بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 08:36 PM

رد : استاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5774599)
1_fossil fuels ............... from animals and plants that lived millions of years ago
(come_comes_are coming_were coming)
2_(...........) types of machines can generate energy
(much_any_many_no one)
النقط موجوده فى الاول قبل types
3_hydroelectric power harnesses the power of flowering water with .................. use of dams
4_is not lovely! hannah ........... it for me
(designed_is designing _designs_designing)

1_fossil fuels ............... from animals and plants that lived millions of years ago
(come_comes_are coming_were coming)
Many types of machines can generate energy
Many _no one)
النقط موجوده فى الاول قبل types
3_hydroelectric power harnesses the power of flowering water with .................. use of dams
4_Isn't it lovely! Hannah ........... it for me???????!!!!!!!!!0
(designed_is designing _designs_designing

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 08:38 PM

رد : استاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5774604)
1_some day people .............. all of the ocean bottom in submarines
(are exploring_will explore _explores_going to explore)
1_their constant debating of politics bore me

1_some day people .............. all of the ocean bottom in submarines
(are exploring_will explore _explores_going to explore)
1_their constant debating of politics bores me

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 08:48 PM

رد : استاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5774611)
1_the children ............. tails to their donkey pictures than hung them up
(are attaching_have attached_attached_had attached)
2_the postman , by yehia haqqi ,......... first priza in 1968
(awarded_was awarded_was awarding_is being awarded)
3_in the film , the killer left a ............ trail of death
4_if we plant trees , then we ............ cleaner air
(will be having_have_will have_will has)

1_the children ............. tails to their donkey pictures then hung them up
(are attaching_have attached_attached_had attached)
2_the postman , by yehia haqqi ,......... first prize in 1968
(awarded_was awarded_was awarding_is being awarded)
3_in the film , the killer left a ............ trail of death
4_if we plant trees , then we ............ cleaner air
(will be having_have_will have_will has

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 08:51 PM

رد : استاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5774628)
1_one thousand and one nights has retold many times and on many continents
2_musa was wrongly called a crime when he punched the man for hiting a dog
3_half of the pets had gone missing before i was assign the duty to take care of them

1_One thousand and one nights has been retold many times and on many continents
2_Musa was wrongly called a criminal when he punched the man for hitting a dog
3_Half of the pets had gone missing before I was assigned the duty to take care of them

fatma habiba 08-03-2014 08:53 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5774599)
1_fossil fuels ............... from animals and plants that lived millions of years ago
(come_comes_are coming_were coming)

2_(...........) types of machines can generate energy
(much_any_many_no one)
النقط موجوده فى الاول قبل types

3_hydroelectric power harnesses the power of flowering water with .................. use of dams

4_is not lovely! hannah ........... it for me
(designed_is designing _designs_designing)

2- many
3- the
4 - designed

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 08:55 PM

رد : استاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5774644)
1_when he .......... home , hamid was not hungry
(had got_got_ gets_was getting)
2_he ............ there for2 years before he traveled to soain
(was working_works_has worked_had been working)
3_the.............. of the internet has taken place over the last twenty years
4_ I FORGOT ............ my friend ali
i should have done it last week
(to call_calling_called_call)

1_when he .......... home , Hamid was not hungry
(had got_got_ gets_was getting)
2_he ............ there for2 years before he traveled to Spain
(was working_works_has worked_had been working)
3_the.............. of the internet has taken place over the last twenty years
4_ I forgot ............ my friend Ali
I should have done it last week
(to call_calling_called_call

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 08:57 PM

رد : استاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5774664)
1_when his grandfather was a boy , he worked as a server for a rich man
2_the pupils help their teacher to give in the copybooks

1_van Helmot dried the soil he used ....... his experiment
(to _up _for_from)
2_people who are interested in protecting our environment study ......... science
(environment_environmental_environmentalist_enviro nmentally)
3_which subject would you like to study .............. university?
4_although the doctor examined the patient well,he could not know what was wrong ........... him

