بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد شهاب 13-06-2011 07:20 PM

بارك الله فيك يا مستر وجعله في ميزان حسناتك.

Essam Wahba 13-06-2011 10:25 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ايمن باشا السيد (المشاركة 3523897)
اية راى حضرتك بالامتحان الشكل العام مش حلو لكن وجهه نظرى المتواضعه الامتحان سهل بنسبه 90 % ومنتظر رد سيادتك ولو تليفونيا

اجابة السؤال الاول والثاني
1] Respond to each o f the following situations:
1- Your younger brother is very busy. You would like to help him.
( You look very busy, can I help you ?)
2- A classmate asks you why you enjoy playing sports. Name one reason.
(Because this helps me to be healthy and fit)
3- Someone asks you the time of the next train to Aswan.
( the next train arrives- leaves at seven pm)
4- Your sister asks you your opinion about the importance of e-books.
they can save more place,time and effort

Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:

(Company/manager /candidate/giving information , expressing surprise and inquiry-congratulation)

( Bank/ client/bank clerk/asking for help and response or inquiry - Request)

3) Choose the correct answer from a, b. c or d:

1- Samir has two sisters;.......................... of them are older than him.
a) neither b) none c) both d) each
2- The astronauts are going to......................... a space station in space.
a) build b) invent c) analyze d) arrest
3- Mona promised that she............................. home tomorrow.
a) be b) would have been c) will have been d) will be
4- Arab countries shouldn't be in........................... as they face the same challenges.
a) condition b) confidence c) harmony d)conflict
5- If you can't dictate your conditions, you ………….. negotiate.
a) will b) should c) need d) ought
6- A/An............... is a ceremony in which somebody officially becomes a king.
a) occasion b) debate c) organization d) coronation
7- I want to buy a new villa, so I............................. save a lot of money.
a)am going to b) will c) going to d) will be
8- The medical condition of not being able to remember anything is called
a) megalomania b) insomnia c) amnesia d) phobia
9- The play is suggested to .......................... because the leading actor is ill.
a) being cancelled b) cancel c) have cancelled d) be cancelled
10- All the Egyptians should co-operate to save the country from any foreign ..........
a) evaluation b) invasion c) excavation d) exploration
11- For centuries, the wind has been used.................................... ships.
a) to sailing b) sailed c) sailing d) to sail
12- There is a special................................ in our kitchen for cutting vegetables.
a) budget b) bracelet c) gadget d) saw
13- Samia asked Hala....................... she was doing anything the next day.
a) unless b) whether c) without d) except
14- Most creatures have some........................... features.
a) common b) comment c) complain d) insulated
15- Had it rained so heavily, we............................. floods.
a) wouldn't have had b) would have c) would have had d) may have
16- Mr. Ali is very......................... He wants to have a company of his own.
a) ambitious b) grateful c) graceful d) sociable
1- Peace knows to be constructive. ( is known)2- Splitting of cells produces nuclear power. (atoms)3- That's the boy which dog bit me last Friday. (whose)4- Manufacturers reinvent paper, rather than throw it away. ( recycle)5- There was a lake in the oil tank, so the car broke down. (leak) (Eighty kilometers is along way to travel using two liters of petrol.
a long way --- a long distance

6-A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- Who arrested the journalist?
The police or the guards of the president’s palace
2- Why was the editor impatient?
( The journalist took a long time to send him the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.
3- Where was the journalist asked to go?
a new president’s palace to get information for an article about it)
:cool: Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
4- The underlined word refers to the........................................
a) sentence b) telegram c) article d) palace
5- To be 'fired' here means to be.....................................
a) shot with a gun b) dismissed c) set on fire d) promoted

The Novel

A) Answer the following questions:
1- Leila and Amalia were helpless in the mountains. (Explain this statement)
They had accident. Amalia was about to die. Her leg was broken. Leila had to find help in a lonely road in the mountains but there was no one to help so Leila tried bravely to get help and went to the villagers who helped Amalia
2- Who was the mask kept by and where?
The mask was kept by Pablo in a safe in the hut
:cool: Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"United Mining operations in Peru ended in 1999."

