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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-01-2014 02:32 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
1. Who did Rassendyll ask the Marshall to protect the Princess From? - From the Duke.
2. Why did the Duke want to marry the Princess?
- Because his mother wasn't royal and he could legally become king if he married the Princess.
3. What did the Marshall notice when Rassendyll wrote his order?
- The writing was a little different from the usual writing of the king.
4. How did Rassendyll justify the difference in handwriting?
- He said it was because of the injury in his finger.
5. Where did Rassendyll tell the princess he was going?
- He told her that he was going to hunt a big animal. (Michael)
6. What did Rassendyll ask Flavia to do if he didn't come back? - To be Queen of Ruritania
7. Where was the Tarlenheim castle?
- On top of a hill which had a leafy wood. It was about eight kilometres from Zenda.
8. Who did the Tarlenheim house belong to? - It belonged to a relative of Fritz.
9. Who did Rassendyll take with him to the Tarlenheim house?
- He took Sapt, Fritz and a large party of servants besides ten brave and strong gentlemen who he trusted.
10. What did Rassendyll tell the ten men? - Rassendyll told them that Michael had tried to kill him and that a good friend of the king was held prisoner in the castle .It was their job to set the prisoner free.
11. Show that the men whom the pretend king took with him were brave and loyal.
- When Rassendyll told them about the job, they didn't need to ask any more questions.
12. Who arrived at the Tarlenheim house to visit Rassendyll?
- The three Ruritanians of the famous six (Rupert, Lauengram and Krafstein).
13. Why couldn't the Duke host the king (Rassendyll) at his mansion?
- Rupert claimed that the Duke and his servants had a dangerous illness.
14. What did Rassendyll think of Rupert's talk to him?
- His talk was formal and polite but Rassendyll didn't believe a word he said.
15. What was Sapt's opinion of Rupert Hentzau?
- Sapt said that Rupert was the worst criminal in Ruritania.
16. Why did Rassendyll feel safe when he set off for Zenda with Fritz? - His face was covered and there were many people on the roads. They didn't go near the castle but they went to the inn.
17. Why did Rassendyll uncover his face in front of the owner's daughter?
- To let her see him and she thought that he was the king as he planned.
18. How was the owner's daughter mistaken about Rassendyll? - She thought that he was the king.
19. Why did the owner's daughter apologise to Rassendyll? - Thinking he was the real king ,she apologised for saying anything bad when he stayed with them before
20. What condition did Rassendyll ask her to achieve to forgive her?
- He asked her to bring Johann to Tarlenheim and asked her not to tell anyone that she saw the king.
21. Why did the girl agree happily to bring Johann to the king (Rassendyll)?
- Because he promised her that he wouldn't hurt Johann if he did as he asked.
22. Why did it seem dangerous for Rassendyll to ride in that area alone? - Because Bernenstein (one of Rassendyll's men) saw three men in the trees and one shot him in the arm.
23. Why weren't they safe in the country house?
- Because Michael's men knew their place and they wanted to kill Rassendyll.
24. Why did Rupert ask Rassendyll to stop pretending?
- Because all of them knew that he was Rassendyll, not the king.
25. Although Rupert knew Rassendyll's game, Rassendyll was confident. Illustrate.
- They couldn't tell the truth of Rassendyll as people would know that they had kidnapped the real king.
26. What was the 2nd offer which Rupert told Rassendyll about?
- The Duke offered Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.
27. Why did Rassendyll refuse the 2nd offer? - Rassendyll was an honest, faithful and honourable man. He knew that Michael and his men were lying so he didn’t trust them.
28. What would happen if Rassendyll accepted the offer?
- The real king would be killed and even Rassendyll could be killed and Michael would be king.
29. Rupert Hentzau was treacherous غدار and trustless. Explain.
- He asked Rassendyll to shake hands and stabbed him in his shoulder with his knife. He also offered to work for Rassendyll against Michael.
30. How was Rassendyll lucky when Rupert stabbed him? - The injury wasn't bad.
31. Why was Rassendyll angry when Rupert stabbed him?
- Rassendyll was angry to let himself fall to such a trick.
32. Why was Johann happy to help Rassendyll?
- Johann knew if Michael's plan was successful, he'd be in trouble as he knew too much.
33. Johann was a weak man not a wicked one. How did that help Rassendyll?
- Johann worked for Michael because he was afraid of him not because he liked him. He seemed happy to tell Rassendyll Michael's secrets so Rassendyll used him as a perfect spy.
34. What did Johan tell them about the real king's place inside the castle?
- Johann said that there were two small rooms inside the castle. The rooms were cut into the rock below the ground .One room had no windows so it was always lit by candles. Behind it was a second room with a small window where the king was kept in chains.
35. How could these rooms be reached? - They could only be reached by crossing the drawbridge.
36. Why was the first room always guarded by three of the six men?
- They had orders if anyone attacked the first room, Detchard would kill the king.
37. Why was there a pipe from the window of the king's room?
- When the king was killed, the body would then be put down the pipe which led to the castle's moat.
38. The pipe had many uses for Michael's men. Discuss.
a) The king's body would be thrown into the moat through the pipe.
b) The three men would escape down the same pipe and swim across the moat.
39. What was the 2nd plan to get rid of the king if many people attacked the castle?
- They would kill the king and threw his body into the moat through the pipe. One of the six famous would take the king's place in the room.
40. Why would one of the six men take the king's place? - Michael would say he kept him prisoner as he had been rude to Antoinette de Mauban. No one would believe that the king was ever there.
41. How was Sapt being frustrated by Michael's clever plan?
- He said if they attacked the castle quietly and secretly or openly with a great army, the king would still be dead before they could save him. He said Rassendyll would be king forever.
42. Why was Rassendyll's pulse quickened at the thought of remaining king forever?
- Without proving that Michael had killed the real king, Michael would still be there, in his castle, waiting for his opportunity to take Rassendyll's place.
43. Who knew about Michael's plan other than his men? -The real king and Max Holf.
44. What did Johann say about his brother Max?
-Johann said that his brother helped to put up the pipe to the prison window.
45. Why wasn’t it easy to sleep at the Castle of Zenda?
- Because no one was safe .Everyone in the castle was a criminal, except the king.
46. What orders did Rassendyll give Johann after thanking him?
- If anyone asked him if there was a prisoner in the castle, he could say there was. If any one asked who the prisoner was, he wouldn't answer.
47. According to Rassendyll, how could the king come out of Zenda alive?
