بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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_M_M_M_ 08-04-2017 02:45 PM

Confusing words
كلمتي (thieves.... Prisoners)
بياخدوا chase ولا hunt
وايه الفرق بين chase و hunt

mahrousahmed 10-04-2017 07:18 PM

A lot of money is not with me \ is not possessed by me..

mahrousahmed 10-04-2017 07:34 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة _M_M_M_ (المشاركة 6579576)
[B]what change came over the rassendylls after 1788?
The colour of one's hair isn't important for rassendyll ,later he relized how wrong he was ... discuss
"For you I'll do it "
What does"I'll do it" mean
What sort of man was Rassendyll?
"He always live in ruritania "
What was the speaker's prospect for the person he was talking about?

To get into politics , Rassendyll has written many books himself
Find the mistake[/B"]

اولا هذا التاريخ غير موجود بالكتاب المدرسي لكن لو تقصد 1733 تصبح الاجابة كالاتى:
After one of the Elphbergs had married countess Amalia Rassendylls some of her descendants inherited the red hair and the straight nose which featured the Elphbergs.
If Rassendyll had not had the red hair and the straight nose , he would not been able to impersonate the king and save his life.
This was said by Rudolf Rassendyll to his sister in law Rose by which he meant he would accept to work with Sir Jaccob even if it was a terrible embassy.
Before his adventure in Ruritania, Rassendyll was a carefree man but after his adventure he learnt about responsibility and duties.
The speaker prostected the Duke Michael should be King insted of his brother.
Rassendyll.......................Robert Rassendyll

mahrousahmed 10-04-2017 07:38 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة matrix3000 (المشاركة 6577055)
by the time he was 12, my brother had learnt three languages. he .........arabic, English and French

1) had spoken

2) speaks

3) have spoken

4) spoke

و لو سمحت يكون فيه شرح للاجابة

I think the best answer is ( speaks ) because the last sentence is not connected to the previous two past sentences.

mahrousahmed 10-04-2017 07:40 PM

I think the best answer is ( will probably sell )

mahrousahmed 10-04-2017 07:44 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة tetato (المشاركة 6581038)
انا عندي مشكله كبيره في unit 2 خصوصا في الجزء الخاص ب امتي اجمع الكميات زي الوقت والفلوس وامتي اعاملهم ع انهم مفرد ... ممكن حد يحل الجمل دي ويشرحلي اسباب الاختيارات

1-there (is-are) sixty minutes in an hour
2-sixty minutes (is-are) an hour
3- ten minutes (have passed-has passed) let's wait five more
4- two million dollars (are-is) spent on armament
5- five million dollars (are-is) not enough
6- two litres (fill-fills) my car
7- two litres of oil (is-are ) not enough to travel from cairo to alex
8 -millions of kilometers (seperate-seperates) between Egypt and usa

there (is-are) sixty minutes in an hour
2-sixty minutes (is-are) an hour
3- ten minutes (have passed-has passed) let's wait five more
4- two million dollars (are-is) spent on armament
5- five million dollars (are-is) not enough
6- two litres (fill-fills) my car
7- two litres of oil (is-are ) not enough to travel from cairo to alex
8 -millions of kilometers (seperate-seperates) between Egypt and usa

هاجر احمد 99 10-04-2017 07:44 PM

علمني اجاوب ازاي
معلش كنت عايزه اعرف حاجه
انا رحت امتحان التجريبي وكان سايب سطر واحد للمواقف مع انو يا خد اكتر من كده
هو في الامتحانات التانيه بتاع الوزاره غير كده سايب تلات اسطر وهو انا ينفع عادي اكتب في الفاضي اللي فوق وتحت السطر لو مكفاش
معلش بردو كنت عايزه اعرف هو ينفع اكتب اكتر من اجابه في المستيك والسبيكر والترجمة ولا هيحسبلي للاتنبن غلط. ولا هياخد اول اجابه ولا ايه النظام بالضبط
معلش كنت عايزه اعرف اعمل ايه وانا ماسكه الورقة والحاجات اللي اخد بالي منها في نظام البوكليت اللي اكيد المدرسين الاوائل وعيرهم عرفينها
ارجو الافادة لي ولزملائي

mahrousahmed 10-04-2017 07:48 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة _m_m_m_ (المشاركة 6573625)
مش عارف افرق في الquoatation بين سبت وفرتز مع اني بقرأ القصة
ياريت تقدمولي نصيحة

لو عرفت تفرق بين الشخصيتين هتعرف تحدد كلامهم
سابت دايما حكيم وكلامه مقنع وهو له اغلبية الحوار مع راسيندل
اما فريتس متهور فى كلامه ومندفع ومواقفة متتعداش اربع خمس مواقف فالقصة

mahrousahmed 10-04-2017 07:52 PM

التعليمات فى اول البوكلت واضحة جدا
ممنوع اكثر من اجابة فى الاختيارى
ولو اجبتى على الاسئلة المقالية اجابة اخرى لازم تشطبى الاجابة الاخرى والا لن تقدر الا الاجابة الاولى فقط يعنى مطلوب اجابة واحدة فقط وده تحسبا لاى طالب توصله اجابه اخرى الهدف من البوكلت منع الغش تماما باى طريقة واى وسيلة. ربنا معاااااااكم

