بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-11-2013 10:54 PM

كام سؤال ع الماشي لأبنائنا الطلاب
1. Guests ran for..........................as the device went off in a men's toilet.
2. Ann is in hospital.Oh really?Ididn't know . I..........................and visit her.
am going to
would go
will go
3. His novel became a great ..........................in 1940.
4. Is there a phone number where I can ..........................you?
5. My aunt's children have all been ..........................in their chosen careers.

سليمان بتاع 17-11-2013 07:29 PM

ايه راى حضرتك فى كتاب جيم هيفيدنى ولا هيشوش عليا؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-11-2013 11:16 PM

رد : أستاذ سليمان بتاع
كتاب جيم ممتاز و ان شاء الله يفيدك جدا ، بس خد لبالك لأسئلة المتفوقين اللي فيه بعضها خلافية

mahmoud zaid 19-11-2013 12:45 PM

if we cut down the trees ,the oxygen level is decrease
find the mistake

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-11-2013 01:35 PM

رد : أستاذmahmoud zaid
If we cut down the trees ,the oxygen level will decrease
لان استخدام the قبل كلمة trees جعلنا نتكلم عن مجموعة محددة من الاشجار فلم تعد هذه حقيقة عامة ولا تستخدم معها الحالة الصفرية بل الاولي

زياد المغربى 22-11-2013 12:21 AM

the people who climb mountains are ...............brave
incredible- incredibly
yesterday aboy ......agroup of tourists sank near luxor
carried- carrying -carries

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 22-11-2013 12:37 AM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
The people who climb mountains are incredibly brave
Yesterday, a boat
carrying a group of tourists sank near Luxor

محمد السعيد عامر 22-11-2013 05:07 AM

ياريت من فضل حضرتك/ find the mistake
no one except local reporters permitted into the city that had demonstrations

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 22-11-2013 01:04 PM

رد : أستاذ محمد السعيد عامر
No one except local reporters was permitted into the city that had demonstrations. 0

محمد السعيد عامر 22-11-2013 05:42 PM

الف شكر لحضرتك بس لو انا كتبتها is permitted مش was تمشي صح
ومعلش ممكن دول كمان
Since I have known him,I have sent Ali two letters
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported ......fallen down
(to have-to have been)
What is the ......age of the university students in Egypt
She ......... them as soon as they arrive at the station
(will meet-would meet-would have meet)
If you use this skin cream,it........ you from harmful ultraviolet lights
(protect-protects-would protect)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 22-11-2013 08:19 PM

رد : أستاذ محمد السعيد عامر
مينفعش is permitted لأن الجملة تتحدث عن الماضي

No one except local reporters was permitted into the city that had demonstrations. 0
Since I knew him,I have sent Ali two letters
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported
to have fallen down
What is the
average age of the university students in Egypt
will meet them as soon as they arrive at the station
If you use this skin cream, it
protects you from harmful ultraviolet lights
ولو انه من الأفضل في الجملة الاخيرة أن نستخدم will protect لأننا لا نتحدث عن حقيقة عامة

محمد السعيد عامر 23-11-2013 06:10 AM

الف شكر لمساعدة حضرتك بس جملة
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported to have fallen down
مش المفروض تبقي to have been لان المباني لم تنهار من تلقاء نفسها بل بفعل الزلزال يعني مبني للمجهول ياريت التوضيح............ و جملةShe will meet them as soon as they arrive at the station
ممكن اعرف امته نستخدم مستقبل بسيط مع الروابط

Abdelbaset Dawi 23-11-2013 08:03 PM

الي الاستاد العزيز : وجهة النظر في هذة الجملة
find the mistake
A book that;s a bestseller made its author a lot of money

Abdelbaset Dawi 23-11-2013 08:09 PM

الي الاستاد العزيز : وجهة النظر في هذة الجملة
find the mistake
A book that;s a bestseller made its author a lot of money

Abdelbaset Dawi 23-11-2013 08:16 PM

find the mistake
A book that's a bestseller made its author a lot of money

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-11-2013 12:08 AM

رد : أستاذ Abdelbaset Dawi
The book that's a bestseller made its author a lot of money
لأن هنا نتكلم عن كتاب محدد
A book that's a bestseller makes its author a lot of money
لأن هنا نتكلم عن أي كتاب بصفة عامة

محمد السعيد عامر 24-11-2013 04:51 AM

رد الاساذ محمد الديوشي
الف شكر لمساعدة حضرتك بس جملة
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported to have fallen down
مش المفروض تبقي to have been لان المباني لم تنهار من تلقاء نفسها بل بفعل الزلزال يعني مبني للمجهول ياريت التوضيح............ و جملة
She will meet
them as soon as they arrive at the station

ممكن اعرف امته نستخدم مستقبل بسيط مع الروابط

LinuxForEver 24-11-2013 11:14 AM

السلام عليكم


you ask you sister about the weather in Aswasn.


