بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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-   -   اضف الى معلوماتك:اعداد ابو بيشو (متجدد) (https://www.thanwya.com/vb/showthread.php?t=168211)

omar mohamed ostafa 11-10-2009 07:36 PM

عايز اجابالت الورك بوك لو سمحتم

sheefo 11-10-2009 07:54 PM

thanx Mr veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much for your efforts

Nabil kamal Iskander 11-10-2009 08:53 PM

دائما للروائع والملاحظات الدقيقه يا أبوبيشو ............... لك جزيل الشكر .

مرمرينا التابعى 11-10-2009 11:02 PM

1_ Yet
3_Hadn't been
5_Hard Work
ومرسى كتيرررررررررر على مجهودك.

دودىدوو 11-10-2009 11:49 PM

how long ..ago.....did you start running?
dangerous idea no teacher can say it on schools but i knew it from my best teacher 4 evaaaaa mr :reda

thx mr abo besho u r active :D

rody4ever 11-10-2009 11:54 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابو بيشو (المشاركة 1623524)
1-in .......of running quickly ,you will catch the bus.
Spite -despite-case-account
2-but for ...........,you wouldn't succeed.
Works-work hard-hard work-worked
3-having .......the present,i went home.
4-i'll stay here .......you come.
So-however until-in order to
5-but for the police ,ahmed would ............of his things.
have stolen-have been-have been stolen-have been robbed
6-she worked hard,.....she failed.
Although-despite-in spite of-yet
7-we went to the party and .......we went to the park.
After-afterwards-before -until
8-i haven't seen him .........the last month.
9- i last .......ali when i was on holiday.
Meet-has met-have met-met
10-how long .......did you start running?

متشكرة اوى ع الاسئله

مها2222 12-10-2009 02:10 AM

This charity helps children with heart diseases.
2-He has got a work for a big bank.
3-I want to do this kind of work.
4- He is dying his clothes now.مش فاهمة الجملة اصلا
5-Where were you yesterday? I was at home.
6-Just as we was playing football,it started to rain.
7- How long ago did the plane leave?
8-Her successl pleased all the family.
9-It is easy to shop online , but things can go wrong.
10-I didn't catch the train .When I arrived at the station it had left.
11-Thanks to my father's efforts , I passed my exams.
12-The Olympic Games are an international sport game .
13-The Olympic Games held all four years
14-He couldn't stop smoking .

وسأكمل بقية الاسئلة مرة اخرى ان شاء الله

salehrabie 12-10-2009 06:58 AM

Special thanks Mr. Mamdouh

يحيى عطيه حسن محمد 12-10-2009 02:26 PM

3- he is dyeing his clothes now
ده يا جماعة علشان افرق بين الفعل die ,والفعل dye

el_magic 12-10-2009 04:25 PM

15- Although he was tired , he took part in the competion.
16-Mr Sayed was the only survivor of the car accident.
17-To produce more crops, fertilizers are used.
18-Neither the sun nor the moon is in habited.
19 Omar went on studying until the dawn.
مش متأكد منها بصراحة 20- the can can be open.
21-The thieves robbed the bank yesterday.
22-We fall up of water.
23-Are you able to do it?
24-Shopping will be done on the internet .
25-The road to Tanta has to be mended urgently

rody4ever 12-10-2009 04:31 PM

-This charity helps children by heart diseases.
2-He has got a work at a big bank.
3-I want to make this kind of work.
4- He is dying.,ug his clothes now.
5-Where did you yesterday? I was at home.
7- How long ago has the plane leave?
8-Her successful pleased all the family.
9-It is easy to shop online , but things can make wrong.
go shopping
10-I didn't catch the train .When I arrived at the station it left.
had left
14-He couldn't stop smoke.
16-Mr Sayed was the only alive of the car accident.
17-To introduce more crops, fertilizers are used.
18-Neithe the sun nor the moon is in habited.
19 Omar went in studying until the dawn.
20- A can can be open.
21-The thieves stole the bank yesterday.
23-Do you able to do it?

