بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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A7medovic 12-01-2014 04:58 PM

find the mistakes

can you tell me how much is that going to cost to be fixed ?

Geothermal energy is energy from hot rocks in the earth

send it to me as on e-mail attachment if possible[/QUOTE]

مرمركو 12-01-2014 05:22 PM

ممكن اجابات الكتاب المدرسى

هتـــلر 12-01-2014 06:32 PM

يعنى ايه عطار و محل عطارة بالانجليزى ؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-01-2014 10:30 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
Trasnlate into English
تتمتع مصر بطبيعة ساحرة و جو بديع و مناظر جميلة و تراث حضارى عريق
Egypt is featured by magical nature, beautiful weather, fantastic views and deep-rooted heritage:022yb4:
... is the science or study of numbers, quantities or shapes
He was soaked in mud when I saw him. His father ... him if he knew what happened
would punish - would have punished
Advanced Level

The mechanic is going to mend our car. ( we are
We are going to have our car mended by the mechanic

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-01-2014 10:51 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
I had a briefcase once.I don't know if I have still got it .
مقالش هنا have had لأنه يتحدث في المضارع البسيط وليس التام ، لأن have got مضارع بسيط
In my grandfather's village . they still follow the same traditional habits that he used to follow when he was a boy .
مقالش customs لأنها تعني عادات مجتمع ليست موروثة بالضرورة و هنا يقصد عادات موروثة
find the mistakes
can you tell me how much that
is going to cost to fix ?
Geothermal energy is energy from hot rocks in the earth
send it to me as an e-mail attachment if possible

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-01-2014 10:57 PM

رد : أستاذ A7medovic
find the mistakes
Can you tell me how much that is going to cost to be fixed
Geothermal energy is energy from hot rocks in the earth
Send it to me as an e-mail attachment if possible

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-01-2014 11:03 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
محـــــل عطارة Herb shop
Herb dealer

زياد المغربى 12-01-2014 11:20 PM

the publisher has scheduled june the first for the .............of her new novel
leave -release -come out -launch
find the mistakes
microorganisms are available to ***** eye
i wish know what i was going to do when i leave school
man is dire need of nutrients , because he isnt eating a diet that is going to keep him healthy and energetic .the problem is that our soil has been severly depleted of nutrients and other healthy ingredients .this ruins the soil and the nutrients and crops have
للعلماء دور هام فى تحقيق الازدهار والرفاهية لافراد المجتمع
يلعب العلم والبحث العلمى وتطبيقاته التكنولوجية دورا مهما فى تطوير ورفاهية المجتمع

زياد المغربى 13-01-2014 01:07 AM

ارجو الرد يا مستر بارك الله فيك

LinuxForEver 13-01-2014 11:32 AM

جزاك الله خيرا

A: How long haven't we seen each other
B: For about three months
? A: What would you like to drink, tea or coffee
B: Tea, please

Is " Function: Asking about preference / Offering someone something to drink " correct
Respond ...theatre
You warn your friend that he may fall off the ladder

IS " Look out! you are going to fall off the ladder " correct

Advanced Level

They hardly go to the theatre .... ? (question tag)
do not they ?

LinuxForEver 13-01-2014 01:17 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مرمركو (المشاركة 5677404)
ممكن اجابات الكتاب المدرسى

من هنا حتلاقى كتاب المدرسة الSB و الWB بإجاباتهم


General Edu --> Teachers --> Third year --> Teacher Guide

الموقع اللى فات حتلاقى فيه أسئلة على المنهج كله ، منظمة و مٌجابة و مستواها كويس جدا

زياد المغربى 13-01-2014 01:49 PM

ارجو الرد يا مستر بارك الله فيك

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 13-01-2014 04:13 PM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي

A: Watch out this element is too dangerous
B: What if I added it to sodium nitrate
A: It might cause face deformities
Place : Science lab A: Teacher B : Student
Function : Warning / Inquiry / Expressing probability
The publisher has scheduled June the first for the .............of her new novel
leave -release -come out -launch
find the mistakes
Microorganisms are visible to ***** eye
I wish I knew what I was going to do when I leave school
Man is dire need of nutrients , because he isn't eating a diet that is going to keep him healthy and energetic .the problem is that our soil has been severely of nutrients and other healthy ingredients .this ruins the soil and the nutrients the crops have
ان الأإنسان في حاجة ماسة للعناصر الغذائية لأنه لا يتناول وجبات تبقيه صحيا و نشيطا، و المشكلة أن تربتنا تم استنزاف ما بها من مغذيات ومكونات صحية أخري بشكل حاد، و هذا يدمر التربة والعناصر الغذائية بالمحاصيل

للعلماء دور هام فى تحقيق الازدهار والرفاهية لافراد المجتمع
Scientists play an important role in achieving prosperity and welfare to the members of society

يلعب العلم والبحث العلمى وتطبيقاته التكنولوجية دورا مهما فى تطوير ورفاهية المجتمع
Scientific research and its technological applications play an important role in the development and prosperity of the society

chalijaly 13-01-2014 04:24 PM

ربنا يبارك فيك يا مستر محمد
بالنسبة لسؤال ال function
دلوقتى ممكن السؤال يبقى ليه كذا اجابة زى اللى حضرتك كاتبها دى Warning / Inquiry / Expressing probability
طيب كلهم اجابة صحيحة نكتبهم جمب بعض كده ولا كل واحده فى اجابة لوحدها؟؟
طيب لو كتباهم جمب بعض وكلهم صح بس نموذج الاجابة كاتب واحده غيرهم هتتحسب عندنا غلط؟؟
وبالنسبة لسؤال الاخطاء..لو فيه اجابتين صح لجملة واحده اكتبهم جمب بعض ولو شاكك فى اتنين اكتب كل واحده فى اجابة لوحدها ؟؟؟
يارييت حضرتك تعملنا امتحان صعب جدا على اول 9 وحدات ...بليييييييز :(

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 13-01-2014 04:24 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
A: How long haven't we seen each other B: For about three months
? A: What would you like to drink, tea or coffee
B: Tea, please

Place : Home A: Friend / host B : Friend / guest

Function : Inquiry / Expressing missing / offering a drink / polite request

Asking about preference / Offering someone something to drink:022yb4:

You warn your friend that he may fall off the ladder
Look out! you are going to fall off the ladder :022yb4:
Advanced Level
They hardly go to the theatre, do they

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