بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية (https://www.thanwya.com/vb/index.php)
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Jung Ji-Hoon 15-02-2014 08:15 PM


1- تحذرنا قصص الخيال العلمى من مخاطر قد يثبت صحتها فى المستقبل.
2- يجب ألا نسئ فهم الحرية , فهناك قيم ومبادئ علينا جميعا أن نحترمها.
3- يعانى سكان المدن ذات الكثافة السكانية من التلوث البيئى والسمعى.
4- الاسراف فى استخدام الماء والكهرباء اهدار للمال والطاقة.
5- لا ينكر أن بلادنا تمر بمرحلة صعبة ولكن كلنا يأمل أن تتحسن الأمور قريبا.

One longstanding reason why boys have been seen as a greater blessing
has been that they are expected to become better economic providers for
their parent's old age. Yet, it is time for parents to rethink it.
Girls may now be better investment.

عاشقه الاقصى1 15-02-2014 09:52 PM

1_he wonderd ................ to read first
(what _ why_if _ whether)

عاشقه الاقصى1 15-02-2014 10:07 PM

1_all the village .................. if the fire had not stopped
(would have been burnt_ would have burnt_will be burnt _would burn)

1_in case of blood banks , many people would die
2_we said we were discussing certain matter then
3_the science teacher said water turns into steam if it is heated

عاشقه الاقصى1 15-02-2014 10:17 PM

1_the child was struck by ............... yet survived

2_i do not have a lot of time to stay , but i will make an ............. at the party

عاشقه الاقصى1 15-02-2014 10:20 PM

1_the farmer built a high fence to stop the wolves attacks on his farm

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 12:18 AM

رد : أستاذ pharm mega

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة pharm mega (المشاركة 5740802)
1_can you tell me what your code number ...........?
(was _is -has_ had)
2_i am sure you could mend this if you really tired. You..............
(may have_must have_can not have_might have)
3_no one can control him , he has a ........... Temper
(weak _smooth_violent_flexible)
4_on this course, you may study french in ......... With spanich or italian
(combination _combustion_collision_collection)
5_the ....?/???????.. marched past on their way to the battle

برجاء ضغط صورة الميزان بالأعلي و تقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 12:21 AM

رد : أستاذ pharm mega

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة pharm mega (المشاركة 5740812)
1_the teacher said that new york .............. Bigger than cairo
(was_ is being_has been_is)
2-she said that china.......... A densely populated country

برجاء ضغط صورة الميزان بالأعلي و تقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 12:26 AM

رد : أستاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5740851)
a:i want to take extra lessons in piano
b:you need not.enough has been taken
place: music school
speaker a: student
speaker b: music teacher
function: request - refusing politely


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5740851)

ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــ

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 12:32 AM

رد : أستاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5740859)
a:have you ever worked in the marking department


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5740859)


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشقه الاقصى1 (المشاركة 5740859)
b:yes, of course, at least three years
a:because effective marketing will lead to increase sales
place: company
speaker a
: interviewer
speaker b: applicant
function:asking and answering interview questions

برجاء ضغط صورة الميزان بالأعلي و تقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 12:35 AM

رد : أستاذة عاشقه الاقصى1
_a plastic ball was.......down the c****
(swimming _drowning_sinking_floating

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 12:46 AM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed
1- A friend wants to dive off a cliff. You give him or her a warning.
Be careful or you will fall
2- Your pen friend's visiting Egypt. You make a suggestion about accommodation.
Why don't you stay with me
3- You are on a bus in your seat when you see a woman standing. You make an offer.
You can take my seat
4- Your friends went sailing. You regret not joining them.
I wish I had gone sailing with my friend
5- Your parents say the internet spoils young people's minds. You think of it differently
Personally, I think it is very useful
6- You have no objection to your friend's plan for the weekend's vacation.
I agree
7- A friend ask you whether you like loud music. You answer, giving reasons.
Yes, I like it because it the food of the soul
8- A friend ask you what people would gain by demonstrating.
They have different demands and they want to fulfill them
9- You'd like to go to the zoo at Giza. You've just stopped a taxi
Can you take me to the zoo, please
10- You want the passenger sitting next to you on the bus to close the window.