- If they had a miracle or one of the Duke's men betrayed him.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge001.gif[/IMG]Quotations
1. “You must promise that you will protect Princess Flavia from the Duke."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Marshall Strakencz.
b) Why did Michael want to marry Flavia? - To be legally king as his mother wasn't royal.
2. “Now I'll write down what I've just said. But my finger still hurts.”
a) Who said this? To whom? - Rassendyll to the Marshal.
b) Where was the speaker going? - To Zenda.
c) Why was his finger damaged? - As it was shot.
3. “The writing's a little different from your usual. I hope people know it is a real order."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Marshall Strakencz to Rassendyll (the king)
b) Why didn't the Marshall suspect Rassendyll? - As Rassendyll's finger still hurt.
4. “I trust you'.”
a) Who says this? To whom?- Rassendyll (the king) to Marshall Strakencz
b) What does the speaker order the listener to do?- He tells him to guard the Princess. He also tells the Marshal that he will send a message to him every evening. If he doesn’t get a message for three days, he has the authority to say that he is now the head of Strelsau. He must ask the Duke to allow him to see the King. If he doesn’t see the King in twenty-four hours, he must say that the King’s dead. Then he must tell the people of Ruritania that their new ruler will be Princess Flavia.
c) What was the occasion? - Rassendyll was leaving for Zenda to free the real king.
5. “The Princess will be safe with me.”
a) Who said this? To whom? - Marshal Strakencz to Rassendyll.
b) What was the speaker ordered to do? - To protect Princess Flavia from the Duke.
c) When did that take place? - Before Rassendyll (the king) goes out to Zenda.
6. "So you'd prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the capital."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Flavia to the pretend king (Rassendyll).
b) What did the speaker blame the listener for?
- For preferring hunting animals to doing his duties in the capital.
c) What did these words show us about the speaker? - She cared about Ruritania.
7. " The thing I hunt is a very big animal "
a) Who was the speaker? To whom? - Rassendyl1 to Flavia
b) Where were they? - In Flavia's palace.
c) Which animal was the speaker talking about? -Duke Michael.
8. "This’ll be dangerous."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Flavia to the pretend king (Rassendyll)
b) What would be dangerous? - The fight with Michael.
9. If I don't come back, you will be queen for me."
a) Who said that ? To whom? - Rassendyll to the Princess.
b) Where was the speaker going? - To Zenda to free the real king.
10. "I will do whatever is right for Ruritania."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Flavia to the pretend king ( Rassendyll )
b) What do you think of Flavia? - She was patriot and ready to sacrifice for Ruritania.
11. “Thank you; let's hope it’s not necessary."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to the Princess.
b) What was the speaker talking about?
-Flavia being the Queen of Ruritania in case Rassendyll (the king) never comes back.
c) Where were they? - In Flavia’s palace.
12. "I'm sorry to hear this. I hope my brother feels better soon."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Rupert.
b) What was wrong with the speaker’s brother? * - He pretended that he and many of his servants had a dangerous illness to prevent people from approaching the Castle.
c) Where were they? - In Tarlenheim house.
13. "And what of your friends. I heard that Detchard was injured?"
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Rupert.
b) What did he mean by “your friends”? - The rest of the famous six.
b) What did Rassendyll want to tell Rupert? -He beat his friends and hurt Detchard.
14. "You needn't worry, Detchard will be fine.”
a) Who said these words? To whom? - Rupert to Rassendyll.
b) What was wrong with Detchard? - Rassendyll had shot him in the arm.
c) Where were they? - At the Tarlenheim house.
15. "Good. Perhaps you would like to stay and eat with us."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Rupert.
b) Where were they? - In the Tarlenheim house.
c) What was the occasion?
- Rupert was visiting them to tell them that the Duke and many of his servants had a dangerous illness.
16. "You are very kind but unfortunately we have important duties and need to get back."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rupert to Rassendyll.
b) Who does “we” refer to? - Rupert, Krafestein and Lauengram.
c) What do you think he meant by “important duties”? - Getting rid of Rassendyll and the real king.
17. "Of course you do, Thank you for coming. I look forward to seeing you all again."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Rupert
b) What did the Speaker mean by “all”? - Rupert, Krafestein and Lauengram.
c) What was the occasion? - Duke Michael had sent three of the Six to the king after reaching Zenda.
18. "That Rupert's the worst criminal of them all.''
a) Who said that? To whom? - Sapt to Rassendyll.
b) What does the speaker mean by "all"? - The Duke’s six men.
c) Who employed Rupert and his fellows? - Michael.
19. “I have been here before."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Fritz
b) What did “here” refer to? - It referred to the inn (the first place he visited in Zenda).
20. "Won't they recognise you?"
a) Who said that? To whom? - Fritz to Rassendyll
b) Who would recognise him? -The owner of the inn and her daughters.
21. "Of course. Just do as I say and everything will be fine."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Fritz.
b) Why did they go to that place? - To employ Johann as a spy in the castle.
22. "You are the king! I remember you when you stayed with us. I told my mother you weren't an Englishman.”
a) Who said that? To whom? - The inn owner's daughter to Rassendyll.
b) Where were they? - In an inn in Zenda.
c) What was the occasion?
- Rassendyll went to the inn to meet Johann to employ him as a spy in the castle.
23. "I'm sorry if we said anything bad when you stayed with us."
a) Who said that? To whom? - The inn owner's daughter to Rassendyll.
b) What did the speaker apologise for?
- Her mother said that she liked the duke and preferred him to be the king.
c) Did the addressee accept her apology? - Yes, in case she promised to help them.
24. “I will forgive you if you promise to help us. I wanted to see Johann"
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to the inn owner's daughter.
b) What would the speaker forgive him/her for? - For the bad things her mother said about the king.
c) What did the speaker want the listener to do? - To help him to find Johann.
25. “He never comes here any more. He works at the castle now."
a) Who said that? To whom? - The inn owner's daughter to Rassendyll.
b) About whom was the speaker speaking? - Johann.
c) Why did the listener want “He”?
- To get information about the duke’s plan and to use him as a spy inside the castle.
26. "But you are still friends and you must ask to see him."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to the inn owner's daughter.
b) Who were still friends? - The inn owner’s daughter and Johann.
