بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية

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منينة منينة 12-04-2014 07:28 PM

the following two mini-dialogues :

1. A: I’ve lost my cheque book.
B: How much do you want to withdraw?
A: 5000 $ if possible.

2. A: Excuse me. Could you recommend
something for a bad cold?
B : That depends. it is just a simple head cold.
3. A: Well, I’ve completed my examination and I’m happy to say there’s nothing serious.
B: Don’t you think I should take X- rays?
A: I don’t think it will be necessary.

4. A: May I have a word with you, please?
B: Yes, what’s it
A: Well, I want to ask you about something.
Would it be possible for me to come in a
bit late tomorrow?
B : What’s up? Nothing wrong , I hope.

5. A: So you want to borrow $100,000, What for?
B : To buy some more land and so I can expand
my business

6. A : It’s so sunny today. Let’s go hiking.
But your dad is busy today.
B : I think he’ll accept the idea.

7. A : May I help you sir?
B : I’d like a room for tonight.
A : Do you have a reservation?
B : No, I don’t
A : I’m sorry. Most places are booked.

8. A : Excuse me. Can I have an after shave lotion?
B : Yes, I’ll get it for you
A: How much is it?
B : 5 pounds

9. A: Heliopolis Travel Express. Can I help You?
B: Oh . Hello, I’m ringing about your
advertisement in today’s papers.

10. A: I was wondering if you have a room
available for the two of us.
B: Let me check the register. Fm afraid the.
hotel is just about full at the moment.

11. A: Can l help you?
B : Yes, please, can I have some shirts ironed?
A: O.K, you can have them within an hour.

12. A: Would you kindly tell me the way
to the citadel?
B: Sorry to say it’s my first time to be
on duty here.

13. A: Wow ! The mummies are marvelous.
B: They were mummified 3000 years ago.
A: That’s incredible.

14. A: Is this 27400357 ? Fm calling about the
flat for rent, advertised in Al-Ahram today.
Is it still available?
B : Yes, you can come and see it at any time
from 6 p.m to 9 p.m

15. A: How do you want the beef-steak, sir,

medium or well-done?
B : Well-done, please.

16. A:1’ll give you a lift if you like.
B : That’s great. Would you drop
me at the station?

fatima mhsn 12-04-2014 10:07 PM

مستر محمد بعد اذن حضرتك لو متاح

حل نموذجين الوزاره 2014

خاصه ال choose


مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-04-2014 11:09 PM

رد : أستاذ / هتـــلر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هتـــلر (المشاركة 5814928)
A:I'd like to enrol ,please
B:with pleasure <sir < You pay 200$ as fees

A:I'm so sorry for disturbing you . I've dialled the wrong number
B:no prblom

A:for how long wwill we have to live here ?
B:wntill we are rescues
A:If only we hadn't been shipwrecked

A: I'd like to enrol ,please
B: With pleasure, sir. You pay 200$ as fees
Place: Training Centre A: Applicant / trainee B: Booking clerk
Function : Request/ Accepting / Giving information
A: I'm so sorry for disturbing you . I've dialed the wrong number
B: No problem
Place: On the phone A: Caller B: citizen
Function : Apologizing and accepting

A: For how long will we have to live here ?0
B: Until we are rescued
A: If only we hadn't been shipwrecked
Place: Desert Island A: A shipwrecked person B: His friend
Function : Inquiring / Expressing regret

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 12-04-2014 11:34 PM

رد : أستاذة / منينة منينة
1. A: I’ve lost my cheque book
B: How much do you want to withdraw
A: 5000 $ if possible
Place: Bank A: Client / Businessman B:Teller
Function :
Reporting / Asking for and giving information

2. A: Excuse me. Could you recommend something for a bad cold
B : That depends. It is just a simple head cold
Place: Clinic A: Patient B: Doctor / Chemist's
Function :
Asking for and making recommendation