هاجر احمد 99 10-04-2017 10:18 PM

شكرا يا استاذي

هاجر احمد 99 15-04-2017 02:38 PM

ممكن اجابة لسؤالي مع التعليل ^_^
معلش كنت عايزه اعرف اجابة السؤال ده وليه اتجوبت كده
All the students ...................on the new school rules.
will agree

_M_M_M_ 16-04-2017 11:33 PM

طلب لمدرسي اللغة بالمنتدى
ارجوكم محتاج مذكرة مجمعة القواعد كلها

_M_M_M_ 27-04-2017 01:10 PM

Confusing words
تاخد do ولا make
الفرق بين queue .... Row

Mr. Jan 29-04-2017 02:54 PM

Make excavation
Difference between queue and row is that queue is vertical while row is horizontal like seats in a theatre or texts in English or Arabic

Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb 29-04-2017 07:53 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mr. Jan (المشاركة 6588321)
make excavation
difference between queue and row is that queue is vertical while row is horizontal like seats in a theatre or texts in english or arabic

جزاك ربي خيرا استاذنا

mohamed eldeep2 02-05-2017 05:47 PM

سؤال Speaker
can I have myself weighted, please?
certainly.Get on , sir. That's two pounds

_M_M_M_ 10-05-2017 04:31 PM

الفرق بين
Move onto
Move into

Mr Amed 13-05-2017 12:32 PM

doctor's clinic

حيانا يكون فيه ميزان في الصيدلية

Mr. Jan 16-05-2017 05:25 PM

Move into is like go into or enter
While move onto means move on top of something

Mr. Jan 16-05-2017 05:47 PM

chase is to follow at speed or pursue while hunt is to chase down and usually kill

jeam1436 17-05-2017 02:35 AM

Mass Media
من فضلكم اريد مدرس لغة انجليزية يجيبنى او اى شخص ولكن يكون متأكد من الإجابة 100%
كلمة : Mass Media تعمل معاملة الجمع ولا المفرد ؟

Mr. Jan 17-05-2017 10:37 AM

The term "mass media" is the plural form of "mass medium", however if you're referring to the mass media as one of the subjects you're talking about, it's better to us it as a singular noun
For example, these sentences will make it clear
The mass media has contributed to the formation of awareness
There are a variety of mass media nowadays

I hope this was informative

Hanaa Mohamad 18-05-2017 07:43 AM

لو سمحتم
find the mistake

Little they think that one day their son would be a famous musician

ارجو الاجابة :rolleyes:

Hanaa Mohamad 18-05-2017 07:40 PM

ارجو من الاساتذة الكرام الحل

Mr Amed 19-05-2017 10:01 AM


Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb 19-05-2017 01:24 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Hanaa Mohamad (المشاركة 6594828)
find the mistake

Little they think that one day their son would be a famous musician

ارجو الاجابة :rolleyes:

Little do they think that one day their son would be a famous musician
اذا بدأت الجملة بعبارة دالة علي النفي أو تقترب من النفي نكمل باقي الجملة بعدها علي شكل سؤال و ذلك بتقديم الفعل المساعد علي الفاعل
تقبلي تحياتي

Mr Amed 19-05-2017 06:33 PM

[QUOTE=Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb;6595267]
Little do they think that one day their son would be a famous musician
اذا بدأت الجملة بعبارة دالة علي النفي أو تقترب من النفي نكمل باقي الجملة بعدها علي شكل سؤال و ذلك بتقديم الفعل المساعد علي الفاعل
تقبلي تحياتي
تمام استاذ بيومي اذا بدأت الجملة بظرف النفي مثل-little -scarcely -hardly تاخذ شكل سؤال
كده في خطأين
ومع think نستخدم will
اما مع thought نستخدم would

emad6610 20-05-2017 06:53 PM

ايه الفرق ???ضروري
ايه الفرق بين respectful - respected - respectable
module - modular
regard - consider

Mr. Jan 21-05-2017 12:28 PM

Respectful means "with respect" - You must speak with your teacher in a respectful tone
Respectable means "an accepted standard / has respect in the community" - I married a respectable woman
Respected means"deserving respect" - He was a well respected teacher

Module means a part or a component like a unit or an item
Modular means constructed with units like modular furniture
Model means something that represents or illustrate the real thing like a model plane

There is no difference in meaning between Regard and Consider as they mean believe, realise and understand
The only difference lies in their structure
Regard ... as
Consider that + clause
Consider + object + to

I hope this was informative

zez01 22-05-2017 03:03 PM

محتجاهم ضروري
لو سمحتوا كنت عايزه اجابات لامتحانات السنوات السابقه م 2002 ضرورى لو حد معاه ينزلى اللينك عشان محتجاهم ف اسرع وقت .. شكرا

the golden eagle 23-05-2017 12:17 PM

the golden eagle
Find the mistake
The Ancient Egyptians are said to have built the Pyramids when the sun set

Mr. Jan 23-05-2017 06:55 PM

were said instead of are said
Simply because the sentence has a past tense indicated in "have built"

omry3 24-05-2017 07:39 AM

ارجو سرعة الرد من السادة الافاضل
وردت هذه الجملة فى اختبار ثانوية 2011--دور ثان

.his old age .my uncle is very energetic.-......