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 09:00 PM

رد : استاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5774664)
1_when his grandfather was a boy , he worked as a server for a rich man
2_the pupils help their teacher to give in the copybooks

1_when his grandfather was a boy , he worked as a servant for a rich man
2_the pupils help their teacher to give out the copybooks

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 09:02 PM

رد : استاذة summer77

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة summer77 (المشاركة 5774703)
thank you very much

For what .......?!!!!!!0

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 09:05 PM

رد : استاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5774677)
1_when ayman saw the spider*s long fangs , he ....... back
(had stepped_stepped_has stepped_was stepping)
2_when i saw the size of the dog , i ............... very a fraid
(have felt_had felt_felt_feel)
3_when i switched on the car , the engine ............. loud sounds
(has made_had made_made_makes)
1_i envy you, i wish i am going away , too

1_when Ayman saw the spider's long fangs , he ....... back
(had stepped_stepped_has stepped_was stepping)
2_when I saw the size of the dog , I ............... very afraid
(have felt_had felt_felt_feel)
3_when I switched on the car , the engine ............. loud sounds
(has made_had made_made_makes)
1_I envy you, I wish I were going away,too

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 09:16 PM

رد : استاذ LinuxForEver

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة LinuxForEver (المشاركة 5775051)

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود
The famous actor has had his portrait painted two times so far
* من فضلك ترجمة الجملة ، و عايز أعرف القاعدة التى مبنية عليها تركيب الجملة

رَُسٍمت للممثل الشهير لوحته مرتين حتى الآن
هذه الصيغة تسمي causative و تعني ان شخصا غير الفاعل قام بالفعل من اجل الفاعل ، وتتكون من:
subj. + have / get + obj. + p.p. ............. 0
I had / got my hair cut yesterday.0
She has / gets her room decorated every two years.0
They will have / will get their car checked by the mechanic.0

Jung Ji-Hoon 08-03-2014 09:32 PM

1- Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman........in Arabic literature at cairo University.
( lectured - specialist - appreciated - assistant )

2- When I first went there, I passed by towns and villages that I...........heard about.
( have never - am never - had never - was never )

Jung Ji-Hoon 08-03-2014 09:36 PM

Find the mistake:

1- A friend asks you what do you think of education. What would you say?

2- I don't regret to leaving work with him. He is so greedy.

3- Why had he leave when you came? He even didn't shake your hand!

Jung Ji-Hoon 08-03-2014 09:43 PM


1- A friend offers to help you with a financial problem.

2- Your brother is making noise while you are studying. You express annoyance.

3- A classmate gets into trouble with his or her teachers. You express disapproval.

4- Your grandfather asks you what a friend means to you.

Jung Ji-Hoon 08-03-2014 09:49 PM


1- A: So they threatened to cut your head off?
B: Yes, Sir. One of them tried to attack me with a knife, but people stopped him.
A: We'll soon send for them all and investigate the matter. You can go now.

2- A: But thirty pounds is too much for an umbrella per day!
B: An umbrella with a table and five chairs!
A: I'll pay you twenty five, but set it up a little nearer to the water.

Jung Ji-Hoon 08-03-2014 09:59 PM

1- What did the pretend King do on his way to the princess's home? How did this make him more popular?

2- How good was the relation between Rudolf and Michael before and after the coronation?

3- How did the fight at the hunting lodge come with the desired result?

4- What did Rassendyll do while visiting the princess that could have revealed his identity to her?

Find the mistake:

1- It was Fritz's idea for Rassendyll to visit the Princess.

2- Rassendyll's hand was hurt because he was bitten by an animal.

Jung Ji-Hoon 08-03-2014 10:06 PM


It is a must that people cut the consumption of water. Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050 and there could be serious shortages. You can make a difference by convincing others to economise on water.

1- يجب أن تبذل الدولة قصارى جهدها لضبط الأسواق والحد من ارتفاع أسعار السلع الغذائية.