27. “Tell him to meet you tomorrow night, then bring him to our house."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to the inn owner's daughter.
b) What did “him” refer to? - Johann.
c) What did the speaker mean by “Our house”? - The Tarlenheim house.
28. "You won't hurt him, will you, sir?"
a) Who said that? To whom? - The inn owner's daughter to Rassendyll.
b) What did “him” refer to? - Johann.
c) Why did the speaker say so? - As she knew that Johan helped the Duke against the king.
29. "No. If he does what we ask."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to the inn owner's daughter.
b) What did “he” refer to? - Johann.
c) What did the speaker ask him / her to do?
- To give them information about the castle, the place of the king and Michael’s plans.
30. "So you are safe! It's dangerous to ride in this area unless you are in a large group."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Sapt to Rassendyll.
b) Why did the speaker say so?
- As one of their men went out alone in the woods that day. He saw three men in the trees and one shot him.
31. "We're fine. Why shouldn't we be?"
a) Who said these words? To whom? - Rassendyll to Sapt.
b) Where were they? - At the Tarlenheim house.
c) Why did the speaker say so? - As Sapt was worried about Rassendyll.
32. "I have a message for you, Rassendyll."
a) Who said that? - Rupert de Hentzau.
2- Who sent the speaker with a message? - Duke Michael.
3-What was the message? - The Duke offered a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.
33. "If you don't know how to address the king, my brother must find another messenger."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Rupert .
b) What made did the speaker say so? - As Rupert addressed him as Rassendyll.
c) Why did the addressed person go to that place?
- To tell Rassendyll that the Duke offered him a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.
34. "Why do you continue to pretend? .........We all know who you are."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rupert to Rassendyll.
b) What did the addressee pretend to be? - To be the king of Ruritania.
c) What does the speaker mean by “we all”? - Michael and his men besides Rassendyll and his men.
35. “But you can't say that in public, can you?"
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Rupert.
b) What couldn't they say in public? Why?
- Rassendyll was not the real king. Because they would be accused of kidnapping the real king.
c) What evil thing did the speaker do before leaving? - He stabbed Rassendyll.
36. "The game's not finished yet, and until it is, I will choose my own name."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Rupert.
b) What game did the speaker mean? - Pretending to be the king.
c) Why couldn’t the addressed person uncover the real personality of the speaker?
- Because they would be accused of kidnapping the real king.
37. "The Duke offers you a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces."
a) Who said that? To whom? -Rupert to Rassendyll.
b) Was that the only offer? - No, it was the second. Michael offered hima safe journey to the border and 50,000 English pounds in the first time.
38. "Tell the Duke I refuse his generous offer. How is his prisoner, by the way?"
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Rupert.
b) What was that offer? - A safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.
c) Who was “his prisoner”? - The real king.
39. "He is still alive"
a) Who said that? To whom? -Rupert to Rassendyll.
b) Who was “He”? - The real king.
c) Where was this person? Why?
- He was imprisoned in the castle of Zenda because Michael wanted to be the king.
40. "Good, now go from here while you can."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Rupert.
b) Why did the addressed person go to that place?
- To offer Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces.
c) What did the speaker mean by “while you can”? - He meant before he kills him.
41. "Let's shake hands.”
a) Who said this? To whom? -Rupert to Rassendyll.
b) Where was the speaker at that time? - Just outside Tarlenheim house.
c) What did the speaker do then? - He stabbed Rassendyll.
42. “The doctor says your arm will soon be better."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Fritz to Rassendyll.
b) What was the problem with the other person’s arm? - Rupert stabbed him.
43. “The good news is that your plan has worked, for the girl's brought Johann."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Fritz to Rassendyll.
b) Who was the girl? - The inn owner’s daughter.
c) Where did she bring Johann? - To Tarlenheim house.
44. "He seems to know that if Michael's plan is successful, he'll be in trouble."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Fritz to Rassendyll .
b) Who were they talking about? - Johann.
c) Why would this person in trouble if Michael's plan was successful? - As he knew many secrets.
45. "What if many men attacked the castle?"
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Johann.
b)What if many men attacked the castle? - Michael’s plan was to kill the king, hide his body under water, then put one of the six as prisoner saying that he was rude to Antoinette do Mauban.
46. "They have another plan."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Johann to Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz.
b) Who have another plan? - Michael and his men.
c) What was the other plan? - It was to kill the king, hide his body under water, then put one of the six as prisoner saying that he was rude to Antoinette do Mauban.
47. "It's a very clever plan. It means that if we attack the castle, the king will still be dead."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Sapt to Rassendyll, Fritz and Johann.
b) What plan did he refer to? - Michael’s plan to kill the king ,hide his body under water, then put one of the six as prisoner saying that he was rude to Antoinette do Mauban
c) What was the occasion? -Johann was telling Sapt and Rassendyll about Michael's evil plans.
48. "I think that this time next year, you will be king."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Sapt to Rassendyll
b) What did that mean? -It meant that they couldn't rescue the real king
49. "Does the king know about Michael's plan?"
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Johann
b) Did the king know about Michael's plan? - Yes he did
c) What was Michael's plan? - To kill the king and throw his body in the moat
50. "Yes, and so does my brother, Max. It isn't easy to sleep in the castle as no one feels safe. Everyone in it is a criminal except the king."
a) Who said that? To whom? - Johann to Rassendyll.
c) What did the speaker mean by “yes”? - He meant that the king knew about Michael's plan.
51. "We can help you if you keep your promises otherwise you will never be safe again."
a) Who said that? To whom? -Rassendyll to Johann.
b) What promises would the listener keep? - To help them.
52. "So what are we going to do now?"
a) Who said that? To whom? - Sapt to Rassendyll
b) Why did Sapt ask that question? - Because Michael's plan frustrated him.
53. "There are two ways in which the king can come out of Zenda alive,"
a) Who said that? To whom? - Rassendyll to Sapt
b) What were the two ways? - If they had a miracle or if the duke was betrayed by one of his men.

برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

mahmoudmody1 27-01-2014 02:36 PM

شكرا‏ ‏يا‏ ‏مستر‏ ‏بس‏ ‏طول‏ ‏كتير‏ ‏كنت‏ ‏عاوز مختصر حوالي 15 سؤال او 10

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 27-01-2014 02:39 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

-Teachيُدرِس - I teach English to secondary school students.
- Learn يتعلم- She has learnt to play the guitar.
- learn ــ teach + ( to + inf ) أو ( how to + inf ) يتعـلم ـيعـلم
- She learns to cook. - She learns how to cook.
- Know/ Show + ( how to + inf) يعـرف ـ يوضـح - She knows how to cook.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge001.gif[/IMG]

- Argue for / in favour ofيقدم حجة لصالح / يؤيد - They argued strongly for the new project.
- Argue againstيقدم الحجة ضد / يعارض - They argued against the new tax law.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge002.gif[/IMG]

- decide to + inf. يقرر- They decided to sell their farm.
- decide that + يقررأن- We decided that we would go for a boat trip.
- Decide on + n يختار - We've decided on Youssif as a name for our baby.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge002.gif[/IMG]

- Train (somebody) in something يُدربعلي- All pupils will be trained in computer skills.
- Train (somebody) to + inf. يُدربلكي- We are trained to deal with emergency situations.
-Train for + n يتدرب من أجل- He spends three hours a day training for the match.
- Train to be / as + jobيتدرب كـ (وظيفة) - Mariam is training to be a doctor.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge001.gif[/IMG]

- For this reason,= so ولهذاالسبب - He had a bad cold. For this reason, he stayed in bed.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge001.gif[/IMG]

- لا تستخدم the قبل كلمة next إذا جاءت بعدها كلمات تدل علي الزمن
- She's leaving for New York next Friday.
-تستخدم the قبل كلمة next إذا جاء بعدها اسم
- Read the next two chapters before Friday.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge001.gif[/IMG]- Betweenبين اثنين- He sat between his grandparents.
- Amongبين أكثر من اثنين- This mountain is among the highest in the world.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge003.gif[/IMG]

- هناك adverbs معينة يمكن أن يبدأ بها الكلام و يأتي بعدها جملة كاملة:
- Interestinglyمن المثير للاهتمام / undoubtedly بلا شك/ unfortunately للأسف
- luckilyلحسن الحظ / personally بصفة شخصية
- unfortunately, none of her daughters ever married. - Undoubtedly, interest in local goods is low.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge002.gif[/IMG]

- On (my/his/her…) ownوحيد / بمفرده - I've been living on my own for eight years now.
- of (my/his/her…) ownتدل علي الملكية - I'd like to have a house of my own.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge004.gif[/IMG]
- Encourage to +inf يشجع علي - We should encourage our children to read.
- encourage + nيُشجع (شيء) - The manager encourages hard work.
- discourage from + v+ingيمنع من - He discouraged me from making the journey.
- discourage + nيعوق (حدوث شيء) - Parents always discourage bad manners.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge002.gif[/IMG]

- Wounded- جريح / مجروح ( باستخدام سلاح فى حرب مثلا ) -Two officers were badly wounded.
- Injuredمصاب / مجروح ( فى حادث ) - One passenger was killed and four were injured.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge004.gif[/IMG]

at the age of فيعمـر
- She died at the age of 85.
in the age ofفيعصـر
- In the age of Mohamad Ali culture was greatly *******ed.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge005.gif[/IMG]known for معـــروف بــ...
- He is known for his generosity.
known as معـــروف كــ...
- She is known as 'The people's Princess".
known to معـــروف لــ...
- Naguib Mahfouz is known to everyone.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge006.gif[/IMG]well known مشهـــورجـــدا
- He is a well known doctor.

contribute to = make contributions to
يساهم ـ يقـدم إسهامـات
- Many people contributed greatly to their nation.
= Many people made great contributions to their nation.

