بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 02-12-2013 05:09 PM

رد : استاذ هتلر
كما تشاء ما عدا سؤال Choose

محمد السعيد عامر 02-12-2013 07:22 PM

رد الاستاذ محمد ديوشي
ممكن حضرتك تشرح لنا ليه الاختيارات دي و معني الجملة الاولي
The rain was so heavy that the water wheel spun for three days
Tomorrow is a national holiday. All the banks will close
The weather forecast says it is going to snow tomorrow

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 02-12-2013 11:40 PM

رد : أستاذ محمد السعيد عامر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمد السعيد عامر (المشاركة 5614182)
ممكن حضرتك تشرح لنا ليه الاختيارات دي و معني الجملة الاولي
the rain was so heavy that the water wheel spun for three days
tomorrow is a national holiday. All the banks will close
the weather forecast says it is going to snow tomorrow

الجملة الاولي تعني أن الأمطار كانت غزيرة لدرجة أن الساقية ظلت تدور حول نفسها لمدة ثلاث أيام ، وهذه المعلومة يستوعبها أكثر من يعرف الساقية و طريقة عملها
أما في الجملة الثانية فهذا الاختيار يعتمد علي أن الأجازة الرسمية حقيقية مستقبلية ، و الافضل أن تكون حقيقة مطلقة و نستخدم المضارع البسيط لكنه لم يكن من بين الاختيارات
أما في الجملة الثالثة فهذا الاختيار يعتمد علي أن توقعات الارصاد تكون قائمة ضمنيا علي دليل

chalijaly 03-12-2013 07:39 AM

1 مرفق
اجيب كام فى البراجراف يا مستر

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 03-12-2013 01:57 PM

رد : أستاذ chalijaly
1 مرفق
خمسة أو اربعة ونصف علي أقل تقدير

هتـــلر 03-12-2013 02:51 PM

يعنى ممكن اجاوب اكتر من اجابتين حل اخر ؟!ّ!!

A:When did you graduate ?
B:last year
A:do u use computer well ?
B: YES i have worked as a programmer for a gib companyg for five years

A:look at the dinasour and here are its eggs they are huge !
B:don't touch the ehibits .plz

دول سؤالين مواقف
a japanese tourist asks you about the forms of energy used in your country

your brother asks you why renewable energry is the best form of energy

هتـــلر 03-12-2013 03:37 PM

سؤال فايند ذا ميستيك

I'm angry because my dad didn't deliver in his promise

chalijaly 03-12-2013 03:48 PM

ايه الغباء اللى انا فيه ده جاتى نيلة
شكرا يا مستر

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 03-12-2013 04:00 PM

رد : استاذ هتلر

A:When did you graduate ?
B:Last year
A: Can you use computer well ?
B: Yes, I have worked as a programmer for a big company for five years
Place: Company/ Office

Speaker A: Interviewer/ Manager

Speaker B: Applicant
Function: Asking and answering interview questions

A: look at the dinasour and here are its eggs they are huge !
B: Don't touch the exhibits .please

Place: Natural Life Museum
Speaker A: visitor
Speaker B: guide / Security clerk
Function: Expressing Surprise / Warning


A Japanese tourist asks you about the forms of energy used in your country
.We use fossil fuels and hydroelectric power
Your brother asks you why renewable energy is the best form of energy
Renewable energy is the best form of energy because it never comes to an end
سؤال فايند ذا ميستيك
I'm angry because my dad hasn't carried out his promise

هتـــلر 03-12-2013 04:09 PM

ممكن بدل natural life museum نقول fossil exhibtion?

هتـــلر 03-12-2013 05:46 PM

لو سمحت ازاى ارفض اعتذار حد ليا فى سؤال المواقف ؟!

mshnil 03-12-2013 09:38 PM

I asked my teacher if there were ........... mistakes in my homework

I am not taking sides with either the boy or the girl because I don't want to get involved in .....argument
"our _his_her_their"

"by who_ by whom _whom _ who" was the document written?

Geothermal energy is better for the environment than .......... traditional power stations
"that produced _which produced_ that which produced _ that producing"

The teacher didn't know the marking would take so long until he ....... the first couple of essays
'read_has read_was reading _had read"

The great .........of middle_class history is absent from the film

find the mistake
Different climates and soil support different types of forest

Do you watch films at home in TV?