Can you close the window, please
11- A stranger wonders if you would mind giving him some money for the bus fare.
Not at all. Here you are
12- A friend suggests decorating the classroom.You like the idea.
Fantastic idea
برجاء ضغط صورة الميزان بالأعلي و تقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 12:50 AM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
Youth are the backbone of any society. No country can go on without its youth . Our government should take good care of our youth by providing jobs for them . They can help their society by reclaiming the desert . They should share in the war to defend their beloved country . They should learn many skills to help developing their country by generating new ideas and carrying out useful projects .They should take language courses and computer courses to support them in their future career . They shouldn't waste their time on the internet by loging on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. They should benefit from the internet by learning many languages and searching for information . At last but not least , our youth are our treasure so we should always support and encourage them.
6 / 6 ان شاء الله

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 01:07 AM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed
1. A: I'd like to enroll, please.
B: With a pleasure, Sir. You pay $200 as fees.
place: Company
speaker a
: interviewer
speaker b: applicant
function:Asking and answering interview questions

2. A: I'm so sorry for disturbing you. I've dialled the wrong number.
B: No problem.
place: Home - on the phone
speaker a
: Caller
speaker b: citizen
function:Apologising and accepting

3. A: For how long will we have to live here ?
B: Until we're rescued.
A: If only we hadn't been shipwrecked. What happened was not expected.
place: Desert island
speaker a
: A shipwrecked person
speaker b: Another shipwrecked person
function:Asking for and giving information / Expressing regret

4. A: This one is available, but this other is not.
B: Oh, Dear! What should I do?
A: You can take a replacement if you would like to?
B: No, not until I phone and ask the doctor.
place: Chemist's
speaker a
: Chemist
speaker b: Patient / customer
giving information / Expressing confusion / suggesting / refusing

5. A: Thank you for showing me my seat
B: It's been a pleasure, sir.
&land giving information

6. A: Cairo airport, please?
B: Thirty pounds. If it is OK, get
place: Street
speaker a
: Traveller
speaker b: Taxi driver
function: Request / Giving information

برجاء ضغط صورة الميزان بالأعلي و تقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 01:56 AM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed
1- تحذرنا قصص الخيال العلمى من مخاطر قد يثبت صحتها فى المستقبل.
Science fiction stories warn us about dangers that which may be proved to be true in the future.
2- يجب ألا نسئ فهم الحرية ، فهناك قيم ومبادئ علينا جميعا أن نحترمها.
We should not misunderstand freedom because there are values ​​and principles which we all have to respect
3- يعانى سكان المدن ذات الكثافة السكانية من التلوث البيئى والسمعى.
The population of heavily populated cities suffer from environmental and auditory pollution
4- الاسراف فى استخدام الماء والكهرباء اهدار للمال والطاقة.
Excess in the use of water, electricity is a waste of money and energy
5- لا ينكر أن بلادنا تمر بمرحلة صعبة ولكن كلنا يأمل أن تتحسن الأمور قريبا.
It can't be denied that our country is going through a difficult phase but we all hope that things will get better soon
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One longstanding reason why boys have been seen as a greater blessing has been that they are expected to become better economic providers for their parent's old age. Yet, it is time for parents to rethink it Girls may now be better investment
من الأسباب الراسخة للأعتقاد بأن البنون ينظر اليهم بأعتبارهم نعمة أكبر هو أنهم من المتوقع أن يكونوا مورد أقتصادي أفضل عندما يكبر والديهم في السن ، و مع ذلك فقد حان الوقت للآباء ليأخذوا بعين الأعتبار أن البنت قد تكون استثمارا أفضل

برجاء ضغط صورة الميزان بالأعلي و تقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 02:00 AM

رد : أستاذة عاشقه الاقصى1
1_he wonderd ................ to read first
(what _ why_if _ whether)
برجاء ضغط صورة الميزان بالأعلي و تقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 02:04 AM