What was 'United Mining'?
it is a company works in miningand looks for copper-silver works
What did this statement show?
It shows that Martin is liar as the company ended its operations in 1999
C. Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
Ramon was chosen to get into the tomb first because he was small enough to get through the hole in the wall
Amalia was a good archaeologist and so experienced that Dr.Hafez chose her to be his assistant and in charge of a team of archaeologists

الامتحان معقول بصفة عامة - ولكن كما ذكر أحد الزملاء فإن الجملة الثالثة في سؤال الاختياري المفروض تكون الاجابة would be ,وليس would have been

كما أن الترجمة من العربية الي الانجليزية كانت تحتاج الي صياغة اوضح

MAZEN gamal 13-06-2011 11:03 PM

there is sth else
find the mistake should be three based on grammar and the other three on voc
here we have four voc
and two grammar

الاستاذ عبدالهادى حمودة 13-06-2011 11:46 PM

مستر عصام هو مش both وneither ينفعوا ؟

We use both/neither/either for two things. You can use these words with a noun (both books, neither book etc.).

For example, you are talking about going out to eat this evening. There are two restaurants where you can go. You say:
· Both restaurants are very good. (not ‘ the both restaurants’).
· Neither restaurant is expensive.
· We can go to either restaurant. I don’t mind. ( either=one or the other, it doesn’t matter which one)

Both of... / neither of…/ either of…
When we use both/neither/either + of, you always need the …/ these/ those…/ my/ yours/ his/ Tom’s…. (etc.). You cannot say ‘both of restaurants’. You have to say ‘both of the restaurants’, ‘both of those restaurants’ etc. :
· Both of these restaurants are very good.
· Neither of the restaurants we went to was (or were) expensive.
· I haven’t been to either of those restaurants. (= I haven’t been to one or the other)

You don’t need of after both. So you can say:
· Both my parents are from London. or Both of my parents….

You can use both of / neither of / either of + us/you/them:
· (talking to two people) Can either of you speaking Spanish?
· I asked two people the way to the station but neither of them knew.

You must say ‘both of’ before us/you/them (of is necessary):
· Both of us were very tired. (not ‘ Both us were…’)

After neither of... a singular or a plural verb is possible:
· Neither of the children wants ( or want) to go to bed.

You can also use both/neither/either alone:
· I couldn’t decide which of the two shirts to buy. I liked both. ( or I liked both of them. )
· ‘Is your friend British or American?’ ‘Neither. She’s Australian.’
· ‘Do you want tea or coffee?’ ‘Either. I don’t mind.’

You can say: Bothand…:
· Both Sara and Abdullah were late.
· I was both tired and hungry when I arrived home.

Neither ….nor…:
· Neither Ali nor Omer came to the party.
· She said she would contact me but she neither wrote nor phoned.

· I’m not sure where he’s from. He’s either Arabic or Italian.
· Either you apologies or I’ll never speak to you again.

Compare either/neither/both (two things) and any/none/all (more than two):
· There are two good hotels in the town. You can stay at either of them.
· There are many good hotels in the town. You can stay at any of them.
· We tried two hotels. Neither of them had any rooms. / Both of them were full.
· We tried a lot of hotels. None of them had any rooms. / All of them were full.[/quote]

Essam Wahba 14-06-2011 12:51 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الاستاذ عبدالهادى حمودة (المشاركة 3525682)
مستر عصام هو مش both وneither ينفعوا ؟

We use both/neither/either for two things. You can use these words with a noun (both books, neither book etc.).

For example, you are talking about going out to eat this evening. There are two restaurants where you can go. You say:
· Both restaurants are very good. (not ‘ the both restaurants’).
· Neither restaurant is expensive.
· We can go to either restaurant. I don’t mind. ( either=one or the other, it doesn’t matter which one)

Both of... / neither of…/ either of…
When we use both/neither/either + of, you always need the …/ these/ those…/ my/ yours/ his/ Tom’s…. (etc.). You cannot say ‘both of restaurants’. You have to say ‘both of the restaurants’, ‘both of those restaurants’ etc. :
· Both of these restaurants are very good.
· Neither of the restaurants we went to was (or were) expensive.
· I haven’t been to either of those restaurants. (= I haven’t been to one or the other)

You don’t need of after both. So you can say:
· Both my parents are from London. or Both of my parents….