2- يأمل كل المصريين أن تشهد السنوات القليلة القادمة تقدما ملحوظا فى كافة المجالات وخاصة التعليم.

fatma habiba 08-03-2014 10:17 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5775800)
1- Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman........in Arabic literature at cairo University.
( lectured - specialist - appreciated - assistant )

2- When I first went there, I passed by towns and villages that I...........heard about.
( have never - am never - had never - was never )

2 - had never

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 10:25 PM

رد : استاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5775806)
Find the mistake:
1- A friend asks you what do you think of education. What would you say?
2- I don't regret to leaving work with him. He is so greedy.
3- Why had he leave when you came? He even didn't shake your hand!

1- Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman........in Arabic literature at Cairo University.
( lectured - specialist - appreciated - assistant )
2- When I first went there, I passed by towns and villages that I...........heard about.
( have never - am never - had never - was never )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 10:28 PM

رد : استاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5775806)
Find the mistake:
1- A friend asks you what do you think of education. What would you say?
2- I don't regret to leaving work with him. He is so greedy.
3- Why had he leave when you came? He even didn't shake your hand!

Find the mistake:0
1- A friend asks you what you think of education. What would you say?
2- I don't regret leaving work with him. He is so greedy.
3- Why had he left when you came? He even didn't shake your hand!

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 10:41 PM

رد : استاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5775814)

1- A friend offers to help you with a financial problem.
2- Your brother is making noise while you are studying. You express annoyance.
3- A classmate gets into trouble with his or her teachers. You express disapproval.
4- Your grandfather asks you what a friend means to you.

1- A friend offers to help you with a financial problem.0
I really appreciate your help.
2- Your brother is making noise while you are studying. You express annoyance.
0That's annoying.0
3- A classmate gets into trouble with his or her teachers. You express disapproval.
0That's bad behaviour.0
4- Your grandfather asks you what a friend means to you.
0A friend means help, sincerity and trust.0

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 10:48 PM

رد : استاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5775823)

1- A: So they threatened to cut your head off?
B: Yes, Sir. One of them tried to attack me with a knife, but people stopped him.
A: We'll soon send for them all and investigate the matter. You can go now.

2- A: But thirty pounds is too much for an umbrella per day!
B: An umbrella with a table and five chairs!
A: I'll pay you twenty five, but set it up a little nearer to the water.

1- A: So they threatened to cut your head off?
B: Yes, Sir. One of them tried to attack me with a knife, but people stopped him.
A: We'll soon send for them all and investigate the matter. You can go now.
Place: Police station A: Officer / investigator B: Reporeter
Function : Asking and answering investigation questions

2- A: But thirty pounds is too much for an umbrella per day!
B: An umbrella with a table and five chairs!
A: I'll pay you twenty five, but set it up a little nearer to the water
Place: Beach A: Holiday maker B: Umbrella Renter
Function : Negotiating about cost

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 10:58 PM

رد : استاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5775834)
1- What did the pretend King do on his way to the princess's home? How did this make him more popular?
2- How good was the relation between Rudolf and Michael before and after the coronation?
3- How did the fight at the hunting lodge come with the desired result?
4- What did Rassendyll do while visiting the princess that could have revealed his identity to her?
Find the mistake:
1- It was Fritz's idea for Rassendyll to visit the Princess.
2- Rassendyll's hand was hurt because he was bitten by an animal.

1- What did the pretend King do on his way to the princess's home? How did this make him more popular?
He stopped to buy flower's from a poor girl with a gold coin. This attracted attention and soon hundreds of poor people were following him to the princess house
2- How good was the relation between Rudolf and Michael before and after the coronation?
Before the coronation it was bad because they both wanted to be the king. After the coronation it became worse because Michael poisoned and kidnapped the king
3- How did the fight at the hunting lodge come with the desired result?
Rassendyll killed two of Michel's men and took revenge for Josef's death
4- What did Rassendyll do while visiting the princess that could have revealed his identity to her?
He didn't give Michael permission to enter
Find the mistake:
1- It was
Rassendyll 's idea to visit the Princess.
2- Rassendyll's hand was hurt because he was shot by one of Michael's men.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 11:06 PM

رد : استاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5775845)
It is a must that people cut the consumption of water. Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050 and there could be serious shortages. You can make a difference by convincing others to economise on water.
1- يجب أن تبذل الدولة قصارى جهدها لضبط الأسواق والحد من ارتفاع أسعار السلع الغذائية.
2- يأمل كل المصريين أن تشهد السنوات القليلة القادمة تقدما ملحوظا فى كافة المجالات وخاصة التعليم.