Although --Despite In spite of .....Because of

الاجابة despite >>>>>>>>لماذا بالرغم من ان -Despite In spite of يتساويا فى الاستخدام ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

ارجو سرعة الرد

العلامات المرجعية
تعديل الكلمات الدلالية
الكلمات الدلالية (Tags) لا يوجد

Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb 24-05-2017 10:55 AM

واضح ان هناك خطأ في كتابة السؤال و هذا تصحيحه
7- .………………. his old age, my uncle is very energetic.
a) Although b) Despite c) Because of d) In spite

the golden eagle 24-05-2017 02:27 PM

I don't think so because what is said has nothing to do with the tense of the sentence
for example we can say
It is said he was a man who appeared to have the sight of an eagle and the courage of a lion
ث . ع 2012

the golden eagle 24-05-2017 02:28 PM

I don't think so because what is said has nothing to do with the tense of the sentence
for example we can say
It is said he was a man who appeared to have the sight of an eagle and the courage of a lion
ث . ع 2012

Mr. Jan 25-05-2017 11:18 AM

" to have built" indicates the past tense
We could have said: The Ancient Egyptians are said to build the pyramids when the sun sets
However we are talking about a past tense

mahrousahmed 26-05-2017 12:05 AM

I think the correct answer is 'at' instead of 'when'

Hanaa Mohamad 26-05-2017 12:11 AM

ارجو من الاساتذ الكرام الحل
find the mistake

i think huda will have gone home soon

i will have move to another flat by the end of october

i will have collected you from his house on my way home

i finally met a woman that ali has fallen in love with her

i will have been finished this mission by 11 o clock tommorrow

Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb 26-05-2017 12:33 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Hanaa Mohamad (المشاركة 6597296)
find the mistake

i think huda will have gone home soon

i will have move to another flat by the end of october

i will have collected you from his house on my way home

i finally met a woman that ali has fallen in love with her

i will have been finished this mission by 11 o clock tommorrow

بسم الله الرحمن الرحـــــــــــــيم
I think Huda will go home soon

I will have moved to another flat by the end of October

I will collect you from his house on my way home

I finally met a woman that Ali has fallen in love with

I will have finished this mission by 11 o clock tomorrow

تقبلي تحياتي

AM.gamal 26-05-2017 02:16 AM

فى سؤال كتاب المدرسة فى القصة عايزة أعرف إجابته من فضلكم.
استنتج سبب ما كان يلقاه الطفل من إهمال أحيانا من والديه.

Hanaa Mohamad 26-05-2017 11:26 AM

مستر ينفع توضحلى ليه شلنا her

I finally met a woman that Ali has fallen in love with

Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb 26-05-2017 06:27 PM

تم ربط الجملتين الآتيتين بضمير الوصل that

I finally met a woman
Ali has fallen in love with the woman

فتم حذف the woman و استخدام ضمير الوصل بدلا منه فلا نستطيع استبدال نفس الاسم بضمير آخر her كما نفعل في العربي

I finally met a woman that Ali has fallen in love with


the golden eagle 28-05-2017 02:52 PM

sun set here subject and a verb not noun so( at) isn't a suitable answer

Hanaa Mohamad 28-05-2017 06:39 PM

جزاك الله خيرا استاذى

كل سنة وحضرتك طيب

Hanaa Mohamad 28-05-2017 06:55 PM

الاجابة ؟؟

amy wears the same size like her sister

he missed the record for three day

come early to work or you will dismiss


the man loves comedies .... his wife hates them
(while- when - so- as)

the pupil got... bad marks that his parents were furious
(too-such a - such -so )

Mr. Mohamed Kamal Kamel 28-05-2017 08:43 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Hanaa Mohamad (المشاركة 6598213)

amy wears the same size like her sister

he missed the record for three day

come early to work or you will dismiss


the man loves comedies .... his wife hates them
(while- when - so- as)

the pupil got... bad marks that his parents were furious
(too-such a - such -so )

dismiss-------be dismissed

Hanaa Mohamad 29-05-2017 07:56 AM

جزاك الله خيرا يا استاذ
مش اول مثال ليه غيرنا like لas متنفعش like
اخر مثال انا مش عارفة ليه such باهمال such a عشان الصفة جمع عموما ما بعرفش افرق بين too. Very. So . Such . Such a فياريت حضرتك توضح امتا استخدم اى واحد فيهم

Hanaa Mohamad 29-05-2017 08:26 AM


Hanaa Mohamad 29-05-2017 08:43 AM

لو سمحت يا استاذ تشوف دول

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