رد : أستاذة عاشقه الاقصى1

1_all the village .................. if the fire had not stopped
(would have been burnt_ would have burnt_will be burnt _would burn)
1_Without / But for / If it weren't for blood banks , many people would die
2_we said we were discussing a certain matter then
3_the science teacher said water turns into steam if it is boiled
برجاء ضغط صورة الميزان بالأعلي و تقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 02:07 AM

رد : أستاذة عاشقه الاقصى1
1_the child was struck by ............... yet survived
2_i do not have a lot of time to stay , but i will make an ............. at the party

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 02:10 AM

رد : أستاذة عاشقه الاقصى1
1_the farmer built a high fence to stop the wolves' attacks on his farm
1_the farmer built a high fence to stop the wolves from attacking on his farm

LinuxForEver 16-02-2014 11:20 AM

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود
I'll buy a new car as soon as I .... enough money

'll save - have saved - had saved

Have you decided where you will spend your holiday this year
We wish to avoid peace between countries

Is (peace-->war / avoid-->create
He suffers from a dibetes coma

Is ( diabetes--> diabetic

* محب الرسول * 16-02-2014 08:56 PM


1- the prices here ferry according to the season

2-he has a very instinctive way of walking

3-as medical knowledge revolves ,beliefs change

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 11:04 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة LinuxForEver (المشاركة 5742476)

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود
I'll buy a new car as soon as I .... enough money

'll save - have saved - had saved

Have you decided where you will spend your holiday this year
We wish to avoid peace between countries

Is (peace-->war / avoid-->create
He suffers from a dibetes coma

Is ( diabetes--> diabetic

I'll buy a new car as soon as I .... enough money
'll save - have saved - had saved
Have you decided where you are going to spend your holiday this year
We wish to spread / prevail peace between countries
Is (peace-->/ avoid-->create:022yb4:
He suffers from a diabetic coma
Is ( diabetes--> diabetic:022yb4:

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 16-02-2014 11:09 PM

رد : أستاذ * محب الرسول *

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة * محب الرسول * (المشاركة 5743497)

1- the prices here ferry according to the season

2-he has a very instinctive way of walking

3-as medical knowledge revolves ,beliefs change

1- the prices here vary according to the season
2-he has a very destinctive way of walking
3-as medical knowledge evolves ,beliefs change

the hope 17-02-2014 12:14 AM

The Novel:
1- Although Rassendyll returned safely to his country, revenge still takes part t? of his thought.
2- How had Michael seemingly made triumph possible and ruin impossible?
3- Sapt trusts Rassendyll as he proved to be a good and honourable man. Show.

mahmoudmody1 17-02-2014 06:52 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5743948)
The Novel:
1- Although Rassendyll returned safely to his country, revenge still takes part t? of his thought.
2- How had Michael seemingly made triumph possible and ruin impossible?
3- Sapt trusts Rassendyll as he proved to be a good and honourable man. Show.

علي ما اعتقد
1.because he was stabbed and was attacket by Rupert and he didn't take his revenge

mahmoudmody1 17-02-2014 07:41 AM

1.Rassendyll looks at the big boat carefully.
2.Rassendyll spoils (?) a plan to rescue the king.
3.The Duke thinks that Rassendyll was injured while hunting.
4.Rassendyll wounds Max Holf near the pipe.

mahmoudmody1 17-02-2014 07:58 AM

5.Rassendyll finds the king and he has a chair in his hand.
10.Rassendyll follows Rupert in the water and in the castle
14.Rassendyll refuses Sir Jacob's job as it is different

LinuxForEver 17-02-2014 10:15 AM

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود


People disapproved on the scientist's research

" Through history, the moon has inspired man's winder and aroused his curiosity "

Find the word(s) that mean(s
The desire to know about things

Is ( Curiosity / Wonder ) correct

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 10:40 AM

رد : أستاذ the hope

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5743948)
The Novel:
1- Although Rassendyll returned safely to his country, revenge still takes part t? of his thought.
2- How had Michael seemingly made triumph possible and ruin impossible?
3- Sapt trusts Rassendyll as he proved to be a good and honourable man. Show.