It is a must that people cut the consumption of water. Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050 and there could be serious shortages. You can make a difference by convincing others to economise on water.0
لا بد أن يخفض الناس استهلاك المياه . ان الطلب على المياه سيزداد عشر مرات بين الآن و 2050 ويمكن أن يكون هناك نقص خطير ، ويمكنك أن تحدث فرقا من خلال إقناع الآخرين لتقتصد في الماء.

1- يجب أن تبذل الدولة قصارى جهدها لضبط الأسواق والحد من ارتفاع أسعار السلع الغذائية.
The state must do its best to control the market and reduce the high prices of food commodities.0
2- يأمل كل المصريين أن تشهد السنوات القليلة القادمة تقدما ملحوظا فى كافة المجالات وخاصة التعليم.
All Egyptians hope that the next few years will witness significant progress in all fields, especially education.0

fatma habiba 08-03-2014 11:09 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5775845)

It is a must that people cut the consumption of water. Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050 and there could be serious shortages. You can make a difference by convincing others to economise on water.

من الضرورى ان يرشد الناس استهلاكهم من المياه فالطلب على المياه سوف يتزايد عشرات المرات من الان و حتى عام 2050 و من المحتمل ان يكون هناك نفص حاد و يمكنك أن تحدث فرقا بإقناع الآخرين بالاقتصاد ف استهلاك المياه

1- يجب أن تبذل الدولة قصارى جهدها لضبط الأسواق والحد من ارتفاع أسعار السلع الغذائية.

2- يأمل كل المصريين أن تشهد السنوات القليلة القادمة تقدما ملحوظا فى كافة المجالات وخاصة التعليم.

1- The state should do its best to control markets and cut down increasing prices of food goods.
2- All Egyptians hope that the coming few years will witness a noticeable change in all fields ,specially education.

chalijaly 08-03-2014 11:18 PM

There is no doubt that population is one of the most serious problems in the world. Egypt suffers from this problem. The reason of population is the high rates of birth and the low rates of death. Because of the scientific progress there is a great care for new babies and old people. So they live healthy for a long time .Population causes the problem of housing. It also causes the problems of traffic jam and pollution. There are many ways that we should take to solve this problem .First , the government should reclaim the desert and change it to a green land. Second we have to build new towns and leave the crowded cities. Third, people should decrease the high rates of birth. Mass Medias play a vital role in increasing people awareness and encouraging them to suffice one baby. At last, the ministry of health should pay attention to birth control. In brief, we have to put Egypt interest over our interest and try to solve its problems.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 08-03-2014 11:58 PM

رد : استاذ chalijaly
There is no doubt that overpopulation is one of the most serious problems in the world. Egypt suffers from this problem. The reason of overpopulation is the high rates of birth and the low rates of death. Because of the scientific progress, there is a great care for new babies and old people. So, they live healthily for a long time .Overpopulation causes the problem of housing. It also causes the problems of traffic jam and pollution. There are many ways that we should take to solve this problem . First , the government should reclaim the desert and change it to a green land. Second, we have to build new towns and leave the crowded cities. Third, people should decrease the high rates of birth. Mass Medias play a vital role in increasing people awareness and encouraging them to suffice one baby. At last, the ministry of health should pay attention to birth control. In brief, we have to put Egypt's interest over our interest and try to solve its problems.