? A: How long haven't we seen each other
B: For about three months
? A: What would you like to drink, tea or coffee
B: Tea, please

? Is this correct

Place: Home
A: Host
B: Guest
Function: Asking about someone's preference


This playwriter's works were shown in many theatres

? Is this correct

This --> These

أرجو من حضرتك الإجابة .. و شكرا جزيلا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-11-2013 12:54 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

You ask your sister about the weather in Aswan.0
What is the weather like in Aswan?0
?A: How long haven't we seen each other
B: For about three months
? A: What would you like to drink, tea or coffee
B: Tea, please
Place: Home
A: Host
B: Guest
Function: Meeting somebody after a long time / Asking about someone's preference


This playwright's works were shown in many theatres

عبير الجوري 24-11-2013 01:26 PM

بعض الأسئلة ارجو الإجابة عليها

He used to complain to pain in heart
The pills might have he him if only he had done them regularly
Your colleagues are people you cooperate with

مع توضيح الاجابة
وشكرا جزيلا على المساعدة

Abdelbaset Dawi 24-11-2013 02:12 PM

لو سمحتم خل هذة الجملة
find the mistake
A book that's a bestseller made its author a lot of money

محمد السعيد عامر 24-11-2013 06:13 PM

الف شكر لمساعدة حضرتك بس جملة
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported to have fallen down
مش المفروض تبقي to have been لان المباني لم تنهار من تلقاء نفسها بل بفعل الزلزال يعني مبني للمجهول ياريت التوضيح............ و جملةShe will meet them as soon as they arrive at the station
ممكن اعرف امته نستخدم مستقبل بسيط مع الروابط

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-11-2013 11:25 PM

رد : أستاذ محمد السعيد عامر
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported to have fallen down
لو بقت to have been تبقي
مبني للمجهول وده خطأ لان الفعل fall لا يبني للمجهول لانه لا يأخذ مفعول
نستخدم مستقبل مع الروابط اذا جاء بعد الرابطة مضارع بسيط تكون الجملة الاخري مستقبل
She will meet them as soon as they arrive at the station

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 24-11-2013 11:49 PM

رد : أستاذ Abdelbaset Dawi
The book that's a bestseller made its author a lot of money
لأنهنا نتكلم عن كتاب محدد
A book that's a bestseller makes its author a lot of money
لأنهنا نتكلم عن أي كتاب بصفة عامة

LinuxForEver 26-11-2013 01:51 PM

متشكر جدا على الإجابات ة جزاك الله خيرا
The water ... had burst in hte kitchen and flooded the floor

pipe - tube

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 26-11-2013 03:06 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
The water pipe had burst in the kitchen and flooded the floor

LinuxForEver 28-11-2013 12:40 PM

ربنا يكرمك على تعبك يا أستاذ


Groups of wind sails along the Red sea generate large amounts of electricity

? Is Groups -- > Blades correct

If yes, then please translate it


Furniture .... well in Demietta

sells - selling - sell

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 28-11-2013 01:59 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
Groups of wind farms along the Red sea generate large amounts of electricity
مزارع الرياح ( دوارات الرياح) علي امتداد ساحل البحر الاحمر تولد كميات هائلة من الكهرباء
Furniture sells well in Demietta
sell = be bought

islam mnecy 29-11-2013 12:57 PM

Find the mistake

Can you take care of my childreen while i will be out

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 29-11-2013 01:00 PM

رد : أستاذ islam mnecy
Can you take care of my children while I am out

في الجنة أحلامي 30-11-2013 05:38 AM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كنت عايزة اسأل عن جزئيتين في ال function
1. في محكمة
swear to tell the truth

2. في الشارع
taxi ! taxi!