1-He always thought of taking revenge on Rupert who had always beaten him. He was stabbed and attacked by Rupert and he didn't take revenge
2- He had two plans to get rid of the king depending on whether the castle was attacked by a few number of people or by great number of soldiers
3- Rassendyll had the chance to get rid of both Michael and the real king, but he wouldn't do that because it wasn't fair for the people of Ruritania or for the princess

برجاء ضغط صورة الميزان بالأعلي و تقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 10:53 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5744309)
1.Rassendyll looks at the big boat carefully.
2.Rassendyll spoils (?) a plan to rescue the king.
3.The Duke thinks that Rassendyll was injured while hunting.
4.Rassendyll wounds Max Holf near the pipe.

1.Rassendyll looks at the big pipe carefully.
2.Rassendyll makes a plan to rescue the king.
3.The People of Strelsau think that Rassendyll was injured while hunting.
4.Rassendyll kills Max Holf near the pipe.

mahmoudmody1 17-02-2014 10:55 AM

ما معني spoils

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 10:57 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5744319)
5.Rassendyll finds the king and he has a chair in his hand.
10.Rassendyll follows Rupert in the water and in the castle
14.Rassendyll refuses Sir Jacob's job as it is different

5.Rassendyll finds the king and he has a chain in his hand.
10.Rassendyll follows Rupert in the water and in the forest
14.Rassendyll refuses Sir Jacob's job as it is it is in Ruritania

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 11:01 AM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة LinuxForEver (المشاركة 5744399)

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود


People disapproved on the scientist's research

" Through history, the moon has inspired man's winder and aroused his curiosity "

Find the word(s) that mean(s
The desire to know about things

Is ( Curiosity / Wonder ) correct

People disapproved on the scientist's research
" Through history, the moon has inspired man's wonder and aroused his curiosity "
Find the word(s) that mean(s
The desire to know about things
:022yb4: Curiosity / Wonder

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 11:04 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5744459)
ما معني spoils

يُفسد / يُتلف

mahmoudmody1 17-02-2014 12:56 PM

''At last''
1.who to whom and where
2.what did he mean by this
3.why does he say this

mahmoudmody1 17-02-2014 01:06 PM

1.None of the real family was killed the night the king was rescued.
2.it was rassendyll who finally let the princess know who he was.
10.Never did rassendyll make a promise but kept it ,whatever happened
17.The first two of six men to be killed were Detchard and De Gautet

mahmoudmody1 17-02-2014 04:39 PM

1.A ball was held at tarlenheim the night the king was rescued.

5.Rassendyll bravely swam round the castle with no weapons with him

14.Johan was to open the door to the castle for sapt's men to capture the duke.

Jung Ji-Hoon 17-02-2014 10:06 PM

1- In a.........power station, the water used to produce electricity is already heated
( geothermal - nuclear - hydroelectric - coal )

2- I expect they ........tomorrow's match. The other team is much stronger.
( will lose - are losing - lose - are going to lose )

3- Millions of dollars..............spent on armament.
( are - has - is - has been )

4- Ten minutes............. . Let's wait five more.
( is passing - have passed - passes - has been passed )

Find the mistake:

1- I watch the match in the stadium. I've already got a ticket.

2- If some one stings by a scorpion, do they die at once?

Jung Ji-Hoon 17-02-2014 10:20 PM


1- A friend argues against women's work. What would you say?

2- A friend thinks everyone should drive, whether they have a licence or not.

3- A friend says a woman in their street had eight baby boys and girls last night.

4- A friend of your father's says to you, "My wife had twin baby boys last night."