the hope 09-03-2014 12:56 AM

- Find The Mistake:
1- Some countries depend mainly on rainy water in agriculture .
2- The tree is about 10 metres high
3. The programme presenter suggested moving in to the following point.
4. This mobile needs to be restored . Its battery is flat.
5. Trees help the earth to move as they give out oxygen .
6- I caught the train because I couldn't get to the station on time .
7. Dr Jekyll's experiments showed he was wrong with the human nature.
8. We're happy about your interesting in our book club .

chalijaly 09-03-2014 01:02 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مستر محمد ديوشي عطا (المشاركة 5776006)
There is no doubt that overpopulation is one of the most serious problems in the world. Egypt suffers from this problem. The reason of overpopulation is the high rates of birth and the low rates of death. Because of the scientific progress, there is a great care for new babies and old people. So, they live healthily for a long time .Overpopulation causes the problem of housing. It also causes the problems of traffic jam and pollution. There are many ways that we should take to solve this problem . First , the government should reclaim the desert and change it to a green land. Second, we have to build new towns and leave the crowded cities. Third, people should decrease the high rates of birth. Mass Medias play a vital role in increasing people awareness and encouraging them to suffice one baby. At last, the ministry of health should pay attention to birth control. In brief, we have to put Egypt's interest over our interest and try to solve its problems.

يعنى بردو مش هجيب 6 ؟؟ :bosyht9:

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-03-2014 01:30 AM

رد : استاذ the hope

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5776047)
- Find The Mistake:
1- Some countries depend mainly on rainy water in agriculture .
2- The tree is about 10 metres high
3. The programme presenter suggested moving in to the following point.
4. This mobile needs to be restored . Its battery is flat.
5. Trees help the earth to move as they give out oxygen .
6- I caught the train because I couldn't get to the station on time .
7. Dr Jekyll's experiments showed he was wrong with the human nature.
8. We're happy about your interesting in our book club .

- Find The Mistake:
1- Some countries depend mainly on rain water in agriculture .
2- The tree is about 10 metres tall
3. The programme presenter suggested moving on to the following point.
4. This mobile needs to be recharged . Its battery is flat.
5. Trees help the earth to breathe as they give out oxygen .
6- I missed the train because I couldn't get to the station on time .
7. Dr Jekyll's experiments showed he was right with the human nature.
8. We're happy about your interest in our book club .

هتـــلر 09-03-2014 06:45 PM

A:I need a battery for samsung ?
B:This one is made in japan

A:here's the laptop sir ! congratualtions
B:thank you

A:I'm tired of just sitting here
B:RELAX ! teh flight will separt within 40 minutes

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-03-2014 07:09 PM

رد : استاذ هتلر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هتـــلر (المشاركة 5776646)
A:I need a battery for samsung ?
B:This one is made in japan

A:here's the laptop sir ! congratualtions
B:thank you
A:I'm tired of just sitting here
B:RELAX ! teh flight will separt within 40 minutes

A:I need a battery for Samsung ?0
B:This one is made in Japan
Place : Mobile shop A: Customer B: Seller
Function : Request / Giving information

A: Here's the laptop sir ! Congratulations
B: Thank you
Place : Electronic's shop / computer shop A: Seller B: Customer
Function :
Congratulating / Thanking
A: I'm tired of just sitting here
B: RELAX ! the flight will depart within 40 minutes
Place : Plane A: Traveller B: Flight attendant
Function : Complaining / Comforting

chalijaly 09-03-2014 08:12 PM

يا استاذ فى اسئلة الاسبيكر نكتب حروف جر ولا المكان على طول ؟؟
يعنى نكتب plane ولا at a plane
ولا مش فارقة ؟؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 09-03-2014 10:12 PM

رد : استاذ chalijaly

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة chalijaly (المشاركة 5776707)
يا استاذ فى اسئلة الاسبيكر نكتب حروف جر ولا المكان على طول ؟؟
يعنى نكتب plane ولا at a plane
ولا مش فارقة ؟؟

مش فارقة ..... الأفضل أكتب المكان على طول تجنبا للخطأ في اختيار حرف الجر

RAiN 10-03-2014 10:36 AM

لو سمحت يامستر
ممكن تساعدنى؟
فى المحادثه انا مش بعرف اجيب خالص
الfunction معلش ان كان سؤال غبى
طيب فى سربريز المراجعه
مكتوب مثلا function/ asking for and giving advice
وتحتها الكلام اللى بيجى وكده

