 01:03 AM

- find the mistake
- He must have difficulty sleeping last night. He said he had anxiety.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 01:38 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
1- Choose the correct answer:

1- The company is drilling for oil off the Red sea coast

d- drilling c- digging b- tunneling a- extracting

2. That meat smells awful. I think it's gone off

d- by c- out b-off a- over

3.Who was the first person………………. today
a- you spoke to b- you spoke c- whom you spoke d- spoke to you
4. I haven't got a chair to sit on

a- for to sit down b- to sit on c- for sitting d- to sit
5. Don't leave your shoes on the table pick up them

a- take them off b- pick up them c- pick them off d- put off them
6. What time

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 01:38 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
does the bus……………….Central London
a- leave to b- go away to c- leave for d- go away for
7. If you phone John now, I can tell you that he ……… his favourite TV programme
a- will watch b- has watched c- is being watched d - will be watching
8) Aren't they friends of yours
a- of yours b- of you c- to yours d- to you
9-The book ……….five thousand copies in its first year
a) sold b)had been sold c)was sold d)was being sold
10- There has been a ....... ..of bombings since peace talks broke down
a- waive b- wave c- current d- chain

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 01:39 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
11- Using renewable energy means we'll never ............... it
a- run out of b- run out c- use up d- capture
12- hold back water which is then used to turn turbines
d- hold down b- moves behind c- hold back a- leave behind
13. They are twins. They take ……………… each other
a. over b. up c. after d. away
14.I will try not to …………...too much of your time
a. take up b. make up c. give up d. show up
15- You can check the meanings of these words ……… your Active Study Dictionary

d- on c- of b- at a- in

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 01:40 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
16- I hope to…………….a good doctor in the future
a) do b) take c) make d) give
17- The man………..the car was stolen, called the police
a) who b) whom c) whose d) from whom
18 – I chose the curtains because they are my (popular – favourable – favourite – loveable) shade of red?????!!!!!0
19–There was (just– quiet– really– hardly)enough cake for all of us to have a very small slice each
20 – Prediction about finding more oil is not certain; it’s always been a serious (occasion – condition – business – situation)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 01:40 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
21–There was nothing (else– also– next– either) I could do to convince him to buy my old Fiat
22 – Gamal is a long (way – travel – distance –road) lorry driver, he travels from Alex to Tripoli every ten days
23- When I went to talk to the manager , he told me he could only ( provide_ spare_ hear_ let) a few minutes
24- On _ In the course of _ While _ Through ) the discussion , he lost his temper
25 _ You can do without it , ( can you _ can’t you _ will you _ won’t you )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 01:41 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
26 _ Could you ( suggest _ advise _ tell _ recommend ) some short stories to read in summer

27 – At the factory , every Thursday is ( pay – wages – cash – money ) day , and the men go out to the cafeteria after work
28 – He persisted (to – in – for – on) finishing the test even through the bell has rung
29– It was (thoughtless– thoughtful– careless– considerable) of the children to clean the room for their mother
30– She kept on ( raise – rising – raising – arising ) objections to all our plans without giving good reasons

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 01:41 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
31 _ Your ideas , ( as _ like _ similar _ similarly ) hers , seem very strange to me

32 – She(picked up–piched–picked out–cut )some flowers and put them in a vase
33 – I’ve often ( surprised – thought – wondered – puzzled ) why they went to live abroad.
34 – Egypt is ( too warm– warm enough– not warm enough– so warm ) to grow tea in
35 – I couldn’t talk to him . He couldn’t help ( do – to do – doing – done ) his homework

mr. Usama 25-05-2014 01:42 AM

fetch: bring someone from somewhere
bring : get something

mr. Usama 25-05-2014 01:46 AM

thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa anks

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:25 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
2) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:0
1- Noha said," It's rather late and was ( _____ ) time for you to go to sleep
2- If it rains , roads will get ( get ) slippery and dangerous
3- Every one is putting their umbrellas up. It must be ( have ) started raining
4- Perhaps the manager is at the office, he must ( may - might ) be at the office
5- I said that I was meeting them here ( there ). the following Saturday

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:25 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
2) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:0
6- The last time I visited M**** is ( was ) three months ago
7- If the house to be repainted, it would ( will ) look more attractive
8- Bean on ( Keep in )mind that there'll be a big meal later
9- What is the legal punishment for treasure ( treason) 0
10- We appear to have been the sacrifices ( victims ) of cruel cultural invasion

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:27 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
2) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:0
The river floods ( flooded ) its banks last week -11

12- Stop behaving as if you were being ( _____ ) silly
13- I carried the knife carefully so as not to cut me ( myself )0
14- You don't object to work ( working ) late tonight, do you
15- Angry means the best ( worst )that something could possibly be

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:28 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
2) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:0

16- If something is usual ( available ), you can get it, buy it or use it
17- Patient ( Enthusiastic ) means showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
18- Tide ( solo )means done alone, without anyone else helping you
19- He couldn't decide which one he liked good ( best ) 0
20- Geothermal energy makes ( does ) less damage than traditional power station

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:30 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
2) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:0
21- Geothermal energy is energy from hot rock in the springs ( earth )0
22- The company is thought it is ( to be ) making a big profit
23-?????!!!!We have all laid bets on the favourite
24- How many metres down is the sinking ( sunken) ship
25- Liquids are sent by ( along - through ) pipes to move to another place

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:31 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope

2) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:0

26- A team of astronauts landed on the ground ( surface ) of the moon
27- He was suspected of pointing ( stabbing ) his wife causing her death
28- After finishing a school ( school ) , he went to oxford university
29- The couple was ( were ) married later that year
30- He must have ( must have had ) difficulty sleeping last night. He said he had anxiety

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:32 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
2) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:0
31- Do you know how far is the sun ( the sun is ) from the earth
32- The boys made some mistakes before they had punished (had been punished) 0
33- What do( _____ ) you think is beyond reach to day can be within reach tomorrow
34- My brother is such a good-educated ( so well-educated) that he went to Cairo University and then Oxford
35- Treasure Island was written in 1883 and was ( has been ) bestseller ever since

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 25-05-2014 02:32 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
2) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:0
36- The girls wish I had bake ( baked ) a cake instead of biscuits
37- However ( Whatever) , don't tell me that I told you this
38- Some of these children knows ( know) the difference between right and wrong
39- Soha, who is now in university, had ( has ) written poetry since primary school
40- Do you think you will be passed ( will pass ) your exams? - I hope I will

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