بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية (https://www.thanwya.com/vb/index.php)
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-   -   عزيزى الطالب تعالى و أدخل و اسأل و افهم مع درس خصوصى (https://www.thanwya.com/vb/showthread.php?t=468436)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-11-2013 11:39 PM

مجرد رأي
A: There is a leak in the main pipe
B: OK. I will bring my tools and follow you
place: plumber's
A: Client
B: plumber

MENAB 29-11-2013 02:52 PM

choose the correct answer from a<b<c<or d+++

1- people can ..........to the top of the Everest without Oxygen

a) climp (b) reaching (c) climbing (d) reach)

2- to my....., I knew that a young man climbed Everest without Oxygen

d) amaze c) amazement b) amazed a) amazing

find the mistake +++

1- I have six months work to do before my holiday

place and who the speakers ++

?A: Where must I start from
B: from that line painted on the floor , keeping the stone on your left
A: Ok , I'll do like thousands of people ,thanks to

A: .............

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 29-11-2013 04:20 PM

مجرد رأي
1- people can climb to the top of the Everest without Oxygen
2- To my amazement , I knew that a young man climbed Everest without Oxygen

find the mistake

1- I have six months' work to do before my holiday

place and who the speakers

?A: Where must I start from
B: From that line painted on the floor , keeping the stone on your left
A: OK , I'll do like thousands of people ,thanks to

Place : Masjid Alharam
A: Pilgrim
B: Another Pilgrim

MENAB 30-11-2013 05:38 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مستر محمد ديوشي عطا (المشاركة 5610210)
1- people can climb to the top of the Everest without Oxygen
2- To my amazement , I knew that a young man climbed Everest without Oxygen

find the mistake

1- I have six months' work to do before my holiday

place and who the speakers

?A: Where must I start from
B: From that line painted on the floor , keeping the stone on your left
A: OK , I'll do like thousands of people ,thanks to

Place : Masjid Alharam
A: Pilgrim
B: Another Pilgrim

شكرا لاجابات حضرتك

اسف في السؤال ده نسيت كلمة هل هتاثر علي الاجابة now

choose the correct answer from a<b<c<or d+++

1- people can now ..........to the top of the Everest without Oxygen

a) climp (b) reaching (c) climbing (d) reach)

sobhy1 08-12-2013 10:07 AM

If I were you,I....... go by plane.It is faster and more comfortable .

should not -would not -would -should
اى الاختيارات الاربعة صحيح ولماذا
كنت ارسلت الى سيادتكم هذا السؤال وقمت مشكورا بالرد علية باختيارين ايها اصح ولماذا

sobhy1 09-12-2013 03:51 PM

اين الردود عزيزى

Ayman M.Ebrahim 10-12-2013 09:51 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sobhy1 (المشاركة 5622226)
If I were you,I....... go by plane.It is faster and more comfortable .

should not -would not -would -should
اى الاختيارات الاربعة صحيح ولماذا
كنت ارسلت الى سيادتكم هذا السؤال وقمت مشكورا بالرد علية باختيارين ايها اصح ولماذا

حسب حالة النصيحة فى If
If I were you, I would .........
اما should تستخدم فى الحالة الاولى مع المضارع البسيط
شكرا لك

روز روز 10-12-2013 04:57 PM

ارجو مساعدتي في هذة الجملة من فضلكم
find the mistake
A coming car hit her because she didn't look where she was going.
سينيور p.132 http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/quote.gif

سنــدريــلا 16-12-2013 06:32 PM

http://www.thanwya.com/vb/showthread.php?t=565763 :bosyht9::bosyht9:

mohamed basiouny 20-12-2013 11:24 AM

مستر ايمن ومستر محمد
ربنا يبارك فيكم

minamaherr 22-12-2013 12:33 PM

سؤال لمدرسى وطلبة الصف الثانى الثانوى ...... هل تم الغاء الفصل الرابع من القصة والوحدة التاسعة ؟؟ رجاء الرد فى اسرع وقت

halaelshourbagy 22-12-2013 10:50 PM


a: where must i start from?
b: from the line painted on the floor, keeping the stone on your left
a: ok i will do like thousands of people, thanks a lot

halaelshourbagy 22-12-2013 10:52 PM

passing car

minamaherr 23-12-2013 02:38 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة halaelshourbagy (المشاركة 5643543)

a: where must i start from?
b: from the line painted on the floor, keeping the stone on your left
a: ok i will do like thousands of people, thanks a lot

Place: Traffic staion,traffic deaprtment

, A: civilian

B:traffic officer

tahersemary 16-01-2014 09:53 PM

يا ترى اية الاختيار الافضل و السبب ( opens , is opens)
the shop ........everyday except friday.

(is open - opens - open - opened)

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