انا باه اشوف ان كان فى المحادثه الكلام اللى تحت فى المربع واكتب ال بتاعه


اعتذر على الازعاج

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-03-2014 12:04 PM

رد : استاذ sυи რ

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sυи რ (المشاركة 5777281)
لو سمحت يامستر
ممكن تساعدنى؟
فى المحادثه انا مش بعرف اجيب خالص
الfunction معلش ان كان سؤال غبى
طيب فى سربريز المراجعه
مكتوب مثلا function/ asking for and giving advice
وتحتها الكلام اللى بيجى وكده
انا باه اشوف ان كان فى المحادثه الكلام اللى تحت فى المربع واكتب ال بتاعه
اعتذر على الازعاج

أحسن حل انك تكتب function لكل رد ببساطة ولو قلبت في صفحات هذا الموضوع هتلاقي امثلة كتير تساعدك

هتـــلر 10-03-2014 05:56 PM

Ahmed zewail is a famous Egyptian scientist . He was born in Alexanderia and joined the faculty of science , chemistry department .He has invented the femto second . His invention was so great and helped the scientists a lot . Ahmed zewail was awarded the Nobel prize in 1999 . He has built a new university in Egypt which will care about the scientific research in Egypt . Zewail university will encourage the students to invent many great scientific inventions which will develop our country . There are many great Egyptian scientists like Ahmed Zewail who and worked hard for the sake of science and Egypt as well such as,Doctor sameera mousa and Doctor mostafa mousharafa . In breif , we should teach our chidren the importance of science in developing our beloved Egypt and their lives as well .

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 10-03-2014 11:40 PM

رد : استاذ هتلر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هتـــلر (المشاركة 5777794)
Ahmed zewail is a famous Egyptian scientist . He was born in Alexanderia and joined the faculty of science , chemistry department .He has invented the femto second . His invention was so great and helped the scientists a lot . Ahmed zewail was awarded the Nobel prize in 1999 . He has built a new university in Egypt which will care about the scientific research in Egypt . Zewail university will encourage the students to invent many great scientific inventions which will develop our country . There are many great Egyptian scientists like Ahmed Zewail who and worked hard for the sake of science and Egypt as well such as,Doctor sameera mousa and Doctor mostafa mousharafa . In breif , we should teach our chidren the importance of science in developing our beloved Egypt and their lives as well .

Ahmed zewail is a famous Egyptian scientist. He was born in Alexanderia and joined the faculty of science, chemistry department .He discovered the femto second. His discovery was so great and helped the scientists a lot . Ahmed Zewail was awarded the Nobel prize in 1999 . He built a new university in Egypt which will care about the scientific research in Egypt . Zewail university will encourage the students to invent many great scientific inventions which will develop our country . There are many great Egyptian scientists like Ahmed Zewail who worked hard for the sake of science and Egypt as well such as Doctor Sameera Mousa and Doctor Mostafa Mousharafa. In brief, we should teach our children the importance of science in developing our beloved Egypt and their lives as well.0

سلمة بن الأكوع 11-03-2014 09:56 AM

1.The children had a/an …………….. about who had won the race.
( argument – arrangement – armament – management
2.You shouldn't leave a child ………………. in the house.
( only - alone – lonely – loneliness
  • Last winter, they ……………… skiing every weekend.
a- were going b- went c- have gone d- have been
Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- She refused to answer questions about her personal fences.
9) A- Translate into Arabic:
Only the individual himself can develop his given potentials. But, like any other living being, he needs an atmosphere of warmth to give him a feeling of inner security to express himself.

سلمة بن الأكوع 11-03-2014 09:58 AM

جزاك الله خيرا

4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

1- He faces life investment for his role in the murder.
1- Ehab had been finishing reading his book so he was looking for a new one.