You can use both of / neither of / either of + us/you/them:
· (talking to two people) Can either of you speaking Spanish?
· I asked two people the way to the station but neither of them knew.

You must say ‘both of’ before us/you/them (of is necessary):
· Both of us were very tired. (not ‘ Both us were…’)

After neither of... a singular or a plural verb is possible:
· Neither of the children wants ( or want) to go to bed.

You can also use both/neither/either alone:
· I couldn’t decide which of the two shirts to buy. I liked both. ( or I liked both of them. )
· ‘Is your friend British or American?’ ‘Neither. She’s Australian.’
· ‘Do you want tea or coffee?’ ‘Either. I don’t mind.’

You can say: Bothand…:
· Both Sara and Abdullah were late.
· I was both tired and hungry when I arrived home.

Neither ….nor…:
· Neither Ali nor Omer came to the party.
· She said she would contact me but she neither wrote nor phoned.

· I’m not sure where he’s from. He’s either Arabic or Italian.
· Either you apologies or I’ll never speak to you again.

Compare either/neither/both (two things) and any/none/all (more than two):
· There are two good hotels in the town. You can stay at either of them.
· There are many good hotels in the town. You can stay at any of them.
· We tried two hotels. Neither of them had any rooms. / Both of them were full.
· We tried a lot of hotels. None of them had any rooms. / All of them were full.


اذا اردنا استخدام neither المفروض تكون الجملة كالتالي

samir has two sisters, neither of them is as old as him

cooltheboss 14-06-2011 06:40 AM

هل تنفع في سؤال speaker الاول

Essam Wahba 14-06-2011 06:49 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة cooltheboss (المشاركة 3527044)
هل تنفع في سؤال speaker الاول

اجابة صحيحة

alien2 14-06-2011 09:04 AM

يا مستر عصام
Both and none are equally suitable

Essam Wahba 14-06-2011 12:12 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة alien2 (المشاركة 3527401)
يا مستر عصام
Both and none are equally suitable

none usually refers to a group of people of things

none : pronoun
not one (of a group of people or things), or not any:
None of my children has/have blond hair.

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

none (of sb/sth) not one of a group of people or things; not any:None of these pens works / work. Ç We have three sons but none of them lives / live nearby.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

ايمن باشا السيد 15-06-2011 03:04 PM

استاذى الفاضل عصام بك اية راى سيادتك فى اجابة الوزارة انا لسه جاى من 6 اكتوبر من التصحيح
wiil be هى التى تحسب صح رغم اعتراض الكثير من المدرسين.
ثانيا سألت موجه اول ليه قال:
ان كلمتى hoped & promised ياتى بعدهم مستقبل بسيط . وانا اعتقد ان اساس الجمله خطا وكنت ارى ان الاقرب هو
would have been

Essam Wahba 15-06-2011 06:49 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ايمن باشا السيد (المشاركة 3534536)
استاذى الفاضل عصام بك اية راى سيادتك فى اجابة الوزارة انا لسه جاى من 6 اكتوبر من التصحيح
wiil be هى التى تحسب صح رغم اعتراض الكثير من المدرسين.
ثانيا سألت موجه اول ليه قال:
ان كلمتى hoped & promised ياتى بعدهم مستقبل بسيط . وانا اعتقد ان اساس الجمله خطا وكنت ارى ان الاقرب هو
would have been

سيدي الفاضل هذا ما حدث فعلا وكان راي كثير من الزملاء ان الاختيارات كلها خطا ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادي

مع ان هناك اكثر من جملة في الكتاب المدرسي يستخدم فيها الفعل promised

They promised that they would phone us as soon as they arrived.
“We’ll phone you as soon as we arrive.” WB p. 38 Ex. 1 b
I’ll phone you this evening. (promise)
I promised I would phone her that evening.
She promised she would phone me as soon as the plane landed wb practice test 3 p. 60

