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LinuxForEver 18-12-2013 10:30 AM

جزاك الله خيرا

The ... mouth in Damietta has some of the best sea watching

estuary - actuary - waterfall - missionary
Having more traffic lights may improve ... on road

safety - security

مستوى رفيع


هتـــلر 18-12-2013 01:20 PM

عاوز ال place بس

waht's wrong with your computer?:
it's too slow respon

A:when will the movie start ?
B:at 12 o'cloak

عاوز speaker B و place بس
A:I didn't find my briefcase
B:we found it in the hotel restaurant

دول مواقف

your teacher asks you baout the advantages of building mud-brick buildings

your friend wants to know why houses in egypt asre disgned with flat roofs

your friend wants to know why houses in USA are disgned with slooping roofs

your teacher asked you about teh bad effects of tourism on the enivronment

سلمة بن الأكوع 18-12-2013 05:46 PM

جزاك الله خيرا
اسئلة على Unit 7Choose the correct
1-Petra is one of the great (archaic-archaeologist- archeological- archeology) sites in Jordan.
ايه الفرق بين archaic و archeological
4-The sphinx is (burnt-switched-illuminated-lit) during the sound and light show.
5-The biggest tree in the world is ten metres in (radius-diameter-barometer-meter).
7-Nahala is ( more-many-much-most) taller than Mariam.
8-Most wild animals are(kind-peaceful-fierce-tame) by nature.
13-The World Cup championship 2010 was held in ( the-no article-a-an) South Africa
14-He displayed his painting at art(excavation-exhibition-extension-invention) in Cairo.
15-He tree trunk was1.5 m in(diagram-diameter-dimension-meter
9-The ( base-basis-basic-basically) of the pyramids is very large.
الاختيار الاول والتاني بمعنى قاعده ايه الفرق بينهم
17-A great fortress was built (under - underneath - below - beneath) the mount.
ايه الفرق بين الاختيارات

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-12-2013 01:51 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
1. The estuary mouth in Damietta has some of the best sea watching
Having more traffic lights may improve safety on road

المستوي الرفيع اجابة صحيحة b لأن:

still (more/further/another/other)0

used to emphasize that something increases more, there is more of something etc:

Kevin grew still more depressed.

LinuxForEver 19-12-2013 02:02 PM

متشكر جدا على الإجابات و التوضيح

Sara stopped dead when she saw a(n) .... coil up in the grass

snake - crocodile
Pessimistic people's lives seemto lack ... or meaning

ambition - purpose - meaning

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-12-2013 02:13 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
A: What's wrong with your computer
B: It's too slow respond
PLACE: Computer - maintainance centre / Technician's / Computer-repair shop
SPEAKER A :Technician / Maintainance Engineer

Function : Asking for and giving information
A:when will the movie start B:at 12 o'cloak
PLACE: Cinema
SPEAKER A :Viewer / Spectator
SPEAKER B: Usher / Information clerk

Function : Asking for and giving information
A:I didn't find my briefcase B:we found it in the hotel restaurant

Technician's / Computer-repair shop
SPEAKER A :Technician / Maintainance Engineer

Function : Asking for and giving information
A:when will the movie start B:at 12 o'cloak
PLACE: Hotel
SPEAKER A :Guest / resident
SPEAKER B: Receptionist

Function : Complaining / Giving information
دول مواقف
Your teacher asks you about the advantages of building mud-brick buildings
-They keeps us cool in hot areas.
Your friend wants to know why houses in Egypt are designed with flat roofs
Houses in Egypt are designed with flat roofs because there isn't much rain in Egypt
Your friend wants to know why houses in USA are designed with sloping roofs
Houses in the USA are designed with sloping roofs because there is a lot of rain in there
Your teacher asked you about the bad effects of tourism on the environment
It wears away buildings. It also disturbs sea life near the beach

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 19-12-2013 11:15 PM

رد : استاذ محمد خالد شيخ النحاة

1-Petra is one of the great (archaic-archaeologist- archeological- archeology) sites in Jordan.
4-The sphinx is (burnt-switched-illuminated-lit) during the sound and light show.
5-The biggest tree in the world is ten metres in (radius-diameter-barometer-meter).
7-Nahala is ( more-many-much-most) taller than Mariam.
8-Most wild animals are(kind-peaceful-fierce-tame) by nature.
13-The World Cup championship 2010 was held in ( the-no article-a-an) South Africa
14-He displayed his painting at art(excavation-exhibition-extension-invention) in Cairo.
15-The tree trunk was1.5 m in(diagram-diameter-dimension-meter
9-The ( base-basis-basic-basically) of the pyramids is very large.
17-A great fortress was built (under - underneath - below - beneath) the mount.