متشكرة اوى لحضرتك وان شاء الله
باقي الاسئلة اجاوب عليها

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 04:42 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة دودىدوو (المشاركة 1676222)
how long ..ago.....did you start running?
dangerous idea no teacher can say it on schools but i knew it from my best teacher 4 evaaaaa mr :reda

thx mr abo besho u r active :D

شكرا جزيلا شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 04:51 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rody4ever (المشاركة 1676228)
متشكرة اوى ع الاسئله

شكرا كثيرا جدا ولكن رقم خمسه
have been robbed شكرا جزيلا شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا:049gc0:

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 04:55 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة nabil kamal iskander (المشاركة 1675725)
دائما للروائع والملاحظات الدقيقه يا أبوبيشو ............... لك جزيل الشكر .

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك مستر نبيل شكرا جزيلا كل عام وحضرتك بخير شكرا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 04:57 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مرمرينا التابعى (المشاركة 1676094)
1_ yet
3_hadn't been
5_hard work
ومرسى كتيرررررررررر على مجهودك.

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

Miss/Shaymaa 12-10-2009 05:23 PM


do3a f2010 12-10-2009 08:50 PM

1-This charity helps children by heart diseases.
2-He has got a work at a big bank.
3-I want to make this kind of work.

5-Where did you yesterday? I was at home.
6-Just as we played football, t started to rain.
had played
7- How long ago has the plane leave?
8-Her successful pleased all the family.
9-It is easy to shop online , but things can make wrong.
10-I didn't catch the train .When I arrived at the station it left.
had left
11-Thanks for my father's efforts , I passed my exams.
thanks to
12-The Olympic Games are an international sport festival.
13-The Olympic Games are held all four years
14-He couldn't stop smoke.
15- Although he was tired , he took place in the competion.

17-To introduce more crops, fertilizers are used.

19 Omar went in studying until the dawn.
20- A can can be open.
be opened
21-The thieves stole the bank yesterday.
23-Do you able to do it?
will you be
24-Shopping will be do on the internet .
25-The road to Tanta has to mend urgently]
to be mended

يارب ماكونش الفت في الاجابة ........ اما بقيت الاجابات مش عارفاها وشكرا يا مستر على الاسئلة الحلوة دي ......منتظرين الاجابات الصح :bosyht9::bosyht9::bosyht9::bosyht9:

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 10:34 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاطف القاضى (المشاركة 1675470)
we really appreciate all your participations my dear

شكرا جزيلا مستر عاطف كل عام وحضرتك بخير شكرا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 10:36 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sheefo (المشاركة 1675598)
thanx mr veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much for your efforts

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكرااااااااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 10:37 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة salehrabie (المشاركة 1676524)
special thanks mr. Mamdouh

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك كل عام وانتم بخير شكرا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 10:38 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة miss/shaymaa (المشاركة 1677079)

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكرااااااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 11:01 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابو بيشو (المشاركة 1675481)
1-this charity helps children with heart diseases.شكرا جزيلا لكم جميعا ولكل من شارك فى الرد والاجابه
2-he has got work /a job at a big bank.
3-i want to do this kind of work.
4- he is dyeing his clothes now.يصبغ
5-where were you yesterday? I was at home.
6-just as we were playing football, it started to rain.
7- how long ago did the plane leave?
8-her success pleased all the family.
9-it is easy to shop online , but things can do wrong.
10-i didn't catch the train .when i arrived at the station it had left.
11-thanks to my father's efforts , i passed my exams.
12-the olympic games are an international sports festival.
13-the olympic games are held every four years
14-he couldn't stop smoking.
15- although he was tired , he took part in the competition.
16-mr sayed was the only survivor of the car accident.
17-to produce more crops, fertilizers are used.
18-neither the sun nor the moon is inhabited .
19 omar went on studying until the dawn.
20- a can can be opened..
21-the thieves robbed the bank yesterday.
22-we ran out of water.
23-are you able to do it?
24-shopping will be done on the internet .
25-the road to tanta has to be mended urgently.