1- He was a successful writer when people realized that his books had written by other people.
.They are launching a massive aid program to help the famine fictions

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 11-03-2014 12:54 PM

رد : استاذ الحويني 1996

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الحويني 1996 (المشاركة 5778467)
1.The children had a/an …………….. about who had won the race.
( argument – arrangement – armament – management
2.You shouldn't leave a child ………………. in the house.
( only - alone – lonely – loneliness
  • Last winter, they ……………… skiing every weekend.
a- were going b- went c- have gone d- have been
Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- She refused to answer questions about her personal fences.
9) A- Translate into Arabic:
Only the individual himself can develop his given potentials. But, like any other living being, he needs an atmosphere of warmth to give him a feeling of inner security to express himself.

1.The children had a/an …………….. about who had won the race.0
0 ( argument – arrangement – armament – management
2.You shouldn't leave a child ………………. in the house.0
0 ( only - alone – lonely – loneliness
  • Last winter, they ……………… skiing every weekend.0
a- were going b- went c- have gone d- have been
Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:0
1- She refused to answer questions about her personal feelings / life.0
9) A- Translate into Arabic:0
Only the individual himself can develop his given potentials. But, like any other living being, he needs an atmosphere of warmth to give him a feeling of inner security to express himself.0
ان الفرد بتفسه فقط هو من يستطيع تطوير الأمكانات المتواجدة لديه ، لكنه مثل أي كائن حي آخر يحتاج الي جو من الدفء ليعطيه شعورا بالأمن الداخلي لكي يعبر عن نفسه

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 11-03-2014 01:01 PM

رد : استاذ الحويني 1996

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الحويني 1996 (المشاركة 5778469)
جزاك الله خيرا

4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- He faces life investment for his role in the murder.
1- Ehab had been finishing reading his book so he was looking for a new one.
1- He was a successful writer when people realized that his books had written by other people.
.They are launching a massive aid program to help the famine fictions

4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:0
1- He faces life imprisonment
for his role in the murder.0
1- Ehab had finished reading his book so he was looking for a new one.0
1- He was a successful writer when people realized that his books had been written by other people.0
.They are launching a massive aid program to help the famine victims

هتـــلر 11-03-2014 06:31 PM

A:did you enjoy your visit in egypt ?
B:yes and i hope to share in anotehr excavation programme

A:what job are ou interested in ?
B: the job of receptionist
A:you know the proficiency in english is a must

A:how much is the vacuum cleaner ?
B:it's 800 pounds

A:can you tell me teh code of paris ?
B:ok i'll look it up

A:can you wrap this present for me ?

A:can i help you ?
B:yes i want to buy a 20-pund money order

A:I need an advisor's signature on m course request form could i make a n appointment ?
B:you don't need to make an appointment . just wait here i'll get a pen

A:my briefcase is just like yours ,isn't it ?
B:yes but mine is samller

A:can you reapir my cassette ?
B: ok leave it and come tomorrow

A:what are you going to do ?
B:i'm moving out this apartment
A:think it over


هتـــلر 11-03-2014 07:03 PM

English is an international language and it's a must to learn it to deal with the world around you .Learning English will help you reading more books that aren't translated into Arabic yet and this will increase your knowledge . Mastering English will make you more suitable for any job . Many countries speak English as a mother tounge and many other countries speak English as a second language so when you learn English you will have the opportunity to travel to many countries with just knowing English . When you go to uinversity ,you will study your materials in English not in Arabic . All developed countries teach their students Engilsh from kinder garten so that they can speak English fluently when they grow up . We should take regular courses in English and keep practicing it with our friends . In brief , learning any language is considered a key to big deal of knowledge and culture.

khot 11-03-2014 10:44 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر الاجابة مع التوضيح
a-the} knife is made of metal and wood}

khot 11-03-2014 10:47 PM

هل من الصح ان نقول the supermarket carpark or the supermarket's carpark

زياد المغربى 11-03-2014 11:52 PM

when the ...... requires you to follow a rule ; you can recieve a penalty if you disregard it .