ايمن باشا السيد 16-06-2011 04:57 PM

مشكور على رد سيادتك وتواصلى معك دائما وفعلا معظم المدرسين معترضين لكن لغايه الوقتى لشفت المستشار واضع الامتحان ولاه حد من الموجهين اتكلم بصراحه عن الجملة . انا فقدت الثقه تقريبا فى مستشارى المادة لذلك المدرسون يريدون التغيير.
بالمناسبه فى التصحيح النهارده فيه اخباراكيده ان مكافأه الامتحانات اصبحت 7% ووسط القاهره التعليميه صرف 5 %
وبيعملو استماره 2 % منفصلة فيه اخبار عندكم. سلام لكل من عندك

Essam Wahba 16-06-2011 09:49 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ايمن باشا السيد (المشاركة 3540842)
مشكور على رد سيادتك وتواصلى معك دائما وفعلا معظم المدرسين معترضين لكن لغايه الوقتى لشفت المستشار واضع الامتحان ولاه حد من الموجهين اتكلم بصراحه عن الجملة . انا فقدت الثقه تقريبا فى مستشارى المادة لذلك المدرسون يريدون التغيير.
بالمناسبه فى التصحيح النهارده فيه اخباراكيده ان مكافأه الامتحانات اصبحت 7% ووسط القاهره التعليميه صرف 5 %
وبيعملو استماره 2 % منفصلة فيه اخبار عندكم. سلام لكل من عندك

لا توجد اي اخبار عن المكافأة في اسيوط

free7one 17-06-2011 02:02 PM

Mr. Esam,
I greatly appreciate your efforts and thanks a lot for all that you've offered on this site. May I ask you about sentence number 3 in the multiple choice question in the third year exam?
Wouldn't it be the first answer (a) be?
- Mona promised that she be home tomrrow.
Can't it be a subjunctive sentence?
Could you please clarify that in detail if it can or can't be?
Thanks a lot

rose adel 17-06-2011 09:45 PM

it' amust that all applicants followthe rules of the competition..............
{don't they/aren't they}
i really appreciate your.............me atthis difficult time.
thanks our teacher

rose adel 17-06-2011 09:51 PM

sorry sir the first sentence/don't they or/mustn't they

Essam Wahba 17-06-2011 10:05 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة free7one (المشاركة 3544861)
Mr. Esam,
I greatly appreciate your efforts and thanks a lot for all that you've offered on this site. May I ask you about sentence number 3 in the multiple choice question in the third year exam?
Wouldn't it be the first answer (a) be?
- Mona promised that she be home tomrrow.
Can't it be a subjunctive sentence?
Could you please clarify that in detail if it can or can't be?
Thanks a lot

No, sir. 'promise' is not one of the the verbs that are usually followed by the subjunctive

The Subjunctive is used after the following verbs:
to advise (that)
to ask (that)
to command (that)
to demand (that)
to desire (that)
to insist (that)
to propose (that)
to recommend (that)
to request (that)
to suggest (that)
to urge (that)

The Subjunctive is used after the following expressions:
It is best (that)
It is crucial (that)
It is desirable (that)
It is essential (that)
It is imperative (that)
It is important (that)
It is recommended (that)
It is urgent (that)
It is vital (that

Essam Wahba 17-06-2011 10:09 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rose adel (المشاركة 3546592)
it' amust that all applicants followthe rules of the competition..............
{don't they/aren't they}
i really appreciate your.............me atthis difficult time.
thanks our teacher

It is a must that all applicants follow----, isn't it

I really appreciate your helping me

rose adel 18-06-2011 11:44 AM

thanks my teacher.