شكرا جزيلا لكل من شارك فى الاجابه لكم منى كل احترام وتقدير شكراااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 11:05 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابو بيشو (المشاركة 1675481)
1-this charity helps children by heart diseases.
2-he has got a work at a big bank.
3-i want to make this kind of work.
4- he is dying his clothes now.
5-where did you yesterday? I was at home.
6-just as we played football, it started to rain.
7- how long ago has the plane leave?
8-her successful pleased all the family.
9-it is easy to shop online , but things can make wrong.
10-i didn't catch the train .when i arrived at the station it left.
11-thanks for my father's efforts , i passed my exams.
12-the olympic games are an international sport festival.
13-the olympic games are held all four years
14-he couldn't stop smoke.
15- although he was tired , he took place in the competition.
16-mr sayed was the only alive of the car accident.
17-to introduce more crops, fertilizers are used.
18-neither the sun nor the moon is in habited.
19 omar went in studying until the dawn.
20- a can can be open.
21-the thieves stole the bank yesterday.
22-we ran up of water.
23-do you able to do it?
24-shopping will be do on the internet .
25-the road to tanta has to mend urgently.

كل عام وانتم بخير شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 11:11 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مها2222 (المشاركة 1676412)
this charity helps children with heart diseases.
2-he has got work at a big bank.
3-i want to do this kind of work.
4- he is dyeing his clothes now.هو يصبغ ملابسه الان
5-where were you yesterday? I was at home.
6-just as we were playing football,it started to rain.
7- how long ago did the plane leave?
8-her success pleased all the family.
9-it is easy to shop online , but things can go wrong.
10-i didn't catch the train .when i arrived at the station it had left.
11-thanks to my father's efforts , i passed my exams.
12-the olympic games are an international sports festival .
13-the olympic games are held every four years
14-he couldn't stop smoking .

وسأكمل بقية الاسئلة مرة اخرى ان شاء الله

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكرا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 11:12 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة يحيى عطيه حسن محمد (المشاركة 1676885)
3- he is dyeing his clothes now
ده يا جماعة علشان افرق بين الفعل die ,والفعل dye

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكرااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 11:15 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة el_magic (المشاركة 1676990)
15- although he was tired , he took part in the competion.
16-mr sayed was the only survivor of the car accident.
17-to produce more crops, fertilizers are used.
18-neither the sun nor the moon is inhabited.
19 omar went on studying until the dawn.
مش متأكد منها بصراحة 20- a can can be opened.
21-the thieves robbed the bank yesterday.
22-we ran out of water.
23-are you able to do it?
24-shopping will be done on the internet .
25-the road to tanta has to be mended urgently

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكرااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 11:22 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rody4ever (المشاركة 1676994)
-this charity helps children by heart diseases.

2-he has got work at a big bank.
3-i want to make this kind of work.
4- he is dyeing his clothes now.

5-where did you yesterday? I was at home.
7- how long ago has the plane leave?
8-her successful pleased all the family.
9-it is easy to shop online , but things can make wrong.
10-i didn't catch the train .when i arrived at the station it left.
had left
14-he couldn't stop smoke.
16-mr sayed was the only alive of the car accident.
17-to introduce more crops, fertilizers are used.
18-neither the sun nor the moon is inhabited.
19 omar went in studying until the dawn.
20- a can can be open.
21-the thieves stole the bank yesterday.
23-do you able to do it?

متشكرة اوى لحضرتك وان شاء الله

باقي الاسئلة اجاوب عليها

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 11:30 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة do3a f2010 (المشاركة 1677416)
1-This charity helps children byheart diseases.
2-He has got a work at a big bank.
a job/work
3-I want to make this kind of work.

5-Where did you yesterday? I was at home.
6-Just as we played football, t started to rain.
were playing
7- How long ago has the plane leave?
8-Her successful pleased all the family.
9-It is easy to shop online , but things can make wrong.
10-I didn't catch the train .When I arrived at the station it left.
had left
11-Thanks for my father's efforts , I passed my exams.
thanks to
12-The Olympic Games are an international sport festival.sports
13-The Olympic Games are held all four years
14-He couldn't stop smoke.
15- Although he was tired , he took place in the competition.

17-To introduce more crops, fertilizers are used.