All candidates presented suggestions of their own doing

The recently was built house was destroyed in the earthquake

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-12-2013 12:27 AM

رد : أستاذ mshnil
I asked my teacher if there were any mistakes in my homework
I am not taking sides with either the boy or the girl because I don't want to get involved in
their argument
"By whom was the document written

Geothermal energy is better for the environment than
that produced traditional power stations
The teacher didn't know the marking would take so long until he
had read the first couple of essays
The great
lengthof middle_class history is absent from the film
find the mistake
Different climates and soils support different types of forests

Do you watch films at home on TV

All candidates presented suggestions of their own making

The recently - built house was destroyed in the earthquake

في الجنة أحلامي 04-12-2013 09:25 AM

فيه اكتر من مدرس في اكتر من محافظة قالوا حاجة غريبة مش متأكدة منها ومش قادرة أصدقها
قالوا ان في الامتحان ممكن الطالب يحل القطعة بكل اسئلتها مرة
وييجي مية تانية ورا ويحلها مرة تاني يعني حل آخر بالاختياري وهتتحسب ليه الصح
هل ده معقول ؟

هتـــلر 04-12-2013 10:53 AM

A:what's wrong with you ?
B :I have cough



your friends asks your advice about revising for teh final exams

haidy wants to know what she should do to get a good job

LinuxForEver 04-12-2013 11:01 AM

السلام عليكم

Maha ... off her computer the moments she finishes using it

switches - will switch

* فى الإجابات مكتوب will switch ، فياريت حضرتك توضح الإجابة الصح و السبب لأنى مش عارف ليه

أرجو من حضراتكم الإجابة .. و شكرا جزيلا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-12-2013 12:33 PM

رد أستاذة : في الجنة أحلامي
لا أستطيع أن أقول كلاما قد يضر طالب في مستقبله و أكون أنا السبب أمام الله

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-12-2013 12:50 PM

رد : استاذ هتلر

2. A:what's wrong with you? B :I have cough

Place: Hospital / Clinic

Speaker A: Doctor / Physician
Speaker B: Patient
Function: Asking for and giving information

1. A:How old is this statue? B:It's about 5000 years old.

Place: Museum
Speaker A: Visitor / Tourist
Speaker B: Guide / Security clerk
Function: Asking for and giving information


Your friends asks your advice about revising for the final exams
You should have timetable

Haidy wants to know what she should do to get a good job
You should master English and be good at using a computer. You should have enough experience

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-12-2013 12:57 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

Maha ...........off her computer the moments she finishes using it

switches - will switch

أخي العزيز :

كلا الاجابتين صحيح حسب الجملة التي كتبتها. فنستخدم المضارع البسيط في الجملتين اذا كنا نقصد التعبير عن عادة متكررة:

Maha switches / will switch off her computer the moment she finishes using it
ونستخدم المستقبل البسيط في الجملتين اذا كنا نقصد التعبير عن موقف محدد في المستقبل :
Maha will switch off her computer the moment she finishes using it

سلمة بن الأكوع 04-12-2013 01:45 PM

Trees take in carbon and give ..................oxygen
(in - up - out - off )
حليتا out بس محلولة في الاجابات off

هتـــلر 04-12-2013 02:00 PM

لو سمحت ازاى اقبل نصيحه و ارفض نصيحه فى المواقف ؟

وده سؤال مواقف
your friend asked you how to improve his engilsh

عاوز ال function بس عشان انا عارف الباقى

A:what can i get for you ?
B:chicken please ?

A:you should bpay a fine ?
B:WHY !!
A:as parking here is forbideen

مش لازم المكان و الاسبيكرز انا عاوز الفانكشن بس

وشكراً يا استاذ على مجهودك معانا جزاك الله خيراً

سلمة بن الأكوع 04-12-2013 02:07 PM

ممكن هنا هتلر http://www.thanwya.com/vb/showthread.php?t=535358 منتظر

سلمة بن الأكوع 04-12-2013 02:12 PM

اجابات surprise

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-12-2013 02:17 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة

Trees take in carbon and give out / off oxygen
الأجابتين صح بدليل قاموس Longman

give off something (phrasal verb)to produce a smell, light, heat, a sound etc

The wood gave off a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned

give out something to produce something such as light, heat, or a signal [= emit]:

A gas lamp gave out a pale yellowish light.