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 11:04 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5744640)
''At last''
1.who to whom and where
2.what did he mean by this
3.why does he say this

1.Detchard to Rassendyll in the castle
2.He meant that he had been waiting for
Rassendyll to come and wanted that meeting
3.To take revenge on Rassendyll who shot him at the summer house

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 11:10 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5744661)
1.None of the real family was killed the night the king was rescued.
2.it was rassendyll who finally let the princess know who he was.
10.Never did rassendyll make a promise but kept it ,whatever happened
17.The first two of six men to be killed were Detchard and De Gautet

1.One ( Michael) of the royal family was killed the night the king was rescued.
2.It was Sapt who finally let the princess know who
Rassendyll was.
10.Rassendyll made a promise but he didn't keep it
17.The first two of six men to be killed were Lauengram and Krafestein

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 11:18 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5744995)
1.A ball was held at tarlenheim the night the king was rescued.
5.Rassendyll bravely swam round the castle with no weapons with him
14.Johan was to open the door to the castle for sapt's men to capture the duke.

1.Music was played and lights were on at Tarlenheim the night the king was rescued.
5.Rassendyll bravely swam round the castle with his sword with him
14.Johan was to open the door to the mansion for Sapt's men to capture the duke.

Jung Ji-Hoon 17-02-2014 11:24 PM


1. !A: Congratulations! May your first child be a boy
B: Thanks. It's been a great honour for us that you've attended.

2. A: The x-ray, says that it must be pulled out.
B: Oh, dear! If only it were a back tooth.

3. A: Oh no! What is the matter?
!B: Shut up or I will fire guns at you! Your wallet
A: I - I - I have no money.
B: That necklace first. Then extract the money.

4. A: Please take care! You've smashed my foot.
B: I'm awfully sorry. Everyone is pushing to get off.
A: It is OK. You go before the door is shut.

5. !A: Fantastic is the band, so professional is the drummer
B: You must get them when we get married.
A: OK. I can even book this same place if you like.

6. A: You'd like that pearl necklace, shall I get it to you?
B: OK, but let me first know how much it costs.

7. A: It wasn't until yesterday that I knew you'd been here.
B: I've been here for over a month.
A: And how are you now?
B: Much better. The doctor says I can leave in a week.

8. A: How long have you been here so far?
B: About a year and a half.
A: Theft, too?
B: No, a traffic accident. I was driving too fast and knocked two children dead.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 11:25 PM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed
1- In a.........power station, the water used to produce electricity is already heated
( geothermal - nuclear - hydroelectric - coal )
2- I expect they ........tomorrow's match. The other team is much stronger.
( will lose - are losing - lose - are going to lose )
3- Millions of dollars..............spent on armament.
( are - has - is - has been )
4- Ten minutes............. . Let's wait five more.
( is passing - have passed - passes - has been passed )
Find the mistake:
1- I am watching the match in the stadium. I've already got a ticket.
2- If some one is stung by a scorpion, do they die at once?

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 11:30 PM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asaeeed (المشاركة 5745525)

1- A friend argues against women's work. What would you say?

2- A friend thinks everyone should drive, whether they have a licence or not.

3- A friend says a woman in their street had eight baby boys and girls last night.

4- A friend of your father's says to you, "My wife had twin baby boys last night."

1- I think you are wrong because their work is important
2- You are completely wrong
3- How amazing ! / You are a big liar
4- What good news

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 17-02-2014 11:53 PM

رد : أستاذ asaeeed
1. !A: Congratulations! May your first child be a boy
B: Thanks. It's been a great honour for us that you've attended.
Place : home A: doctor B: wife / husband
Function : Expressing good news / Congratulating / Thanking
2. A: The x-ray, says that it must be pulled out.
B: Oh, dear! If only it were a back tooth.
Place : Dentist's A: Dentist B: Patient
Function : Reporting a problem/ Expressing a wish

3. A: Oh no! What is the matter?
B: Shut up or I will fire guns at you! Your wallet
A: I - I - I have no money.
B: That necklace first. Then extract the money.
Place : Street A: Thief B: citizen
Function : Inquiry / Threatening / denying

4. A: Please take care! You've smashed my foot.
B: I'm awfully sorry. Everyone is pushing to get off.
A: It is OK. You go before the door is shut.