هما ليهم باقي بس انا محتاجة اعرف للجملتين دول
جزاكم الله كل خير

هتـــلر 30-11-2013 01:54 PM

ديه اسئلة مواقف
your friend says that space travel will be common in the near future you disagree

you don't agree that pollution will be elimintated in very few years

salma thinks that terrorism affects the country's stability you agree giving 2 reasons

A:can i help u ?
B:yes ui need to book a room

place : ...
speaker B:....
FUNCTION : ........


LinuxForEver 30-11-2013 01:55 PM

متشكر جدا لمجهود حضرتك ..


? A: How much is the fare to Banha
B: Seven pounds
A: Here you are. Thank you
B: You are welcome, sir

? Is ( Function: Asking questions / Asking about the fare ) correct

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 30-11-2013 06:11 PM

رد أستاذة : في الجنة أحلامي

swear to tell the truth
Asking for legal swearing
Taxi ! Taxi
Calling for a taxi to stop

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 30-11-2013 06:20 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
Your friend says that space travel will be common in the near future. You disagree
-I don't think so
You don't agree that pollution will be eliminated in very few years
That is impossible
Salma thinks that terrorism affects the country's stability you agree giving 2 reasons
You are right.It affects tourism badly. It also scares citizens

A:Can I help you
B: Yes I need to book a room

place : Hotel
speaker A: Resident / guest / foreigner / tourist
speaker B: Receptionist
FUNCTION : Offering help - request

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 30-11-2013 06:29 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
? A: How much is the fare to Banha
B: Seven pounds
A: Here you are. Thank you
B: You are welcome, sir

place : Train /Bus / Ticket office
speaker B: traveller / passenger
speaker B: conductor / ticket clerk
FUNCTION : Asking about giving the fare / Thanking and reply

في الجنة أحلامي 01-12-2013 07:09 AM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ربنا يجزيك كل خير معلمنا الفاضل
كنت عايزة اتاكد من بعض الاسئلة انا حليتها بس عايزة تأكيد وآسفة هتعب حضرتك معايا

They are looking for aboy who ........since last week
(has been missed- was missed )
about ayear ago ,someone .........her dead by the river
( found-was found - was finding-has been found)
she ........learned to cook since the age of seven
(is-has-was-has been)
some of agatha's stories ........on her outside travels
( have based-based -are based )
the romans........petra nearly two thousand years ago
( captured - had captured - have captured - were captured )
we arrived half an hour late . the film .......... half an hour earlier
( began - was beginning- had begun )
the 2008 olympic games ........ watched by miilion of people all over the world
( have been - were )
find mistakes :
1- afamous tennis player is believed to hurt after acity centre road accident
2- we moved to this house two years ago today ,so we lived here for exactly two years
3- agatha was based some of her stories on her travels to foreign countries
4- she is told to have been seriously injured in the accident

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-12-2013 01:26 PM

رد أستاذة : في الجنة أحلامي
1. They are looking for a boy who has been missed since last week.
2. About a year ago, someone found her dead by the river.
3. She has learned to cook since the age of seven.
4. Some of Agatha's stories are based on her outside travels.
5. The Romans captured Petra nearly two thousand years ago.
6. We arrived half an hour late. The film had begun half an hour earlier.
7. The 2008 Olympic Games were watched by millions of people all over the world.
كل اجاباتك صحيحة
1- A famous tennis player is believed to be hurt after a city centre road accident.
2- We moved to this house two years ago today, so we
have lived here for exactly two years.
3- Agatha
based some of her stories on her travels to foreign countries.
4- She is
said to have been seriously injured in the accident

هتـــلر 01-12-2013 01:55 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر انا مش بعرف احل جزئية ال function

وعندى سؤالين
A:how was your flight ?
A:i reserved you double room at hilton hotel
عاوز المكان و الاسبيكرز و الوظيفه

و ازاى اعبر عن الدهشه فى المواقف ؟!
يعنى لما اسمع ان حد اتجوز اقول ايه عشان اعبر عن الدهشه ؟

و لو سمحت البرجراف لو كتبت 100 كلمه بس هينقصنى ؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-12-2013 03:47 PM