سلمة بن الأكوع 04-12-2013 02:23 PM

بارك الله فيك يا استاذنا وشكرا ع الجابة

سلمة بن الأكوع 04-12-2013 02:34 PM

بس في قاموس اكسفورد give out يعني يتعطل
give off حسب القاموس هي اللي صح

سلمة بن الأكوع 04-12-2013 04:57 PM

1- she planted rose bushes along the ...................of the garden
( depth - width - length - long )
2- ...................the tree forms a new ring which represents a year of
( growing - grow - growth - grown )
3-.......................... plastic is worse for the environment as it does not
( ripen - rotten - ripe - rot )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-12-2013 11:20 PM

رد : استاذ هتلر

Your friend asked you how to improve his English
You should take a course
A: What can I get for you? B:Chicken, please

Function: Offering help / Request

A: You should pay a fine? B:Why? A: As parking here is forbidden
Function: Informing / Asking for and giving reason

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-12-2013 11:30 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
1- She planted rose bushes along the ...................of the garden
( depth - width - length - long )
2- ...................The tree forms a new ring which represents a year of
( growing - grow - growth - grown )
3-.......................... Plastic is worse for the environment as it does not
( ripen - rotten - ripe - rot )

سلمة بن الأكوع 04-12-2013 11:39 PM

-.......................... Plastic is worse for the environment as it does not
( ripen - rotten - ripe - rot )
__________________ممكن معنى الجملة دي
حضرتك ممكن تقولي ع طريقة احصل بها ع اجابات كتاب سنيور

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 04-12-2013 11:56 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
-.......................... Plastic is worse for the environment as it does not
( ripen - rotten - ripe - rot )
يعد البلاستيك اسوأ بالنسبة للبيئة حيث أنه لا يتحلل
للأسف الشديد لا عرف كيف تجد اجابات كتاب سنيور

سلمة بن الأكوع 05-12-2013 12:00 AM

بارك الله فيك استاذنا ممكن شوية اسئلة بس هما كتير

سلمة بن الأكوع 05-12-2013 12:15 AM

1. The………….is a large wooden musical instrument with strings inside and black and white bars that produce sounds when you press them.
a- violet
b- guitar
c- piano
d- sax
10 – The ( leaves – nuts – fruits – branches ) are the parts of the trees that
grow underground.
1. We can make a deep narrow hole by using a --------------------------
( borer – telescope – microscope – map )
Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- The couple which I met at the station took me to dinner.
2- The people in our street are very neighbouring. They always help each other.
3- You should not ridiculous people who have different ideas from you.
4- He was driving with one hand and waving with the another.
5- Many boxes are (made of – made in – made by – made from) cardboard.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-12-2013 09:26 AM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة
1. The piano is a large wooden musical instrument with strings inside and black and white bars that produce sounds when you press them.
a- violet b- guitar c- piano d- sax
2 – The ( leaves – roots – fruits – branches ) are the parts of the trees that grow underground.
3. We can make a deep narrow hole by using a borer
( borer – telescope – microscope – map )
4- Many boxes are (madeof – made in – made by – made from) cardboard.
Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- The couple who I met at the station took me to dinner.
2- The people in our street are very neighbourly. They always help each other.
3- You should not ridicule people who have different ideas from you.
4- He was driving with one hand and waving with the other.

المشتاق للجنة . 05-12-2013 10:03 AM

if i save enough money i .......... buy a car

will going to

LinuxForEver 05-12-2013 11:27 AM

السلام عليكم

جزاك الله خيرا على المجهود ..


A: Please, tell our viewers what you mean by this graffiti
B: I commemorate the anniversary or martyrs of the revoloution

Is the following correct ?

Places: Tv Studio / Tv program
A: Interviewer
B: Graffiti Artist
Function: Polite request / Asking for and giving information

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-12-2013 11:36 AM

رد : استاذ المشتاق للجنة
If I save enough money, I will buy a car
will - going to

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-12-2013 11:41 AM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

A: Please, tell our viewers what you mean by this graffiti
B: I commemorate the anniversary or martyrs of the revolution

Places: TV Studio / TV program
A: Interviewer
B: Graffiti Artist
Function: Polite request / Asking for and giving information
That's excellent, of course

chalijaly 05-12-2013 07:31 PM

There is no doubt that smoking is a very bad habit.Smoking people have increased in the last few years.They smoke 3 times or more a day.Smoking causes many dangerous diseases .First it causes lung cancer and brain damage.second it leads to heart shock.third it causes sudden death.forth It wastes money and health.Government have to prevail treatments for smoking people.mass medias play a vital role in increasing people awareness about smoking.We have to unite our efforts to wipe out smoking all over the world.Last but not least We hope to see our world free from bad habits like smoking. Finally, I'd like to point out that what I have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.