a- style

b- law

c- pioneer

d- custom

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-03-2014 12:38 AM

رد : استاذ هتـــلر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هتـــلر (المشاركة 5778870)
A:did you enjoy your visit in egypt ?
B:yes and i hope to share in anotehr excavation programme
A:what job are ou interested in ?
B: the job of receptionist
A:you know the proficiency in english is a must
A:how much is the vacuum cleaner ?
B:it's 800 pounds
A:can you tell me teh code of paris ?
B:ok i'll look it up
A:can you wrap this present for me ?
A:can i help you ?
B:yes i want to buy a 20-pund money order
A:I need an advisor's signature on m course request form could i make a n appointment ?
B:you don't need to make an appointment . just wait here i'll get a pen
A:my briefcase is just like yours ,isn't it ?
B:yes but mine is samller
A:can you reapir my cassette ?
B: ok leave it and come tomorrow
A:what are you going to do ?
B:i'm moving out this apartment
A:think it over

A : Did you enjoy your visit in egypt ?
B: Yes, and I hope to share in another excavation programme
Place : Airport A: Friend B: Arcaeologist
Function: Inquiry / expressing a wish

A:what job are you interested in ?
B: the job of receptionist
A:you know the proficiency in English is a must
Place : Hotel A: Interviewer B:
Function: Asking for and giving information

A:how much is the vacuum cleaner ?
B:it's 800 pounds
Place : Electronics Shop A: Customer B: Seller
Function: Inquiry / Giving information

A:can you tell me the code of Paris ?

B: Ok I'll look it up
Place : Telecommunication Centre A: Client B: Clerk
Request / agreeing
A:can you wrap this present for me ?

Place : Present shop A: Customer B: Seller
Request / agreeing
A:can I help you ?

B: yes I want to buy a 20-pound money order
Place : Bank A: Clerk B: Client
Function: offering help /
RequestA:I need an advisory's signature on my course request form could i make an appointment ?
B:you don't need to make an appointment . just wait here I'll get a pen
Place : University A: Applicant B: Professor
Request / agreeing
A:my briefcase is just like yours ,isn't it ?

B:yes but mine is samller
Place : Class A: Student B: Friend
Function: Inquiry
A:can you reapir my cassette ?
B: OK leave it and come tomorrow
Place : Technician's A: Client B: Technician
Function: Request / agreeing

A:what are you going to do ?
B: I'm moving out this apartment
A:Think it over
Place : Home A: neighbour B: tenant
Function: Inquiry / persuading / refusal

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-03-2014 12:42 AM

رد : استاذ هتلر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هتـــلر (المشاركة 5778898)
English is an international language and it's a must to learn it to deal with the world around you .Learning English will help you reading more books that aren't translated into Arabic yet and this will increase your knowledge . Mastering English will make you more suitable for any job . Many countries speak English as a mother tounge and many other countries speak English as a second language so when you learn English you will have the opportunity to travel to many countries with just knowing English . When you go to uinversity ,you will study your materials in English not in Arabic . All developed countries teach their students Engilsh from kinder garten so that they can speak English fluently when they grow up . We should take regular courses in English and keep practicing it with our friends . In brief , learning any language is considered a key to big deal of knowledge and culture.

English is an international language and it's a must to learn it to deal with the world around you .Learning English will help you read more books that aren't translated into Arabic and this will increase your knowledge . Mastering English will make you more suitable for any job . Many countries speak English as a mother tongue and many other countries speak English as a second language so when you learn English you will have the opportunity to travel to many countries with just knowing English . When you go to university ,you will study your materials in English not in Arabic . All developed countries teach their students English from kindergarten so that they can speak English fluently when they grow up . We should take regular courses in English and keep practising it with our friends . In brief , learning any language is considered a key to a big deal of knowledge and culture.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-03-2014 12:44 AM

رد : استاذ

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة khot (المشاركة 5779136)
لو سمحت يا مستر الاجابة مع التوضيح
a-the} knife is made of metal and wood}

the knife is made of metal and wood

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