[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge007.gif[/IMG]language functions
Asking for and Giving Reasons
Asking for reasons
Giving reasons
Can you tell me why………………………… ?
(It's) because ……………..………………..…
Is that the reason……………………………..?
To start with ………………………………..…
Is that why ………………………………….…?
Firstly / Secondly, because ……………..…
What (did you choose …………………) for?
That's one of the reasons.
What's the reason for …………………….…?
Mainly because …………………………….…
Why ………………………………………….…?
For (two/three) reasons……………………….
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge008.gif[/IMG]
Respond the following situations:
1.You ask your father the reason why he has decided to move house.
2.You want to ask your friend about the reason why he came to school late.
3.Your friend would like to know why you have decided to study engineering.
4.Your mother asks you why you didn't tidy up your room.
- Mention the place , the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1-A: I gave my mobile phone to my sister yesterday? B: What did you do that for?
A: Mainly because someone bought me a new one for my birthday.

[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge009.gif[/IMG]
2-A: Can you tell me why you were late for school?
B: To start with, I didn't hear my alarm clock.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge010.gif[/IMG]

3-A: Why do you want to study science at university?
B: For two reasons. Firstly, because I enjoy science, and secondly because I want to be a doctor when I leave.
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge011.gif[/IMG]

4-A: I was busy all day yesterday. B: Is that the reason you didn't phone me?
[IMG]file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge009.gif[/IMG]

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Father put Omer in ……………..of fixing the car.
a) role b) responsibility c) change d) charge
2. Salma thought this was a…………………gift for her teacher.
a) suitable b) effective c) charge d) solo
3. Ahmed has just got his driving ……………………and already he wants to buy a car.
a) flight b) role c) licence d) degree
4. My parents have always ……………..me to work hard at school.
a)discouraged b)encouraged c)prevented d)hindered
5. I'd prefer not to talk about that. It's something very………………. .
a) public b) person c) personally d)personal
6. Nurses have an important …………….in looking after patients in a hospital.
a. role b. date c. step d. appointment
7. A 14-year-old Japanese boy has become the youngest person to complete a ……….voyage across the Pacific Ocean.
a. lonely, b. alone c. single d. solo
8. My older brother has a ……………………in Maths from Cairo university.
a. mark b. prize c. degree d. grade
9. Exercise can have a ………………..effect on your health and fitness.
a. negative b. positive c. had d. harmful
10. It was a great football match. Both teams played very…………….. .
a. positively b. badly c. negatively d. cruelly
11. A…………………… types Letters and 'answers the phones in offices.
a. secret agent b. pilot c. nurse d. secretary
12. Some students need more…………………..than others at school.
a. depression b. encouragement c. frustration d. stress
13. She would be a good nurse. She has a very kind………………. .
a. hospitality b. fertility c. personality d. identity
14. …………, I believe that everyone should study science at school.
a. Personally b. Personal c. Person d. Impersonal
15. Dr Aisha's work had taken…………………much of her personal life.
a. in b. down c. off d. up
16. Dr Aisha wrote many books and articles in which she argued ........... women's role in the modern world.
a. on b. for c. against d. with
17. We…………….Hany to study hard to become a doctor._
a) discouraged b ) insulted c) encouraged d) blamed
18. He was awarded a prize for his……………. .
a) cowardice b) courage c) weakness d) insults
19. He was so…………….that he rushed into the burning building and saved. the child.
a)cowardly b) weak c) nervous d) courageous
20. Dr Aisha and Kasim Amin …………………. for women's rights.
a) argued b) resisted c) fired d) attacked
21. Because of her parents' death, she left school with no……………… .
a) qualities b) qualifications c) qualify d) qualified
22. An ambulance took the…………….to the nearest hospital immediately after the accident.
a) wound b) wounding c) winding d) wounded
23. Naguib Mahfouz was……………..the Nobel Prize in 1988.
a) awarded b) rewarded c) announced d) reported
24. He has two cars and a big villa. he must be……………. .
a) healthy b) rude c) wealthy d) greedy
25. When she was 17, she…………………. that she wanted to be a nurse.
a) decided b) intended c) offered d) determined
26. This problem was so………………that everyone can't ignore it.
a) subjective b) effective c) reflexive d) efficient
27. He……………..the record in swimming.
a) broke b) achieved c) reached d) destroyed
28. The …………..from Cairo to Geddah takes about two hours.
a) voyage b) flying c) flight d) picnic
29. Before you can drive a car, you need to have a driving …………… .
a) card b) visa c )certificate d) licence
30. She was……………….in a plane crash in 1941.
a) called b) killed c) dived d) damaged
31. My friend was……………to be an engineer and finally his parents agreed.
a) determined b) pretended c) laughed d) studied
32. The clever teacher……………… new ideas and methods into school.
a) offered b) presented c) introduced d) gave
33. These shoes aren't ………………for you. They are too big.
a) profitable b) suitable c) helpful d) sufficient
34. She……………….sure he had borrowed a lot of money.
a) did b) gave c) took d) made
35. The vase landed on the floor with a……………… .
a) crash b) flash c )rash d) brush
36. My brother spent his night …………….revision for his exam.
a) do b) did c) doing d) to do
37. He managed to complete a ………….. voyage across the Pacific Ocean.
a) alone b) solo c) lonely d) only
38. The factory manager should have a strong ………….to be feared and respected.
a) personal b) person c) personally d) personality
39. Both Kasim Amin and Dr Aisha Adel Rahman argued for …..the women's position in society.
a) intruding b) refining c) improving d) inducing
40. He wasn't able to get the…………..because it has already been filled.
a) location b) position c) task d) risk
41. She finally managed to get to visit her husband in jail.
a) confession b) submission c) condition d) permission
42. Our journey to the UAE was…………….We will remember it forever.
a) impressive b) impress c) impressed d) impression
43. The pilot was still young, however he ………………a long distance flight.
a) did b) formed c) made d) said
44. Visitors to the country have been asked to fill in a detailed …………… .
a) questionnaire b) questions c) quest d) application
45. The police asked the witness to mention everything in .
a) detail b) details c) detailed d) detained
46. He felt desperate when he……………….the record.
a) broke b) lost c) missed d) dropped
47. Our teacher doesn't allow us to answer haphazardly. He asks us to take………….. .
a) turns b) notes c) away d) action
48. He didn't decide to work as a photographer until he had grown…………. .
a) on b) off c) down d) up
49. She tried to explain, but he……………her in mid-sentence.
a) rushed b) interrupted c) interferred d) interpreted
50. What made you take………………….engineering?
a) after b) in c) up d) to
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1.Ahmed is success at his work.
2.A voyage is a journey in plane.
3.Amy did many other long-distance flights.
4.Antibiotics are only deductive if you finish the whole course of treatment.
5.Applicants must have a degrade in Engineering.
6.Children need lots of disappointment when they're learning new things.
7.Don’t interfere in this matter. It is a personnel affair.
8.Dr Aisha died in the age of 85 years.
9.Dr Aisha was rewarded her PhD in 1951.
10. Effect teaching has a positive role in the educational process.
11. Finally he got' a driving degree.
12. Have you got the qualifies needed for the job?
13. He borrowed his father's car to depress his friends.
14. He did his work lonely.
15. He has a British national.
16. He is better known for a lot of people.
17. He joined the university crew as a research assistant.
18. He lost the record by two minutes.
19. He made many other long-distances flights in many countries.
20. He produced new ideas into school.
21. He smashed the record in swimming in 1980.
22. He spent most of time do his work.
23. He was arrested for driving without a degree.
24. He was disappointed when he lost the record in swimming.
25. He was rewarded a degree in literature.
26. He works as a researcher assistant at Cairo University.
27. Her father discouraged her to go to school.
28. Her work had taken in much of her personal life.
29. His behaviour towards us was impression. We all admired it.
30. I broke the vase during an armament with my wife.
31. I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any affection.
32. I'd prefer not to talk about that. It's something very personally.
33. Many people have trouble sleeping after a long bright.
34. My older brother has a grade in maths from Cairo University.
35. My parents have always discouraged me to work hard at school.
36. Noha was applied as a nurse in a hospital.
37. Nursery is a job of looking after people who are ill.
38. Nurses have an important rule in looking after patients in a hospital.
39. Optimistic people always think positive.
40. Parents play an important reel in their child's learning.
41. She became interested at flying.
42. She did sure there was wrong in the sewing machine.
43. She spent holidays visit European museums and universities.
44. She spent most of her personality life in the countryside,
45. She took full arsenal responsibility for all the arrangements.
46. She was bearing in 1990.
47. She was called in a plane crash in 1941.
48. She was in recharge of the nursing of wounded soldiers.
49. She was popular for the British people.
50. She was rewarded the Nobel Prize in 1908 in physics.
51. Some films are not suit for young children.
52. The abductor reported that 20% of school children were unable to read or write.
53. The first solar flight across the Atlantic took place many years ago.
54. The fly from London to Cairo takes a long time.
55. The house is not really syllable for a large family.
56. The pianist played a piece of music soul.
57. The minister’s speech was impressed.
58. The rural environment was having a possessive effect on the children's health.
59. Who will be in change of the department when Sophie retires?
60. You need a permit to drive a car.
برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