Place : The underground A: Passenger B: Another passenger
Function : Complainig / Apologising giving reason / Accepting
5. !A: Fantastic is the band, so professional is the drummer
B: You must get them when we get married.
A: OK. I can even book this same place if you like.
Place : Wedding Hall A: Fiancee B: Fiance
Function : Expressing good news / Congratulating / Thanking

6. A: You'd like that pearl necklace, shall I get it to you?
B: OK, but let me first know how much it costs.
Place : Jeweller's A: Jeweller B: Customer
Function : Offering help / Inquiry

7. A: It wasn't until yesterday that I knew you'd been here.
B: I've been here for over a month.
A: And how are you now?
B: Much better. The doctor says I can leave in a week.
Place : Hospital A: Visitor B: patient
Function : Giving an excuse /
Asking for and giving information/ Asking about health / Reply
8. A: How long have you been here so far?
B: About a year and a half.
A: Theft, too?
B: No, a traffic accident. I was driving too fast and knocked two children dead
Place : Prison A: prisoner / thief B: another prisoner
Function : Asking for and giving information

LinuxForEver 18-02-2014 10:42 AM

جزاك الله خيرا

Translate into English

لقد اكتسحت مياه الفيضان بعض القرى و أغرقت بعض المنازل و أحدثت الكثير من التلفيات

Because of the flood some villages and houses have been greatly flooded, and lots of damage has been caused

إن حصول دولة ما على بطولة عالمية ﻻ يكون مجرد صدفة و لكن تخطيط دقيق

When a country win international championship it's not a coincidence, but pure planing

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 18-02-2014 02:17 PM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
Translate into English
لقد اكتسحت مياه الفيضان بعض القرى و أغرقت بعض المنازل و أحدثت الكثير من التلفيات
The water of the flood has flooded some villages, covered some houses and did a lot of damage
إن حصول دولة ما على بطولة عالمية ﻻ يكون مجرد صدفة و لكن تخطيط دقيق
When a country wins an international championship it's not a coincidence, but pure planing

هتـــلر 18-02-2014 07:03 PM

علملى البرجراف لو سمحت يا مستر

Time is gold so we should make the best use of it . Many people have spare time and don't use it sensibly. They should use their spare time well by going to the libraries and reading useful books in many fields that they like . They can help poor people or go to orphanges to play with orphans . Some people prefer to do sports like playing football or going swimming . Some people like helping their parents at housework by cleaning the house or cooking the food . People shouldn't waste their spare time by watching T.V or playing useless comeputer games . finally , our time is our real wealth so we should use it sensibly .

Jung Ji-Hoon 18-02-2014 10:15 PM

1- I think my brother.......... a doctor. He's very clever.
( will be - is going to be - is being - is )

2- Watch out! The baby ............. .
( is falling - will fall - falls - is going to fall )

3- I just read the weather report. It .............. sunny.
( will be - is going to be - is being - will have been )

4- Sugarcane ........... and used to make fuel for cars and other vehicles.
( grows - is growing - grew - is growing )

5- Huge amounts of energy .............. in nuclear power stations.

6- When .............. the next lesson, please? - I .......... shopping with Samira.

Jung Ji-Hoon 18-02-2014 11:00 PM


1- A friend suggests going to the theatre. You like it, but have an objection.

2- You see your brother searching your mobile inbox messages. That bother you.

3- Someone is too late for your appointment. You say a possibility suggesting itself to you.

4- Your parents think of an ideal place for a holiday. You suggest Safaga.

5- A friend tells you that you've scored 99% in the exam. You're very interested.

6- Your brother says he's just been a strange gigantic creature floating around the house. You think he is not serious.

7- You're envious of a new mobile a friend has just bought. You've decided something.

8- Your brother say he's just seen a gigantic ball of light floating around your home. You're very surprised.

9- You want a friend to suggest a time when you can meet for some tea.

10- A friend enquires why you were absent from school yesterday.

11- A friend tells you that one of his or her family passed away yesterday.

12- Your father is so furious that you've failed a test at school.

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