3. A: Well, I’ve completed my examination and I’m happy to say there’s nothing serious
B: Don’t you think I should take X- rays
A: I don’t think it will be necessary
Place: Clinic A: Doctor B: Patient
Function :
Expressing good news /Inquiry
4. A: May I have a word with you, please
B: Yes, what’s it
A: Well, I want to ask you about something. Would it be possible for me to come in a bit late tomorrow
B : What’s up? Nothing wrong , I hope
Place: Workplace A: Employee B: Manager
Function :
Asking for Permission
/ Inquiry
5. A: So you want to borrow $100,000, What for
B : To buy some more land and so I can expand my business
Place: Bank A: Banker B: Client / Businessman
Function :
Asking for and giving reason

6. A : It’s so sunny today. Let’s go hiking
B: But your dad is busy today
A : I think he’ll accept the idea
Place: House A: Brother B: Sister
Function :
Suggesting / Expressing uncertainty/ Inquiry 7. A : May I help you sir
B : I’d like a room for tonight
A : Do you have a reservation
B : No, I don’t 0
A : I’m sorry. Most places are booked
Place: Hotel Reception A: Receptionist B: Guest
Function :
Offering help/ Request / Inquiry/ Apologising
8. A : Excuse me. Can I have an after shave lotion
B : Yes, I’ll get it for you
A: How much is it
B : 5 pounds
Place: Chemist's A: Customer B: Chemist
Function :
Request / Asking about and giving price
9. A: Heliopolis Travel Express. Can I help You
B: Oh . Hello, I’m ringing about your advertisement in today’s papers
Place: On the phone - Travel agency A: Clerk B: Caller / client
Function :
Offering help/ Request
10. A: I was wondering if you have a room available for the two of us
B: Let me check the register. I'm afraid the hotel is just about full at the moment
Place: Hotel Reception A: Guest B: Receptionist
Function :
Request / Expressing uncertainty
11. A: Can l help you
B : Yes, please, can I have some shirts ironed
A: O.K, you can have them within an hour
Place: Dry Cleaner's A: Dry Cleaner B: Client
Function :
Offering help/ Request / promising
12.A: Would you kindly tell me the way to the citadel
B: Sorry to say it’s my first time to be on duty here
Place: Street A: Tourist / stranger B: Traffic policeman
Function :
Asking for directions / Apologising
13. A: Wow ! The mummies are marvelous
B: They were mummified 3000 years ago
A: That’s incredible
Place: Museum A: Tourist B: Tourist guide
Function :
Expressing admiration / Giving information
14. A: Is this 27400357 ? I'm calling about the
flat for rent, advertised in Al-Ahram today.0
Is it still available?0
B : Yes, you can come and see it at any time
from 6 p.m to 9 p.m
Place: On the phone - Flat rental office A: Caller / tenant B: Flat owner / Broker
Function : Explaining / Inquiry
/ Giving information
15. A: How do you want the beef-steak, sir, medium or well-done?0
B : Well-done, please.0
Place: Restaurant A: Waiter B: Customer
Function : Offering help
/ Expressing preference
16. A: I’ll give you a lift if you like.0
B : That’s great. Would you drop me at the station?0
Place: Street / Home A: Car Owner B: Passerby / Relative
Function : Offering help
/ Accepting / Request

منينة منينة 13-04-2014 04:27 AM

جزاكم الله كل خير على المجهود الرائـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــع

زياد المغربى 13-04-2014 12:44 PM

مستر محمد بعد اذن حضرتك لو متاح

حل نموذجين الوزاره 2014

خاصه ال choose


LinuxForEver 13-04-2014 02:24 PM

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود
Translate into English

يشكل الأدب جانبا هاما من الحياة الثقافية المصرية
Literature presents/forms an important side of the Egyptian cultural life
يجب على الوالدين توجيه و رعاية أبنائهم ليواصلوا رحلة الحياة بأمان

Parents must guide and take care of their children to continue the life voyage safely

A: Carry the shopping bag to the kitchen, honey ?
B: Is that all ?
A: Yes, I'll pay the taxi and follow you

Place: Street
A: Mother
B: Son / Daughter
Functional: Making a request / Inquiry

هتـــلر 13-04-2014 05:39 PM

tell you mother how to dial a number on cellphone

you hear that a school friend is suspected of a mobile theft . you defend him

A:i can't really believe that i've manged to prove this man's innocence
B: congrats sir ! you are an old hand

هتـــلر 13-04-2014 05:50 PM

.FF"Friend in need is a friend indeed" ,this is a old saying which shows us the importance of having friends .We should be wise while we are picking our friends . One should choose a friend who has good qualities,this means he should be at least loyal , honest , reliable and trust-worthy . You shouldn't rush and choose anyone and make him your best friend .You should take your time and be patient because friends affect each other . It's good to know new people and take advantage from them , but it's not good to make every person you know your friend because not all of them are good . Finally , to have a good friend you should be at first good person .