mahmoudmody1 27-01-2014 02:46 PM

شكرا‏ ‏جزيلا‏ ‏تستاهل‏ ‏نجم‏ ‏العطاء والتواصل

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 29-01-2014 02:02 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
وفقكم الله الي ما يحبه و يرضاه

mahmoudmody1 29-01-2014 10:17 PM

A .the school of ...is still taking applicants
B. A healthy lifestyle includes having a nutritious diet and good personal....

mahmoudmody1 29-01-2014 10:21 PM

C. I found university work very hard,but my friends were always very.....

mahmoudmody1 29-01-2014 10:28 PM

D.I will try not to ....too much of your time
1.take up
2.make up
3.give up
4.show up
E.I really .......the way she brings up those kids all on her own .
1.respire (ما معناها ‏‏(‏

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 29-01-2014 11:15 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

A .the school of ...is still taking applicants
medecine - nursing
B. A healthy lifestyle includes having a nutritious diet and good personal....
honour - generosity - hygiene - sanitation
برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 29-01-2014 11:18 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
C. I found university work very hard,but my friends were always very.....
encouraged - encouraging
برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 29-01-2014 11:23 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
D.I will try not to ....too much of your time
1.take up
2.make up
3.give up
4.show up
E.I really .......the way she brings up those kids all on her own .
يطمح / يتوق الي aspire
يتآمر conspire
برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

mahmoudmody1 30-01-2014 11:25 AM

F.with this ......Mr.hady can carry this gun anywhere
3.permit‏)ايه الفرق ‏

G.we want our students to become useful and responsible for the....

