بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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mahmoudmody1 04-02-2014 02:22 PM

You should change your routine.There're different ways by which you can enjoy life.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-02-2014 04:38 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
58.Greene's problem at school was....
4.to bully
كان يخشي البلطجية
.................................................. ...............................
29.The count of Monte Cristo is an .......story by Alexandre Dumas.
القصة عن مغامرة وليست القصة مغامرة
.................................................. ...............................
15.Ahmed,whose father is a famous businessman,has chosen..... as a caree.

الأعمال المصرفية

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-02-2014 04:40 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
You should change your routine.There're different ways in which you can enjoy life

هتـــلر 04-02-2014 08:22 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر علملى البرادجراف ده

Television is the most popular invention in the twentieth century . Television has many advantages and disadantages. We can know what happens in any place in the world at home without exerting any efforts . Students can watch educational programmes on specific channels . We can watch football matches at home without going to the stadium . Mothers can watch cooking programmes and learn how to cook delicious food . We can learn many languages through watching movies all the day. On the other hand , television affects our sight badly . Televsion waste our time by watching unimportant programmes . Some channels proadcast bad movies and programes that teach our children violence . At last but not least , We should use television wisely to avoid it's disadvantages .

mahmoudmody1 04-02-2014 11:29 PM

An indor person is altogether different from an outdoor one.Such a type is happy in their own company.By contrast,an outdoor sort likes mixing with people and enjoy their company .Another example of two different types of peron are : an introvert and extrovert.(Trans ).
مع حل الاختيارات في الاعلي

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-02-2014 12:09 AM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
Television is the most popular invention in the twentieth century. The television has many advantages and disadvantages. We can know what happens in any place in the world at home without exerting any efforts . Students can watch educational programmes on specific channels . We can watch football matches at home without going to the stadium . Mothers can watch cooking programmes and learn how to cook delicious food . We can learn many languages through watching movies all the day. On the other hand , the television affects our sight badly . The television waste our time by watching unimportant programmes . Some channels broadcast bad movies and programmes that teach our children violence . At last but not least , We should use television wisely to avoid it's disadvantages .0
6/6 ان شاء الله

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-02-2014 12:23 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
An indoor person is altogether different from an outdoor one. Such a type is happy in their own company. By contrast, an outdoor sort likes mixing with people and enjoys their company .Another example of two different types of person are: an introvert and extrovert.
ان الشخص البيتوتي يختلف كليا عن الشخص الذي يكثرالخروج ، فمثل هذا النوع يجد السعادة برفقة نفسه ( في وحدته) ، و علي النقيض تجد الشخص الذي يكثرالخروج يهوي الأختلاط بالناس و يستمسع بصحبتهم . و هناك مثال آخر للأنواع المختلفة من الأشخاص : المنغلق علي ذاته و المنفتح

mahmoudmody1 05-02-2014 11:02 AM

من الحكمة ألا تخذ قرارا حاسما إلا بعد دراسة متأنية واضعا في الحسبان ما يترتب علي ذلك من نتائج #ترجمة_

ضغوط الحياة رغم شدتها لا يجب ان تكون عاقبة أمام استمتاع الناس بحياتهم _#ترجمة

chalijaly 05-02-2014 11:42 AM

Terrorism is one of the most dangerous phenomenons in the world .Many countries suffer from terrorism like Egypt ,Iraq ,and Syria .Terrorists are so violent and cruel they can kill any one against their beliefs .There are many reasons which lead to terrorism the most common one is the fault explanation of the religion .Terrorism causes damage to the society and make people afraid and sad .There are many ways to reduce the spread of this phenomenon .First, parents should bring up their sons in a right way .Second ,schools should teach their students how to live in peace .Third, mosques and churches should teach the people the right instructions of the religions .Mass Medias play a vital role in wiping out the terrorism. All countries should unite their efforts to get rid of this serious phenomenon .In brief if we put the country interest over our interests we will live in a flourish world and overcome our problems.

hany2014 05-02-2014 01:25 PM

سبيكر مش سهل لو سمحتو عايز حل لية
a; could you please sign my course request form?,
b; i am sorry. you have to get your advisor,s signature on that.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-02-2014 05:41 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
من الحكمة ألا تخذ قرارا حاسما إلا بعد دراسة متأنية واضعا في الحسبان ما يترتب علي ذلك من نتائج
‏It is wise not to take a firm decision without careful consideration and taking into account the consequent results
ضغوط الحياة رغم شدتها لا يجب ان تكون عقبة أمام استمتاع الناس بحياتهم
Despite the severity of the pressures of life, it should not be an obstacle on the way of people enjoying their lives

chalijaly 05-02-2014 05:50 PM

علملى الموضوع والنبى يا استاذ:av4056bb7jp3:

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-02-2014 06:07 PM

رد : أستاذ chalijaly
Terrorism is one of the most dangerous phenomena in the world .Many countries suffer from terrorism like Egypt ,Iraq ,and Syria .Terrorists are so violent and cruel. They can kill any one against their beliefs .There are many reasons which lead to terrorism. The most common one is the fault explanation of the religion .Terrorism causes damage to the society and make people afraid and sad .There are many ways to reduce the spread of this phenomenon .First, parents should bring up their sons in a right way .Second ,schools should teach their students how to live in peace .Third, mosques and churches should teach the people the right instructions of the religions .Mass Media plays a vital role in wiping out terrorism. All countries should unite their efforts to get rid of this serious phenomenon .In brief, if we put the country interest over our interests we will live in a flourishing world and overcome our problems
تنقص نصف درجة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-02-2014 06:15 PM

رد : أستاذ hany2014

A: Could you please sign my course request form?0
B: I am sorry. you have to get your advisor's signature on that
Place : University A: Post graduate student B: Professor / Dean
Function : Polite request / Refusing politely

chalijaly 05-02-2014 07:47 PM

شكرا لحضرتك يا مستر
بس عندى استفسار
مش phenomenon ظاهرة يبقى المفروض phenomenons=phenomena ظواهر ؟؟؟
كلمة terrorism كتبتها غلط بسبب تسرع على الكيبورد
بالنسبة لــthey can....the most مينفعش زى ما انا كاتبهم جملة واحده ولا لازم زى ما حضرتك عملت فاصل؟؟
شكراااااااا لحضرتك

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