19 Omar went in studying until the dawn.on
20- A can can be open.
be opened
21-The thieves stole the bank yesterday.
23-Do you able to do it?
will you be/Are
24-Shopping will be do on the internet .
25-The road to Tanta has to mend urgently]
to be mended

يارب ماكونش الفت في الاجابة ........ اما بقيت الاجابات مش عارفاها وشكرا يا مستر على الاسئلة الحلوة دي ......منتظرين الاجابات الصح :bosyht9::bosyht9::bosyht9::bosyht9:

شكرا جزيلا شكراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 11:35 PM

قريبا ان شاء الله

ابو بيشو 12-10-2009 11:37 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابو بيشو (المشاركة 1674400)
انت اللى غايه فى الروعه شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك

كل عام وانتم بخير شكرا

Mr operation 13-10-2009 05:28 AM

الله عليك و تسلم ايدك يا استاذنا
ربنا يبارك فيك و يزيدك كمان و كمان

Rahman21 13-10-2009 06:18 AM

The following sentences are metioned in the 4th unit
Please Tell me what do you think of them
1-If only one bird pulled a string, the box did not move.
2-However, if both birds pulled the strings at the same time, they moved the box and got the food.

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 06:27 AM

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك وحشتنا كثيرا جدا كل عام وحضرتك بخير شكرااااا

ابومحمدالشناوي 13-10-2009 06:57 AM

شكرا جزيلا مستر عاطف

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 06:57 AM

يا ترى الخطا فين وايه الصح ...................؟
1-We were made do the exercise again.
2-The teacher made us doing the exercise again.
3-The teacher let us to go out early.
4-The teacher allowed us go out early.
5-The food is singing now.
6-He spilt the apple into 2 parts.
7-Father stopped me of joining the school journey.
8-They did a fire to heat their room.
9-They kept the fire burn all the time
10-He doesn't want his family to worry of him.
11-I lost him very much.
12-He lets me use his mobile a year ago.
13-I don't know the reason what he departed suddenly.
14-.He hasn't left early. Either have I
15-What was the cause for the fire?
With my best wishes Mr. Mamdouh ....Abu Besho

مستر/ عصام الجاويش 13-10-2009 07:34 AM

شكرا لك مستر ممدوح على جهدك
ولكن لى رجاء عند حضرتك وهو
مايقدم فى هذا المنتدى اساسا يقدم لطالب 2 ثانوى والمفروض ان الذى يجاوب على الاسئله هم الطلاب. هل توافقنى فى ذلك؟
الطالب حاليا درس عدد معين من الوحدات 3 او 4 وليس كل المنهج. اليس كذلك؟
اذا من المفيد جدا ان تكون الاسئله مرتبطه بما درسه الطالب حتى الان وليس على المنهج كله.
يعنى لو حضرتك مثلا قدمت تمارين على الوحده الاولى ثم الثانيه وهكذا مما درسه الطالب فعليا يكون هذا افضل اكيد
وسيكون التفاعل اكثر من جانب الطلاب وارجو من حضرتك ايضا التنويه الى ان الاخوه المدرسين لايدخلون للاجابه على الاسئله التى تقدمها حضرتك للطلاب فهذا ليس دور المدرس ولكن دوره ان يسأل طالب سؤال وهو يجيب عليه
هذا رأى وتقبل مرورى

tahersemary 13-10-2009 10:56 AM

many thanks for this piese of great information

el_magic 13-10-2009 12:30 PM

1-We were made to do the exercise again.
2-The teacher made us do the exercise again.
3-The teacher let us go out early.
4-The teacher allowed us to go out early.
5-The food is singeing now.
6-He split the apple into 2 parts.
7-Father stopped me from joining the school journey.
8-They made fire to heat their room.
9-They set the fire burn all the time
10-He doesn't want his family to worry about him.
11-I missed him very much.
12-He let me use his mobile a year ago.
13-I don't know the reason why he departed suddenly.
14-He hasn't left early. Either have I?
15-What was the cause of the fire?
With my best wishes Mr. Mamdouh ....Abu Besho