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 30-01-2014 11:27 AM

بعض الاسئلة من احد الابناء
1. The ----------------------------- are the parts of the trees that grow underground.
( leaves – nuts – roots – branches )
1. He took me ……………… and took all my money.
( out –
خدع off – away - in
1. A lot of medicines come from tropical ……………………….. .
( rainforests – rainbows – raindrops – rainfalls

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

The people in our street are very neighbouring . They always help each other
The people in our street are very neighbourly. They always help each other.

This instance measures breathing and blood pressure
This instrument measures breathing and blood pressure

برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 30-01-2014 11:31 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
F.with this ......Mr Hady can carry this gun anywhere
‏تصريح رسمي كتابي غالبا
‏تصريح / اذن / سماح بعمل شيء permit
G.we want our students to become useful and responsible for the....
برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

mahmoudmody1 30-01-2014 11:38 AM

#.a good manager will try to ....everyone in the decision-making process

&.there is a growing problem of .....addiction among young men .
1 drug

mahmoudmody1 30-01-2014 12:02 PM

&.after ....she worked as a research chemist.
3.going out
#.this bank was ....30 years ago
1 found

ما هو احسن كتاب مراجعة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 30-01-2014 02:33 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1

#.A good manager will try to ....everyone in the decision-making process

&.There is a growing problem of .....addiction among young men
1 drug

برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 30-01-2014 02:33 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
&.After ....she worked as a research chemist
3.going out

.This bank was ....30 years ago
1 found
برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

mahmoudmody1 30-01-2014 05:23 PM

بالنسبة‏ ‏لكتاب‏ ‏المراجعة

mahmoudmody1 30-01-2014 10:48 PM

Find the mistake.
11.the embassy employs around 50 people on its full-time crew.
14.my mother has an encourage smile .
16.Queen victoria controlled Britain for 63 years.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 30-01-2014 11:00 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
أخي العزيز : بالنسبة‏ ‏لكتاب‏ ‏المراجعة لا أستطيع أن أزكي كتاب علي آخر لأن ذلك يتطلب أطلاع بالكامل علي جميع الكتب ، لكن الخلاصة الكل بيعتمد علي كتاب المدرسة وكتاب التدريبات و دليل التقويم وموقع الوزارة و موقع Longman ، يضيفوا عليهم بعض تدريبات موروثة عن مناهج قديمة و احيانا تتعارض مع المنهج الجديد كما في حالة must / have to ...... و احيانا تبقي فيه أسئلة اختيارات يوجد لها أكثر من اختيار صحيح ، تحتار أنت و تتهم نفسك بعدم الفهم .... تروح تسأل المدرسين كل واحد يقولك اجابة لأنه لا يستطيع أن يخطيء الكتاب الخارجي المبجل ، تقوم انت تفقد الثقة كمان في المدرسين ..... ووووووووو تحتار ..... المهم اختار أي واحد منهم وليكن surprise مثلا أو Gem وأنا هنا ابحث عن التنظيم ...... ركز عليه و راجع وحدة وحدة و حل كل أنواع الأسئلة في الأمتحان و ليس فقط أختار و صحح الخطأ ..... و ربنا يكرمك و يوفقك و يحقق لك ما تتمناه و ما فيه الخير لك في دنياك و آخرتك

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 30-01-2014 11:03 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
Find the mistake.
11.The embassy employs around 50 people on its full-time staff
14.My mother has an encouraging smile
16.Queen victoria ruled Britain for 63 years

mahmoudmody1 30-01-2014 11:13 PM

هذه الاسئلة من كتاب الجيم انا شريه_ممكن رابط تدريبات لونج مان والوزارة

mahmoudmody1 31-01-2014 07:38 AM

find. 21.Dr.Aisha was rewarded her PhD in 1951. ............ 24. There are some compressive buildings in the town. ........ 30.you have got to be mor negative about your work.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 31-01-2014 01:40 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
21.Dr.Aisha was awarded her PhD in 1951
24. There are some impressive buildings in the town
30.You have got to be more positive about your work

mahmoudmody1 31-01-2014 01:56 PM

find ?
2.amy johnson drove planes for the british army.
55.the police are now ....... the crime scene.
1.excepting (معناها‎)‎

mahmoudmody1 31-01-2014 02:11 PM

ممكن‏ ‏مواعيد‏ ‏تواجد‏ ‏حضرتك‏ ‏في‏ ‏المنتدي

هتـــلر 31-01-2014 09:10 PM

لو سمحت يا مستر علملى البراجراف

Sports are very essential for every one .They teach us good manners such as patience and cooperating .Sports keep us fit and healthy all the time . Playing sports regularly protect us from many fatal diseases . We can play football ,do judo or go swimming . I prefer go swimming because it benefits all our musclese . The ministry of education should give due attention to sports at schools . When students practice sports with their colleages ,they will enjoy and renew their energy . All developed countries such as , germany and united states of america specialize a day for playing sports only and I see this is a great idea because sports are very important . At last but not least , the sound mind is in the sound body . .

LinuxForEver 31-01-2014 09:19 PM

جزاك الله خيرا أستاذنا على جهد حضرتك معانا

The tourist took some photographs when he was visiting the museum.

