بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 05:52 AM

- find the mistake
- If ( were )the house to be repainted , it would look more attractive

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:05 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5875437)
find the mistake:


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the hope (المشاركة 5875437)
1- Do you still write as that?
2- When steel is melted, it is easily shaped.
- In future there may be 50 or more snakes in each wind farm.3
4- Eventually the wall reached a height of 6,400 kilometres.
5- Who will the project be carried out?
6- I had the mechanic to repair my car

7- How many meals will you eat by the end of today?
8- When the sky is clean , you can see a lot of stars easily .
8- The hotel was fully booked, but we stayed at a guest house.
9- Try this fruitcake . It is tasting and delicious .

find the mistake
1- Do you still write as ( like )that
2- When steel is melted ( molten ) , it is easily shaped
- In future there may be 50 or more snakes in each wind ( wave ) farm.3
4- Eventually the wall reached a height ( length )of 6,400 kilometres
5- Who ( By whom ) will the project be carried out
6- I had ( got ) the mechanic to repair my car
7- How many meals will you eat ( have eaten) by the end of today
8- When the sky is clean ( clear) , you can see a lot of stars easily
8- The hotel was fully booked, but ( so ) we stayed at a guest house
9- Try this fruitcake . It is tasting ( tasty ) and delicious

medo1577 01-06-2014 06:18 AM

شكرا جدا لاساتذنا الافاضل انا مشكور ليكم جدا ‎:)‎

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:28 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope

Choose the correct answer
1- For a small woman, she has amazing ( personality – role – influence – strength) She seems as if she were a weight-lifter
2- When you dig a hole to plant a tree, the hole must be deep and ( long – below – wide – above) enough for the roots of the tree
3- To me, I prefer ( biography – literature – escapism – reading) to fiction
4- A (statue – monument – cliff – geyser) is considered to be a natural tourist attraction
5- Nature affects everything we do and it is always ( changes – change – changed – changing

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:28 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
6- I'm fond of drum music. I very much like the "boom boom" of big (sticks – drumsticks – drums – drummers).0
7- As he talked, he avoided looking into my eyes, (what – who – which – whom) made me suspect his story
8- It's hard to have no money to get your simplest needs. You didn't try ( living – liver – to live – live) in poverty
9- Personally, I'm for this suggestion. It is really (conventional – personal – spontaneous – positive). 0
10- It is illegal to carry a gun unless you are ( in charge – skilful – in danger – licensed).0

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:29 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
11- Smoking can ( harm – lead to – occur – cause of) lung cancer and other diseases
12- The secret of his success is ( personal – solo – sociable – positive) thinking0
13- He didn't use to be so active. He ( is – has been – was – is being) always lazy0
14- My friend persuaded me to go swimming, (so – whatever – but – even though) I fell ill
15- I ( accuse – release – avoid – object). What you want to do can work against us in the end

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:29 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
16- Scientists can now calculate the age of a tree without the tree ( is cut – cutting – cuts – being cut) down
17- My elder brother is a teacher. He works (in school – in the school – at school – in a school) in Alexandria
18- What sort of person is your uncle? Is he (like – looks like – alike – likes) your father
19- She said she couldn't agree more, which means she ( completely refuses – might not agree – strongly agrees – might refuse)
20- Before long, many people ( are using – use – are going to use – will have used) e-readers

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:30 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
21- Unlike Egypt, Britain doesn't have ( a sun – the sun – many suns – too much sun) 0
22- In his speech, the leader of the Opposition ( said – launched – announced – provided) a fierce attack on the government
23- People can save energy by using cars less and ( cycling – running – driving – traveling) or walking more. 0
24- Jobs and the (skills – experiences – employers – employees) needed to do them change with new technology
25- He's very sociable. There is never an occasion in the village but ( likes – celebrates – attends – shares) it

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:31 AM

26- Of all ( occasions – games – gymnastics – classics) balls are Tom's favourite. He's a big fan of dance
27- This painting looks like it has no ( system – gravity – position – place ) cars are in the sky and clouds
28- Dalia is heading off to ( a – the – c ___ - an ) university next week. She's going to study medicine
29- Three mice have been caught and ( were killed – killed – are killed – have killed) since we put a mousetrap in the kitchen
30- When you go on a low-fat diet, you should aim to lose weight (gradual – gradually – regular – regularly), 2 kilos per month
31- If your work is ( suitable – solo – personal – effective), your employer is pleased and satisfied with it

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:36 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
Find the mistake
1- It's coffee that stops me asleep from sleeping , that's why I often stay up late
2- Water ( The water ) in the river is very clean
3- Nuclear energy ( waste ) must be stored for thousands of years before it is safe
4- As it used none of too much energy, air conditioning damages the environment
5- If something has been used up, there's few ( nothing ) left of it

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:40 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
6- I'd have rescued him if I could had been able to , but I was in danger myself
7- The gas in an oven gas cylinder is in a molten liquid form
8- He's thought to connect ( be connected ) with a robbery that took place in a neighbouring village
9- It is such a ( _____ ) useful information. Where did you get it
10- A smart car has a driver ( device ) which will control how fast you can drive

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 06:52 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
11- How on earth can you drive safely if your attention distracts is distracted by using the mobile
12- If you have the mission ( licence )to do something, you're legally or morally allowed to do it
13- Agatha's best books have been published in over a hundred country ( countries)0
14- Using mobile phones is likely to occur ( cause )a cancerous tumor on the brain
15- They stand accused are charged with crimes of the utmost gravity
15- They stand accused with of crimes of the utmost gravity

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 07:01 AM

رد : أستاذ / the hope
16- As far as I'm concerned, women's right role in society is so positive
17- Unlike other kinds of music, classical folk music usually develops in local communities
18- Spontaneity Lifestyle is the way that someone lives their life
19- Someone who is in their thirties is at between thirty and thirty nine
20- Something that is spontaneous adventurous is exciting and involving danger
21- As well soon as I set eyes on it, I wanted it
22- You can be sure that the price of e-readers will reduce be reduced when more people buy them

mahmoudmody1 01-06-2014 08:34 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة m_d10 (المشاركة 5877856)

i usually have a big breakfast.it's good ........i don't feel hungry during the day
in which - in that - by which -for which )

يريت شرح هذه الجمله

شرح الحل ايضا_ وضحوا لنا الاجابات احسن من الناس اللي عماله تنسخ مذكرات وعاوره اجابتها _حرام_الي عاوز الكميات الضخمه _تبقي في رساله

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-06-2014 11:06 AM

رد : أستاذ / mahmoudmody1

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mahmoudmody1 (المشاركة 5878476)
شرح الحل ايضا_ وضحوا لنا الاجابات احسن من الناس اللي عماله تنسخ مذكرات وعاوره اجابتها _حرام_الي عاوز الكميات الضخمه _تبقي في رساله

I usually have a big breakfast. It's good ........ I don't feel hungry during the day
in which - in that - by which -for which )
كلمة That هنا ليست ضمير وصل ، فهي لا تعود علي أي اسم في الجملة السابقة عليها ..... لكن كما تعلم يمكن استخدامها بعد الأفعال و السماء و الصفات كمقدمة لجملة ايضاحية تأتي بعدها مثل :

I can't believe that he's only 17

Are you sure that they live in Park Lane

allegations that he is guilty of war crimes

The fact that he is your brother-in-law should not affect your decision

He might have left the money for the simple reason that he didn't know it was there
وفي هذه الحالة يمكن استخدام حرف جر قبلها علي أنها بديل ل in the fact that او تغبيرات أخري مشابهه ، مثال :
Aya is boring in that ( = in the fact that ) she asks about small details

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