شكرا ليك مستر ممدوح

وياريت تقولى على أخطائى

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 12:42 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مستر/ عصام الجاويش (المشاركة 1678181)
شكرا لك مستر ممدوح على جهدك
ولكن لى رجاء عند حضرتك وهو
مايقدم فى هذا المنتدى اساسا يقدم لطالب 2 ثانوى والمفروض ان الذى يجاوب على الاسئله هم الطلاب. هل توافقنى فى ذلك؟
الطالب حاليا درس عدد معين من الوحدات 3 او 4 وليس كل المنهج. اليس كذلك؟
اذا من المفيد جدا ان تكون الاسئله مرتبطه بما درسه الطالب حتى الان وليس على المنهج كله.
يعنى لو حضرتك مثلا قدمت تمارين على الوحده الاولى ثم الثانيه وهكذا مما درسه الطالب فعليا يكون هذا افضل اكيد
وسيكون التفاعل اكثر من جانب الطلاب وارجو من حضرتك ايضا التنويه الى ان الاخوه المدرسين لايدخلون للاجابه على الاسئله التى تقدمها حضرتك للطلاب فهذا ليس دور المدرس ولكن دوره ان يسأل طالب سؤال وهو يجيب عليه
هذا رأى وتقبل مرورى

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك مستر عصام لك منى كل احترام وتقدير كل عام وحضرتك بخير
سيتم تخصيص اسئله على كل وحده شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

rody4ever 13-10-2009 07:02 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابو بيشو (المشاركة 1678149)
1-we were made do the exercise again.


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابو بيشو (المشاركة 1678149)

made to

2-the teacher made us doing the exercise again.
3-the teacher let us to go out early.
Let us go
4-the teacher allowed us go out early.
Allowed us to go
5-the food is singing now.
Being cooked
6-he spilt the apple into 2 part
7-father stopped me of joining the school journey.
Stopped me joining
8-they did a fire to heat their room.
9-they kept the fire burn all the time
were keeping
10-he doesn't want his family to worry of him.
11-i lost him very much.
12-he lets me use his mobile a year ago.
13-i don't know the reason what he departed suddenly.
For departing
14-.he hasn't left early. either have i
15-what was the cause for the fire?
with my best wishes mr. Mamdouh ....abu besho

متشكرة اوى يامستر

وياريت حضرتك توضح الخطأ

محمد المسلم ابوعبده 13-10-2009 08:36 PM

استفدنا من حضرتك كثير وياريت معلومات اكثر

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 09:03 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة tahersemary (المشاركة 1678259)
many thanks for this piese of great information

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكراااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 09:05 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمد المسلم ابوعبده (المشاركة 1678945)
استفدنا من حضرتك كثير وياريت معلومات اكثر

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 09:13 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة el_magic (المشاركة 1678311)
1-we were made to do the exercise again.
2-the teacher made us do the exercise again.
3-the teacher let us go out early.
4-the teacher allowed us to go out early.
5-the food is singeing now.
6-he split the apple into 2 parts.
7-father stopped me from joining the school journey.
8-they made fire to heat their room.
9-they kept the fire burning all the time
بعد keep ياتى فعل +ing
10-he doesn't want his family to worry about him.
11-i missed him very much.
12-he let me use his mobile a year ago.
13-i don't know the reason why he departed suddenly.
14-he hasn't left early. neither have i?
15-what was the cause of the fire?
With my best wishes mr. Mamdouh ....abu besho

شكرا ليك مستر ممدوح

وياريت تقولى على أخطائى

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك كل عام وحضرتك بخير شكرااااااااااااااااااااااا

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 09:23 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rody4ever (المشاركة 1678774)
متشكرة اوى يامستر

وياريت حضرتك توضح الخطأ

شكرا جزيلا ولكن هناك ما يحتاج الى توضيح
5-singeing يشيط -يحترق قليلا
7-stopped me from joining
9-kept the fire burning بعد keep ياتى فعل +ing
13- the reason why
شكرا جزيلا شكرا

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 09:32 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Rahman21 (المشاركة 1678125)
The following sentences are metioned in the 4th unit
Please Tell me what do you think of them
1-If only one bird pulled a string, the box did not move.
2-However, if both birds pulled the strings at the same time, they moved the box and got the food.

Thanks a lot . This is an example to show that animals also co-operate
This is a recent experiment to prove that .One bird cannot do what a group of birds can do.
Thanks a lot .

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 09:36 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابو بيشو (المشاركة 1674376)
وكل عام وانتم بخير

يلا نشوف تانى من الاول يلا بينا

prof611 13-10-2009 10:25 PM

the first answer is diary

Mr. ABDELHADY 13-10-2009 10:35 PM

mostly :
None + pl. v.
None of + sing. v.
Thank Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu

ابو بيشو 13-10-2009 10:39 PM

شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

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