Is " was visiting --> visited "
I was leaving when the phone was ringing
و أرجو توضيح السبب

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 31-01-2014 11:38 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
2.Amy Johnson flew planes for the British army.
55.The police are now ....... the crime scene
1.(يستثني ‎
2.(يتوقع expecting3.(يفتش inspecting
4.(يقبل accepting

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 31-01-2014 11:42 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
مفيش ‏ ‏مواعيد‏ ‏ثابته لتواجدي‏ ‏بالمنتدي ، حسب الظروف وانت عارف مشاغل الدنيا ، يمكنك ترك أي استفسار و سيتم الرد عليه في نفس اليوم ان شاء الله

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 31-01-2014 11:50 PM

رد : أستاذ هتلر
Sports are very essential for every one.They teach us good manners such as patience and cooperating. Sports keep us fit and healthy all the time. Playing sports regularly protects us from many fatal diseases. We can play football, do judo or go swimming. I prefer to go / going swimming because it benefits all our muscles . The ministry of education should give due attention to sports at schools. When students practise sports with their colleagues, they will enjoy and renew their energy. All developed countries such as Germany and The United States of America specialize a day for playing sports only and I see this is a great idea because sports are very important. At last but not least , a sound mind is in a sound body
5 / 6
برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-02-2014 12:01 AM

رد : أستاذ LinuxForEver
The tourist took some photographs when he was visiting the museum
هذه الجملة صحيحة وعلي مسؤليتي لا تأتي في الامتحان لكنه ضيق أفق من واضع السؤال و هو يقصد:
The tourist took some photographs while he was visiting the museum
The tourist took some photographs when he visited the museum
I was leaving when the phone rang
حدث أطول نسبيا I was leaving كان مستمرا عندما قطعه حدث آخر أقصر منه نسبياthe phone rang
برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

mahmoudmody1 01-02-2014 09:51 AM

في الاختياري هل الاصح investigate

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-02-2014 12:01 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
الاختياري الاصح investigate لكنها غير موجودة

chalijaly 01-02-2014 02:53 PM

يامستر انا براجع من the best و full marks وبركز على اسئلة الوزارة اكتر من الكتب الخارجية
حلوين كده ولا لا ؟؟؟
حضرتك شايف احسن كتاب مراجعه ايه يكون شامل؟؟
وشكرا لحضرتك

هتـــلر 01-02-2014 03:27 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مستر محمد ديوشي عطا (المشاركة 5713573)
Sports are very essential for every one.They teach us good manners such as patience and cooperating. Sports keep us fit and healthy all the time. Playing sports regularly protects us from many fatal diseases. We can play football, do judo or go swimming. I prefer to go / going swimming because it benefits all our muscles . The ministry of education should give due attention to sports at schools. When students practise sports with their colleagues, they will enjoy and renew their energy. All developed countries such as Germany and The United States of America specialize a day for playing sports only and I see this is a great idea because sports are very important. At last but not least , a sound mind is in a sound body
5 / 6
برجاء ضغط رمز الميزان في الأعلي لتقييم الأجابة

شكرا يا مستر

بس ليه الفعل مع sports مفرد مش جمع ؟

chalijaly 01-02-2014 09:24 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هتـــلر (المشاركة 5714707)
شكرا يا مستر

بس ليه الفعل مع sports مفرد مش جمع ؟

فيه فرق لما تقول sports protect كده انت تقصد الرياضات جمع
اما playing sports protects كده انت تقصد لعب الرياضيات يعنى مفرد
شكرا جزيلا أستاذ chalijaly

mahmoudmody1 01-02-2014 09:52 PM

3#.i spoke to a man........i had met before.
7&.we can't give you.......you need.

mahmoudmody1 01-02-2014 10:17 PM

9.#this girl .......comes from spain.
10.&we often visit our aunt in tanta....... isn't far from cairo.
مع توضيح
16.#i'm hoping to study science at university,after.....i'd lilk to work as a research scientist.

mahmoudmody1 01-02-2014 10:23 PM

39.it is said he was a man .....to have the sight of an eagle and a courage of a lion.
1.who appeared
2.he appeared
3.that appears
4.and appears
مع توضيح
40.Name the actor....plays slah El Deen .

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-02-2014 10:35 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
3. I spoke to a man........ I had met before .
7&we can't give you.......you need.

mahmoudmody1 01-02-2014 10:40 PM

ايه‏ ‏هوا‏ ‏الكتاب‏ ‏اللي‏ ‏متوفر‏ ‏مع‏ ‏حضرتك بحيث اكتب رقم الاسئلة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-02-2014 10:42 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
9.This girl .......comes from Spain.
هذه الجملة لا تحتاج ضمير وصل بالشكل الذي هي عليه

ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ
10.We often visit our aunt in Tanta....... isn't far from Cairo
توضيح : لا يأتي فعل بعد Where عندما تكون ضمير وصل

ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ 16.I'm hoping to study science at university,after.....i'd lilk to work as a research scientist.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-02-2014 10:46 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
39.It is said he was a man .....to have the sight of an eagle and a courage of a lion.
1.who appeared
2.he appeared
3.that appears
4.and appears
توضيح : الجملة ماضي

ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ
40.Name the actor....plays slah El Deen .

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 01-02-2014 10:49 PM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
للأسف أخي العزيز لا أستعمل الكتب‏ الخارجية ، أراها فقط مع الطلاب ، يمكنك تصوير الصفحات و ارسال الصورة

mahmoudmody1 01-02-2014 10:59 PM

40ليه‏ ‏whose‏ ‏‎بعد‏ ‏النقط‏ ‏فعل‏ ‏وليس‏ ‏مملوك

mahmoudmody1 01-02-2014 11:23 PM

بالنسبة‏ ‏ل‏ ‏9‏_‏ اللي‏ ‏مش‏ ‏محتاجه‏ ‏this‏ ‏is‏ ‏the‏ ‏gile.كانت ناقصه

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 02-02-2014 04:17 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
كلامك صح ، الأجابة WHO
40.Name the actor....plays Salah El Deen

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 02-02-2014 04:29 AM

رد : أستاذ mahmoudmody1
9.This is the girl .......comes from Spain

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