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 13-04-2014 11:46 PM

اسئلة من احد ابنائنا الطلاب
Scientists hope to become more ................... in predicting earthquakes.
accurate / accuracy

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 13-04-2014 11:51 PM

رد : أستاذ / LinuxForEver

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة LinuxForEver (المشاركة 5815936)

شكرا جزيلا على المجهود
Translate into English
يشكل الأدب جانبا هاما من الحياة الثقافية المصرية
Literature presents/forms an important side of the Egyptian cultural life
يجب على الوالدين توجيه و رعاية أبنائهم ليواصلوا رحلة الحياة بأمان
Parents must guide and take care of their children to continue the life voyage safely

A: Carry the shopping bag to the kitchen, honey ?
B: Is that all ?
A: Yes, I'll pay the taxi and follow you
Place: Street
A: Mother
B: Son / Daughter
Functional: Making a request / Inquiry

Translate into English
يشكل الأدب جانبا هاما من الحياة الثقافية المصرية
Literature forms an important side of the Egyptian cultural life:022yb4:
يجب على الوالدين توجيه و رعاية أبنائهم ليواصلوا رحلة الحياة بأمان
Parents must guide and take care of their children to continue the life journey safely
A: Carry the shopping bag to the kitchen, honey ?0
B: Is that all ?0
A: Yes, I'll pay the taxi and follow you
Place: Street
A: Mother
B: Son / Daughter
Function: Making a request / Inquiry

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 14-04-2014 12:00 AM

رد : أستاذ / هتـــلر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هتـــلر (المشاركة 5816059)
tell you mother how to dial a number on cellphone

you hear that a school friend is suspected of a mobile theft . you defend him

A:i can't really believe that i've manged to prove this man's innocence
B: congrats sir ! you are an old hand

Tell you mother how to dial a number on cellphone
First, press the numbers on the keyboard from left to right. Then, press OK. Finally, put the mobile on your ear to answer
You hear that a school friend is suspected of a mobile theft . You defend him
He can't have done this. He is an honest person

A: I can't really believe that I've manged to prove this man's innocence
B: Congrats sir ! You are an old hand
Place: Court / Lawyer's
B: Assistant / Client
Function: Expressing happiness/ Congratulating

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 14-04-2014 12:03 AM

رد : أستاذ / هتـــلر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هتـــلر (المشاركة 5816067)
.FF"Friend in need is a friend indeed" ,this is a old saying which shows us the importance of having friends .We should be wise while we are picking our friends . One should choose a friend who has good qualities,this means he should be at least loyal , honest , reliable and trust-worthy . You shouldn't rush and choose anyone and make him your best friend .You should take your time and be patient because friends affect each other . It's good to know new people and take advantage from them , but it's not good to make every person you know your friend because not all of them are good . Finally , to have a good friend you should be at first good person .

.FF" A Friend in need is a friend indeed" ,this is an old saying which shows us the importance of having friends .We should be wise while we are picking our friends . One should choose a friend who has good qualities.This means he should be at least loyal , honest , reliable and trust-worthy . You shouldn't rush and choose anyone and make him your best friend .You should take your time and be patient because friends affect each other . It's good to know new people and take advantage from them , but it's not good to make every person you know your friend because not all of them are good . Finally , to have a good friend you should be at first good person .

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا 14-04-2014 03:39 AM

رد : أستاذة / fatima mhsn
2 مرفق

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة fatima mhsn (المشاركة 5815219)
مستر محمد بعد اذن حضرتك لو متاح

حل نموذجين الوزاره 2014

خاصه ال choose


حل نموذجين الوزارة 2014

Mr Mosaad El Hegazy 14-04-2014 05:25 AM

Find the mistake
Reformation of education order is the main interest of the government.

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