رد : استاذ هتلر
من الأفضل ان تكتب الوظائف اللغوية لكل ما يقوله المتحدثين ببساطة
A:How was your flight ?
A:I reserved you double room at Hilton hotel
place : Airport

speaker B: Agent / Representative / Host
speaker B: Passenger / businessman / tourist / Guest
FUNCTION :Inquiry and reply / Giving information

التعبير عن الدهشه فى المواقف
How amazing! / What a surprise! / Wow
البرجراف لو كتبت 100 أو حتي 95 كلمه مش هينقصك

هتـــلر 01-12-2013 04:06 PM

حضرتك رحت تصحيح قبل كده ؟

ده سؤال فايند
thanks for your help . we did approach it

هتـــلر 01-12-2013 04:11 PM


your friend thinks that space travel will be common in the near future you diagree giving reasons

your friend thinks that pollution will be eliminated in the near future you diagree giving reasons

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-12-2013 11:38 PM

رد : استاذ هتلر
Thanks for your help. We did appreciate it
Your friend thinks that space travel will be common in the near future. You disagree giving reasons
I don't think so, because it is costly and dangerous

Your friend thinks that pollution will be eliminated in the near future.
You disagree giving reasons
That is not likely as there is no true intention to eliminate it. Moreover,it is against the interests of big manufacturing countries

Yasmeena.R 02-12-2013 01:54 AM

سؤال مينى دايلوج

A ; Would you kindly show me where the Delta bank is ?

B : Go along this street. Turn left at the corner.it's the second building on your the right.

وتسمح استاذى الكريم تقولى ازاى اجيب الدرجة النهائية في الانجليزى

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 02-12-2013 10:19 AM

رد : أستاذة Yasmeena.R
A : Would you kindly show me where the Delta bank is
B : Go along this street. Turn left at the corner.it's the second building on your the right

Place : Street
Speaker B: Stranger / Passenger
Speaker B: Citizen/ Passerby
Function: Asking about and giving directions
ازاى تجيب الدرجة النهائية في الانجليزى:
1- الاستعانة بالله و الثقة في توفيقه و اتقان العمل

2- حفظ كلمات المنهج ( خاصة الكلمات التي لها تعريفات) و قراءة التعريفات جيدا
3- مذاكرة الملاحظات اللغوية علي المفردات و حل تدريبات كثيرة جدا عليها
4- مذاكرة القواعد جيدا و مراجعة قواعد الاعوام السابقة والاهتمام بالحالات الاستثنائية و حل كم كبير من التدريبات
5- الاهتمام بالأسئلة المهارية وحل تدريبات كثيرة جدا عليها خاصة قطع الفهم دون السؤال عن معاني الكلمات أو استعمال القاموس للتعود علي تخمين معاني الكلمات
6 - الاهتمام بالأسئلة التقديرية ( البراجراف و الترجمة ) و حل الكثير من التدريبات و مراجعتها مع مدرس و علاج الاخطاء
7- حل جميع تدريبات الكتاب المدرسي و موقع لونجمان و موقع الوزارة خاصة البراجراف
8- الاهتمام بالاخراج النهائي لورقة الاجابة من تنظيم و حسن خط ووضوح و استخدام علامات الترقيم

islam mnecy 02-12-2013 11:29 AM


The rain was so heavy that the water wheel ........... for three days

Launched // leaked

..............Tomorrow is national holiday.All the banks

will close // are being closed // are going close // are closing

The weather forecast says it ...............snow tomorrow
is going to // will

We........... own a Fiat car

currently // never

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 02-12-2013 12:12 PM

رد : أستاذ islam mnecy
The rain was so heavy that the water wheel spun for three days
Tomorrow is a national holiday. All the banks will close
The weather forecast says it
is going to snow tomorrow
currently own a Fiat car

هتـــلر 02-12-2013 01:27 PM

A:i wish you speed recovery
b:thanks for visitng me

function !!>??

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 02-12-2013 01:44 PM

رد : استاذ هتلر
A: I wish you speed recovery
B: Thanks for visiting me

Place : Hospital / Clinic / Home
Speaker B: Visitor/ Relative / Friend
Speaker B: Patient / Ill person
Function: Expressing a good wish - Thanking

هتـــلر 02-12-2013 04:09 PM

لو سمحت هو مسموحلى بحل اخر السنادى ؟ و استخدم كام حل اخر فى الامتحان كله ؟! و اكتب الحل الاخر فى اخر ورقه و لا ورا السؤال ؟

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