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الأمير عبدالسلام 06-11-2014 09:45 PM


She was full of power after her vacation.


فى بعض الاسئلة بيبقى جمبها كلمة لونج مان ايه معناها ولو فيه موقع ليه يحتوى على أسئلة ياريت الرابط


سوبر ناتشرل 07-11-2014 02:35 AM

if he hadn't had enough money, he wouldn't have bought a car(without
without having enough
or without having had enough

AMR QENAWY 07-11-2014 08:22 AM

choose the correct answer
two ( years - years' ) experience

in Michael Swan third edition i have this expression ( twenty minutes' delay )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-11-2014 11:07 AM

رد : أستاذ / الأمير عبدالسلام

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الأمير عبدالسلام (المشاركة 6043770)

She was full of power after her vacation.


فى بعض الاسئلة بيبقى جمبها كلمة لونج مان ايه معناها ولو فيه موقع ليه يحتوى على أسئلة ياريت الرابط


She was full of power ( energy ) after her vacation
شركة لونج مان هي الشركة التي تقوم بتأليف و نشر منهج المرحلة الاعدادية و الثانوية في اللغة الانجليزية و الرابط

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-11-2014 11:21 AM

رد : أستاذ / سوبر ناتشرل

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سوبر ناتشرل (المشاركة 6043950)
if he hadn't had enough money, he wouldn't have bought a car(without
without having enough
or without having had enough

If he hadn't had enough money, he wouldn't have bought a car (without)0
without having enough
or without having had enough
Both are correct

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-11-2014 11:24 AM

رد : أستاذ / amr qenawy

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة AMR QENAWY (المشاركة 6044051)
choose the correct answer
two ( years - years' ) experience

in Michael Swan third edition i have this expression ( twenty minutes' delay )

Please, write the whole sentence because it makes a difference
Please, send me the link of Michael Swan third edition

AMR QENAWY 07-11-2014 01:20 PM

that's what i am looking for --- which difference can be made
i mean after a long search i guess that both of them are correct but i need your highly significant addition

AMR QENAWY 07-11-2014 01:22 PM

Swan M. - Practical English Usage Oxford 3rd Edition (Black White Version) (1)

AMR QENAWY 07-11-2014 01:32 PM

this is the site

Practical English Usage
Michael Swan. PRACTICAL. ENGLISH. USAGE. Third Edition. OXFORD. UNIVERSITY PRESS ... C Micbael Swan 2005. The moral rights of the ... to respond to an enquiry asking how they felt Practical English Usage could be improved: their ...

khot 07-11-2014 02:22 PM

اريد عمل question tag لهذة الجملة
he is too tired to work

ahmednaser754 07-11-2014 04:45 PM

السلام عليكم أستاذنا العزيز محمد ديوشي
السلام عليكم

5- There is ..............on the floor cut by a hair dresser
a hair hairs hair
24- Visiting Alex library is .........you shouldn't miss
an experience a piece of experience much experience some experience
25-I watched ..............interesting news on Al Jazeera Channel
an one many some
27- Give me ............ of those cakes
one a piece
Very ...........people have understood what he said

many few

31- There is ................ furniture in the room
much lots of

47- Do you have ...............time to read comics?
any some
48- The meeting was held because...................... members came
very enough a few

5- Are there some biscuits left?
15-Could you give me an advice about buying a computer?
16- He didn't stay so long time, only many days


Translat into Arabic

I don't have much money on me

سوبر ناتشرل 07-11-2014 05:04 PM

i'm not famous.people won't see my picture in the newspaper (if)
to be fit you can do exercise (if)
i hope i am success in my exams
the too short young man cannot join the police (if

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-11-2014 10:54 PM

رد : أستاذ / ahmednaser754
5- There is ..............on the floor cut by a hair dresser
a hair - hairs - hair

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-11-2014 10:55 PM

رد : أستاذ / ahmednaser754
24- Visiting Alex library is .........you shouldn't miss
an experience - a piece of experience - much experience - some experience

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 07-11-2014 10:55 PM

رد : أستاذ / ahmednaser754
25-I watched ..............interesting news on Al Jazeera Channel
an - one - many - some

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