معلش عارف انى برخم جامد بس استحملنى لغاية شهر 6 بس :d:d

المشتاق للجنة . 05-12-2013 07:42 PM

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مستر محمد ديوشي عطا (المشاركة 5618039)
If I save enough money, I will buy a car
will - going to

الجملة دي موجودة في كتاب سنيور في شرح قاعدة If ومكتوبة كده
If I save enough money, I going to buy a car
مكتوب يمكن استخدامgoing to في جواب الشرط في الحلة الاولى
وفي الوحدة الاولى الروابط الزمنية بعدها مضارع بسيط ثم will
ارجو التوضيح عشان انا احترت

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-12-2013 07:44 PM

رد : أستاذ chalijaly
There is no doubt that smoking is a very bad habit. Smoking people have increased in the last few years. They smoke 3 times or more a day. Smoking causes many dangerous diseases. First, it causes lung cancer and brain damage. Second, it leads to heart shock. Third, it causes sudden death. Forth,it wastes money and health. The government have to prevail treatments for smoking people. Mass Medias play a vital role in increasing people awareness of smoking. We have to unite our efforts to wipe out smoking all over the world. Last but not least, we hope to see our world free from bad habits like smoking. Finally, I'd like to point out that what I have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.
أكثر مصحح بيتلكك مش هيقدر يديلك أقل من خمسة ونصف ان لم يكن ستة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-12-2013 07:51 PM

رد : استاذ المشتاق للجنة
الجملة دي موجودة في كتاب سنيور في شرح قاعدة If ومكتوبة كده
If I save enough money, I going to buy a car
مكتوب يمكن استخدامgoing to في جواب الشرط في الحلة الاولى
وفي الوحدة الاولى الروابط الزمنية بعدها مضارع بسيط ثم will

كلام حضرتك صحيح بس لازم تتوفر شروط استخدام going to اللي أنت عارفها من الوحدة الاولي ، وبعدين الجملة ناقصة الفعل المساعد(am)

المشتاق للجنة . 05-12-2013 07:58 PM

فعلا هي فيها am يعني لو اتوفر شروطها نختارها
ممكن حضرتك تقولي يعني ايه mixed if

chalijaly 05-12-2013 09:34 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مستر محمد ديوشي عطا (المشاركة 5618612)
there is no doubt that smoking is a very bad habit. smoking people have increased in the last few years. they smoke 3 times or more a day. Smoking causes many dangerous diseases. first, it causes lung cancer and brain damage. second, it leads to heart shock. third, it causes sudden death. forth,it wastes money and health. the government have to prevail treatments for smoking people. mass medias play a vital role in increasing people awareness of smoking. We have to unite our efforts to wipe out smoking all over the world. Last but not least, we hope to see our world free from bad habits like smoking. Finally, i'd like to point out that what i have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.
أكثر مصحح بيتلكك مش هيقدر يديلك أقل من خمسة ونصف ان لم يكن ستة

شكرا لحضرتك
بالنسبة للكابتال والاسمول انا كنت عاملهم صح بس عملت تعديل ونسيت احطهم فى الكلمات اللى حضرتك معلم عليها
الحمد لله :)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 05-12-2013 11:38 PM

رد : استاذ المشتاق للجنة
يمكنك من خلال الرابط التالي ان تأخذ فكرة بسيطة عن mixed if

LinuxForEver 06-12-2013 01:36 PM

متشكر جدا ..

... The Egyptians refuse in interference in Egypt's

politics - policy

دول سؤالين مستوى رفيع


She was wearing a beautiful new dress ( have on

I can't put up with the high prices. I must ... my expenses

cut down - cut off - cut out - cut

هتـــلر 06-12-2013 03:46 PM

معلشى يا مستر عاوز ال function بس

what's the matter with your car ?
the engine didn't start this morning

وديه كمان

how would you pay for this dress madam ?
by credit card
shall i put it in a bag for you ?
yes plz

,دول سؤالين مواقف

your younger brotehr asked ou how to study english well

you heard that the school team lost the match . guess why

ولو سمحت يا مستر ايه الفرق بين first و firstly و first of all
وازااى استخدمهم فى البرجراف ؟؟!

islam mnecy 06-12-2013 11:51 PM


I ........... the kids before i go to work

put off / Put on / wear /dress

The two boys have been seen...............for the beach

heading / to head / heads / headed

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-12-2013 12:04 AM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

The Egyptians refuse in interference in Egypt's policy
She was wearing a beautiful new dress ( have on
She was having a beautiful new dress on
I can't put up with the high prices. I must cut down my expenses

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-12-2013 12:13 AM

رد : استاذ هتلر
what's the matter with your car ?
the engine didn't start this morning
function : Asking for and giving information
how would you pay for this dress madam ?
by credit card
shall i put it in a bag for you ?
yes plz
function : Asking for and giving information - Offering help - accepting
your younger brother asked ou how to study English well
You'd better try to use English in everyday life
you heard that the school team lost the match . guess why
The players might have been unfit

first و firstly و first of all
استخدمهم فى البرجراف مكان بعض دون فرق

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