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professionall2009 21-07-2017 05:45 PM

Thanks a lot sir. Waiting for the other units

Mr Ibrahim El sedawy 21-07-2017 08:00 PM

مستر mhmoud ahmed لو ينفع تبعتلى نصوص القراءة والاستماع تبقى عملت معروف كبير ...... انا خلصت الوحدة الاولى والثانية وطبعا السادسة والثامنة والتاسعة موجودة اصلا

omarelassal 21-07-2017 08:23 PM

بارك الله فيكم اخوانى المحترمين

مصرى أنا 21-07-2017 10:32 PM

استماع وقراة الوحدة الثانية
1 مرفق

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mr ibrahim el sedawy (المشاركة 1065704594)
مستر mhmoud ahmed لو ينفع تبعتلى نصوص القراءة والاستماع تبقى عملت معروف كبير ...... انا خلصت الوحدة الاولى والثانية وطبعا السادسة والثامنة والتاسعة موجودة اصلا

دى حضرتك استماع وقراة الوحدة الثانية

محمد عاطف 22 21-07-2017 11:25 PM

ايوه كده ممتاز نساعد بعض

Mr Ibrahim El sedawy 21-07-2017 11:30 PM

الاستاذ المحترم ( مصرى انا ) متشكر جدا على الوحدة التانية ..... مازلت احتاج استماع وقراءة الوحدات 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 فقط

adli adli 21-07-2017 11:59 PM

thaaaaaaaaaaaaanks alot

مصرى أنا 22-07-2017 01:35 AM

1 مرفق

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mr ibrahim el sedawy (المشاركة 1065704619)
الاستاذ المحترم ( مصرى انا ) متشكر جدا على الوحدة التانية ..... مازلت احتاج استماع وقراءة الوحدات 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 فقط

ربنا يكرمك
كل اللى قدرت أعمله انى اظبط استماع الوحدة الثالثة والقراءة

Mr Ibrahim El sedawy 22-07-2017 03:56 AM

تمااااااااااااااااام جزاك الله خيرا

المستر الماجيك 22-07-2017 04:01 AM

مجهود رائع نرجو التواصل معك ضرورى

mhmoud ahmed mhmoud 22-07-2017 06:35 AM

أنا تحت أمرك بس مش عارف الطريقة عندي كل شئ ان شاء الله لو ممكن علي الفيس بوك ولا ابعتهم بالطرقة الاولي

mhmoud ahmed mhmoud 22-07-2017 06:39 AM

unit 4

Problems with learning
School is really important for all children . However, children do not all develop or learn in the same way and many students have to overcome problems. What is easy for most students might be a triumph for others. About ten percent of people in Egypt have something called dyslexia . People with dyslexia find it very difficult to read . In the past , people used to think that students with dyslexia were lazy and did not want to learn . Other people thought that they were not intelligent .
Actually , people with dyslexia are usually very intelligent in other ways . For example , they are often very good at vocational subjects such as fixing or making things . Some very famous people had or have dyslexia , including Albert Einstein and the film- maker Steven Spielberg . Today , special teachers can often help people with dyslexia to be very successful.
Another common problem is being colour – blind . people who are colour – blind cannot see in the way that most people do . This can make it very difficult for them to read road maps and traffic signs . It can also be difficult to prepare food . For example , they cannot always see when meat is cooked.
Of course colour-blind people can be very intelligent . In fact , the first person to study being colour- blind was an Englishman called John Dalton who was born in 1794 . He realized he was colour – blind when people laughed at him for wearing strange colour clothes . Although he could not tell the difference between blue , pink and other colours, he became a teacher and a brilliant student .
People are all different and have different problems in their lives in truth , everyone has the potential to do amazing things if they work hard to overcome their problems , and if they are given the right help and support.

Unit 5
Flowers for Algernon
Charlie Gordon was 32 and worked in a bakery in New York . The manager promoted him because he was clever . Charlie had found out how to increase the amount of bread that the bakery produced.
Charlie had worked at the bakery for a long time . When he first started there , the other workers always talked to him , but now they didn't . Why was this ? A few weeks earlier , Charlie had been very different .The workers used to tease him because they knew that he was not clever. He used to sweep the floor and do the jobs that nobody else wanted to do . People had always used laughed at Charlie because they thought that he was a fool , but he did not use to realize that they were often cruel to him . Now however, he understood that they said to him . Why had he changed?
Charlie had wanted to be clever . A few months before , Charlie had started going to a special school for adults after work . One day , the teacher at the school told him about Dr. Strauss and Professor Nemur . The teacher said that they could help him learn even more .
The next day , Charlie visited Dr. Strauss and professor Nemur. They said that they wanted to use him in an experiment to become clever.
They took Charlie to a laboratory where scientists asked him to find the way through a maze . It was too difficult for Charlie , The scientists then showed him a mouse ran through it in just a few seconds . Dr. Strauss said that the Algernon used to be a normal mouse . Then they did an operation on it and it became very clever . They wanted to do the same operation on Charlie . He agreed.
After the operation , Charlie slowly became more and more intelligent . Dr Strauss and Professor Nemur were delighted with his progress . They took him to a meeting with other scientists in a different city , but Charlie now understood more about science than they did . He was angry with them. He realized that they were treating him like a laboratory animal . So He took Algernon from it's cage and returned to New York.
At home , Charlie began to study Algernon carefully , He realised that the mouse was not clever any more . It had become a normal mouse again . Would the same thing happen to him ?
Unit 6
Why do they do it?
A question which people often ask mountaineers is “Why do you climb mountains?” The most common answer is “Because they are there.” But this does not tell us the real reasons why people choose this exciting but dangerous hobby.
Professional mountaineers climb for money, but for many others, climbing a great mountain is a lifelong ambition. For example, Omar Samra, the Egyptian who reached the summit of Everest in 2007, says that he had wanted to climb mountains since he was a toddler. He even had photos of Everest on his bedroom walls. But Omar does not just climb for himself. He always takes an Egyptian flag with him and leaves it on the mountains.
Some mountaineers say that their hobby is no different from other hobbies, but most people do not understand this because the hobby is so dangerous. Between 1922 and 2006, Everest had been climbed by about 4,000 people, but more than 200 of these climbers lost their lives. So perhaps we should ask a slightly different question: “Why do people climb dangerous mountains?” Many mountaineers say the answer is easy: They think that most people want to conquer something during their life. A dangerous mountain is a challenge; when someone has climbed it, they have reached their goal and they feel fantastic.
The Italian climber Reinhold Messner was the first mountaineer in the world to climb the 14 mountains which are over 8,000 metres high. What is even more amazing is that he was the first man to reach the summit of Everest without the use of oxygen bottles!