زياد المغربى 20-12-2013 01:11 AM

All charles dickens novels are .......................
Classic- classics- traditional
ايه الفرق بين sources - resources

mahmoudmody1 20-12-2013 08:06 AM

حل‏ ‏اختياري‏ ‏unit‏ ‏‎14كلمات‏ ‏رقم‏ ‏5و6و13و15و51و64و65و63 من كتاب التوب معلش عل الطول

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-12-2013 01:42 PM

رد : أستاذ زياد المغربي
All Charles dickens novels are classics
Classic- classics- traditional
الفرق بين sources - resources
source [countable)
1 a thing, place, activity etc that you get something from:
They get their money from various sources.
source of : a useful source of information Beans are a very good source of protein.
For me, music is a great source of enjoyment.

major/primary/main source of something: the country's main source of income
energy/food/light source: relatively clean energy sources
at source British English Is your pension taxed at source (=before it is paid to you)?

2 the cause of something, especially a problem, or the place where it starts source of We've found the source of the trouble.
The recent name change has been the source of some confusion.

3 a person, book, or document that supplies you with information: List all your sources at the end of your essay.
I've heard from reliable sources that the company is in trouble.

4 the place where a stream or river starts
5 technical source code
re‧source1land/oil/coal etc [countable usually plural] something such as useful land, or minerals such as oil or coal, that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth: Canada's vast mineral resources - a country rich in natural resources

2money/property etc resources [plural] all the money, property, skills etc that you have available to use when you need them: She had no financial resources. Only limited resources are available to the police.
pool your resources (=put together all the resources that each of you can provide)
➔ human resources
3personal qualities resources [plural] personal qualities, such as courage and determination, that you need to deal with a difficult situation: He proved that he has considerable inner resources.

4educational [countable] something such as a book, film, or picture used by teachers or students to provide information: http://www.thanwya.com/vb/data:image...VVY4vOQj//2Q==resources for learning
http://www.thanwya.com/vb/data:image...VVY4vOQj//2Q==a valuable new computer resource
resource room/centre

5practical ability [uncountable] formal : the ability to deal with practical problems [= resourcefulness]:
http://www.thanwya.com/vb/data:image...VVY4vOQj//2Q==a man of great resource

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-12-2013 01:45 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
للأسف الكتاب ليس معي ، يمكن كتابة الأسئلة و سنجيب عنها بمشيئة الله

Jung Ji-Hoon 20-12-2013 02:46 PM

طلب هام
اريد اجابات كتاب the best كلها علشان اللى موجود اول 9 وحدات بس

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 20-12-2013 11:16 PM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed
للأسف الأجابة ليست معي ، يمكن كتابة الأسئلة و سنجيب عنها بمشيئة الله

زياد المغربى 20-12-2013 11:19 PM

you cant ......... team games without working with other people
beat - win -gain -earn
scientists work in large ............teams to send people into space
complicate - involved -complex
doctors are qualified to ............medicine
practice-design -try - operate
find the mistakes
space scientists has to work in teams to send people into space
scientists showed that birds can cooperate with complex jobs
you cant beat team games without working with other people

LinuxForEver 21-12-2013 11:46 AM

The government has carried out .... projects to flourish economy

big - giant - pliant - agent


nothing can live without power
Many shoppers contact to the internet to find bargains

Is " contact to --> search on " ?

A: I want to send this parcel to Dubai.
B: What does it contain ?
A: Books

Is the following correct ?

A: Post office official
B: Client

و متشكر جدا

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