بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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mido02 05-05-2013 01:45 AM

how is it museum?
what kind of engine is it ?

Ayman M.Ebrahim 05-05-2013 01:56 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة abdo m (المشاركة 5244076)
( he had an accident and ........ To hospital ( took - was taken - has taken - takes

( a nice story ...... To us ( tells - told - were told - was told

( i ....... Solve the problem without any difficulty ( can - am able to - may - can't

(it is a fact that greenhouse gases ....... To stop heat escaping ( can - could - needs - are able

( there is .......... Of food in the world , we can feed everyone ( lack - hunger - lot - plenty

( how ....... Can the earth get ? ( warm - heat - hot - warming

( the world's oil will run ......... One day ( out - out of

( they are problems that can ......... ( solve - be solved - solving - to solve

( they .......... Go out.the weather was too bad ( can't - couldn't

( he ....... Answer the question , he was clever ( can't - couldn't - could - wasn't able

she ...... Food . But she bought ready food ( could cook - could have cooked - can't cook - will cook )

( dina ....... The piano ( can be played - can to play - can play - can playing

( you can drive my car , you ........ ( are allowed - aren't allowed

تقبل الله منا و منك

Ayman M.Ebrahim 05-05-2013 02:05 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mido02 (المشاركة 5255833)
how is it museum?
what kind of engine is it ?

steam engine
محرك البخار
حاجة انتهى استخدامها و توضع فى المتاحف الان
شكرا لك

mido02 05-05-2013 10:19 AM

Thank You , Mr Ayman

زياد المغربى 06-05-2013 12:56 AM

من فضلك يا مستر
[quote=زياد المغربى;5243974]ترجمة من فضلك يا مستر ضرورى

خير ما تستثمر فيه الدول هو تعليم ابنائها فابلعلم تتقدم الامم وتزدهر
نحن فى حاجة الى التنوع فى كل ماناكله ونشربه وهذا لا يعنى بالضرورة ان يكون مكلفا
احد اصعب التحديات التى تواجها بلادنا فى الوقت الراهن هو اعادة بناء الاقتصاد المصرى
هناك الكثير من المؤسسات الخيرية فى مصر التى تسهم فى ايواء الاطفال المشردين وتاهيلهم للحياة
لاسلوب الابناء فى معاملة ابنائهم اثرا كبيرا فى تعلم السلوك العدوانى اوتجنبه

Ayman M.Ebrahim 06-05-2013 01:48 AM

[QUOTE=زياد المغربى;5257671]

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زياد المغربى (المشاركة 5243974)
ترجمة من فضلك يا مستر ضرورى

خير ما تستثمر فيه الدول هو تعليم ابنائها فابلعلم تتقدم الامم وتزدهر
نحن فى حاجة الى التنوع فى كل ماناكله ونشربه وهذا لا يعنى بالضرورة ان يكون مكلفا
احد اصعب التحديات التى تواجها بلادنا فى الوقت الراهن هو اعادة بناء الاقتصاد المصرى
هناك الكثير من المؤسسات الخيرية فى مصر التى تسهم فى ايواء الاطفال المشردين وتاهيلهم للحياة
لاسلوب الابناء فى معاملة ابنائهم اثرا كبيرا فى تعلم السلوك العدوانى اوتجنبه

  • The best investment for countries is educating (teaching) their sons as through education nations flourish and develop
  • We need to have a variety in what we eat and drink and it is not necessary to be expensive
  • one of the most difficult challenges that face our country at the present time is reforming the Egyptian economy
  • There are many charities that contribute to hosing homeless children and qualify them for life
  • The way in which parents deal with their children has a great effect on having the aggressive behaviour or avoiding it

engysamy 06-05-2013 05:03 PM

لو سمحت ممكن اعرف رد حضرتك :
a ship’s doctor
كيف يمكن ان نضيف "'s" بالرغم ان كلمة 'ship' غير عاقل

زياد المغربى 06-05-2013 10:16 PM

ممكن الترجمة دى يا مستر وشكرا لحضرتك
some people seem to have been born with unfailing sense of directions even when lost in forest , they find their way home as surely as dog picks up the scent of a hunted man .the secret is probably that they never feel lost

عبد الرحمن بندارى 18-05-2013 12:23 PM

since = as = because الإجابة الصحيحة since

محمد احمد الرفاعى 23-05-2013 11:48 PM

[QUOTE=abdelmowgood;5184719].Find the mistake and correct it:Most girls I knew like music/]

hericho 24-05-2013 11:20 PM

Most .....in the medical field require years of training
works / vacations / applications / professions
Many people ......online shopping to do rather than go to ordinary shops.
would prefer / would rather / would like
يا ريت توضيح
The children were covered in sand . They .....on the beach
were playing / have been playing / played / had been playing

Find the mistake
Ali has a part -time job in a bank working eight hours a day
2- My father loved his job. He worked for the same company for 20 years
3- The journalist asked who caused the explosion
4- The case was argued successfully by six of doctors
5- It was nearly midnight by the time he has finished his homework last night

Mohammad Messi 10 29-05-2013 12:46 AM

في 2011 دور ثانٍ
Find the mistake:-
Most girls I know like music.

Is the right answer
All girls I know like music.


Most of the girls I know like music

hericho 31-05-2013 09:54 PM

Scientists ........hard to find altervative sources of energy
try / have tried
his old age . my uncle is very energetic ...................
Despite / In spite of " دور ثانى 2011 " مع ذكر السبب " وهو فيه فرق بين الاتنين
Which model .....250kilometres per hour?

أمة الله طالبة 03-09-2013 01:31 AM

السلام عليكم ..بارك الله فيكم اريد إجابات surprise للصف الثاني الثانوي كتاب الشرح هل موجود؟ و في حالة أنه ليس موجود هل يوجد إجابات كتاب الشرح the best أيضا للصف الثاني الثانوي و ليس الثالث؟؟ أرجو المساااعدة في أقرب فرررصةةةةة

أمة الله طالبة 04-09-2013 09:07 PM

ممكن الرررررررررررررررررددددددددددددددد؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

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