بركات شهد 01-07-2011 02:53 PM

انت مبدع ولك الخير عند اللة

samirsittien 14-07-2011 02:03 AM

جزاكم الله خيراً ونريد لكم التطور دائماً

روز مصرية 20-07-2011 08:55 AM

شكرا ويا رب كل حرف كتبته يبقى عليه حسنه

Ostaz Abdallah ibn Shirbeen 20-07-2011 04:35 PM

gr8 e4t,sir
God bless u

محمدزيكوسيد 20-07-2011 06:30 PM

ربنا يكرمك مستر هذا عمل رائع وسهل التحميل

صقر 111 20-07-2011 06:57 PM

Thank you very much Great effort

امل يحى 25-07-2011 02:31 AM

شكرا جزيلا يا مستر

بركات شهد 25-07-2011 09:58 PM

رائع وممتاز اية الشكر منا مايوفيك قادر ربك كل اللى تتمناة يعطيك

أشرف أحمد جابر 27-07-2011 12:47 PM

Thanx alot

سامى طنطاوى 27-07-2011 11:08 PM

ماشاء الله عليك يا مستر

basma 2010 28-07-2011 11:14 AM

شككككككككككككككررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر ا

basha83 29-07-2011 04:52 AM

متعك الله بالصحة والعافية وجزاك كل خير وكل عام وانتم بخير وجعله فى ميزان حسناتك

mostafa salah el ginde 01-08-2011 01:39 PM

بجد انت الاروع يا مستر

عبدالعزيز السيد عرابى 01-08-2011 02:13 PM

مش لاقى كلام اكثر من رائع الله يقويك

mido_an3 03-08-2011 01:44 AM

Please Mr. Essam,
Unit 6, Vocabulary, find the mistakes No. 3
This cream contains expands from several plants.

Unit 8 Vocab, choose No. 37
I'm sure my cousin will ...... a good accountant.
make / take / do / act

Unit 9 Vocab, Choose No. 31
Sugar.....naturally in fruit.
occurs/ happens / takes place / finds
Find the mistakes No. 15
The play had excellent lightning effects.

Thank you so much.

Essam Wahba 05-08-2011 12:01 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mido_an3 (المشاركة 3783156)
Please Mr. Essam,
Unit 6, Vocabulary, find the mistakes No. 3
This cream contains extracts from several plants.

Unit 8 Vocab, choose No. 37
I'm sure my cousin will ...... a good accountant.
make / take / do / act

Unit 9 Vocab, Choose No. 31
Sugar.....naturally in fruit.
occurs/ happens / takes place / finds
Find the mistakes No. 15
The play had excellent lighting effects.

Thank you so much.

Wish you the best of luck

mido_an3 05-08-2011 12:14 AM

Thank you so much.
Your Highness is so generous.

Seif Albaz 05-08-2011 01:39 AM

thnxxx B.ESSAM


scorpion1973 07-08-2011 01:20 PM

بارك الله فيك

جابر محمود 07-08-2011 10:52 PM

ه أكبر عليك يا استاذنا
بتغيب و ترجع بأعمال متميزه و منفرد دائماً بحب الناس
ربنا يزيدك و يجعل هذا العمل ف ميزان حسناتك

Hakeem E 08-08-2011 08:10 AM

Thank you very much for your great efforts

سيدصبحى 08-08-2011 01:54 PM

ربنا يزيدك علماً وأحساناً ويجعل هذا العمل فى ميزان حسناتك يم القيامة يارب العالمين !

عبداللطيف زيان 15-08-2011 06:29 PM

شكرا كثيرا أستاذنا الفاضل عمل متميز حقا

محمد محمود3 18-08-2011 02:38 PM

Thanks so much sir
I wish you good health

محمد محمود3 18-08-2011 02:39 PM

ونرجو من سيادتكم دائما اعمال جديدة

-mahmoud 18-08-2011 06:08 PM


حسن مم 19-08-2011 02:48 PM

ربنا يجزيك خير

حنفي صبحي حسان 19-08-2011 09:57 PM

شكر لمست عصام وهبة والمنتدي كلة
No Comment
thanks alot

الأستاذ/ أحمد على 21-08-2011 05:02 PM

بارك الله فيك استاذى الغالي

Mr.One 22-08-2011 11:01 PM

بارك الله فيك و جعله فى ميزان حسناتك

ahmedawny 23-08-2011 10:04 PM

اللهم اجحله فى ميزان حسناتك

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