unit 7
Teach yourself to be a better person
When you play a team sport , one of the most important things to remember is that you’re part of a team. A friend who is playing in an important football match this afternoon asks for advice. What will you say? “I think you should try to score lots of goals”? This is helpful, but perhaps the best advice is “Don’t forget you’re part of a team. Pass the ball to other players.”
There are many situations in life when groups of people need to cooperate to succeed, for example, surgeons, doctors and nurses work together to help patients. It isn't always easy to cooperate with other people, especially when you are a teenager . It is easy to get into bad habits , for example, not communicating with your parents, being late for school, not going your homework and so on. How can you change these bad habits into good habits?
Train yourself to be tolerant. There are many situations when you need to cooperate with people who are very different from you .Tolerance of other people is very important . Remember that you can learn things from many different people. Always listen to others , even if they have different opinions communication is extremely important.
Give yourself goals in life . What do you want to do an achieve? When you decide to do something, understand why you are doing it and make sure you finish it. Do not be distracted by other things which are less important. Do not stop doing something when it becomes difficult. Tell yourself that you will succeed and you probably will !
An essential goal habit is that you should take responsibility for your life. You should not always rely on your parents. Or other people to do things. You should learn how to make important decisions and not be afraid to work or study independently to be successful .
There are lots of books which can give advice to help you to improve your habits. One of these is "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey. This book gives you ideas about how teenagers can learn to succeed in life.
If you can change bad habits into good ones when you are a teenager , you will have the potential to do really amazing things.
unit 8
Lord of the flies
Lord of the Flies starts when a plane carrying a group of British boys crashes near an island. The boys realise they must look after themselves on the island until they are rescued. The boys choose a leader and start to organise their new life. The leader, Ralph, tells them they must work together. They make a fire and hope that it will be seen by a passing ship.
At first, the boys cooperate with each other and everything goes well. Some look for food and water, others build shelters to sleep in. But then there are problems. First, the fire goes out. Then Jack, who wanted to be the leader, tells the boys there is a frightening wild animal on the island. After some arguments, the boys split into two groups. Jack’s group believe the wild animal is around and want to become hunters. Ralph’s group just want to escape from the island. More boys join Jack’s group because he promises to protect them from the wild animal and give them meat.
Jack’s boys paint their faces and become very violent. They think one of the other boys is the frightening animal and they attack him. Then they attack Ralph’s camp and steal the glasses of a boy called Poggy. They wanted to use the glasses to make a fire. Ralph’s group try to get the glasses back but Poggy is hurt. Jack captures two others and Ralph is left alone. Jack then lights a fire to try to stop Ralph from escaping. A passing ship sees the fire and comes to rescue the boys. Finally, with the arrival of adults on the island, the fighting stops.
unit 9
The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games, an international sports festival which takes place every four years, are particularly famous for athletics. But they also include individual sports, like swimming, and team sports, like football and hockey. For sportsmen and sportswomen everywhere, taking part in the Games is usually the highlight of their careers.
At first, the Olympic Games were part of a religious festival in ancient Greece. The only sport at that time was a running race. Later, longer races were added, together with boxing. The Romans conquered Greece during the second century BCE and, soon after, the Games lost their religious meaning. Athletes were only interested in money, so, in 349, the Games were stopped.
Fifteen hundred years later, archaeologists discovered the ancient Olympic stadium, which had been destroyedin an earthquake. This discovery gave people an idea. They thought that individual athletes would benefitif the Olympic Games started again. They also believed that the Games would help the world to be a more peaceful place. So, in 1896, the first modern Games took place in Greece. Again, the Olympics were only for amateurs; no one was paid to take part.
Although competitors are still not paid to take part, some countries now train and pay future professional Olympic athletes, so they are not really amateurs. Some say this is not fair.
Since the modern Olympics began over a hundred years ago, athletes have been getting faster and stronger and, at every Games, world records have been broken. This is good not only for individual athletes, but also for ordinary people. people want to try new sports themselves after they have watched the Olympic athletes.

محمد عاطف 22 22-07-2017 09:15 AM

روعه ايوه كده

Darsh0777 22-07-2017 11:38 AM

بارك الله فى الشباب ..... و جعلكم عونا للزملاء .....

Darsh0777 22-07-2017 02:48 PM

الاستاذ / محمود أحمد محمود ....... شكرا جزيلا لشعوركم الطيب .....
ممكن نصوص الاستماع للوحدات اللى حضرتك تكرمت بنصوص القراءة فيها ؟؟؟؟
و لكم جزيل الشكر انتم و كل الزملاء ..... فعلا .... شعور طيب .....

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